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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I read that there is an update on Junsu's Cyworld. I search 2OneDay forum and didn't find it. Scanned a few pages back on this thread..Cannot find it either.

Can someone tell me what is the update about?


here's the link to the translation of junsu's update: http://www.2pm-online.com/eng.php?subactio...&ucat=&

you can go to this page http://www.2pm-online.com/eng.php for all the updates of messages from people supporting jay.

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wait so now the media is on his side?

where the hell were they when they were ripping into him, making him seem like he was anti-korean?

The media too played right along with Jay's antis.

They painted him in the eye of the public that he was anti-korean..

pushing him to the brink where he decides to quit & leave.

& now they wanna be on his side?

why the change of music because they finally have remorse over what they did.

this is what's wrong with the world today..everyone listens & watches what the media has to say & do

& they believe it.

The media is just as bad as those antis...

I just feel bad for all of them.

but whatever i just hope this change in music will convince JYP or Jaebum to return.

Convince JYP to bring him back.

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Guest squeaky

Just read this on http://www.2pm-online.com/eng.php:

So the situation in Korea has shifted now....It would be so great if Jay could see this...

It just so sad that all this support comes after he left...but i guess no one had expected for things to happen that suddenly...a lot of jay's supporters were trying to lay low not to make the situation worse...

wow. so i watched that entire segment and they FINALLY translated it correctly.

those korean news articles kept on using the SAME "translated" quotes again and again without even checking to see if it was right.

these news sources really need to have some american speakers on their staff or something or at least have someone with some knowledge of the AMERICAN english language.

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Guest loveabella♥

I'm so happy to see that so many people support Jae, whether it's fans, friends, family or celebrities. Just like everyone else, I'm heartbroken and can barely focus on anything at the moment, I keep checking any updates whenever I have a break in between classes and can't stop thinking if Jae is alright, if he's smiling, crying, sleeping!! ): I wish people in Korea knew that kids in America say a lot of dumb things and myspace isn't even taken that seriously, and even though I'm not Korean, I don't understand how someone can say "Go kill yourself" just because they said mean things in the past :\ Even though some people say Jae is weak for leaving, I don't think he is. Having so many people hate you, telling you to quit your dreams and kill yourself is pretty harsh, even if there are more supporters than haters, but I hope Jae gets some confidence back while he's back with his family <3

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Guest MelinaUg

Me and my friends we are from canada and we want to show that fans from everywhere are supporting him so in canada we decide to do like in Korea and newyork but a little different we will write the names or nicknames of every fan and your nationality to show him that fans from everywhere is still supporting him and loving him. We will post the picture the soon as possible at themost of places on the net that we can.please help us by giving your names or nicknames and your nationality to show that you support jay ^^

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I can't believe this all happened because of an incorrectly translated version of what Jay really said on his

Myspace. It really hasn't sunken in yet, you know, the fact that Jay really left. I know he needs some time

and some space and I really want to give that to him and so I'll continue to support him, 2PM and 2AM as

a whole. I'm glad it's been properly translated now and although I'm still angry about how the media turned

Jay's words into some sort of incorrect translation and now they're "supporting" him, I'm still happy he has

this time to rest. I believe in Jay and I know he'll come back to be a better person for himself and a better


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wait so now the media is on his side?

where the hell were they when they were ripping into him, making him seem like he was anti-korean?

The media too played right along with Jay's antis.

They painted him in the eye of the public that he was anti-korean..

pushing him to the brink where he decides to quit & leave.

& now they wanna be on his side?

why the change of music because they finally have remorse over what they did.

this is what's wrong with the world today..everyone listens & watches what the media has to say & do

& they believe it.

The media is just as bad as those antis...

I just feel bad for all of them.

but whatever i just hope this change in music will convince JYP or Jaebum to return.

Convince JYP to bring him back.

I so agree with you.they should apologize to jay as well.

when i read that the netizen behind all this were apologizing for what they did, i thought: "but wait a minute...that girl said she gave her information to a reporter..."

what i want to say is that eventhough the girl gave all the negative myspace comments out...the reporters were the people to print this...shouldn't they have investigated more?? isn't that the job of a reporter? because now that jay's gone, all of a sudden all the positive messages he wrote appear....they were there when the reporter got the other messages..shouldn't he have dig further...search for more comments?? are they so lazy that they didn't even try to find more ?? i'm sorry but the more i think about that...the more disgusted am i.

And after reading this http://seoulbeats.com/2009/09/op-ed-a-flawed-media-system/ I'm really disappointed in the Korean Media.


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^ totally agree..

this isn't the first time that the media took what a netizen wrote as "reliable" source.

Seriously is that how the Korean Media is though? They depend on netizens to do all the

investigation & then trust they are right & go by it.

& then other media companies go off each other.

What kind a media circuit is that?

That's not even legit. That's not what you call professional reporting.

I use to be a journalist & I know before I even publish anything I first gotta make sure what i'm

publishing is right..which requires investigation.

It's no wonder netizens have so much damn power it's because the media gives it to them.

The media allows netizens to write what they feel & they'll report on it like it's real.

Gosh I'm disgusted by that. That's poor journalism.

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Guest kamikaze!

I'm ashamed of those people who were so quickly to judge Jaebeom's myspace comments. It upsets me that people didn't even think about where he was coming from and what was going on in his mind at the time. Anybody would be upset being alone in a foreign country without family or friends. He couldn't even speak fluent Korean. Of course you would hate a place where you felt like an outcast. It's outrageous how incredibly closeminded some Koreans can be. This whole ordeal almost embarrasses me to be Korean. I don't understand how Koreans adore many Americans, American celebrities, and the Korean-American celebrities, but when one makes a mistake, they completely outcast them. They claimed him as their own when he was "the successful leader of Korea's 2PM" but then when the message was publicized, they chase him out of the country.

As a Korean-American male 2PM fan, I feel so much sympathy for Jaebeom, JYPE, the six remaining members, and his family and friends. Hyung, you are an inspiration to many people and I admire your drive, talent and skills as an artist, leader, b-boy, and role-model. I hope you rest well in Seattle. Hopefully you will return back to Korea in the near future. You have many loving fans waiting for you.

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Ok guys,

About project PH7 (project hottest 7) before. We finally have a site set up.

If you don't know what I'm talking about:

Basically it's about a blog, where fans can come and make fan signs, and post fan messages for Jaebeom.

I think it's much more useful than petition because you can express your thoughts and hopefully he'll read it.

Erm, so that's basically it. We need help with advertising posters etc.

If you are interested please PM me. I'll give you my msn when I'm back from school x]


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Guest loveshatori

i know some people were like where were those people

okay reality check its not like this incident happened a few weeks ago it happen like yesterday

i dont think jaebom leaving korea is a bad thing he needs his family and friends

but leaving the group i think that was definitely rash

now that he left people are supporting him

it just shows that everything happened tooo fast for anyone to be sure how to respond whether celebrities or the media

maybe for fear of maybe even a riot

i mean why fuel the fire

people were caught up in their emotions and nationalism they were not being rational

having signed a suicide petition is definitely going to far

but people say and do cruel things when they are riled up that they wont necessarily mean when they calm down

(at least people werent throwing things at him )

i think im going on a tangent

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Guest thehazyfiasco

Just a sweet story I thought I'd share.

I was quite upset because I wasn't able to sign the daum agora petition and expressed my worries to my dad. He didn't seem to care at first but I overheard him calling my uncle in Korea this morning.

A few minutes later, he told me to check the petition and I see my uncle's ID with the message: My neice is crying for you, Jaebum. Please come back soon.

I love my family.. ^^

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Just a sweet story I thought I'd share.

I was quite upset because I wasn't able to sign the daum agora petition and expressed my worries to my dad. He didn't seem to care at first but I overheard him calling my uncle in Korea this morning.

A few minutes later, he told me to check the petition and I see my uncle's ID with the message: My neice is crying for you, Jaebum. Please come back soon.

I love my family.. ^^

That is so sweet!

I'm also loving that piano cover of You Might Come Back. I'm too lazy to backtrack, but it sounded gorgeous. Nice work.

I actually believe that he'll return to Korea and join his 2PM brothers again. All he needs now is to spend time with his family and to recieve all the support he can get.

...also, how awkward/upsetting will it be to see Taec and Woo continue with their MCing? I hope the boys are doing okay.

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Guest p2bandj

i`m not korean but i can read some:

5th Jaebum departure

8th Boom statement

10th Bbaekga minihomopage

please don't bash me if i'm wrong ><

thanks for translating. just wnated to add a correction

5th jaebum crying/sobbing

i hope the last line of your translation was just a typo :P

i tried to sign the daum petition but even though i have an account they require a foreigner id & cell phone # verification. : ( too bad i'm not in korea right now. does anyone know if there's a way around this?

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I just need to let something out, a few thoughts of mine about 2PM.

Before all this happened I believed that this was 2PM's year. They did absolutely great with AAA and they found their place in the music industry. I thought that with the release of their 1st official album in October that they would be a strong contender for the MKMF Artist of the Year Award. Not just a contender, I know they would've won. I imagined them at MKMF, performing, their happiness and excitement when their name was called for the artist of year award, their tears, and their thank you speech. Now because I know none of this will happen I'm extremely sad about what could've been. How this could've been their year to shine but because of one selfish person and a group of unforgiving people the dreams and achievements of all the 2PM members have been shattered.

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my biggest worry i guess out of the whole thing is that Jay will be bitter, and it's SOOOOOOOO easy to be the bitter one...

My prayer and wish for him is that he will be the bigger person, and learn to forgive...it really takes a big person to be able to forgive.

and it's easy for us fans to be bitter as well, but lets be better than the netizens....

Remember when andy from shinhwa left? he came back...I know Jay will too

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Guest xOnly2PMx

I haven't really been keeping track of this thread ever since Jay left. Looks like this thread is super active...

I'm not gonna read any replies from before... I don't want to end up crying... Again. -__-

This whole event makes me devastated.

I will never lose the faith though.

I KNOW Jay will come back. He will & that's all. I'm not gonna go into depression thinking he won't come back. He'll definitely come back.

I find it interesting how "Might Come Back" fits into this situation, but instead we're the fools & he's the one who left.

Let's keep supporting them.

The petition on 2OD, I got around 20 people to do it already. We're mailing it in ASAP.


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thanks for translating. just wnated to add a correction

5th jaebum crying/sobbing

i hope the last line of your translation was just a typo :P

i tried to sign the daum petition but even though i have an account they require a foreigner id & cell phone # verification. : ( too bad i'm not in korea right now. does anyone know if there's a way around this?


first...thanks for correcting me..still a looong way to improve my korean!!

second..LOL...that was a typo!!!!!! didn't notice it...thanks again...

for some reason i don't know why....i can't read those articles from 2pm-online...or either access 2pm-online page.....T_T

anyone can help me?!

Apart from that...the media are always like that...they think they can judge someone and think they are good at it...but then..when they see they were wrong..they just change from water to wine...

Poor Jay....what did they do to you...T_T

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Guest TaiTsuki

I know you guys are upset about the whole thing.

But Honestly I see no fault in the way Korean Media is. NETIZENS have incredible influence.

You guys have to keep in mind that Korea is different than America.

You can't expect them to be just like American Media.

Korea is a country where fans have the power to the stars and the media.

America is a country where music is free and fans don't have alot of power.

We, as good 2PM fans, have to hold our head up high.

I am sure once this blows over, 2PM will forgive them.

Let us set an example.

Let us be known as the best fans, especially during this time.

I am too waiting for the official statement from JYP and I am hoping for the best.

I truly believe this break is something Jay needs. To be with his family and love ones and settle down and truly think about the situation.

I am sure once his head is clear and he thinks about it then he might change his mind.

If not then I really hope the best for him.

The decision is his and whatever it is I hope that he will be a happier person doing what he love.

That is just my little two cent.

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