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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Koutarou

Is anyone going to be watching 2PM's Music Bank comeback tonight?

Because I know I will! :)

Here's a streaming site if you can't find one.

They will start showing Music Bank when it starts at 18:40 KST, which is about 4-ish hours from right now [14:46 KST]. Before Music Bank, they're probably just going to show a playlist of old kpop performances and maybe some Korean Starcraft TV ahahaha.

I'm ready to stay up all night to see their performance! [i took a 7 hour nap right when I got home from school LOL.]

Oh, and I haven't been in this thread for a bit, but like... Doesn't Junsu look a lot different than before? I mean, Junsu is my favourite and all, and I think he looks gorgeous, but there's something off. Ahhhh.

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Guest tylerishisname

Hey everyone, just thought I would share some 2pm graphics I've been working on!



and here is a retouch I did of khun's photo because I cannot STAND that hair


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I just hope that the boycotters see that one: JYP did finally speak about Jay, that Jay if/when he comes back, he'll be a part of 2PM. NOT go solo or be downgraded to Cube Ent. like what some idiotic rumors stated. And two: the boys are still going to fight for him to come back, look at their messages on their album and their most recent comeback, they STILL left Jay's part open for him.

I really hope everyone can be mature about this and not try to force Jay's hand to returning. Everything that could be done was done, now all is left is patience and to wait.

Just reading Junho's message was sad, it's sad knowing that the boys read the messages about how 2PM is nothing with out Jay or that they're called 1:59PM now. I can't imagine that they would think that us fans have desserted them after having to lose their brother/friend/leader too.

I really hope that this boycott would stop soon, let's show the boys we support them and show Jay that we're waiting for him to return. I don't want all of their efforts to be for nothing.

ps. I love the apple hair look haha...iono it's cute to me. And usually my eyes would be drawn to Khun but Woo's soo grown up now...woo's growing on me haha. Junsu also is looking pretty hot lately hehe. did Woo fall when they did their pyramid?! I hope he's ok....

Warned for breaking rule No. 8 of this thread - no discussion about boycotting. Everyone has stopped and now you are bringing this issue back. :angry:

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Guest Thu♥1430268877

i've watched some fancams from the Oh Good concert and found sth really strange. in this Wooyoung fancam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTxczxJOB50, and this Chansung one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlQjiwdhW38, you can see that Wooyoung fell, but in this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKkuGlMp68M and some others he didn't

why is that? did they, like, re-perform it or what???

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Guest flying-solo




lol thankyou for the retouch! He looks so much better now. I think you should retouch Taec's hair as well XD

I'm reading some of the responses from fans from other portal sites and it seems like they're starting to lose interest in 2PM due to their concept this time around. It's a shame because the boys have worked hard for this so it's best to support them during these tough times.

In reply to the above post, I was thinking the same thing XD Some people were saying Wooyoung fell but when I watched some of the fancams I couldn't see it lol

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Guest kuroari_nbza

i think the one where woo fell was a rehearsal?

but they did the perf twice... i think...

anyway the performance was awesome and so intense...

and wooyong looks effin hot!!!

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Guest i.said.hi

i've watched some fancams from the Oh Good concert and found sth really strange. in this Wooyoung fancam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTxczxJOB50, and this Chansung one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlQjiwdhW38, you can see that Wooyoung fell, but in this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKkuGlMp68M and some others he didn't

why is that? did they, like, re-perform it or what???

since this wasn't live and since it's 2pm's comeback, they actually recorded it, it wasn't a live perf. so, usually when a big artist does a comeback they pre-record it. on this case, it wasn't a live broadcasting either.

anyways, since it's pre-recorded they film it more than once. the first time when woo slipped, they re-recorded the perf again so that on the second try, he didn't fall. that's why they seem so out of breath.

most likely for this week's comeback, all their perfs will be pre-recorded (since most comebacks are like that). that's why sometimes in a lot of artists comeback perfs, they seem so sweaty haha :)

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Guest lane013

Heartbeat is addicting. First time i heard it..i was like "interesting". Second time i heard it, i was like "Heey. This could be something". Third time i heard it, i was like," dang i want this song on my ipod. love it."

ANyway, i'm proud of 2pm and i have to admit that i love them more now.

They're inspiring.

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Guest Showtime24

Don't think this was shared yet. Someone photoshopped Jay into the picture =)


Can't wait to see the boys on Music Bank tonight x)

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Guest kdrama_queen2

sorry cut your post but can i ask you something

what exaclty want you that JYP or JYPE do?

bring jay back? RIGH NOW?

that the other boys stop their activities?

dont get me wrong i only want to know what are you expecting from them...

(sorry my english i forget )

interesting... i didn't get banned.. ^^

and thx for reading my post and responding! :D

to answer your question:

I am... and ALL KHOTTESTS who are refraining from buying 01:59PM merchandise ... are just asking that JYPE release AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT that Jay's spot in 2PM is SECURE.

OF COURSE we're not asking JYPE to bring Jay back anytime soon! We completely understand the pain that Jay must have gone through. To have thousands sign a suicide petition!? To have an entire country turn its back on him overnight?? No one should have to face such a terrible thing, but Jay did. And he needs time away to reflect, mature, grow stronger....

I'm just confused why JYPE will go on a variety show and say that Jay can return when he wants to and that JYP will help him do so. Great! If that is what JYP truly wants to do, HURRAH~ (and just for the record- JYPE already said these things in his previous official statement- he was merely being vocal about it this time). So why can't he put this on paper? That Jay's spot will always be there for him? If Jay wants to return in 5 years, that sucks for me, as a fan, but I will respect that.

And one more thing.... like I wrote in my previous post.. even if JYP really meant what he said (about helping Jay return when he wants to) and it really was 100% Jay's decision (no pressure from anyone)... it will be REALLY hard for Jay to return to a successful 2PM. What is success to a celebrity?

Support from their FANS and FINANCIAL SUCCESS.

- If 2PM is receiving a lot of love from fans without Jay, then he MIGHT take it as... 2PM is still successful without me... I don't wanna risk 2PM's fame with my return. (2PM is receiving an amazing amount of love right now.... but there ARE antis lurking around... waiting to attack 2PM/Jay)

- In the entertainment business... CFs=MONEY.

CD sales, concert tickets sales, etc... MINIMAL compared to getting paid by major companies to endorse their products. 2PM is currently endorsing products left and right.... (good for them!!) But Jay knows that if he returns... the general public might get angry again and lash out at not only Jay, but 2PM. These companies that hired 2PM... would they want 2PM to continue endorsing their products if such a thing happened? No.

I just wanna lay out the facts for people. thank you.

and here: if you are curious how khottests feel about this...

[티브이데일리=최준용 기자] 2PM 팬들이 MBC '무릎팍도사'에 출연한 JYP엔터테인먼트 대표 박진영에게 "재범을 이용한 마케팅을 중단하라"고 촉구했다.

'2PM 팬 카페'의 한 핵심 멤버는 12일 티브이데일리와 전화인터뷰에서 12일 방영된 MBC ‘황금어장’에 원더걸스와 함께 출연한 박진영이 재범 복귀와 관련된 발언과 최근 행해진 박진영의 행보에 대해 팬들의 입장을 밝히면서 이같이 주장했다.

이 멤버는 박진영이 ‘황금어장’에서 재범 복귀에 대해 언급한 것을 묻자 “방송을 잘 봤다. 그런데 괜히 봤다는 생각을 했다”며 한마디로 크게 실망했다는 입장을 전했다.

그 는 이어 “역시 박진영 답다는 생각을 했다. 일반대중들이 보는 시각과 팬들이 직접 보는 박진영의 대한 시각은 차이가 있다. 직접 겪어보지 않는 한 성공한 사람이고 유능한 사람이며 사업수완이 좋은 사람으로 인식될 것이다. 물론 인정한다. 하지만 팬들은 박진영의 말을 전혀 신뢰하지 않는다”고 밝혔다.

또 “어제 방송을 보면 한달전 공식홈페이지에 남긴 글과 별 차이가 없음을 느꼈다. 단지 보이스 버전일 뿐. 박진영은 팬들을 재범을 당장 복귀시키라고 떼쓰는 떼쟁이로 만들었다. 재범의 복귀는 재범에게 달렸다고 말하고 팬들에게는 재범이를 그냥 가만히 놔두라는 식으로 보이콧을 중지하라는 압박을 가했다. 자신의 책임을 떠넘기는 식의 발언은 눈살을 찌뿌리게 했다”고 말했다.

이어 “어제 박진영의 발언으로 인해 일부 혹해서 넘어간 팬들이 있다. 하지만 이 팬들은 박진영을 신뢰한다기 보다는 어찌됐건 재범 복귀의 키를 쥐고 있는 사람이 박진영이기에 박진영의 말을 믿고 싶어 하는 것일 뿐이다”고 강조했다.

또 “박 진영은 팬들의 노력을 모르는 척한다. 우리(2PM팬들)는 재범의 사건이 터졌을때 각 언론사에 오역이라는 자료도 뿌렸고 각종 봉사활동(아름다운 하루 기부행사, 현혈증 기부, 콩기부, 어린이재단기부, 해외에 책 보내기등)을 추진, 한국에 없는 재범군을 대신해서 그 잘못에 대해 사죄해 대중들에게 용서를 구했다”며 억울한 속내도 털어놓았다.

이어 “재 범을 위로하기 위해 미국으로 손편지를 수만통을 보내고, 수만송이 종이장미를 접어 메시지를 보내고, 하루에 수천장의 포스트잇에 마음을 담아내고, 수백개의 UCC를 제작했다”며 박진영에 대한 아쉬움 마음을 토로했다. 또한 “팬들이 원하는 것은 지금 당장 재범의 복귀를 원하는 것이 아니다. 공식입장을 통해 탈퇴철회를 발표해 2PM 리더로서의 재범의 자리를 공식적으로 남겨 두는 것. 이는 재범이 당장 복귀하지 않아도 그 자리는 남는 것이기에 팬들은 안심할 것이다”고 팬들의 입장을 피력했다.

특이 “박 진영, 팬들 그리고 나머지 6멤버들을 위해 서로가 한발씩 양보해 '무릎팍 도사' 같은 토크쇼가 아닌 공식기자회견이나 글로써 탈퇴철회 공식입장을 발표해주는 것이다. 그러면 보이콧도 없어질 것이다. 만약 박진영이 이렇게 계속 팬들의 입장을 무시한 채 재범을 이용한 마케팅으로 일관한다면 보이콧 철회는 없을 것이다”며 팬들의 입장을 밝혔다.

한편 2PM은 12일 Mnet '오 굿(Oh Good)'콘서트를 통해 '하트비트' 첫 무대를 선보이고 재범 빠진 6명으로 본격적인 활동을 시작한다.

[최준용 기자 issue@tvdaily.co.kr]

After JYP appeared on the show 'Golden Fishery,' 2PM fans have been flocking to the show's board and are pressuring JYP with statements such as "Immediately stop using Jaebum as a marketing tool."

A core member of the '2PM Fan Cafe' agreed to a phone interview with us on the 12th in an effort to express the viewpoint and feelings of the fans after the statements JYP made on Golden Fishery.

She did not hesitate to express her disappointment, starting with "I saw the broadcast, but I immediately regretted seeing it. I thought that it was so like JYP. There's a big difference between what regular people view JYP as and what fans view him as. Others see him as successful with great corporate skills. We admit that. But fans do not accept JYP in any way.

There is no difference between what he said on air and what he said through official statements months ago. It is merely a voiced version of those articles. JYP made the fans out to be little brats that are whining for Jaebum's immediate return. He placed the blame on Jaebum and placed great pressure on the fans to leave him alone and stop our boycotts. Basically, he pushed the blame on to someone else.

There are fans that have given up and have began supporting 6PM after the broadcast. But instead of trusting JYP, they are attempting to give him a chance because at this point, JYP is the only person holding the key to Jaebum's return.

Furthermore, JYP is ignoring the efforts of the fans. When Jaebum's controversy first exploded, we as fans attempted to fix it by spreading the fact that there were translation errors. We also participated in various charities such as blood donations, donations for the youth, books... We attempted to find forgiveness for Jaebum through these actions.

In order to help Jaebum feel more at ease, we sent more than thousands of hand written letters with thousands of folded paper roses with thousands of post its with thousands of UCC messages. What fans want now is not Jaebum's return. What we want is an official statement that clearly takes back Jaebum's withdrawal from the group and the promise that his spot as the leader will be left in tact. Even if Jaebum does not immediately return, the fact that his spot remains open will be of great assurance to the fans.

What we want especially is not leaving little comments on shows such as 'Golden Fishery' but an official press conference that states these things. Then the boycott will cease. Should JYP continue to ignore the fans and use Jaebum as his marketing tool, the boycott will never stop."


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Hottests won’t buy the album without Jaebeom

The dearly missed boys of 2PM are finally back with their new album, 1:59. However, as the title of the album suggests, 2PM failed to be complete as a seven member group with their former leader, Jaebeom still out of sight. Although the return of the boys would normally excite Hottests like no other, it seems like not all of them are happy about the group's "incomplete" comeback. Seven copies of the following poster were posted on the walls near the Seoul City Hall Station around 7 PM on the November 12.



"2PM, We Won't Buy Unless There's 7!!! -2PM Fans"

"We will dispose the posters ourselves at 10 PM, so please do not take them down."

This poster was a clear declaration that the Hottests will now engage in another boycott by not purchasing 2PM's new album.

Thanks to elizabethhbc for the tip!




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Guest berks5ellen

Hottests won’t buy the album without Jaebeom



i totally agree with you! 2pm does not only belong 2 Jay, there are other members as well!. we should all support them!

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Guest lizramyun


ohhh thxx for answer me hehe

i was not mad its just that i got confused

but i think that the only that can forget JAY is us the fans right

but if we love him and want him why forget.... when the boys are doing activities i guess that we can always remember them about jay 7 MEMBER ...like the chants in the songs put always jay... in letter say the name of jay...

the truly fans will never forget jay .... well that is my case even when 6 member of 2pm im always think of jay...

and in the future im sure that jay will always to appear in my thought jejej

and in that case jay can or could think that he isnt forgetten that we need him and he can come back... soo

the true its that in the final the solution have the fans... because if we forget about him he will not come back of course

but its us.... idk just my feeling hehe

again thx for answer me i really enjoy read your post they are mature hehe

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^^ no posting about boycotts - there will be inevitable bashing and warnings flying all over

I personally feel that those who don't buy the album are on the same level as everyone who only downloads music and not buy, except they are voicing it so they're getting bashed. And is their reason for wanting to buy the album only if 7 members are present that irrational? It's their money.....


Maybe I'm not understanding you because of wording but didn't JYP already say Jay can come back to 2pm if he wants to, hence his spot is secure "if he wants to come back". I personally want him to say "Jay WILL come back to 2pm, we just don't know when" lol but whatever.

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too bad.. we can't do anything about it.. it's up to the khottest now.

if they don't want to purchase it.. then no..

but at least support the 6 in anyway..

i'm not buying the album although i still want to see the other members successful..

and about the "no variety show" i think its a good idea..

i rather see 7 of them together and it'll be ok for each one to have their own ..

and about the comment w/ JYP.. i don't blame the fans thinking of it that way..

i still support khottest on whatever they imply hottest to do..

i trust them.. and i know they'll always find a way to have 7 together again.

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Guest Banana Peel

kdrama_queen2, thanks for posting up the views of khottests, it really cleared stuff out. Hm, at first I felt thankful to JYP about finally saying something on that show, but after reading this, now I feel back to feeling insecure in Jay's return. *sigh* I seriously hope JYP isn't using Jay as a marketing strategy -- or more like JYPE isn't. I wish we can hear Jay's honest point of view in this whole controversy.

And about khottests not buying their album, errr, I'm really confused on what to think of this. Yes, it's great that the hottests are still thinking of Jay by doing this, but I feel bad for the rest of the members. They worked hard to make this album, or perhaps REmake some of the songs due to Jay's departure, and now trying their best to act lively for the fans on the stage. Hm, isn't there a better way to 'boycott' for Jay rather than punishing the rest of the members? eh, idk, whatever happens, I just hope it brings out good results. :/

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Guest wting89

Yes, after reading khottest isnt as demanding as we all thought..

They just wanted a reassurance tht all of us wanted as well..

I hate to see them being protrayed as e bad guy..

They r just trying to secure jay's position till he returns

To me, “an official statement that clearly takes back Jaebum's withdrawal from the group and the promise that his spot as the leader will be left in tact” is really impt

I want this reassurance as well

But this doesn’t mean I agree with what they are doing to achieve this

I hate to see hottests bashing one another..

Y don we come up with something to help achieve this?

Although their measures used can b a little extreme, at least they are doing something..

I believe if we can come up with something that can achieve this common goal of our w/o compromising 6pm’s comeback

Im sure khottest will b more than delighted to use it=)

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I just want to add that EVERY fan has 2PM's best interest at heart...as a group! We are proud of all 7 and I hope we can see better days soon :D I am looking forward to the day when Hottests can unite.

Anyways, Music Bank Comeback is in 2 Hours on KBS!!!

Make sure your TV Ant is working coz it was going a little weird on some people, or watch it on Solinren for people who can't enjoy it on their TV.

"I am so excited!" - Junho

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There is no difference with announcing something on a variety show as

supposed to a press conference. He is the CEO of JYPE, if he says something

then that's an official statement. The message will be the same, only without the


Getting mad because he repeated the same things he said before? Well, if

nothing has changed, then did they want him to make up stuff? oh, so they

can call him a liar some more? He did give them the answer they have been

asking for,if that's not enough, well too bad. Other people will purchase the album.

-Jaebum's spot is assured in 2PM

-They have not chosen a leader, which means when Jay gets back his spot is still there

-No solo work

-He is being trained and kept ready for when he decides to return

JYPE can use whatever marketing strategy they want. Hottest don't have the right to dictate

them how to do their job. Next time, will they demand of JYPE to change songs if they aren't

satisfied? or even pick 2PM's concepts?

To me it doesn't matter anymore. If they want to buy, buy, if not, I already

pre-ordered mine and so did many other people. There is no way to force

someone to agree with you, if these people keep changing their stand it's

their problem.

Anyways, I can't wait to watch their Music Bank come back!!!! I haven't watched

the Hope concert, cuz those were fancams, I can't wait to Mubank and finally see

them on stage again. :)

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Guest nycstrawberri21

since im a new fan i was wondering if anyone knew where i could buy 2pm merchandise... a good site to recommend? mostly interested in posters.

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