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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Soulhead

Aren't you guys getting tired of rumors? I do, I really do...

Should we stop discussing about the hearsay?

This place was getting peaceful but what now?

I know someone gonna say " then, dont read my post"...sigh

Let's just wait and have faith...anyways, I love Kabler! ^_^


Thanks to the people who post some funny pics ^__^

Peace B)

And JYP was in Korea only for the first Rain's concert ( in Seoul) since 1-2 years (and first concert with his first own band ,Mblaq) , maybe he was secretly returned to Korea ,without no one knowing ,but i don't think !

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I think because it's been a while since last september, a lot of things are being eschewed as sensationalist stories surface and circle the fan networks, and some fans are more likely to believe things because the facts from those 4 days seems like an eternity ago.

I am in no ways a JYPE/JYP supporter, but regarding the story from the above mentioned, I'm pretty sure that last September, when Jay's issue broke out, JYP was not even in Korea, which is why I don't think he was able to storm the dorm and yell at Jay.

From the scandal break to Jay's leaving was only like 4 days. JYP was in the US at that time with the Wonder Girls. Perhaps another member of JYPE staff did do this, who knows, but it was not JYP himself, that would be quite physically impossible. And true, JYP is a jetsetter and I'm sure he's got some major airline miles, but I don't think he'd charter a private jet just to come back to 2PM dorms to give Jay an ultimatum... a simple phone call would have been more than enough to tell Jay to leave.

Again guys, let's stay rational, reasonable, and logical in the face of uncertain times.

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Guest Labacookie




Yeah. I'm fairly sure he was with the Wonder Girls and overseeing their international promotions.

And to the poster, don't worry, no one is going to bite your head off. You believe this person, and for all we know, she could believe it and so could a number of Hottests.

But my red flag went up over details and quotes as to what happened in the dorm. I'm sincerely doubtful that KHottests, for their resourcefulness, would have exact quotes as to what was done as said by these two parties, in a place where no fan, netizen, or member of the press has access. Odds are, the only people in the dorm would have been group members, and their manager, and JYP if this story is true. I don't imagine any other personnel being present, certainly not anyone who would go and blab to fans. So then, how would Hottest members know exactly what happened?

I have to say B.S.

The sad fact is that KHottest like IHottest are angry and hurt, and some feel like they need someone to blame, and so they've chosen JYP/JYPE, and it wouldn't shock me if people started making these stories up in order to help their "cause".

So I say to you, just because someone is Korean, and just because someone is a fan, does not necessarily make them trustworthy. Dishonesty is not beyond any person, regardless of what language they speak.

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What about some good news for a change? 2PM 's mugs are out for preorder at yesasia and DVD Heaven!


DVD heaven

Personaly, I think yesasia prices are such a rip off, can't believe they charge the mugs for 24,99 $ when DVD Heaven charge 8...I'm so happy overseas fan can get their kiss mugs too, I can't wait to kiss Chansung *giggles*

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Guest tifaross

What about some good news for a change? 2PM 's mugs are out for preorder at yesasia and DVD Heaven!


DVD heaven

Personaly, I think yesasia prices are such a rip off, can't believe they charge the mugs for 24,99 $ when DVD Heaven charge 8...I'm so happy overseas fan can get their kiss mugs too, I can't wait to kiss Chansung *giggles*

Me and my friend purchased one @ ebay.

It was $40 SGD including shipping. Can't wait!

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I actually like reading all of the rumors. As long as I make sure not to get personally invested in them, it's interesting to pick them apart, think about what might be true, what can't be true, what seems like wishful thinking and what seems like displaced anger and frustration.

This latest rumor is interesting because we know it can't be true - JYP wasn't even in the country - yet it has the ring of truth because, frankly, that is exactly what a parent-type figure would do in that situation. For example, "What? You got a D on that math quiz? You can forget about going to that concert!" Typical parent-talk.

As a parent myself, I know that parents get even angrier when they themselves are partly to blame for a bad situation; JYP should have had a staffer running interference on the boys' web activity since Day 1, and taken care of these posts long before. So I would be very surprised if he did not raise his voice, somewhere along the line; that's just life. And there were probably some ultimatums and threats made, as well. Again, that's what parents do.

But another thing that most parents do is forgive, or try to make it better, and while JYP has not been the greatest "parent" so far, I have hopes that he can turn this into a win, for everyone.

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Guest angelic_gal369@hotmail.com

QUOTE (shern @ Jan 19 2010, 08:37 AM) *

first of all, i'd like to apologize to everyone. well i have been inactive in this thread for weeks already and- i am not that type of person who will be going through all of those hundred pages in order to read every single comments that have left by all of you. let me do my explanation first. like what i've said, i have been inactive for weeks already so i have no idea whether all of you have known about this issue or not. i am so sorry if it makes you feel nervous, excited, eager to know as i didn't spill a word that could have told all of you what kind of issue i was talking about on my last post. pardon me for doing that. i was just afraid, that's all. okay, i shall stop my babbling here and let me get straight to the point.

Don't worry you won't get scolded i'm sure .

Like most of the girls noticed JYP couldn't do that at that moment because he was in the US and yes I believe that part that some fans have a rich imagination.

Now I can breathe I was thinking what rumor is it now,how bad is it?

But the past is the past we are waiting for some good news in the close future and I'm really tired of rumors they only screw our minds more or less it depends how we take them.

Now i can breathe i was thinking what rumor is it now,how bad is it?

Personally i was that type of person that believed everything but now i'm not taking them to the heart anymore and i think we need to keep our hopes but to be a little prepared we can't lose our heads again if something might turn out not so well.

Anyway i know one thing we love 2PM and we need to cheer eachother with funny pics,stories anything until febuary.

. :D

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Guest BayByOjaH

What about some good news for a change? 2PM 's mugs are out for preorder at yesasia and DVD Heaven!


DVD heaven

Personaly, I think yesasia prices are such a rip off, can't believe they charge the mugs for 24,99 $ when DVD Heaven charge 8...I'm so happy overseas fan can get their kiss mugs too, I can't wait to kiss Chansung *giggles*

How much is shipping at DVD Heaven?

I ordered a Woo Young mug ^^ but I'm debating if I wanna order the rest... lol!*

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Guest mika.16

Ah all us fans are just really vulnerable with all these rumors... =(

Change of topic!!

WHEN did the kfans get "seattle shoo shoo" on the most searched???

LMAAAOOOO thats so friggin funny, does anyone have a screencap hahahaha

omgsh, imagine all the non-2pm fans who saw that on the net... they wouldve been like WTF is seattle shoo shoo hahahahah

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Guest kay01dee

you know when you come back from a vacation only to be surprised/shocked at what you've left behind? that's how i am right now. my face looked like this :o with a little bit of :wacko: and some of :unsure: while reading everything i've missed.

guys, this is indeed a conspiracy!!

but i'm willing to get through this conspiracy by waiting. like Kabler has said, we've waited for so long, why can't we wait a little bit longer?

on a positive note, i'm soo happy that our beastly maknae is featured in 2AM's song! i've always wondered when he'll get his own time to shine, but being featured in a song is great too!

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Guest le_maiii

YOOOOO~ LOL I don't know if anyone remembers meeee... but I posted a couple of fan accounts a long long long way back...

Seeing that there are rumors... I wanna just say what I know of as of now.

If you guys don't remember... I can say it again. :) I don't know Jaebeom personally that well. I've met him a few times at a few events... but my main connections are through my friends. They're major/serious bboys that go to all these events and in the process got to know Jaebeom.

When I first posted my first fan account, they met him and talked to him a bit... but it wasn't something big. Anyhow, it's been a while now, and Jae and my friends are pretty tight (close friends).

So here is what my friend knows:

A few weeks back, they had told me that Jaebeom wasn't going to go back; he said he liked being normal, he liked hanging out with his old friends, he missed the States.

But then my friends and I were hanging out at the mall the other day, when one of them got a text message from him. Yes, a text message. He said in his message that he had plans of now going back. I saw this message myself.

That night after getting home, I called my friend and asked if he had talked to Jae at all... And he had. Jae had told him he talked to the boys (2PM) and realized how much they meant to him. And that he was planning to leave soon so that he could possibly record the next album with them. :)

Also, I don't really know this guy: ChaCha. He's in AOM with Jaebeom. Anyhow, we're friends on FB and there was something that he posted that he might go to Korea soon and teach English. Hmmmmm... I don't think ChaCha's the type to go to Korea himself... Maybe he's going with Jaebeom? ;)

But this is as much as I know, and I hope that this will all come true: Jaebeom will return as 2PM's leader and we don't have to wait anymore. But maybe things can change... we never know til it happens. I saw the message with my own eyes, so for me, in my heart, I believe he WILL go back. Just... hopefully he sticks to that plan. :)

----I'll probably delete this post in a while; just wanted to clear some things up...----

...unless I made them worse. haaaa.

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Guest XxyourstrulyxX

I've been a silent reader since day one, and I just had to speak up when all these rumors started.

I don't think it matters what happened when Jay left or what exactly happened, but we all just know he did.

The thing we don't know is IF Jay comes back, and that's probably the only thing everyone cares about.

We shouldn't have our hopes too high because what if he doesn't come back? I really do hope he does come back though.

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Guest Labacookie

Well, thanks for sharing. Even though we still have to designate it a rumor (since this is the internet), I actually appreciate the positive rumors a bit more, if only because it does more for the mood of folks than the negative rumors.

I have always been looking to February, because I felt if he wasn't back by the end of that month, it wasn't happening. So, regardless of what anyone says, good or bad, I'm just going to bide my time.

The thing we don't know is IF Jay comes back, and that's probably the only thing everyone cares about.

We shouldn't have our hopes too high because what if he doesn't come back? I really do hope he does come back though.

If we know he's not coming back, than AT LEAST we know. Much of the tension has come from the not knowing. I honestly believe that if he weren't and we knew, fandom, though in anguish, wouldn't be half as crazy as it is now, with everything up in the air, everyone in suspense, and no one knowing what to believe or who to trust.

It would give the fans closure. So no matter what, one good thing will come out of it. We'll have a clear understanding of how things will be.

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I remember you!

Thanks for posting this btw, don't feel you need to delete it because I find it very encouraging.

Thanks for always sharing your "insider" info with us lol :D

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Guest xxxxxxx

@le le_maiii

I read your post and it made me so happy. When you said that Jay liked being the states, it got me sad because I've always wondered if he liked his life in Seattle and questioned if he would just stay in Seattle forever but when you said that he realized how much 2pm meant to him, OMG, I was so happy. Thanks so much!

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Guest mariaclaudia

I love you so much for sharing this kind of good news, Le_maiii seriously every ones here are in a down mood and you bring us the light lol

i also saw on facebook the post from chacha who say then he want to go in korea for teaching english

so i thought then it can be a hint then jay will be back in korea with him

so thank you so much cuz i'm gonna be more positive about all this issue


sorry for any gramar mistake in english cuz i'm french

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Guest entermuriel

wow. i'm reading so many rumors right now lol most seem positive, so it makes me uber happy. although i usually try to keep myself neutral about any rumors, either negative or positive rumors, reading positive ones always brings hope to my heart ^_^ any type of rumor brings some kind of feeling the very first time i read them, but then i just remind myself not too take it to heart hehe. i'll just keep on waiting and see how everything turns out, i'll keep my positive thoughts ;)

right now, what i think Hottest need the most is just patience. i mean, i know we've waited a long time already, but for the same reason, waiting for a bit longer won't hurt at all right? let's just try to be positive. if we read any rumor, lets just keep our mind cool and don't take it to heart.

when i read what le le-maiii wrote, when i got to the part where he said he didn't want to go back. i got really sad. but then, when i think about it... i can't really find myself to be disappointed. i mean... i can't blame him for feeling that way ya know, it makes sense. but then later on i read that he realized how much 2PM meant to him, and it made me so happy. but reading the whole thing i realize how extremely hard it must be for Jay to make such decision. i mean, being in Seattle, he's probably as comfortable as he could ever be, maybe even happier, but then, he also loves Korea and his brothers of 2PM/OneDay... which one to choose? i personally wouldn't know. i'm sure Jay has grown as a human being so much during these past months.

thank you le le_maiii, i do remember your past posts, so thank again for sharing this info ^_^ [actually, thank you to anyone who shares these information, even if it's positive or negative, cause i know that you guys are just trying to keep us updated in what might be going on or not ^_^]

please people, do not directly quote what she wrote cause it'll be kept in the forum for people to see, if you do quote it, delete most of it, or just quote any line you like. since she already said she'll delete it, let's help her with that too ^_^


credit: 2pm-online & as tagged

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Guest kiss_bunny


When i read the part where, well, according to your post anyway (im sorry if i sound skeptical. you may be telling the truth or may not be, i hope you can understand that its hard to believe and not to believe at the same time)

anyways, when i read the part where jay said he wont be going back, i felt a bit bad. but if he really loves his life in seattle, they he should do that.

If he is sacrificing that to be with 2pm and if 2pm means that much to him, then thats great too =]

Iono, there are pros and cons with both places.

i want to know if seattle has more pros. I guess to someone born and raised there, it does have more pros.

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haven't posted here for a while..

but wow~ so many pages just for rumors and whatnot.

anyways, thnks le_maiii for sharing!

i really hope he does comeback..

and whoever kabler is, he/she sure knows the entertainment ind,. (JYP?? is that you??) j/k

i really hope all the things you mentioned here are true.

i don't really know which one to believe but i know he'll at least return,

Jae's fans are still going strong so does HOTTEST.. he'll never say quit so

are we.




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