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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest kokorochoco

hello tiffanydawn

i'm sorry but can anyone explain watz dat post was all about??

n there are some pics from wild bunny episodes, right?


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Guest lia_lee

i wanted to write an email to jay..

ive seen two emails in this thread.

to the person who posted that andrea.cassandra.laurel@gmail.com email..

how reliable is that address? =T

cuz i dont remember reading where you got it from. ^^;;

cuz i googled it... and it was linked to a person in the philippines. o.O;;;

then i googled the other email adress.. haryung_s@naver.com

the person who posted said it was someone from his church

and it led me to a naver post.. where it says to send fan letters to jay there... and the person wreo the same thing that he's from jay's church...

just letting all of you guys know.

sorry... both emails might be legit..

and i might just be paranoid.

but just wanted to make sure. ^^;;

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Guest Kui4eva

Hi Everyone!

I'm not a big fan of 2pm, but I really like Nichkhun a lot. To tell you guys a funny story, well, my younger teenage brother called me at 2 am in the morning to report the news that Jay left 2pm. He was so devastated and shocked. He had me on the phone for 2 hours talking about 2pm. I was surprise at my brother's emotional rant. I never knew he liked 2pm. He's such a fanboy saying that 2pm won't be the same without Jaebum and that Jaebum is the best dancer and singer in 2pm, etc.. He said that what Jay said back then on myspace would have been something that he would say too, but that's how kids are in America. They say stuff they don't mean. At this point, I think most of the public has accepted Jay's apology so people should be getting over it by now.

Anyways, I dropped by here to give you guys my support. I hope Jay comes back to Korea and gets reinstated as the leader of 2pm again. I felt bad for 2pm after my brother called me to talk about it. i hope everything will workout for you guys.

By the way, who came up with the fanclub name of "hottest"? That's really cute! LOL. :lol:

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Reading the messages from the JYP stylist and the ex-manager and seeing all the things jay wrote in the past who he LIKED KOREA makes me so sad :(

but reading some of things he wrote i couldn't help but smile...jay,funny as alwas hahaha, you can see it here:


( i know it had already been shared but still...just so you know what i'm talking about ^^)

whatever you'll feel the jayness when i get back haha

that is so typically jay..."jayness" LOL we want to feel the jayness...^^


i was listening to some songs...mostly "you might come back" on repeat but also other songs...and then i stumbled over this song..and the lyrics fitted so perfectly T.T :

FOR FRUITS BASKET ( it's the english version of the theme song for the anime "fruits basket")

"I was so happy when you smiled

Your smile breaks through the clouds of grey

Far from the sunny days that lie in sleep

Waiting with patience for the spring

When the flowers will bloom renewed again

Knowing there's more beyond the pain of today

Although the scars of yesterday remain

You can go on living as much as your heart believes

You Can't be born again altough you can change

Let's stay together always"

(You can listen to it here:

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Guest Staracles

I just played a piano cover for Jay :(

Learnt it by ear within like 2 hours I think, so it ain't that great.

But this is my contribution to the Support Jay Park saga.

2PM - 돌아올지도 몰라 // You Might Come Back (Piano Cover)

I can't wait for Friday >_>;;;

Neeeeed JYP's statement..............



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I don't know if the problem die down in Korea yet. AHH JAE I HOPE YOU DO COMEBACK AFTER A REST.

& their biggest fan cafe is now over 198,000+ members in just a couple of days . . this show that a lots of fans are

starting to come out & support.

I didn't back track (because the thread move a little to fast) but i did found some stuff on Daum , have anyone even post this up yet? I'm be kinda surprised if no one

did. It a message from Yoon (jae friend) I'm not going to post it here , YOON MESSAGE sorry if it already post . . but here the quote of his message.

dear everyone. jay came home safely. he's actually napping behind me.

i've received countless emails concerning this situation. the honest truth is, even though you all

support and love him, the situation doesn't allow it.

please respect both his and jyp's decision.

let him have a good rest while he's in the stage. and if the circumstances allow for him to return, be

supportive then. again, thank you for the emails but he needs time and so does everybody else.

thank you everyone!


I don't think you're weird or a stalker for sending those emails.

it's very heart warming and touching that so many people love jay. thank you.



There is also photo two photo of Jae at the airport yesterday with his family . I am not going to post it up here because

i don't know if it are allow here.

but here is the link -- CLICK

& &


cr. daum & please KEEP THE FAITH ,

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I just played a piano cover for Jay :(

Learnt it by ear within like 2 hours I think, so it ain't that great.

But this is my contribution to the Support Jay Park saga.

2PM - 돌아올지도 몰라 // You Might Come Back (Piano Cover)

I can't wait for Friday >_>;;;

Neeeeed JYP's statement..............




Wow you played it beautifully! You are really talented to learn this in 2 hours...just WOW!One can hear your emotions out of your play! T.T this makes me all teary again...

*clicks "favorite"*


I think you all already know...but http://2pm.jype.com/ is online again!!! and eventhough i said that we should accept jay's decision and all that....watching wild bunny again to cheer myself up...in the back of my mind there is always that nagging pain that jay leaves a huge whole in the group...he really is the mood maker....and i take back what i said before, he was happy in korea! you can clearly see this....i want him back with the other boys...as soon as he's ready!

so eventhough i didn't want to get my hopes up...the 2PM site is still on, jay is still in the middle...sooooooo he might come back, RIGHT?????

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090909 Junsu's cyworld update

090809 Jo Kwon's Message to Jay

090809 Boom shows support and love for Jay

091009 Diary of a JYP's Stylist

090809 Past Manager's Message to Jay

090809 Message from the writer of 'Hot Blood'

090809 Support letter from the Wild bunny production team

past manager Kim Jung Hwan's cyworld

JYP staff Choi Myung Hwa's cyworld


Credits: 2oneday.com, oneday-room

More than wishing for JYP to release any sort of statement, for assurance over the future of the group, for netizens to come to their senses, for this whole fiasco never happening in the first place, for him to come back...at this point, more than anything, I'm wishing with all my heart that Jay Park realizes that he is LOVED.

Based on his constant apologies and interviews, he left Korea remorseful and disappointed in himself, among many other things. He's definitely had his share of great memories, but the burden caused by recent events might be what's weighing down on him at the moment. If his leaving made us feel the way we do now, then I couldn't imagine what the people who became part of his life are going through. Jay mentioned in a couple of interviews that he had not really made that many friends in Korea, and that really got me as many of us have been through the same thing. But these entries by people who actually knew him goes to show that they might not be plenty in number, but in love. And it gives me a great sense of comfort knowing that he's back home in the presence of his family, the one place where he needs to be the most, where he is safest. I hope the sentiments of his friends back in Korea would reach him as well. And I hope he knows that it's okay to take all the time he needs until all that pain and regret are replaced by nothing but hope and love.

On another note, I'm secretly dreading this Sunday's Inkigayo. Life goes on, but without JYPE addressing this incident, watching the boys and pretending it didn't happen (when we all know it's in the back of our minds) could be hard to deal with. But we still have a few days, so let's hope for nothing but good things to come.

Also, your fanvids, letters, post-its, projects, etc. are all wonderful <3 I'm gonna participate in them myself :)

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Guest espèce*

I hope that this thread won't put Jay's status as former member. He will forever be our leadja, no matter what.

The members said before, leader spot only belongs to Jay.

My tears keep coming down whenever I think of Jay...I hope that he knows we love him just the way he is and no matter what, we will support him till the end. I'll keep hoping and praying that one beautiful day, he will be back to 2PM and to us fans.

"2PM is not like other idols....they are real and that's why we all love them."

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"2PM is not like other idols....they are real and that's why we all love them."

I agree with what you said there. :) Compared to others, they have a unique personality which attracts people. ^^

Is there any news when JYP would release a statement about this matter? T_T

I am still wishing,hoping and praying that Jay will be back..

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Guest squeaky

man jaebum sounds really mature in those myspace blog entries.

not the way he speaks

but the way that he contemplates things.

if he stayed in korea, would he regret it?

or if he left korea and just stayed in washington, would he regret leaving korea?

he spent a long time thinking about it...i wish the people who are blind to his faults would see that he wasn't some fresh talking kid. that he was faced in a dilemma that would either make him happy or not. cuz what's really the point in life if you can't find some joy in it?



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could mean that they put Jaebum back as a member..listing him as a member instead of former.

but please NO ONE LINERS!!! add more to your post..

Hey everyone don't know if it's been posted already but just wanted to give a little update on the petition about Jay coming back that's located here: http://agora.media.daum.net/petition/view?id=79602

As you can see it has reached well over 100K..well 100,043 to be exact & the number is growing by the minute..which is of course a MAJOR plus for us Hottest.

but what I'm trying to get at is that the goal is 160K signatures before the 12th. If you have a daum account I urge you to please sign the petition show your support that you want Jay back in 2PM. Let's help them reach their goal & go over it if by chance.

If you don't have a daum account like myself then just patiently watch & hope this petition successes & reaches JYP.

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^can anyone translated this? is it bad or good? anyway Jae returning to home is i think #5 most search on daum

also 8 & 10 is about people supporting him idk.

I don't know if the problem die down in Korea yet. AHH JAE I HOPE YOU DO COMEBACK AFTER A REST.

& their biggest fan cafe is now over 198,000+ members in just a couple of days . . this show that a lots of fans are

starting to come out & support.

I didn't back track (because the thread move a little to fast) but i did found some stuff on Daum , have anyone even post this up yet? I'm be kinda surprised if no one

did. It a message from Yoon (jae friend) I'm not going to post it here , YOON MESSAGE sorry if it already post . . but here the quote of his message.



There is also photo two photo of Jae at the airport yesterday with his family . I am not going to post it up here because

i don't know if it are allow here.

but here is the link -- CLICK

& &


cr. daum & please KEEP THE FAITH ,

i`m not korean but i can read some:

5th Jaebum departure

8th Boom statement

10th Bbaekga minihomopage

please don't bash me if i'm wrong ><

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Just read this on http://www.2pm-online.com/eng.php:

The following clip is the report by YStar which reinterprets Jay's messages saying the meanings are not that bad. Our K-Hottest friends informed us that the whole situation in Korea is now shifted to Jay's side. Korean media and some celebrities are coming out to support Jay. v^^

090909 Ystar - 2PM Jay news (translate myspace' comments)

Credit : patjp09@youtube.com


So the situation in Korea has shifted now....It would be so great if Jay could see this...

It just so sad that all this support comes after he left...but i guess no one had expected for things to happen that suddenly...a lot of jay's supporters were trying to lay low not to make the situation worse...

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