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Worst Rejection/break Up Ever

Guest DarkAngelInLove

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Guest jjennuhhferr

we were basically arguing and he shouted

"the biggest mistake was me breaking up with [insert ex's name]!"


**not the greatest reply to top a page o__o

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Well one random day, my boyfriend at the time who seemed head over heels for me broke up with me out of the blue. Couple hours later, my best friend tells me she's moving out of state. Then when I get home, my mom calls me up and tells me that my grandma has gotten in a car accident and she was in pretty bad condition. Yeah, rough day. I was totally out of it for a while. It wasn't that bad of a break-up but the events that followed it hella made me depressed.

Oh yeah, then he ran away to Texas to meet up with a girl he met on MySpace. Week later, he comes back and asks for me back. I'm totally leaving out the harsh details cuz it's such a a long LONG ...juicy...story.

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Guest CitrusFlower

I think alot of us or maybe all of us will experience a bad rejection/break up atleast once in our life

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back in HS, i confessed to the girl i liked. she first thought i was joking (her: "are you joking??"), then from then on after that, pretended like nothing ever happened :crazy: (her the next day: "hi; so how was school?") with no mention or reaction to my confession. of course, it was a rejection if theres no immediate reaction. but, i probably couldnt have handled it anyway..


with my ex, we were chatting on MSN one night then basically told me that she wanted to meet up with me. i knew pretty much right away she wanted to break up :crazy:. once we did meet up at the mall, i asked her what it was all about. she was too nervous too say it, so we were there for quite awhile, with the drama and tension building up by the minute. but when she did say it, it was something like "i think we should break up" :blink: then she told me it wouldve been easier if she said it on MSN instead. :crazy:

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Guest f0rever_ta1nted

WORST: he broke up with my during passing period right before my psychology test.

I couldn't think or concentrate at all. I ended up filling in whatever answers and then returned to my seat to quietly cry for the entire period. So he ruined the relationship and my grade :angry:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DarkAngelInLove

mine'll probably win. -sigh-

"Our relationship ruined my life"



dang... i think you win...

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Guest lychi

Oh god... why does mine seem horrible ._. I'm lame...

Worst Rejection

I had to be rejected TWICE.

First time I was rejected.. I said "I like you."

He said "I like you, too.." "and I LOOOVE [insert guy friend's name who was in the room, sleeping]

He completely brushed it off, and not really giving me a clear answer.

Second time I was rejected.. I had to remind him that he rejected me already, he didn't even remember.

Told him that I had to know for sure, because my stubborn heart won't let go.

I'm already on the brink of crying... he comes over and hugs me, and then tells me "I can't be your boyfriend" while keeping me in his embrace and my tears spilling over like crazy.

Then I tried very hard to forget him, but how can you really when he's still constantly in your life.. asking you advice for various things (including love) and treating you like a best friend.

Worst Breakup

Boyfriend of 1 year and 7 months. Constant arguments for the last few months, so I had to break up with him. I tried doing it nicely, but you really can't sugarcoat anything, so I tried being cold-hearted. I really wanted to salvage the friendship, but that didn't work.

That night the breakup lasted over 2 hours on phone. Went out for coffee with a friend to calm myself.

He called again, and we argued while I was on the streets, crying my eyes out, and ends with "I'm cutting you out of my life, completely. You've turned my life upside-down. Goodbye B****!" Huge impact because it was the first time he swore at me.

I was super-depressed.. regrettably found solace in another guy, when the next morning the phone rang from 7am til I finally saw my calls at around 10am.

He was crying.. I was at loss for what to do.. That conversation had to be moved to IM because my batteries died and I was at my friend's house. I was trying to explain to him why it wouldn't work. I ended up talking to another friend of ours who tried to convince him but was completely ignored. The break-up lasted that whole day, until he said "Goodbye." Once again.

Three days later, he wakes me up in the morning and said, "I'm completely over you."

A week later, I was told he was going after my best friend.

Now, I believe he became an ego maniac who's obsessed with working out and believes that the only thing he's lacking in life is a girlfriend.


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Guest Uyen Duong

I didn't want to tell him yet.. but my friend did it for me without asking.

She wrote him a note saying how I like him and he told her, 'Tell her to stop thinking of me.'

I felt like sh.t and eventually gave up.

I wanted to be just friends with him after awhile.. but he doesn't seem to want that either,

so I'll just leave him alone now >_>;;

I've got better things to do -___-;

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Guest kevirushi

My worst rejection or breakup was keeping the whole atmosphere cool and not saying anything and leave.

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Guest lilmzwhoa


earlier that day--

boy: wanna be my girlfriend? like..forreal??

me: :] sure.

*butterflies in my stomach*

4 days later--

me: let's just be friends.

boy: why??

me: cuz i'm going back to the US. thanks for the memories though! *walked away*

kinda mean, i know.

i don't regret it but it's just something i'll always remember.

it happened when i was in the philippines for vay-kay (vacation) and met this guy who was super hot with good english skills, and NO, he does not have a filipino accent.

flip accent literally turns me off anyway!

he's actually a Filipino American that goes to an international school there.

he said that he's there because his dad has a position in the government office or law enforcement office, or --iuno, whatever.

oh, wells.

we still see bump into eachother wenever i go back up there.


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Guest AppleLove

Well one random day, my boyfriend at the time who seemed head over heels for me broke up with me out of the blue. Couple hours later, my best friend tells me she's moving out of state. Then when I get home, my mom calls me up and tells me that my grandma has gotten in a car accident and she was in pretty bad condition. Yeah, rough day. I was totally out of it for a while. It wasn't that bad of a break-up but the events that followed it hella made me depressed.

Oh yeah, then he ran away to Texas to meet up with a girl he met on MySpace. Week later, he comes back and asks for me back. I'm totally leaving out the harsh details cuz it's such a a long LONG ...juicy...story.

I'm.. actually curious.

Did you beat the boy up? i would of :phew:

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Guest san-ni-ichi

Well, i confessed and she didn't reply at all but...

on msn the next day, she said 'Can we just be friends? I don't want to lose you as a friend'

Pretty painful because she's the first girl i've had proper feelings for... :(

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Guest ketchup?

It was a gay "I-just-got-to-junior-high-and-everyone-has-a-boyfriend-so-I-have-to-get-one-also" relationship.

He asked me out and then his aim profile said "1(800)-IMSINGLE!!" I'm like yeah dude, you kinda maxed out the numbers you can have in a phone number you a$$.

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Guest misturrho

i don't recall any rejection from guys.... but worst break up would be:

we take a break

friend's party next day

everyone got drunk

his friend took advantage of me

i tell him he believes his friend

the whole time i talk to his friend he's at my ex's house

my friend told me i got set up cus my ex told him

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Guest nika130

my experience was really funny

we weren't even going out but we did go out once or twice

and the most he spent on me was like, 5 bucks

and i was planning to 'end it' too

him:i want to break up with you

me: ok

him: i'm really really sorry, it's because i'm broke

me: ok...

him: i won't go out with anyone else until i'm 25

me: really....

the next day he had a girlfriend again

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Guest thina

hahah to make a 4-yr story of madness and mayhem short... my ex stopped talking to me, started screwing with a girl a week after not talking to me, became her bf while he never broke it off with me, never picked up my calls or bothered to call me to explain himself, and before i could go beat him up (hahah), he moved to korea. 0_0 this is my 'first love' too, hahah~ what's even MORE ridiculous is a year later, he moves back, sees that i'm in a new happy relationship, says sorry and that he made a big mistake and wants me back. (but he didn't get me back ;)) yeah it sounds really crazy and drama-like but true story!

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  • 4 weeks later...

First off nvr say "Oh"


my worst breakup was when i was out the whole day and i come back home check my aim and the msg was to breakup..

and another was a phone call when i was at a party where i cant hear anything

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Guest saintdaifuku

rejection: **i shouldn't have done it over msn, but i couldn't wait for the next time to see him

- tell him i like him

- tells me he doesn't like me that way, always thought of me as a sister

- blocks/ignores me for the next 2 years

i still see him around, and it's weird

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Guest °..a²

mine'll probably win. -sigh-

"Our relationship ruined my life"



ouch. this is by far the worse, that's really harsh.

Mine was.....him saying "I like you, but I don't like you as much as you like me."

I guess......it was a "polite" way of trying to say "I like you, but definitely not enough to date you."

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