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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest ___reflectional

RAWR ! I love the pictures of Jae Beom & Teac.

& OMG , I want to see the music video like

now , Teac look super extra sexxyyy :)

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Can someone post chibis of 2PM??? PLEASE ~ ~

I can’t seem to find any T-T

cr: soompi 2PM thread, as tagged, bestiz

so many updates! thank you hottests!

junho tweeting is so adorable. i love how he always works hard to improve himself.

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Guest Babiluvmuffin

[MV Teaser] Baek Ji Young featuring Taecyeon

cr: Mardi09

OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG. WHATTTTTT IS THIS MADNESS? Taec, you are getting so popular. <3 I think it's sexy so far. :] Look at Baek Ji Young all over him! Geez, don't they just OOZE sexiness? <3

t4p, omg wow he looks mad good in this mv so far, work it Taec! *snaps* lol i admit i spazzed the first 2 sec he showed up in the mv *sigh* av-99005.gif

awww Junho tweeting is so cute lol the english is cute, he's tryin aww

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Guest _ampersand

[MV Teaser] Baek Ji Young featuring Taecyeon

cr: Mardi09

OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG. WHATTTTTT IS THIS MADNESS? Taec, you are getting so popular. <3 I think it's sexy so far. :] Look at Baek Ji Young all over him! Geez, don't they just OOZE sexiness? <3

OMFGEE! taek is the SEX!

this really helped him get back up to his "beastly idol image" after that Genie performance (which imo, was not his best LOL).

i just wish Bada would've made "Yes I'm in Love" her single, then taec can be in that MV as well. heheee ;D

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Guest badtzmarujung

[MV Teaser] Baek Ji Young featuring Taecyeon

cr: Mardi09

OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG. WHATTTTTT IS THIS MADNESS? Taec, you are getting so popular. <3 I think it's sexy so far. :] Look at Baek Ji Young all over him! Geez, don't they just OOZE sexiness? <3

Thank for Sharing . Teac is getting more sexy .


For a Dara daily's News. I think it is a stupid news.

Because I saw a pictures and read the comment from Fan-club who follow Khun on that day.

There are 2-3 bodyguard arounded him. Not 10 .

and this is expensive watch' show. The Watch companys would send many bodyguards to protect their assets.

I don't know why Daradaily put this news out. This is very ridiculous news.

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Guest touchtheskies.

I've been pretty fail at updating you people with Jay photos -__-

so here I am with that from the Incheon festival.

If you hotlink and my bandwidth go bust, then it's YOUR problem and I won't reupload.

It's not hard to right-click and save, then reupload before sharing with someone else.





















credits : way-to-jay, yanasot@soompi

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ROFLLL thanks for the jay spam!!! biggest dork ever. AND SO FRIGGIN HOT at the same time...sigh. how can he be so cute and dorky and hot all in one go?! ahahaha

i love the pics of them wiping sweat off each other...and of junho smacking taec's butt! hehehe^^

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Guest babiesy

^ ahh thanks for the pictures!

does anyone else suspect that junsu is sick? ): because he has his mask on! and usually its just covering his chin, he doesnt actually wear it.

and i was watching fancams, and he wasnt even singing ):

i think he is sick you guys! waaaaaaaah ):

if he is, i really hope he gets better soon! poor suie ):

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Guest mew.kitty

yanasot thank youuuu . i just totally spazzed out over the junsu pictures x'D -unhealthy obsession over junsu- THANK YOU :'3

its late here and I needed some cellphone wallies. SO, I quickly made these of Junsu only. I'll make more of others if anyone wants? ._.

but thought i'd shared them.

---i didn't do anything special to them (coloring wise), like i said, it's late here. >.>











cr: me ~~

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2PM will be appearing in a drama (as cameos) called "STYLE" (SBS Weekend drama starring Kim Hye Soo & Ryu Shi Won).

They will start filming this episode tomorrow, August 10th, 2009.

2NE1 & FT ISLAND will also take part in this episode.

General storyline:

Famous celebrities will be attending a party that celebrates the 200th cover of a fashion magazine and

2PM members are invited to this party.

*The article did not mention when this episode will air :T


'엣지' 있는 SBS 주말드라마 '스타일'(극본 문지영/연출 오종록/제작 예인문화)가 엣지남녀 톱스타 카메오로 눈길을 끈다.

요즘 최고의 인기를 구가하고 있는 아이돌그룹 2NE1(박봄 산다라박 씨엘(CL) 공민지), 2PM(재범, 준수, 우영, 닉쿤, 택연, 찬성, 준호), FT아일랜드(이홍기, 이재진, 최민환, 최종훈, 송승현)를 비롯해 배우 강지환, 차예련과 디자이너 이상봉이 '스타일' 카메오로 총출동, 8월 10일 서울 이태원의 모처에서 진행되는 촬영에 나서는 것.

이들은 극중 패션잡지 '스타일' 200호 기념 파티 장면에 셀러브리티들로 참석해 실제 못지않은 화려한 파티를 방불케 할 예정이다.

이들 뿐만 아니라 극중 이서정(이지아 분)의 동기 에디터 곽재석으로 분해 연기자로 데뷔한 SBS '웃찾사' '웅이아버지' 내 오봉이 캐릭터 한승훈의 응원차 '웅이아버지' 팀 이진호 양세찬 오인택도 촬영장을 찾아 카메오로 출연한다.

이처럼 드라마에서 보기 힘든 톱가수들과 배우들이 한자리에 모여 안방극장에서 볼 수 있게 된 것은 '스타일'의 출연배우와 감독 및 연출팀의 환상적인 팀워크 덕분인 것으로 전해졌다.

'스타일' 제작사 예인문화의 한 관계자는 "이번 장면을 위해 배우, 연출팀 할 것 없이 모두 자발적으로 카메오 섭외에 나서 이번 촬영에 진행하게 됐다"며 "실제 톱스타들의 출연으로 현장감을 살려 시청자들에게 화려한 볼거리를 선사할 것"이라고 전해 기대감을 높였다.

'스타일'은 방송 4회 만에 20%에 육박하는 시청률을 기록(19.9%, TNS 전국기준)하는 등 초반부터 높은 인기를 모으고 있다. 카메오들이 대거 등장하는 기념파티 장면은 오는 16일 방송되는 '스타일' 6회에서 공개된다.


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Guest mew.kitty

omg, am i the only person that thinks junsu looks like

jerry yan, from F4, back in his Meteor Garden days?



omg, yes he does.

the way his nose and mouth is all --- yes, very junsu-like xD

good eye ^^

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