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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest pips_feefa

can i request any gifs from "Heartbeat" mv?

idk if its only me but there is rarely any gifs from their newest mv.

i hope everyone dont mind sharing here.


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yes, after reading khottest isnt as demanding as we all thought..

they just wanted a reassurance tht all of us wanted as well..

i hate to see them being protrayed as e bad guy..

they r just trying to secure jay's position till he returns

to me, an official statement that clearly takes back Jaebum's withdrawal from the group and the promise that his spot as the leader will be left in tact is really impt

i want this reassurance as well

^ Exactly. Quote from what khottest want: "What fans want now is not Jaebum's return. What we want is an official statement that clearly takes back Jaebum's withdrawal from the group and the promise that his spot as the leader will be left in tact. Even if Jaebum does not immediately return, the fact that his spot remains open will be of great assurance to the fans." I too want that reassurance too.

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Guest lizramyun

^ exactly but sometimes they said things like

without 7 member they will not support...

they should said

without official statement the will not support

because they are 2 different thing

they look like demanding jay right know

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Guest fleurdelis_kay

hmm..well, to those who are not buying the album but still SUPPORT the boys..whatever rocks your boat then cos i cant see how your support can reach the boys that way since they're no longer going to be on variety shows

maybe for HOTTEST it's understandable but to the korean public, 2pm will be seen as a failure without Jay which i will not be one of the contributors..i just ordered my copy ^^

i prefer to hv jay be proud and come back to a more successful 2pm to bring it to another level rather than him coming back to a failed group and they all hv to start over

p/s: from watching the fancams, i feel so proud of the 6 that I'm literally in tears

oh..and i love their THANKS TO notes..2pm hwaiting!

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Guest lec8504

I am... and ALL KHOTTESTS who are refraining from buying 01:59PM merchandise ... are just asking that JYPE release AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT that Jay's spot in 2PM is SECURE.

OF COURSE we're not asking JYPE to bring Jay back anytime soon! We completely understand the pain that Jay must have gone through. To have thousands sign a suicide petition!? To have an entire country turn its back on him overnight?? No one should have to face such a terrible thing, but Jay did. And he needs time away to reflect, mature, grow stronger....

I'm just confused why JYPE will go on a variety show and say that Jay can return when he wants to and that JYP will help him do so. Great! If that is what JYP truly wants to do, HURRAH~ (and just for the record- JYPE already said these things in his previous official statement- he was merely being vocal about it this time). So why can't he put this on paper? That Jay's spot will always be there for him? If Jay wants to return in 5 years, that sucks for me, as a fan, but I will respect that.

And one more thing.... like I wrote in my previous post.. even if JYP really meant what he said (about helping Jay return when he wants to) and it really was 100% Jay's decision (no pressure from anyone)... it will be REALLY hard for Jay to return to a successful 2PM. What is success to a celebrity?

Support from their FANS and FINANCIAL SUCCESS.

- If 2PM is receiving a lot of love from fans without Jay, then he MIGHT take it as... 2PM is still successful without me... I don't wanna risk 2PM's fame with my return. (2PM is receiving an amazing amount of love right now.... but there ARE antis lurking around... waiting to attack 2PM/Jay)

- In the entertainment business... CFs=MONEY.

CD sales, concert tickets sales, etc... MINIMAL compared to getting paid by major companies to endorse their products. 2PM is currently endorsing products left and right.... (good for them!!) But Jay knows that if he returns... the general public might get angry again and lash out at not only Jay, but 2PM. These companies that hired 2PM... would they want 2PM to continue endorsing their products if such a thing happened? No.

I just wanna lay out the facts for people. thank you.

and here: if you are curious how khottests feel about this...

The thing that I have an issue with is this:

1. boycotters wanted an official statement from JYPE, JYP himself went on a show and said that if Jay wants to return then he'll return back to 2PM, he won't go solo or anything like that. Why do you guys need it in writting? To prove that he did say it? But he went on a nationally televise show and basically stated what you guys wanted to hear in the first place.

And to force JYPE to write basically a contract stating that they'll guarantee Jay's place in 2PM is a nice thought, but JYPE is still a huge corporation. Do you actually think it's feasible for them to do something like that because it's what the fans want? Basically if they do write up a letter/contract, then later on if the fans don't like a new concept or a new song, then they can basically bend JYPE will to whatever they want. It's this issue, which makes the whole "letter" idea almost impossible in my opinion. JYPE won't do it because it'll show that the fans can get them to do whatever it is that they want, and they are still a huge business to begin with, so it comes down to pride and face. I'm not sure if I'm making sense because I'm really tired and I have a cold, but I just think it's really impossible to request this from JYPE.

2. Regarding the whole CF thing, we don't know for sure if endorsers will pull back their support if Jay does return to the group. All of this right now is a bunch of theories and not facts. It's what we BELIEVE. But none of us (both boycotters and antiboycotters) are 100% sure on what the reality is. So since we are playing with the whole theories idea..then I would like to ask this of the boycotters:

If because of the boycott, JYP decides to disband 2PM, then what would happen next?

What are you guys going to do? How would you guys feel?

I've been meaning to ask this for a long time but I never got around to asking it. And please don't try to argue that it wouldn't happen, we're just talking about theories and what-ifs right now. Since the reasons you guys are boycotting are mainly all theories, so let's level the playing ground a bit.

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^^ thanks for the scans.

talk about fake n' bake!

2PM is not only keeping the eyeliner business profiting in korea, they're also keeping the bronzer makers in good shape too.

and may i remind everyone that there's not supposed to be boycott talk on this thread because mods have decided it disrupts thread homogeneity. Although the rule was made to keep boycotters quiet, that means ANTI-boycotters are supposed to stop talking as well.

Back to the pictures... I don't like how they cover up most of khun's face w/ his bangs...you can barely see his eyes which I think are one of his most attractive features. And I really think they made woo too tan... The black outfits are alright i think the guys look pretty hot in them physique-wise. I am really not feeling the net-pattern suits though... they're kind of... busy. It's a good thing that all the members of 2PM are good looking or else they wouldn't be able to pull this off.

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Guest xclueless

As 2PM begins their official activities for 'Heartbeat' from their '1:59 PM' album, many have been wondering as to who will be the next leader.

2PM's agency JYP stated "There will be no new leader for 2PM. They have all trained together for so long that they all know their roles and parts. The members themselves don't feel the need for a new leader so we have not given thought to a new leader. The members will be pulling themselves together in cases where they need that leading. Basically, everyone is the leader."


Of course there's no new leader. The leader position only belongs to Jay anyway. But I'm relieved it's officially announced so there won't be any complications WHEN Jay comes back :)

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Guest tiffanydawn

he means the fans and the media. everyone doesn't exclude the fans.

when he says that he wants ppl to leave jay alone, he means fans that are blindly and selfishly demanding jay.

a lot of fans just want jay back, no matter what, and ASAP. he says leave him alone meaning to just give him his space. give him time, basically. he doesn't mean that ppl should forget about him, rather just to cool down, and wait for him to COMFORTABLY return. maybe some of you guys aren't seeing what's going on with k-hottest... but some fans...are just crazy. jyp is just telling ppl to give jay his space; don't demand jay's return asap. there are fans that say BRING JAY BACK NOW. he's implementing that ppl should just cool down and let jay return on his own when he's comfortable.

also, there are ppl blaming jyp saying "why aren't you bring him back right now; so evil!". NOPE. he's actually being a good producer. he's giving jay the space that some producers will not allow for fear of a backlash from fans. jyp cares more about his artist than what the fans selfishly wants.

so... (this is long lol sorry ^^;) he's saying for ppl to leave him alone... LITERALLY. don't bombard him with "come back now!" "hurry up, why aren't you coming back" blah blah blah. just give him his space. i remember when i went through a big drama at church, i stopped going to church for about 6-7 months because i didn't want to face those ppl. for jay, he's going against a whole nation. that's huge. it's going to take time for him to get over it. give him his space


Jay needs to regain his confidence back. If he'll comeback right away just because of those angry and selfish fans, he'll not be the same anymore. I hope we will all realize that it takes to time heal the pain that Jay has gone through.

instead of telling Jay to come back now, it would be better if fans would let Jay know that they are willing to wait patiently.

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The thing that I have an issue with is this:

1. boycotters wanted an official statement from JYPE, JYP himself went on a show and said that if Jay wants to return then he'll return back to 2PM, he won't go solo or anything like that. Why do you guys need it in writting? To prove that he did say it? But he went on a nationally televise show and basically stated what you guys wanted to hear in the first place.

And to force JYPE to write basically a contract stating that they'll guarantee Jay's place in 2PM is a nice thought, but JYPE is still a huge corporation. Do you actually think it's feasible for them to do something like that because it's what the fans want? Basically if they do write up a letter/contract, then later on if the fans don't like a new concept or a new song, then they can basically bend JYPE will to whatever they want. It's this issue, which makes the whole "letter" idea almost impossible in my opinion. JYPE won't do it because it'll show that the fans can get them to do whatever it is that they want, and they are still a huge business to begin with, so it comes down to pride and face. I'm not sure if I'm making sense because I'm really tired and I have a cold, but I just think it's really impossible to request this from JYPE.

2. Regarding the whole CF thing, we don't know for sure if endorsers will pull back their support if Jay does return to the group. All of this right now is a bunch of theories and not facts. It's what we BELIEVE. But none of us (both boycotters and antiboycotters) are 100% sure on what the reality is. So since we are playing with the whole theories idea..then I would like to ask this of the boycotters:

If because of the boycott, JYP decides to disband 2PM, then what would happen next?

What are you guys going to do? How would you guys feel?

I've been meaning to ask this for a long time but I never got around to asking it. And please don't try to argue that it wouldn't happen, we're just talking about theories and what-ifs right now. Since the reasons you guys are boycotting are mainly all theories, so let's level the playing ground a bit.


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Guest haiphuong

Of course there's no new leader. The leader position only belongs to Jay anyway. But I'm relieved it's officially announced so there won't be any complications WHEN Jay comes back :)

Yeah. Finally, we've got an official news from JYPE. and it's the best news we heard so far. For me, JYP's words in Golden Fishery and this statement are enough. No new leader means Jay is always the leader.

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Guest Aqasha83

i totally agree with you! 2pm does not only belong 2 Jay, there are other members as well!. we should all support them!

yup...u right... I'm gonna support 2pm..i'm gonna buy their album...who care... Let Jay rest for a while..he defenitely back..! and support the other member to!.... Please!

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Jay needs to regain his confidence back. If he'll comeback right away just because of those angry and selfish fans, he'll not be the same anymore. I hope we will all realize that it takes to time heal the pain that Jay has gone through.

instead of telling Jay to come back now, it would be better if fans would let Jay know that they are willing to wait patiently.

Just because you put it in spoiler tags doesn't make it any less obvious. Don't judge other people just because their course of action is different than yours. Every fan who has decided to wait to purchase a CD spent ten times the amount of minutes that it took for a CD-buying fan to place a pre-order online, to think about what they want to do. What I'm saying is that a lot of contemplation went into the actions, so please respect it. You can ask for them to stop trying to convince you but it doesn't give you the right to label them. Just because you support a CD doesn't make you a better fan and does not give you the right to put tags on others.

Jay wrote on that KBS 2PM CD that he cannot tell anything, obviously he's not just thinking about himself and when he feels like coming back to Korea. Obviously there are more issues involved in this than simply what Jay wants. so please don't assume what Jay wants and needs. You're not him, so who are you to say what he's feeling and thinking right now?

Comments like yours where you attack other posters on this thread are what creates conflict between the two sides. You don't see those fans on the other side of the fence posting about you using spoilers to hide attacking words do you? Play Fair. Thanks.

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Can you guys stop arguing, pointing fingers and subtly attack and insult other members of this thread. I am not talking about anyone in specific here. The mod has decided that there should be no talk about the boycott anymore and everything was fine after that until a member decided to bring up that topic again. And guess what, we now have arguments all over the place, people attacking each other and warnings from the mod. Could you guys just step back a little and not be so aggressive to impose your opinions on others? It's not the boycott that disrupts the peace in this thread. It is the people who talk about the boycott (both pro- and anti-boycotters) that disrupt the peace here. So please, I'm so tired of all this fighting. If you guys are angry with each other, use PM, don't post in this thread.

Back to the topic of 2PM's new album, I really enjoyed all the songs and the album has been on replay list recently. I am waiting for the album to be deliver. Heartbeat is an awesome song and the MV is very unique. I hope they will also do MVs for Tired of Waiting and I was Crazy about you (actually I prefer that they make MVs for all the new songs in the album^^)

Edit: I'm also waiting for Music Bank. Anyone knows how to stream it live? Otherwise I will have to wait for youtube.

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Guest the.cherrytree

[NEWS] Parents of 2PM come together

For 2PM's comeback stage on the 13th at KBS's Music Bank, 2PM's parents from Korea, America, and Thailand have come together.

Nichkhun's parents from Thailand, Taecyeon's parents from Boston, and Junsu's parents from Ilsan, Korea came to Seoul at KBS.

2PM's agency JYPE stated "After hearing of 2PM's comeback, their families have physically come to support the boys. From as near as Ilsan to as far as America and Thailand, they will be watching the stage together."



Music Bank's started!!! I saw that 2PM's making their Comeback on KBS Music bank today!!!!

I'm watching it on KBSWorld now. I saw a clip of them rehearsing. I'm shaking already. The countdown said they would perform in about 40 minutes.

Tired of Waiting is ranked 16th on Music Bank with 2000+ points!

I think you can watch it here: http://www.instiz.net/

Look for [뮤뱅091113]

The countdown should be uploaded here: http://www.instiz.net/bbs/zboard.php?id=m22&no=1546

I want to be there too!


That was breathtaking. I love the kHottest for cheering like mad.

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Guest adikkeluangman

I watching live at KBSW now. On early of the show when MC announce 2PM comeback. They got the cheer for fans. They just show v-log or something. 2PM went out from their dorm to KBS for MB and outside studio. Fans rush to them give food/present. In studio they rehearsal.... Will update soon.

Tired of waiting at 16th spot.

I so want to be there...

Next is 2PM. Poor K.will. The fans cheered for the boys. Can't listen to him singing.

Last edit from me:

They got the loudest cheer from fans. The intro is fab. They dance so good and Woo Young slip again.

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Just because you put it in spoiler tags doesn't make it any less obvious. Don't judge other people just because their course of action is different than yours. Every fan who has decided to wait to purchase a CD spent ten times the amount of minutes that it took for a CD-buying fan to place a pre-order online, to think about what they want to do. What I'm saying is that a lot of contemplation went into the actions, so please respect it. You can ask for them to stop trying to convince you but it doesn't give you the right to label them. Just because you support a CD doesn't make you a better fan and does not give you the right to put tags on others.

Jay wrote on that KBS 2PM CD that he cannot tell anything, obviously he's not just thinking about himself and when he feels like coming back to Korea. Obviously there are more issues involved in this than simply what Jay wants. so please don't assume what Jay wants and needs. You're not him, so who are you to say what he's feeling and thinking right now?

Comments like yours where you attack other posters on this thread are what creates conflict between the two sides. You don't see those fans on the other side of the fence posting about you using spoilers to hide attacking words do you? Play Fair. Thanks.



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I just remembered..yesterday on my way to class, I suddenly heard 'Again and Again' playing out loud from somebody's car. I was shocked, I've never heard any Korean music played in public. Before I looked to see where it came from, I assumed it must've been another Asian fan girl like me but no to my surprise it was a white fanboy in his car with the windows rolled down right next to me lol.

About their new hair, it seems like Junho can pull off that ponytail look more so than Nickhun

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[NEWS] Parents of 2PM come together

For 2PM's comeback stage on the 13th at KBS's Music Bank, 2PM's parents from Korea, America, and Thailand have come together.

Nichkhun's parents from Thailand, Taecyeon's parents from Boston, and Junsu's parents from Ilsan, Korea came to Seoul at KBS.

2PM's agency JYPE stated "After hearing of 2PM's comeback, their families have physically come to support the boys. From as near as Ilsan to as far as America and Thailand, they will be watching the stage together."



I'm watching it on KBSWorld now. I saw a clip of them rehearsing. I'm shaking already. The countdown said they would perform in about 40 minutes.

Tired of Waiting is ranked 16th on Music Bank with 2000+ points!

I think you can watch it here: http://www.instiz.net/

Look for [뮤뱅091113]

The countdown should be uploaded here: http://www.instiz.net/bbs/zboard.php?id=m22&no=1546

I want to be there too!

how come I cannot view the countdown video. It says that access is denied. I think the video has been deleted T__T I want to see them on the chart so bad!!

Edit: They just finished their AWESOME performance on MuBank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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