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Worst Rejection/break Up Ever

Guest DarkAngelInLove

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This was during 6th grade, I had my first MAJOR crush. Now that I think about it, I was absolutely head over heels for him, and I barely knew him. He was my best friend's brother, so that was a plus. Whenever I went to her house I would spy on him, hahaha. But anyways, I had constant pressure from my friends to confess to him. One day, I decided to just do it, what could possibly happen right? I wrote a love note to him, saying that I "loved" him. After school, I waited for him to come out of class (okay, stalkerish I know). When he was about to pass me, I put my hand out with the letter. He stared at me and the card for a good minute, and he didn't take it. So I ran out the school... ): On the way back home, I was crying to my friend and the awkward thing was, he was on the bus with me. lolwut. But yeah, this was like 8 years ago so it doesn't matter anymore.

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Guest annbear


N/A, but I've rejected someone before..

A guy added me on Myspace (but I didn't know who he was) so I declined. But he added me again so I just accepted it. It happens he goes to the same school as I do. He asked to hang out, so we did. I asked my friend to come along with us. He told me he likes me and asked me out, but I told him I only saw him as a friend and nothing else. A few months later, he asked me out again even though I told him no. So again, I turned him down. Then one summer night, he asked me AGAIN so finally I went out with him. I've never had a boyfriend at that time before, so I thought I'd give it a try. But still I couldn't reciprocate the feelings for him and it was just to the point that I was depressed so I broke up with him a week later.. After the break up, he wrote me a love letter and gave it to me. I read it but never responded. (Ironically.. I still have the letter to this day & this happened 4-5 years ago..) Months later he asked me if I'd like to try going out again so I turned him down.. To make matters worse, I broke up with him the same week his father passed away :unsure: I didn't know about this until after we broke up and he told me what a hard time he was going through.. I'm a horrible person ;__;  But.. later on my friend told me that he said he likes her and stuff but she rejected him too. I feel bad.. many girls rejected him :/

My last two break ups were somewhat the same..

2nd: LDR. He broke up with me.. 3 days later. Through MapleStory --; He didn't explain why. So I went on Myspace to see what's up. Turns out he got back with his ex 3 days before the break up and that was why he didn't talk to me those few days. The day AFTER we broke up he IMed me asking "hi, how are you? ^^" I was like, "How do you think I am after a break up and being cheated on??" in my head..  I just said fine instead  dry.gif When he knew I found out, he apologized and I was like whatever. :phew: Thinking back, I was probably his rebound since he never really seem to have gotten over her >>; & They broke up 2 months later. -buahaha-:rolleyes: Don't know the reason but I remember he updated his status saying "betrayed" :rolleyes:

3rd & most recent break up.. Everything seemed fine (or at least that was what I thought).. Then he just stopped talking to me all of a sudden (for the last 3 days) and when I texted him, he stopped replying back "I love you too" or "Goodnight". So one Friday night around 12AM I called him to see what was wrong. He just told me that he had something to tell me tomorrow and said bye. I sensed that he was going to break up with me so I talked to a friend of mine (which was also friends with him) that I was worried he might break up with me and that I was really upset. She reassured me that that was probably not the case and that if he WAS thinking of breaking up with me he would've done so right then and there.. But yeah.. next night I waited for him to call but I ended up missing his call because I was in the shower. So I called him back but there was no answer. Later, I got a voicemail from him telling me not to call him back because he would so I felt like an idiot for calling.. The following night he called again. I picked up this time and he said "Yeah.. I think we should break up. I still love you, but I was thinking.. I should set you free. I don't want you to wait 4 years(he's serving the marines for 4 years..) for me." I kept insisting I could wait for him, but he kept telling me "No, I don't.. want you to wait. I just don't think we will work out. Also, doesn't this (my friend's name) guy like you?" I just started crying.. We didn't talk much for the last few days leading up to the break up and I was scared to ask him.  So yeah.. during those 3 days he didn't call me he was thinking of breaking up :/ It hurts me a lot because he was my actual 'first' boyfriend and first love too.. He was like the perfect boyfriend and all..


this was back when I met this other boy online..

him: I have a riddle for you to solve.

me: really? What is it?

him: -gives me 7 letters- each letter represents a word.

me: Hm okay. -tries to solve it-

next day..

him: Have you solved it yet?

me: No.. too hard. Tell me?

him: I like you.

me: Oh.. I like you as a friend.

me (another time): Why do you like me?

him: I dunno.. Because you're nice?

then a few weeks later.. I started liking him >_<

me: I like you..

him: Oh yeah? I have a girlfriend now.

me: Oh I see.. T.T

him: But I still like you though..

then he kept leading me on.. while I tried to move on and telling me how much he wanted to be with me. So..

me: I reallly really wish I could be with you.. so bad.

him: yeah? I do too.. but i have a gf and I don't wanna cheat on her; I'm a player. I don't want to hurt you.; I really want to be with you, but you live so far :[ (only 20 mins away?)

then later he got with this girl that lived even further apart than we were >>; funny, cuz at first he kept complaining about how the girl was so 'obsessed' with him and stuff (cuz she kept spamming his Myspace page..) then a few months later he started liking her..

so yeah. took me a year to get over him & we don't talk anymore. i remember how i've cried a lot of tears for him. wow haha..


me: I lub youu :)

ex: ...are you okay?


I don't think this is considered as a rejection but it kinda hurt me ;_;

So my ex mentioned about the time I told him that I liked him in 6th grade (but we never talked or anything back then so we were like strangers haha; but I can't blame him cuz he had a point xD)

him: So why did you like me back then? O_o Was it because I was the only asian boy in the class besides Gary?

me: I don't know.. because I thought you were cute?

him: I'm sorry, but at that time I didn't even know you existed.

-ouch- xPP


In 8th grade, my friend liked this guy Jake (who I've known since 6th grade) so she decided to write him a love letter and place it in his locker. Then she found out his email and emailed him telling him she likes him. I forgot exactly how he responded, but it was mean and I think he called her a *****. Yeah that guy wasn't very nice >>;  

wow.. sorry this is so long xD

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Guest Haynicole

Ehh...I only really had one bad breakup. :/ It still hurts to think about it.

background: This was our second time going out. First time was at the beginning of the year for three days...then he broke up with me because he said he wasn't ready and just couldn't be with me. I held a grudge about that but never really got over him. Then 8months later I got over it and started talking to him and eventually we got together again.  It was a good first 4months. ...then after it started going downhill. :/ He started becoming distant and pushing me away. We almost broke up/broke up multiple times....we lost communication because he got grounded and his strict asian parents took everything away from him. Just...so confusing....so many lies

 It was about 2 weeks ago that me and my (ex) boyfriend Suho broke up. *deep breath* We had been going out for exactly 5 months. ( It was our 5 month anniversary that day.) I was hanging out with my friend Nina and John and we had just gotten done with Karaoke and were just singing random songs. I was pretty bored with that so I decided to text my boyfriend to see if he figured out what he was doing for his birthday in 2 days. I quickly got a text back saying that he had something to say. :/ I knew what it was...but my friends tried to tell me that it wasn't. but somehow I just did. He said that he fell out of love with me and that he just wanted to end things. :( It was sucky and i just got this crappy knot in my stomach and started to cry. <3 Thankfully he broke up with me when my two friends were there to hug and comfort me. They tried calling him to see why but he texted me saying don't have your friends calling me, and he texted them to stay out of it since it wasn't their relationship.

pinkberry. -.- They just said he made a Richard move and don't worry you'll find someone better. everyone said that.  I was still texting him when I left Ninas house to go home, I was trying not to cry in the car. Didn't want my mom asking me what was wrong. inconviently my phone died on the way home. but when i got home I buried myself in my room and charged my phone and got on the phone with my best friend Camryn to rant and cry while still talking to Suho...He gave me pretty B.S reasons why he broke up with me. 1. I wouldn't let him do anything. (I couldn't stop him from doing anything since he lived so far. I just didn't want him going to parties and getting drunk..but apparently that was a big part of his life. Or smoking. -.-...or drugs....-.- -.- ) 2. I got mad if he didn't call me. ( Our phone convos stopped for a month and I got used to that. I got mad when he said he couldn't cuz he was busy yet he was on fb. or he said he was going to bed but would still be on fb till 4am and then tell me that the next day. -.-) 3. He was failing school. ( that pissed me off the most. I told him to do his hw. and our scheduled talk time was at 10:30 till 12:00 or so. He should have had his work done by then. And he told me his grades were okay...and my parents!) Ugh. It was rediculous. And It hurt to have him repeatedly tell me that he didn't love me yet he told our mutual friend Pier that he still did love me...but he denied that. :/ Thougth I know pier wouldn't lie. But whatever....his loss. :/ He could have at least done it over phone though. Lmaooo. :'( I miss him though. We were very close and I really had deep feelings for him. *tearing up* AGHEHSHSDIhwei.

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Guest arikashikari

My worst (& so far only) breakup was with my first ex-bf B.

I thought I had liked him back as more than a friend. He was & still is the nicest guy. But it seems like I confused that sometime after I found out B liked me.

Looking back, I think I was also (not realizing then) using him to get over his best friend Z. (long story short, I found out Z was interested in another girl, & she liked him back. So I tried forgetting about him. It was a total failure, but I didn't go out with him anyway. The stupid thing is that Z never went out with that girl, & totally liked 2 other girls, including ME! when one of us girls would return feelings, he would totally stop liking us back. It was just plain retarded) I was also, tbh, curious about how it was like to have a boyfriend, but after realizing I just couldn't return B's feelings, I knew I had to end it. I couldn't pretend about it!

It was really REALLY hard, but when I finally did it, ugh omg it was the worst day ever! I totally broke his heart!!! To make it even worse, I had class with him right after the breakup so it was just horrible!!

He even changed, in a not so good way.

Well now he's not really like that, but I guess we're on good terms...?

Idk, I really want it to be totally normal for me, but I see him totally differently now /:

He still tries talking with me from time to time, but I just can't seem to act like a regular friend with him. It's just weird.

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mine was in middle school and high school LOL so long ago xD i'm getting old "orz

i've only had 2 real ex-boyfriends, both the break ups were pretty bad ^^;

first one;

i liked him for 2 years (cause he was really nice to me~) and we went out for like a month in 9th grade (lol),

but he broke up by asking one of my best friends (I had 2 best friends, this one is A the other one is B ) and one of his friends to break up with me for him...

over the phone =/ then the day after, A told me that my ex-bf liked B.. hurt me so bad to know that i wasn't as good as someone else... sighhh

-- after that, i distanced myself from B, and even though my ex-bf and i didn't do anything (no kissing), it still hurt like hell to see them kissing and hugging in the hallways =/

second one;

i went out with my blind date for my 10th grade formal dance lol (for like only 1 1/2 months)

this one day he got really tired while on the phone and called me his ex-gf's name =/ from that day i was already heartbroken,

then a couple weeks later he called me and said he was still hung up on his ex-gf and that he didn't really like me

he was my first kiss, and now that i think about it~ i didn't like him a lotttt lol i was just lonely >.<

-- but he tried to get back with me last year saying that he missed me (which was random cause we hadn't talked in years LOL)

but since none of my "relationships" lasted longer than 2 months, i thought there was something wrong with me and i went into depression and started gaining like 10-15 pounds per year until i got into college. ohhh those were dark days lol

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Guest baaabaasheep

this just happened 2 weeks ago. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we did always have arguments because i'm immature... >< I asked him a question that pissed him off and he broke up with me. He took some time to think weather to get back together or not, and his final decision was

"I don't want to be in a relationship right now. You're a good girl, you've improved and matured so much.. but right now I just want to be single. You are holding me back from achieving my goals and dreams. I don't want to have to worry or care about someone. That will just hold me back"

:( he's so stupid. If i see him with a new girl, im gonna beat him up!

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Guest SHINeeStars223

I called my crush up one night before I moved in 9th grade. I was a year into liking him and we were close and all.

It`s just I didn`t understand back then about getting too much into his friend zone.

Anyways. He said, " Sorry, I think we`re better as friends."

That was that. Half a year later. I finally got over him when he got his first GF.

But, that was my first crush and I will never forget it xD


P.S I`m probably about to get rejected again seeing that I`m about to confess to my current crush x3 . . . *sigh*

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<!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->I was rejected by the same guy 3 times. :|

Those were the only times I got rejected. One guy.

I was practically in love with him, I even scare myself. It was so bad because he led me on SO much (he called me sweetie, love, told me he loves me, calls me his sexy wife, sweet talks like a hella lot etc etc) and that leading on was the only thing that made me ask him out. Then he was just like "uh, no, you misunderstood." then ignored me for the next month. <img src="http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sleep.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="-_-" border="0" alt="sleep.gif" /> He was a jerk.

... Funny thing is, he's my current s/o.

<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":mellow:" border="0" alt="mellow.gif" /><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

Best ending in this thread haha!

My best friend has had bad luck with relationships.

She pretty much was in love with this guy for about 3 years. When they were on a trip she finally talked to him about it and told her He didn't like her and he only thought of her as a little sis. A few hours later he asks her sister to go out with him. They've been going out for 2 years now and are planning on getting married.

Same friend just got through a breakup about a month ago and he dumped her on CHRISTMAS through email. He said that they just needed so time away and that he would wait for her or some BS like that. A week later he's dating this girl who called her "A stupid pinkberry" to his face when they were dating.

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when i was in the 7th grade, i decided to confess to a boy. I had a crush on him for quite a while. when i finally confessed, this is what he wrote on a piece of paper:


i felt so ugly and unwanted... that brought my self esteem down by a lot. horrible experience. i hate boys

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Guest yukinohana

worst rejection: sorry if you were prettier i would date you ( heartbroken in 6th grade </3 hahaha)

worst break up: couldnt figure out out to break up with him without hurting him which hurt him anyway and after dating his best friend he becomes extremely bitter about our whole relationship (not really that im dating his best friend he has a gf now) which i still treasure and now he calls me names behind my back.

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Guest musictomyearsmari

worst break up: through my bestfriend, she told me my boyfriend wants to break up with me because he's seeing her. turns out SHE broke up with my boyfriend's bestfriend, and while hanging out, pounced on my boyfriend and kissed him. Yup, I called him and he only said sorry, and we remained silent, so i hung up. haunts me until this day.

worst rejection: i confessed i liked the guy when i was in grade 10 via msn one night, my connection went off somehow, and when i logged back on he pretended he didnt receive the message. Turns out he asked his friend if he should date me (i have no clue why) and my guy friend told him to make the choice himself. he obviously chose not to. and i'm still in love with him, 5 years later.. FAIL!

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Guest Hearted

Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


you are god LOOOOOOOL.

worst rejection: having him with another girl in front of you while he knows you have the hots for him. no words were needed... :|

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My first love. I was 8. Just being around the boy I had a crush on made me smile.

Of course, I smiled a lot because we played together. One day, out of the blue: "You smile like the Grinch, you know that?"

I was rejected so cruelly, he did not even realise it :(

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Guest Iron_Maiden

when i was in the 7th grade, i decided to confess to a boy. I had a crush on him for quite a while. when i finally confessed, this is what he wrote on a piece of paper:


i felt so ugly and unwanted... that brought my self esteem down by a lot. horrible experience. i hate boys

I would've beat the mini cooper out of him..jk..or maybe  I would...

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  • 1 month later...
Guest saf-safx

I have always been rejected, i always seem to pick someone who has somebody else in mind.

- bad times-

Primary school, i crushed on this guy but he liked my close friend.

they went out a few years later then broke up. 4 years later they are back together now.

im happy for them though. it made me smile when i saw it on facebook [ i moved away when i was 12]

Then i got rejection after rejection, mind you i never confessed. I just found out that they liked someone else

and i was just a friend.

One time i thought i was going to hit the jackpot with this guy, he was like the dream guy....at the time

( my preferances has changed now) he invited me out for his birthday he paid etc it was really cool.

the whole weekend i was on cloud nine. The following monday..he is going out with my friend. *OUCH*

that was 2 and a half years ago.

i just recently got rejected too..indirectly again.

i liked him for a good 6 months or so... talked on the phone a few times..txts etc.

but he then told my friend he didnt like me and i was the one chasing him =_= it was just for fun

whilst he was working things out with his ex. double ouch! i was more embarrassed then hurt.

but i've learnt a few lessons from these...

that im silly and fall for guys easily.

now i see guys as friends, i dont dream up anything crazy either. no potential boyfriend kind of ideas.

its time for me to grow up a bit hehe!

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Guest Octopus__

I've been rebound for so many of my relationships. I'm not even affected by breakups anymore. This is probably why most relationships with me don't last. I don't see to dedicate myself fully or even try anymore.

I remember a confession I made a year ago. I was texting him and dropping hints that I liked him. He flirted with me often so I thought maybe he liked me too. When I had actually told him that I liked him up front, he stopped talking to me all together. It was just futile. He avoided me at school and ignored my texts. Later within the week he replied to me, finally, that he didn't like me but rather my friend so maybe I should help him out with trying to hook up with her. Pretty much made me hate him. This time, I ignored him. It's what I get for liking him for his look other than personality. He was such a jerk.

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