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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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It's JuShinJung :)

Could you kindly pm me where this restaurant is at? Im a Singaporean and would love to go dine there sometime with my fellow Kpop friends.^__^

and i watched the fancam and boy am i glad the cheers were so loud.<3333 and thanks for the translations for the Thank you messages, Junho's was T_T. You can tell that the boys always believe that they are one when they are 7.

im buying this album.can't wait~ The album jacket pictures should be worth the money alr, haha.

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I don't know why ppl angry because of the "IF". I mean do you really want jype to force jay come back now? is that what you want? or do you want jyp to say "yes, jay will come back in jan 2010". think again. it will make this whole jay's departure looks like one big liar created by jyp. ppl will angry to them "oh, so this is all fake? just an act? to gain sympathy and publicity???" "this is all planned?" they can't make it looks so planned. yes, I believe jype already planned all of this. he's taking an advantage from this misery. he's one smart man and I don't care if it's just a publicity stunt. coz it's for our boys' sake too. and ppl won't forgive jay if he doesn't leave for a while. jyp is smart he can turn korean ppl from hating jay so much to sympathy and feeling guilty towards jay... so all, let's be patient

btw,, taec?? spider web???? lol feels like Halloween

I agree with u, Isn this we were asking for?

"the statement from JYP that Jay will be back and with 2pm"?

some of us were saying " we just want the official statement from JYP that he will be back"?

i was agreed to boycott cuz JYP were keeping silent abt Jay's incident tho

and now, He asnwered the questions...but we don't believe his words?

>.<...i don't know what to say anymore

Im not buying this album (yet) but i will keep supporting the boys as much as i can.

Jay must be proud of his bros...they did a good job for the 1st performance


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Guest kay01dee

i feel like whatever jyp says, there will be people who disagree or want more information. there will always be people who aren't satisfied with whatever they are given. jyp knows this, which is probably the reason why he is not saying too much about jaebeom's issue because it is a sensitive matter for fans. whatever he says is never enough or it gets turned into something else. i don't blame those people for wanting more, because after two months of waiting for answers, i want a definite and clear response regarding jaebeom too. however, after reading about jyp's response, i am willing to wait a little more. he didn't say when jaebeom will be back, but when he does, he will be with 2PM. for me, that's enough.

jaebeom needs time to mend and rest, and above all, be with his friends and family. i want the other six to keep moving forward because it's their way of becoming stronger and making jay proud- didn't jay leave because he didn't want to see the other six affected by his issue? when jay comes back, he along with junsu, nichkhun, taecyeon, wooyoung, junho, and chansung will all be stronger. it's hard waiting, but i don't want to be selfish. i can wait for 2PM to be 7 again.


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Guest entermuriel

whatever he says is never enough or it gets turned into something else.

when jay comes back, he along with junsu, nichkhun, taecyeon, wooyoung, junho, and chansung will all be stronger. it's hard waiting, but i don't want to be selfish. i can wait for 2PM to be 7 again.


sorry for cutting your post short, but i agree with everything you just said.

it seems that people aren't happy with anything that they are given, it's like they want a reason to make JYP look bad and continue to do what they are doing.

i thought people wanted to know whether or not Jay would come back to 2PM if he does decide to come back or not. JYP pretty much answered that question.

now, i don't understand how people expect JYP to know exactly when Jay will come back. i mean, i'd like to know as well, but this is a situation where you can't really know for sure when this will happen. Right now it's really up to Jay. Hell, I don't even think Jay himself knows exactly when this will happen either.

JYP is still investing on Jay, meaning he's probably expecting him to come back. I think Jay will come back because... why accept JYP to keep investing on him if in the end he'll say "no" to coming back? he'll just built up the debt he'd have to pay by leaving the group and not following the contract. who'd want to do that?

Also, Jay said that he does want to come back, but he's not sure. And i really don't blame him for not being sure, i mean, i wouldn't know what to do if i was in his situation.

To end this paragraph, I am satisfied with what JYP said in the show, it gave me hope that Jay will be back sooner or later, and i really don't care how long he takes to do so, as long as when he comes back i can see him crack a genuine smile to the camera to let us know that he is ok.

Now, something else i wanted to point out. People are still saying that if 2PM does well as a six member group, Jay will not come back, or if 2PM as a six member group does mediocre there's more chance that Jay will be back.

I really don't see how can that happen anymore. from what i've read about Jay and his personality, he seems to be really hard at himself. I don't think he thinks so highly of himself for him to say "oh the guys aren't do that great because i'm not there with them anymore, i'm the only one who makes them do great." [we as fans know that he is in fact a big part of 2PM, just like the other six, but i don't think Jay thinks of himself that way, he might know that's he's good at what he does but not to the point where he thinks the other 6 can't do well without him] So if 2PM doesn't do well, he'll probably blame it on himself thinking that he brought that to his brothers. I'm sorry but... i don't want him to feel that way, cause that's not his fault at all. There is a reason why he decided to leave and that was to not bring down 2PM with him because of what happened. Although we might think that he didn't really do such a big thing, Jay himself thought that he made a big mistake, so he felt bad for doing it, but he didn't want his brothers to suffer for his mistake.

If 2PM does well... Jay will be happy. Like Nichkhun said in his "thanks to..." in the album, the 6 members worked hard to make HIM proud. they're still working hard. They're not doing it for themselves only, but for Jay as well, cause that's probably what Jay wanted. I doubt Jay will think that his brothers don't need him anymore just cause they're doing well... at this point the other 6 members have stated and showed in many ways that they still need him, that they will always be 7. Jay knows this. They love each other, so why would Jay think that Junsu, Nichkhun, Taec, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung don't need him anymore? I'm not talking about the business side of things anymore, but about the brotherhood that they have built up during the years. Jay wouldn't be selfish enough to make his brothers stop their dreams for his sake. As their leader and brother, he wants the best for them.

I'll still support 2PM and i'll keep on waiting for Jay. I think we can still do the different events, such a post-its and other stuff, but not to demand Jay's return, but rather as to show Jay support and show him that we still support his other 6 brothers. I don't want to see Jay come back because he was forced to, or cause fans demanded it to happen soon, cause if he comes back like that, I will not see a genuine smile in his face, because he hasn't healed completely. I'd rather wait as long as it's needed for him to heal and decide to come back, and i'll be able to see that genuine smile on his face and not a forced one.

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Guest Shona-z

omg hey!! i was just looking at the 2pm mv again... at the end i realise the cheerleading formation where taecyeon, chansung and nichkhun are at the bottom and junsu and wooyoung climb on top of them.. yeah that formaton where junho is all alone on the ground..

im thinking the formation looks pretty loopsided eh?? like junho should either climb on top of junsu and wooyoung to form a 6 member pyramid or at least be in the middle or sth right..(its like these in most cheerleading formations i guess?? like should be a little more symmetrical??) im just thinking/hoping that the spot on the right might be left empty for jay?? what do you think?? haha am i thinking too much or is there a possibility?? cuz anyways jyp only talked abt jay's return after/near the album's release date and he said sth along the lines that it will only be a true comeback if jay is here right?? haha.. just thought i'd share... what do you guys think??

p.s i realised no one talked abt this at all so im really hoping its not just me that thinks too much?? oh well, i send this exact post on a few youtube channels like the jyp channel etc.. we'll see if any other ppl notice and respond or if its just my imagination haha..only time will tell^^


I am with you I also kept on thinking if Junho climbed on top it would have made a perfect triangle but he didn't they left it incomplete (guessing for Jay) I also over think things like that ever since I heard JYP say all he can do for Jay now is keep him ready by sending him vocal and dance teachers so he doesn't rust, all I heard is he is also practicing for his part in the comeback, maybe his part is going to too amazing to realize. right?

Well this just hit me that this album for 2PM is their really FIRST album not just a Single album but first official album and Jay is not in it (I mean he is in it in the remixed versions but not in the new songs) How must he feel right now working 4 yrs post debut and 1 year after debut and not get this chance to be in the official thing.

Don't give up Jay, waiting to see you soon.

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@entermuriel I agree with u again lol

im satisfied for the asnwer giving by jyp

at least we know that he s still the leader of 2pm

and JYPE also stated that there will be no new leader but the boys will just help each others doing activities

isn it obvious that Jay will be back, but not this year~

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Hey there! dunno If I have posted here before.

I post this on the 2PM - 1.59pm lyrics thread but I guess I'll get here a faster help.

I want to know who sings what in "Heartbeat" I don't know them very well yet. I'm in love with one voice and I just don't know who is he xD

pretty simple, anyone could help?

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Guest xclueless

Hey there! dunno If I have posted here before.

I post this on the 2PM - 1.59pm lyrics thread but I guess I'll get here a faster help.

I want to know who sings what in "Heartbeat" I don't know them very well yet. I'm in love with one voice and I just don't know who is he xD

pretty simple, anyone could help?

Well the music video is out so you can use their faces as references but I'll help you out in case you can't recognize them :)














Chorus & adlibs



The 'Thank You' messages really got to me. I totally bursted into tears with Junhos, Maknaes, and especially Khuns. It makes me so happy to see them including Jay and not just his name but a heart warming message. I really hope to see the 7 of them together again. Not for the fans sake or JYP's sake but because I know they love each other so much and yearn to be with one another.

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Guest Shona-z

Hey there! dunno If I have posted here before.

I post this on the 2PM - 1.59pm lyrics thread but I guess I'll get here a faster help.

I want to know who sings what in "Heartbeat" I don't know them very well yet. I'm in love with one voice and I just don't know who is he xD

pretty simple, anyone could help?

Here is the english translation with who sang what:


can you feel my heartbeat

the heart that you stepped all over and left

is still beating. and it's beating for you

no matter how hard i try to forget

no matter how many new people i meet

why do i keep thinking of only you when i turn around

i don't want to do this anymore. i want to stop.

no matter how many times i try and try to stop myself

it's no use. my heart is broken. why


why do i keep doing such foolish things

i know in my head, but why is my heart rebelling

i'm holding on to you and can't let go.

it still feels like you're next to me.

i can't believe in farewell


no matter who i meet, i can't open up one part of my heart and i keep your place empty


there's no reason for you come back, but why do i keep thinking that you might come back

why isn't my heart listening

EveryOne but mostly Junsu:

listen to my heartbeat. it's beating for you

listen to my heartbeat. it's waiting for you

don't i know that it's over. i don't understand why i'm like this

EveryOne but mostly WooYoung:

listen to my heartbeat. it's beating for you

listen to my heartbeat. it's waiting for you

it still hurts thinking of you. i think of you every time my heart beats


i have to forget. i have to forget in order to live

i have to erase it.


if i don't, i'll die


stop trying to get her back. she ain't coming

she's gone, gotta be moving on

she left. she won't come back. she doesn't think of you.


she doesn't know that i'm waiting for her, she's doing well

she already forgot about me, totally erased me.

why can't i do that

EveryOne but mostly Junsu:

listen to my heartbeat. it's beating for you

listen to my heartbeat. it's waiting for you

don't i know that it's over. i don't understand why i'm like this

EveryOne but mostly WooYoung:

listen to my heartbeat. it's beating for you

listen to my heartbeat. it's waiting for you

it still hurts thinking of you. i think of you every time my heart beats

Not sure who:

my heart is beating faster and faster (x4)

hope this helps lyrics translation by crazykyootie @ soompi.

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I saw it already, but still as I said "I don't know them very well yet".

I really want to know who is singing what, I don't want faces but names. Sorry I know this is kinda boring, but I would like to know.

Thanks xclueless and Shona-z, I'm gonna check it right now

EDIT: it's WooYoung mostly xD I wasn't sure before, now I am! ^_^

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Guest kiss_bunny

I take back about what i said about heartbeat.

At first i didnt like it but then after a while, I started to love it.

The mv was amazing. Its like they're dying on the inside.

Its has this sad but angry feeling at the same time.

And there is that base sound that starts once they start to sing, it like squeezes my heart it sounds SO sad.

And the whole puppet like dancing this is really cool. Like dead bodies dancing (in a good way) XD

and the line where Khun says "i have to forget. i have to forget in order to live". It sounds SO sad gosh.

I love how there is like water like thing floating on the top and they're just lying there under it dead and singing.

I noticed that with most of 2pm's songs, i dont like it right away but then i end up REALLY loving the songs.

Maybe the intensity of the music videos also has something to do with it.

Im not sure.

Because in the mvs, i can see and feel the pain.

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Guest PaxRomana

Just feel like sharing a couple thoughts (because that's what forums are for, right? XD)

After watching a few fancams of the "Heartbeat" performance, I'm totally in love with the song. I liked it before, but they just sound so awesome and the chorus is sososo catchy. The whole life-death concept is so visually stunning, especially when coupled with the heart sound effects; the whole "only you can bring me to life" idea is just played out so well and it's so relevant... The suits didn't look that bad in the video, but I guess that was just because the lighting toned down the diamonds a little bit, because they look kinda... Gaudy?... Now and I'm not a big fan. The hair is kind of bad too, but I'm glad they didn't pull Taec's back. You can't see any of their faces behind those epic bangs, though! The choreography has some really, really awesome moments, chiefly the Taec/Chansung tradeoff, the chorus, and the running before the pyramid. It's a testament to their hotness that they can manage to make a zombie-esque concept legitimately sexy. I don't like every part of it, but as a whole, it's amazing. What a way to come back.

As for the rest of the album, I love it. The "You Might Come Back" remix is a little elevator-music-y to me, but everything else is love: the sexiness, the emotion, the old-school vibe. The rap on "Gimme the Light" and Khun on "All Night Long" in particular get me everytime. I just wish there were more new songs :/

Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the follow-up single will be? I would think it would be either of the other two that were pre-released but I was wondering if there was something definitive? (Not that I want "Heartbeat" to go away anytime soon! I was just curious since they pre-released 2 other songs...)

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Guest surferdude12

omg hey!! i was just looking at the 2pm mv again... at the end i realise the cheerleading formation where taecyeon, chansung and nichkhun are at the bottom and junsu and wooyoung climb on top of them.. yeah that formaton where junho is all alone on the ground..

im thinking the formation looks pretty loopsided eh?? like junho should either climb on top of junsu and wooyoung to form a 6 member pyramid or at least be in the middle or sth right..(its like these in most cheerleading formations i guess?? like should be a little more symmetrical??) im just thinking/hoping that the spot on the right might be left empty for jay?? what do you think?? haha am i thinking too much or is there a possibility?? cuz anyways jyp only talked abt jay's return after/near the album's release date and he said sth along the lines that it will only be a true comeback if jay is here right?? haha.. just thought i'd share... what do you guys think??

p.s i realised no one talked abt this at all so im really hoping its not just me that thinks too much?? oh well, i send this exact post on a few youtube channels like the jyp channel etc.. we'll see if any other ppl notice and respond or if its just my imagination haha..only time will tell^^


LOL. actually i thought i'm the only one who noticed that when the day they released it, and i think i'm also the first one who posted it about their pyramid formation but when i watched the MV like 3 times, it's pretty obvious that Junho is on the other side and he's not on the centre. seems like they reserved the spot for Leadja. oh and they did a good job on their comeback. :)

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Guest twinsrock3000

wow the heartbeat dance was amazing!

they've sure matured alot.. but im still not digging nickhuns&junho hair LOL. its cute alright but yeahs..

i cant wait to see better quality tomo at their comebackk!

also i love teh fact that no one sang jays part in 'i hate you'!

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Guest lec8504

I just hope that the boycotters see that one: JYP did finally speak about Jay, that Jay if/when he comes back, he'll be a part of 2PM. NOT go solo or be downgraded to Cube Ent. like what some idiotic rumors stated. And two: the boys are still going to fight for him to come back, look at their messages on their album and their most recent comeback, they STILL left Jay's part open for him.

I really hope everyone can be mature about this and not try to force Jay's hand to returning. Everything that could be done was done, now all is left is patience and to wait.

Just reading Junho's message was sad, it's sad knowing that the boys read the messages about how 2PM is nothing with out Jay or that they're called 1:59PM now. I can't imagine that they would think that us fans have desserted them after having to lose their brother/friend/leader too.

I really hope that this boycott would stop soon, let's show the boys we support them and show Jay that we're waiting for him to return. I don't want all of their efforts to be for nothing.

ps. I love the apple hair look haha...iono it's cute to me. And usually my eyes would be drawn to Khun but Woo's soo grown up now...woo's growing on me haha. Junsu also is looking pretty hot lately hehe. did Woo fall when they did their pyramid?! I hope he's ok....

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Actually, I think Wooyoung's becoming really popular lately. Did you hear the cheers he got during their comeback? It was louder than Taec's. :o

And yeah, if you look closely at fancams, it seems like Khun didn't get a good hold of Woo's leg during the pyramid and he slid off.

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