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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest hayakatsu


lol. that's so ridiculous. if i were jay, i'd end up thinking;

"so wait, i went through hell, was humiliated, had my dreams shattered, my image destroyed and was actually petitioned to kill myself!! and all that just because a reporter didn't do their job properly? forget it! i'm never coming back!"

but of course i'm not jay and i don't really wish he'd do that but srsly, that's disgusting. letting netizens rule the media like that. if i were an evil world dominator, i'd actually disguise myself as a kpop entertainment CEO and HIRE these netizens just for the sheer damage they can do. unbelievable.

conclusion: korean media ppl are LAZY!!!!

advice: go find other jobs! cuz clearly you can't be a reporter properly.


loveshatori, this is the internet age. clearly the info that the reporter had received from that evil person (now looking for an undeserved forgiveness) came from myspace. the date and EVERYTHING was on there. it took me merely under an hour to find all his good posts abt korea along with the ones that were bad. if i could do that, the grown person should be able to do it as well. it was this person's JOB! period. and myspace being in english isn't an excuse either. if they could translate the HELL out of those comments (albeit taken way out of context not to mention the massive inaccuracies) they could clearly have translated the simple myspace navigation. like, for srs.

also, a reporter should work unbiasedly. that includes leaving out your personal opinions or feelings abt an issue or in this case, a sense of national pride. the basic rules of journalism.

i'm not clawing at your throat or anything, but srsly, they have no excuse. they just simply didn't do their job. the utter audacity to use, "it happened too fast" as an excuse is unacceptable.

now, having said all that, i think jay being with his family is what's best for him right now. that, i agree with you.

[EDIT] oh sheez, i topped a page with nothing to share. sorry...

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Guest thehazyfiasco

Moogadang's Phryme(?) expresses his sorrow for Jaebum, stating that this was a witch hunt with no witch.


He basically yells at the netizens for acting so shamelessly, "...asking them to think back to the times they said 'I'm so hungry I could die.' Everyone makes statements and actions that they cannot uphold. Do not be hypocrites and point the arrow at Jaebum. There are far harsher celebrities that still appear on TV, who have committed crimes far greater than Jaebum's."


2PM의 리더 박재범의 탈퇴와 미국행에 대한 팬들의 슬픔이 JYP 프로듀서 박진영에 대한 분노로 변해가고 있다.


After the leave of Jaebum, 150,000 fans are now turning their sadness into anger towards JYP for his failure to protect 2PM. They are expressing their frustration and anger at his silence and are painstakingly waiting for a response.

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I've been listening to 2PM's You might come back all day.

My mom told me that soon Jaebum is going to be singing

I'm coming back instead of I might comeback =]

I know for a fact that everything is going to be all fine

and Jay is going to comeback for sure. He needs to

comeback!! We are doing so many things for him

that he's going to want to come back. We all know

that he didn't leave because he wanted to. He probably

didn't have a choice then. Let's all do what we can in

order to bring him back and wait for him!!!

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I know everyone is probably really depressed...and sad...I am too...But

I'm trying to bring my spirit up just a bit...cause if we're like this, when Jay and the 2PM boys see us

How bad would they feel???

So...I saw this pic on WG's thread....and it brought smile on my face again~~

Especially Khun and Woo, how Khun sits on Woo~~~so cute

We will def. see their smile again, all 7 of them


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i like you post so much.....This is a "CONSPIRACY"

Warned for spamming with one-liner. You quoted a large content and just responded with this????


Warned for going around the swear filter. You think you hide the swearing word and you can get away with it. Think again. Suspended 1 week.

Dear whom may concern.

Hi, im Korean

Koreans thought that JaeBum hates Korea because of the situation occured past 4 days.

I need videos or photos which can support that JaeBum actually loves Korea.Pleas help us for Jeabum

Please upload anything found.

Oh Thanks T.T

That photo is right

But.. Radio data is not contain in website

Thanks your Help !!!

Warned for quoting pictures.

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Guys, a person who goes to the same church as Jaebeom in Seattle kindly provided his email address so that fans could deliver their true supports to Jaebeom.




- fb ; amanda lee of jae bum support group


Oh wow thank you so much...but do you have to

go on naver and sign up..because I can't read korean

but I'll will try my very best to send out my supports

for Jay...thanks =]

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Guest JambaJuice

Netizens took it too far. =\

I'm glad there's people out there (celebs, fans, friends, family, etc) coming out to support him. With all this support, I'm getting more hope that he'll come back soon. Last night, I woke up around 3PM because I couldn't sleep so I decided to finish learning River Flows In You. :] Jaebum is the reason why I wanted to learn it since I heard him play. (I only learn piano songs when I'm forced to, lol)

This thread is growing bigger and bigger. 2PM has a big influence on people. Their honesty and kinship with not only their fellow members, but with fans also. <3

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Guest chuchu728

I really don't know what to do or who to blame right now ... everything's just a big mess. I can't believe it's escalated to this point. Anyways, I hope Jaebum's resting up! I really wonder how the rest of 2PM is doing, it's sad to know that we no longer know their schedule or how they're feeling. I just hope everyone in here and Hottests everywhere continue to stay strong! Like many have said before ... time will heal this. I know we're getting antsy and it feels as if the world has ended (shoot, in my opinion it has...) but for now we just need Jaebum to rest and clear his mind. Jae, 2PM, and Hottests -- Fighting!

Feel free to use the graphic below ...




Here's a very detailed and well written blog about Jaebum's situation, made me cry. The person also asks for us to spread it so we can show how viscous netizens are ... I'm totally advocating for some laws on them as weird as that sounds.


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I know you guys are upset about the whole thing.

But Honestly I see no fault in the way Korean Media is. NETIZENS have incredible influence.

You guys have to keep in mind that Korea is different than America.

You can't expect them to be just like American Media.

Korea is a country where fans have the power to the stars and the media.

America is a country where music is free and fans don't have alot of power


It's been long :D Miss you..

anyways I get what you mean...but you also gotta realize the Netizens are were they at because

society & the media gives them that power.

The media & society listens/reads what the netizens have to say because everyone knows

how netizens spends their time online 24/7 scooping for some info. So they assume they are

right....but if people investigate on their own they might find out that netizens are not all that right

& they can report on the correct information...

taking the power that netizens have away...

It's simple stop listening to the netizens & do your own work.

That reporter that reported on this could've chosen to report on it with the info they have or (s)he could've chosen to investigate fully or just chose not to report on it at all.

People have choices...

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Guest Banana Peel


After the leave of Jaebum, 150,000 fans are now turning their sadness into anger towards JYP for his failure to protect 2PM. They are expressing their frustration and anger at his silence and are painstakingly waiting for a response.

Sorry for cutting your post ^^

*sigh* I'm sure everyone's impatient and saddened, but I'm pretty sure JYP is keeing silent for a reason. He's a smart guy, I'm hoping he'll be smart about this situation as well (:

Anyways, great to know that more and more celebs are supporting Jay. Ahh, Jay, a lot of people/fans are supporting you! I hope you're reading all the supports given and come back soon <3

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morning i have to do my own filmjob, i will work harder and study harder later, even i have lost almost 2 days Sleep cuz heartbroken News of JAY. i will keep on going on my way, be strong, its not because of jay, but also for myself. the life is hard, people must try to learn keep on going, but at the same time, i will try my best, to show my biggest love and support to JAY as Hottest. I try my best to protect the person who i truely love, and when i do more support things for JAY, that makes me feel better, and keep on fighting FOR JAY ;ALSO FOR MYSELF!

if there is any chance, i will definitely show the other people how Crazy and Sick korean Antis are , BY MEDIA POWER.


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lol. that's so ridiculous. if i were jay, i'd end up thinking;

"so wait, i went through hell, was humiliated, had my dreams shattered, my image destroyed and was actually petitioned to kill myself!! and all that just because a reporter didn't do their job properly? forget it! i'm never coming back!"

but of course i'm not jay and i don't really wish he'd do that but srsly, that's disgusting. letting netizens rule the media like that. if i were an evil world dominator, i'd actually disguise myself as a kpop entertainment CEO and HIRE these netizens just for the sheer damage they can do. unbelievable.

conclusion: korean media ppl are LAZY!!!!

advice: go find other jobs! cuz clearly you can't be a reporter properly.


loveshatori, this is the internet age. clearly the info that the reporter had received from that evil person (now looking for an undeserved forgiveness) came from myspace. the date and EVERYTHING was on there. it took me merely under an hour to find all his good posts abt korea along with the ones that were bad. if i could do that, the grown person should be able to do it as well. it was this person's JOB! period. and myspace being in english isn't an excuse either. if they could translate the HELL out of those comments (albeit taken way out of context not to mention the massive inaccuracies) they could clearly have translated the simple myspace navigation. like, for srs.

also, a reporter should work unbiasedly. that includes leaving out your personal opinions or feelings abt an issue or in this case, a sense of national pride. the basic rules of journalism.

i'm not clawing at your throat or anything, but srsly, they have no excuse. they just simply didn't do their job. the utter audacity to use, "it happened too fast" as an excuse is unacceptable.

now, having said all that, i think jay being with his family is what's best for him right now. that, i agree with you.

[EDIT] oh sheez, i topped a page with nothing to share. sorry...

totally agree with you..

those are just the BASIC rules of journalism.

make sure you write w/o any personal feelings on the subject..be completely unbiased

& fully investigating your info.

Making sure it's correct & making sure it's all right..

That would include translating the english words correctly into korean/hangul.

but that reporter didn't....

Korean Media are just plain lazy.

They need to get their info right. Thanks to all of that they destroyed someone's dream & career

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Guest achanisya


I am an admin of a new community called Project HOTTEST .

We build this community from hope and also the love we have towards Leadja Park Jaebeom and fellow 2PM members . As it is on 08.09.09 , Park Jaebeom shook HOTTEST all over the World when he announced his leaving . Project HOTTEST aim is to gather and unite HOTTEST all over the World to show their support from Park Jaebeom and 2PM members since they really needs our support especially at a critical time like this .

And for our project to succeed we need the support of HOTTEST .

Let me explain to you briefly the aim of of our project .

- We want to be the pillar of strength for Park Jaebeom , 2PM members and fellow HOTTEST . To let the World , Jay and his brothers know we are here for him . And to tell HOTTEST not to give up . Hold on , there's still hope .

- How do we do that ? With the support of HOTTEST course .

- Okaye , how do we go around doing it ?

- Simple you guys send an e-mail to us at projecthottest.tojay@live.co.uk , with a message attach to it .

- Content of message ? An encouraging message to cheer up Park Jaebeom and also 2PM members whom really needs HOTTEST support badly . But please write with respect and love . Do not force Jay to come back to Korea . If he intends to stay put in Seattle then respect his decision (though it hurts hell load) . Remember the purpose of the message is to encourage and cheer the boys up , not to add more burdensome feelings to them .

- When we are satisfied with the amount of love the boys get . We will tweet this site to JYP and hopefully he/JYPE representatives read it and understand how HOTTEST all around the World true feelings are .

Like I mentioned in one of my points .

The purpose of this project is not to force Jay come back home to Korea . If wants to he will come back , if he's not ready then we totally respect his decision . If he's happy , shouldn't we HOTTEST be happy for him too ? Petitions are a total failure in my opinion . So what happens after we sign it ? Yeah I get that question alot . And well I don't know what happens after that . If the petition gets media coverage then bravo , if not , do I even have to go on this one ?

HOTTEST friends of mine agreed . So I hope other HOTTEST would agree to help us out with this project . All of them agreed that there has been too many projects going around "BRING JAY BACK TO KOREA" . For once , let's put the fact he left aside . He's like us , a human too . Thus we should respect his decision . And like any humans he need support too . Apart from his family and friends , who else can do it best in cheering him on ? HOTTEST of course . ;) 2PM also needs HOTTEST support and you guys know that too . If fans are going through a hard time , I bet they're going through hell . So let's cheer them on with message of encouragements . It'll only takes 5 minutes . 5 minutes + 1 message = a happy 2PM reading it . :D

It'll take even lesser time if you tweet to us your message .

For details of format , e-mail , etc . Check our official blog out at http://projecthottest.blogspot.com .

And our twitter at http://twitter.com/prohott7 . (:

Spread this love around .

Who knows Jay might read all this and realized how much he meant to us all ? Even the heavens can't tell how big our love for him is . So let's prove it . ;)

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Guest xpanduhh

ATTENTION! All jay supporters <3.. guess what? i wrote another song teehee. i put it on youtube already! : ) despite the actual song being a bit sad... hopefully this one will cheer us all up, in hope that he'll be back soon <3 sooo i hope you enjoy it :) lets keep going til the end everyone <3

2pm - We'll wait for you jay


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Guest chopper!

Moogadang's Phryme(?) expresses his sorrow for Jaebum, stating that this was a witch hunt with no witch.


He basically yells at the netizens for acting so shamelessly, "...asking them to think back to the times they said 'I'm so hungry I could die.' Everyone makes statements and actions that they cannot uphold. Do not be hypocrites and point the arrow at Jaebum. There are far harsher celebrities that still appear on TV, who have committed crimes far greater than Jaebum's."



After the leave of Jaebum, 150,000 fans are now turning their sadness into anger towards JYP for his failure to protect 2PM. They are expressing their frustration and anger at his silence and are painstakingly waiting for a response.

thank you for posting^^ appreciate your hardwork (:

wow, i kind of find that a little rude. i mean, JYP treats him like his own son, they can't expect him to say something when it hasn't even been a week since jay left. JYP is having a harder time, with so many things going on. i don't expect to hear from JYP soon, it's too early for that. i want things to just die down first.

but nonetheless, i'm glad there are soo many supporters. seriously, it boosts up my confidence of jay and 2PM. i believe in him, we all do. the choice is only final if jay says so. rest well jay (;

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Guest bubblepeach

After the leave of Jaebum, 150,000 fans are now turning their sadness into anger towards JYP for his failure to protect 2PM. They are expressing their frustration and anger at his silence and are painstakingly waiting for a response.

I'm sure JYP has reasons as to why he keeps quite until now. Isn't he planning to meet up with Jay on friday to talk about Jay's future? I mean, I'm sad as well. but let's just relax a bit and wait for JYP's official statement. Hope it'll be good news.

It's been only one day, but it feels like Jay has left for a long time already....

Can't imagine seeing 2pm perform without him. I've been telling myself that Jay is just going for some vacation in US and that he'll be back to be with 2pm....

Doesn't matter how long it'll take, we'll keep on supporting and waiting for you Jay. Your place in 2pm is irreplaceable. You'll always be 2pm's leader.

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Just a sweet story I thought I'd share.

I was quite upset because I wasn't able to sign the daum agora petition and expressed my worries to my dad. He didn't seem to care at first but I overheard him calling my uncle in Korea this morning.

A few minutes later, he told me to check the petition and I see my uncle's ID with the message: My neice is crying for you, Jaebum. Please come back soon.

I love my family.. ^^

One of the sweetest things I've read since this whole fiasco started :) Your uncle's message is really cute too ^^

I find it incredibly alarming that netizens have so much power over public figures in Korea (and apparently, the media as well). But given their adverse effects on a person's life, isn't it about bloody time they change how things work? I understand that it isn't easy and that it will take time, but I couldn't imagine how many more lives or careers are to be ruined with a single click of a mouse. Besides, these netizens have power only because people allow it. Also, the media was quick to feast on Jay's comments about Korea because they were supposedly offensive, but the whole process of his maturity conveyed in his positive entries just wasn't juicy enough for them. I'm aware of bias being present in journalism, but netizens/forum posts/online entries being considered as sources, as well as lack of proper research, is unacceptable. I hope this incident serves as a turning point, a wake up call of some sort, or even a tiny step towards change.

I'm just grateful that things seem to be looking up. I also appreciate all these celebrities coming out and having their say. No word from JYPE or the boys as of yet, but I'm hoping they're okay.

Thank you for the translations :)

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Guest thehazyfiasco

2PM 20대 이상 팬 사이트 연합인 언더그라운드는 10일 "우리 언더그라운드는 2PM 리더 재범이 인터넷에 유포된 부정확한 정보로 인해 자진 사퇴의사를 밝히고 출국하기까지, 소속 아이돌을 위해 '그 어떤 행동도 하지 않았던' JYP 엔터테인먼트의 행태에 분노를 표한다"며 "JYP 엔터테인먼트는 '재범'의 과거 실수에 함께 무릎 꿇고 사죄를 해야할 '부모' 입장인데도, 모든 것을 재범에게 미루고 뒤로 물러선 채 그저 사태를 관망하고 있다"고 주장했다.

Jaebum's 20+ older fans have created an underground movement that aims to express their anger and force JYP Ent. to feel the consequences of their silence. "JYP should be on his knees at this very moment as the heart of Jaebum's parents, apologizing to the public instead of pushing this issue into Jaebum's sole hands and stepping back into the shadows.

이어 "10월 9일 열리는 2009드림콘서트에 대한 티켓 불매운동을 결정했다. 2PM의 팬으로서 재범이 빠진 6인 체제를 2PM으로 결코 인정할 수 없으며 그들에게 응원을 보낼 수 없다고 결정했다"며 " JYP Ent 이름아래 발매된 앨범 및 모든 물품과 음원에 대한 불매운동을 할 것이며, 기존에 구입한 음반을 반송하겠다. 2PM의 싱글 1집과 싱글 2집 음반의 반환을 시작으로 향후 발매될 2PM의 모든 앨범, 음원 물품 등을 불매 할 것이다"고 밝혔다.

This underground movement will protest the 2009 Dream Concert tickets and refuse to acknowledge a 6 member 2PM. All items released under JYP Ent including albums and objects will not be acknowledged.

These activities will continue until the day Jaebum returns to Korea.



Why this is possible? 20+ fans have the most money... They're hoping to make JYP Ent. afraid of their future sales. I don't think this is the correct way of bringing about their support because the remaining 6 boys NEED all the support atm...


edit: I couldn't remember the word when translating but this underground movement is basically BOYCOTTING ALL 2PM ACTIVITIES AND RELEASES.


All endorsed items, concerts, informal concerts, TV appearances, albums, releases during Jaebum's absence... ALL WILL BE BOYCOTTED by kHOTTESTS.

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