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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest PinkCherrys_Cottage

Hello everyone!

This is my first time posting here.

I am up to episode 21 now.

Jan Di should really pair up with Ji Hoo!

He is such an awesome guy, but yet so unrealistic....

Surprisingly, Jun Pyo doesn't annoy me as much as the one in the other versions. lol

Anyway I can't believe there is only a few more episode left.

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Guest flower pot

I really believe that the JunDi couple share not just unbelievable chemistry for reel but also FOR REAL...

Here's a compilation of some of the sweetest offcam moments between the MinSun couple... Hopefully they'd get to keep the friendship even after BOF is over...

Check it out...


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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

what's the song that was playing when junpyo went down on his knees, begging jae kyung to call off the wedding at the reception hall (towards in the end -- episode 21 pt 6/6)

I love those kinds of drama music

I love the Jihoo and Jandi stuff

but... Ji hoo needs to MAN UP and propose.

Though, I find it sweet that instead of wanting her all for himself, he rather her be happy, even if it was with another man.

I like Junpyo+Jandi the best though

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Guest maralmaa


kim Jee-hoo oppa is so handsome and caring and nice but jandi loves jyunpyo T_T If i were her i would love Jeehooo oppa ^0^

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hey dnt u think it would be good if JP's dad wakes up because of JD, and then he helps them past the mama kang, THEN HE DIVORCES her because of all the things she did to him and to his son and daughter! LOL

and i LOVE JD & JP...and GE & YG.....but what about WB and JH?! :( THEY BOTH CAN HAVE ME :D LOL

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Guest lidge_fan


what's the song that was playing when junpyo went down on his knees, begging jae kyung to call off the wedding at the reception hall (towards in the end -- episode 21 pt 6/6)

I love those kinds of drama music

I love the Jihoo and Jandi stuff

but... Ji hoo needs to MAN UP and propose.

Though, I find it sweet that instead of wanting her all for himself, he rather her be happy, even if it was with another man.

I like Junpyo+Jandi the best though

http://flowerboys.wordpress.com/ost/2-5/ track #2....I loved that scene and that song as well!!!! Was rewatching that scene for the millionth time when I saw your post

The zoo date will be hilarious.....finally, some more Joondi moments for us fans to spazz over....the kid they hired is soooo cute!!!!

by the way, flower_pot, I loooooove your reviews....seems like the more episodes we get, the more spazzing your reviews are and I completely, absolutely love them ^^ You make me laugh even when the scenes make me cry....lol

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Guest tofumui

I've posted the other F3's members interview before. Please check back the last few pages.

Link to Kim Bum's Interview:Post #19724

Link to Min Ho's Interview: Post #19880

Link to Hyun Joong's Interview:Post #20418

Kim Joon’s Interview

thanks jis lover for the links to the past articles and to his interview.. i loved reading their individual interviews.. the reporter really knew how to ask the questions.. do you know if they will have an interview for HyeSun as well?

Episode 22 ~ Long Preview [English Subbed]


thanks Ayame-chan for putting the video and translation together..

MORE SPOILERS FROM EP 23 SCRIPT (Note: The spoilers below are not by the same person as the three spoiler posts I've posted earlier. That person is the only spoiler poster I trust (as re-confirmed by the long previews released yesterday), but as the spoiler below is by a different person, I'm not 100% sure of its accuracy. Nevertheless, it does sound reasonable and this person also claims that she also accidentally ran into the script so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

JH finds out the location of JD after seeing a tv show about fishing villages. He tells JP the location and then heads to the fishing village. There, he tries to give JD his mom's ring (which he always carries around as a necklace), but JD refuses by showing JH the star/moon necklace and tells him that no matter what happens, she can't abandon this one necklace. JP is watching from afar, but not sure whether JP sees the "proposal."

At the fishing village lives a man who is seeking revenge at the Shinhwa Group. He mistakenly thinks JH is JP and tries to stab him, but JP gets stabbed instead while trying to stop him. JD is there too. When JP is hospitalized, Joon Hee yells at Chairwoman Kang and says this is all her fault. According to the script, Chairwoman Kang sheds a tear (not sure if in front of Joon Hee or not).

Ep 23 ends w/ JH crying in front of his grandfather. Not sure whether all this will be included in ep 23 or pushed back to 24. As of ep 23, no sign of Umi yet.

thanks blue_angel_1004 for the additional spoilers.. i can't believe JunPyo will get stabbed as well as lose his memory but maybe it will be linked together and won't take up too much time.. :lol: cuz i'd rather see more JJ time.. there are only 4 more episodes, how can they possibly fit that all in..

Kim Hyun Joong, “It is still quite awkward between me and Goo Hye Sun noona”

Boys Over Flowers Kim Hyun Joong confessed that he wish to get closer to co-actress Goo Hye Sun.

haha maybe because of all the fighting scenes she has with JunPyo that she would feel closer with MinHo and with JiHoo it's always a friend comforting a friend so it seems more formal and she isn't able to get closer with HyunJoong.. but one would think after so many months and so many scenes together that they'd be close by now as well

thanks TW1NKLE for the episode 23 translation..

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Ep 23 ends w/ JH crying in front of his grandfather. Not sure whether all this will be included in ep 23 or pushed back to 24. As of ep 23, no sign of Umi yet.

yeah,,i dont want umi :tears:


Woo Bin is son of mafia boss ?

i dont know about this ;) So COOL !

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

aww :D thank you guys for the trailers & the subs!

now i am restricting myself from reading any of the spoilers.

but its going to be soo hard XD

yesyy!!! only 2 more days!

thank you so much.

i still can't believe that Madam Kang lied to her OWN children about their father, theres nothing more cruel than that.

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Guest omgit'sme

ahh this drama is so manipulative

i've switched back and forth from the jandi/junpyo ship to the jandi/jihoo ship so many times i can't even count.

and each time i've strongly believed it, i've always wanted JD and JP but seeing JH and JD's wedding pictures and him looking at the ring, i really wanted JH and JD!

except the end to ep21 and the preview kept me on the jandi/junpyo one hehe ;)

by the way, these spoiler tags don't work =.=

i don't know why the text turns white and becomes see through-ish, doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of having the spoiler thing.

sorry guys, i'm not blaming anybody, just think there's a better way to post spoilers

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Jandi: Joonpyo yah!! Let's play!!

Joonpyo: I'm hearing Geum Jandi's voice now -_-


Joonpyo: Yah! What's going on?

Jandi: Goo Joonpyo, let's go play ^^

Joonpyo: Why'd you come?! Did the evil witch do something again?? Is that it?


thanks TW1NKLE for both ep 22 and 23 translations. i'm looking forward for the picnic scene. i really like the way GD screaming freely inside the house not afraid of that witch.haha..JP's reaction as usual was cute and hilarious...oh i love his new wavy hairdo in the upcoming episodes.

thanks jis lover for the links to the past articles and to his interview.. i loved reading their individual interviews.. the reporter really knew how to ask the questions.. do you know if they will have an interview for HyeSun as well?

I'm not sure whether they interview HyeSun as well, but I'll post it here if i'm able to find it, okie.

ahh this drama is so manipulative

i've switched back and forth from the jandi/junpyo ship to the jandi/jihoo ship so many times i can't even count.

sorry to cut your post, omgit'sme.haha..i guess you're not the only person switching from JP-JD-JH.i'm struck in between JP/JD and JD/JH situation as well. originally i'm JD/JP shipper, but after the macau scene..i switched to JD/JH ship. JH was always there when JD get hurt by JP. but after seeing ep.21 when JP willing to kneel down in front of JK for JD, i switched back to JP/JD...

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Guest toomuchsmiling

ahhh! so many pics and script scenes revealed!! I can't wait for a good kiss scene.

(and there better be one!) To heck with the younger viewers.

Fine, I'll deal with the "touch-on-lips" stuff now, but there'd better be a grand finale kiss!

aw, that little kid is so cute, the one at the zoo. aww. xD

srsly, i'm anticipating so much.

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Guest XiahxTiffany

if there really is going to be a stabbing

omg.... im going to like kill JP's mom myself lol

like really stabbing ur own son -_- thats really horrible

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Guest soonjap

To Soonjap: Thank you so much for the translation.The lyrics are so sweet!! I'm still waiting for your transcribe phonetically. :)

And thanks to Twinkle for the ep 22 trans.Good job! ;)

You're welcome. And the romanized lyrics have now been completed. You can find them on page 1037. Perhaps someone can post the link on the first page if people are looking for it? If some kind soul could do that, it would be helpful.

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Guest kimngoc266

Have you ever notice that when JD back together with JP, she is full of fighting spirit and she smiles.

Madam Kang is unbelievable, when her husband collapsed and fell into a coma, shouldn't she let her children know so they can talk to him so he has a better chance to wake up.

I wonder if anyone else, such as secretary Jung know that her husband is still alive?

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Guest Debbie1633

In the preview of episode 23, Jan Di was extremely cheerful in the scene where she went to Jun Pyo's house to ask him to go on a picinic. Is it because she knows that she's going to have to break up with him? It's probably the last request Jan Di made to Jun Pyo's mom... let her have one last date with Jun Pyo before she breaks up with him.

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Guest ml_87

In the preview of episode 23, Jan Di was extremely cheerful in the scene where she went to Jun Pyo's house to ask him to go on a picinic. Is it because she knows that she's going to have to break up with him? It's probably the last request Jan Di made to Jun Pyo's mom... let her have one last date with Jun Pyo before she breaks up with him.

yes, i believe that she wants to say " i love you" to him before they break up. so sad! JD really loves JP. :huh:

i cant believe that there's a mom like mamakang in this world. how can a mom say to his son that his dad was dead and makes him suffer from a unhealed pain :angry:

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Guest clauds

In the preview of episode 23, Jan Di was extremely cheerful in the scene where she went to Jun Pyo's house to ask him to go on a picinic. Is it because she knows that she's going to have to break up with him? It's probably the last request Jan Di made to Jun Pyo's mom... let her have one last date with Jun Pyo before she breaks up with him.

I never even thought of that. I'm going to be super sad and crushed when they break up. I will totally scream if they get back together in the last 10 minutes of the last episode. Most dramas have done that... I want them to have time to enjoy their time together, like Coffee Prince. Rainy break up, Amnesia, New girl..... NOOOO.


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Guest Debbie1633

I never even thought of that. I'm going to be super sad and crushed when they break up. I will totally scream if they get back together in the last 10 minutes of the last episode. Most dramas have done that... I want them to have time to enjoy their time together, like Coffee Prince. Rainy break up, Amnesia, New girl..... NOOOO.


I'm with you. I will be EXTREMELY annoyed if they get back together in the last mins of the last episode. I want so many more Jun Di-Jun Pyo cute moments AND KISSES together. :)

Are they still going to do the whole amnesia thing? I hated it in the Taiwanese and Japanese versions. Besides do they still have time to do that? After 22 and 23, they have only 2 episodes left.

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