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[drama 2008] My Precious You 내사랑 금지옥엽

Guest huangsy

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tks bryan for the ep11 summary. do u happen to do the ep12 summary? couldn't wait to see what's going to happen next. From the preview it seems Bori went thru the abortion & decided to leave & Jinho began to feel guilty & miss her. Just anxious to know what happens next & Inho - did she went for the matchmaking arranged by Jemma? From the photo he looks like the 2nd male lead in Golden Bride. Pls do spoil us

I'm also waiting for the chinese sub to be out for episode 12 so I decide to watch the raws first. If you don't mind my possibly not too accurate summary since I don't fully understand Korean anyway then here's something to tide you over while waiting :)

Episode 12 summary:

SH arrive at the hospital & asked about Bori and was told she's in the surgery room ... he rushed there and saw Bori coming out from the surgery room. I think he asked her what's going and if she really had the abortion. Bori just looked away. He asked her why did she do this and what is she thinking of?

Then he took her to a fancy restaurant where he ordered her seaweed soup and told her to eat up. SH then told Bori not to say anything when they get home & he will explain to his dad? Bori told her she's not going back home with him and there's no longer any need. And that she's not marrying him anymore which is why she went to the hospital. I think he asked her why she's not going to marry him? And Bori said don't you understand yet? That she wanted to marry him not only because of the baby but because she believed or trusted in SH and because of her confidence in him? Not too sure of her long speech to him but I think she wish for him to meet someone he can like and wishes him a good life too? She got up to leave and SH stopped her & gave her a hug. Bori cried in his arms. She ran out & cried some more outside.

Meanwhile, SH's mom arrive at the place where she's suppose to meet Bori. Next we see Bori at the bus terminal. SH gave her the bus ticket and bought her some refreshments to eat. I think he asked her if she have to leave immediately since she just had the operation but Bori told him she'll be ok at her friend's place? He then took out some money & told her to accept it as it's from his heart and Bori accepted it. SH told Bori that he's really sorry about what happened and said something about keeping in touch and if she needed his help for anything to just tell him. I think she told him there's no need? And said something about understanding & there being no regrets and for him not to feel sorry towards the child. She then told him it's time for her to board the bus & then wave him off with a smile. After SH walk off, Bori stood there crying some more. SH stood outside the bus terminal looking regretful but relieved at the same time?

SH's mom was still waiting for Bori. Bori was still sitting at the bus terminal staring at the bus ticket and after thinking to herself tore the ticket in half. I think she thought to herself that she can't go home like this? As she was leaving the bus terminal, she suddenly remembered her appointment to meet SH's mom and hurriedly took out the piece of paper with the phone number. She tried calling but couldn't get through so she hurriedly call for a cab to rush to where she's suppose to meet SH's mom. SH's mom meanwhile asked the waitress if there's anyone who might be looking for her and was told by the waitress that there wasn't. She then called the house and the youngest son answered. She asked to speak to SH's gf and was told she's not home. She then asked for Bori's phone number and the youngest asked her who is she? But she insisted she needed the number and just as the son was about to give it to her the dad came out from the room thinking it was news about Bori and he told the dad that it was someone looking for Bori. The dad asked for the phone. The ex-wife quickly hang up after hearing his voice. Haha. She was wondering if she should leave or carry on waiting since it's been over an hour?

Bori who was in a hurry to get there just rushes across the street without looking to see if there are oncoming cars after the taxi dropped her off. The cute driver who was waiting outside for the mom saw her after hearing all the honking ... throw the coffee he was drinking on the ground ... rushes over and did a dashing turn to avoid an oncoming motorcyclist ... grab Bori and throw her to the curb and then stood there to get hit by the hit. Then we see the two of them lying onconcscious on the ground with people running to check on them. I dont' know whether to laugh or be impressed over this rescue scene yet though.

JS was thinking about what IH said to him when EW interrupted him to ask about the ramen he was cooking for them. When he told them to eat ... JW faked being sick and said she didn't want to eat and when JS asked her where is she hurting ... she pointed to her head and stomach. He said their teacher said she's fine but EW affirmed that JW is really sick and since she's sick then they don't need to go to the care center? JS clued in on them not wanting to go to the center for some reason & told them that he will think about it and for them to eat first. He then went outside and tried calling the teacher and left a message saying he's EW's dad and wanted to talk to her about the kids.

IH was on the phone with SH I think and Jemma asked her if something happened at home? IH whispered to her and told her what happened. After another colleague left the room Jemma said IH's dad will be so disappointed and sad over this and how much he liked Bori. I think she then told IH that that's why she shouldn't further disappoint her dad and that she should go for the matchmake the next day itself. And I think IH objected saying something about consideration for JS after she hurt him? So Jemma asked her why should it bother her what JS feels or not. But I think IH went on to say she feels bad about what happened? JS came in just then so they stopped the conversation. I think he apologized they have to work late because of him and Jemma gave him a lecture which he smilingly took and left to start work and Jemma told IH ... see ... he's perfectly ok.

Both JS & IH is working in the studio and their hands accidentally touched when they both reach out to adjust the microphone and JS told her with a smile that he'll get it. IH steals glances at JS and then start hitting her own head. She couldn't help but stare at him again and saw his collar was not straight and was about to reach out to straighten it for him but pulled herself back. Just then JS's phone vibrate and IH overheard his call with their teacher. I think it was some event at care center that involves mother attending? IH couldn't help herself and asked JS about it and asked if he's going and he said of course. IH said the kids will feel embarrassed if a father attends instead of their mother in event like these and other children will laugh at them and she understands it because she has gone through it? JS said that could be why JW faked to be sick so she don't have to go. IH couldn't help herself & blurt out something about how JW might get hurt over this and then stopped herself and mumbled something. JS told her she doesn't have to worry and that now he knows her true feelings there wont' be any misunderstanding whatsover on his part and that she must have been uncomfortable these while and for her not to worry about his problems anymore and for her to feel comfortable. IH told him she's grateful for his understandings and they can revert to before and hit him like she always did. :o Later when JS walk in to the room where Jemma & IH is in ... Jemma purposely said out loud to IH about her date the next day and then explain to JS all about IH's date next day. JS smile and said something to IH and then say he's busy so he's leaving.

IH saw JS standing in front of the notice board staring at something and smiling wryly to himself before walking off. She went up to the notice board and saw a pix and an article on her posted there. She sighed and leaned against the wall. JS sighed in his car at the car park reached for the picture that IH took with him & his kids stuck on the dashboard? look at it & put it away into the compartment.

SH was brooding next to the riverside over what Bori said to him last when his dad interrupted him when he appears. He apologized to the dad over what happened and the dad comforted him and gave him some advice. SH then told the dad that it's strange that he should feel relieved or comfortable now that Bori has left but he's not sure why he's not?

The family is eating together and I think the youngest brother said something about Bori and IH telling SH that he should learn his lessons and stop with his playboy ways? Then the youngest brother mentioned about the ahjumma who visited the hospital and how the call looking for Bori was from this ahjumma because it sounded like her. IH looked startled but the dad said it's someone he knows and that it's nothing. He then called the ex-wife from his office and said she should know why he wants to meet up with her. IH walked in during the call and asked if it's the mom. After the dad affirms she asked if the mom had met up with Bori and that's why Bori did what she did? I think the dad said he'll find that out.

SH's mom was putting ointment on her driver and he apologized to her while she was lecturing to him over what he has done? I think she was upset and said what a bad day it was that she didn't get to meet with Bori and he got into that accident and did he know how worried she was? I think cute driver asked what's going to happen since she didn't get to meet with Bori & I think SH's mom made a comment she don't think the girl ie. Bori is someone ordinary because she didn't turn up? Cute driver then left to go to the hospital.

The doctor asked Bori to move her head around to test if she's ok and then told her that it was the cute driver standing there that saved her. Bori thanked him and he said it's a good thing she's ok. Cute driver left with doctor and Bori asked the nurse what happened to her belongings but the nurse said they didn't see it when she was sent to hospital. She then asked who has to bear the hospital cost and the nurse said unless she has insurance then the patient will have to bear the costs? And Bori looked dismayed and asked how much that'll be but she said they'll only know after all tests are done?

Outside, the cute driver asked the doctor if Bori is really ok? After the doctor said something he mentioned to cute driver that the baby is ok and when cute driver looked surprised ... the doctor said didn't you know that she's pregnant? So ... I was right that Bori didn't go through with it!!!

In office, SH was looking at Bori's stuffs ie. the photo frame, baby shoes she bought, the ring she gave him and the ultrasound scan and remembering things she said while he was putting it away.

Cute driver came back to Bori's room with some drinks to find her gone & she left a note apologizing and he went out after her. He started chasing Bori who ran away from him after he tried calling out to her. He caught her after Bori ran into a dead end. Bori explained to him why she ran away because she don't have any money and no one she can call but that she will pay it back next time. He asked her if she really has no family members and she said yes. He then asked her about the baby's father. He wanted to call the baby's father but Bori said he can't do that. Cute driver told Bori he'll take care of her bills and Bori expressed her gratitude to him and when she was going to leave he asked if she had anywhere to go and gave her his biz card and said to come in the morning ... name on card is Song Dong Ho so I think that's his name. Ok ... no more referring to him as cute driver. Haha. I think Bori asked him why and whatever he said doesn't seem to agree with her.

JS's ex & psycho lover was hounded by press and he lost his temper & showed his evil side by smashing a reporter's camera. In the apartment he asked her if she spoke to JS about quitting the radio dj job and they had a fight over it with him saying some nasty stuffs to her so she slapped him but she immediately apologized.

JS was doing up JW's hair preparing for school while she looked gloomy. He asked if it's some mother's day event that day and since their mom is not around he will represent her instead and that it's nothing to be embarassed about. EW said even so they'll get laughed by other kids. JS then asked JW if she cried over that and she said she did. And he then teach them how to explain to their friends and say let's go but JW started crying and saying she don't want to go & that she hates her dad. Poor girl ran into the room and refuse to stop crying saying she hates her dad. Meanwhile a helpless JS tried to console her.

IH was busy getting ready for her date when her father walks in & showed her how he even had the photo of the guy she's meeting in her wallet already. She then received a call from a crying EW who asked her if she can't go with them and how JW won't stop crying and she told him that she can't because she had an appointment and the disappointed EW hanged up on her.

At the matchmake meeting ... IH was distracted by the sight of a little girl sitting on the next table and wasn't paying attention to what her date was saying and he noticed that. He asked her if she's unwell and she apologized to him and took her leave.

JS left the house with the 2 gloomy kids. IH arrived outside the school to see JS scolding JW who was beginning to cry again. IH called out to the 2 crying kids and they ran to her.

IH's parents met up and the dad asked if Bori running away and abortion is because of the mom but the mom told him they were supposed to meet up but she didn't turn up. When she goes back to her restaurant she saw Bori who standing there. Bori had her hair straightened again ... hmmn... how ... when she has no money since she lost all her belongings. Weird!! But anyway, she looked really pretty. And when SH's mom asked who she is she introduced herself as Kim Bori.

Some comments I have:

Why on earth is SH wearing the ugly navy jacket with skinny black pants?? Black & navy is so bleh~~~

Actually ... I don't mind if Bori ended up with that cute driver ... Song Dong Ho? I think his name is. Haha. Both SH & DH are so tall that they tower over her petite frame. It'll be sweet revenge if SH actually gets jealous of Bori & DH ... but it's kind of sad if DH ends up with no one. Hmmn...

Will SH's mom link that she's the same Bori as the one that SH got pregnant?

From the preview at end of 12:

We see Bori holding some money that DH gave her to help her. SH wondering something about Bori. Next we see Bori wiping glass windows at the restaurant, she must have asked to work for SH's mom. IH had a fun time with the kids and we hear JS telling her not to come anymore and that it's his final pride. IH met up with mom to not meet with her brothers? The youngest brother finally wised up and told Jaera not to look for him anymore and she saw him with another girl. Sera was thrilled to hear SH is not getting married. IH confessed her feelings to JS who must have rejected her because you see her crying outside his place.

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Guest Patootie

I'm in love with this drama.

However I actually hate Bori alot.

She's annoying to me. But she is an interesting character.

Thank you for all your summaries!!

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At the moment, I think she's the most annoying character; Sera's sister a close second. Bori may be determined and responsible but she comes across as desperate and irksome. Both were consenting adults, so why lay the blame squarely on Shinho? And no matter how much she thinks she loves him, forcing him to marry her only makes her more repugnant...to him and to (some of) the viewers. :P

I actually like that she came from an island but I wish she were more likeable! Her hair irritates me but I suppose the style adds to to the character's apparent backwardness. I cannot stand her accent. Is it supposed to reflect her island upbringing? (I'm not Korean, so I hope I'm not offending anyone saying this.)

Well worry no more ... Bori has decided she to let SH go so we won't see her being desperate anymore. True they are consenting adults but while to SH he only courted her because there's not much choice for the picking while he's stationed there and he can't live without his playboy ways ... Bori actually thought he loved her and he was the one who seduced her being older & more experienced. It's different from girls he picked up at bars and have fun with. So isn't he the cad to have toyed with innocent maiden who don't know the score? Even if the blame is not squarely on him ... he's more the one at fault.

I think they purposely make Bori speak in Satoori (local dialect) to reflect her backwater background yes.

Kangmin...the actor can't emote beyond (trying to) flash his eyes and railing at everyone. What an a**! The writers could've made him more interesting - someone almost likeable, perhaps; rather than this one-dimensional childish creature. I agree with you - I don't see why Jeonseol's ex would give him up (kind, sturdy...sometimes smoldering...oops, I'm detracting :P) and abandon the adorable children for this, this *thing*!

Then again, maybe it's the excitement and passion of a younger man? If it is indeed this, I wonder how it could have lasted so long. Surely, he'd tire of her soon enough? I'm thinking his constant shouting at her may be a sign of this.

Even IH's blind date is cuter than that creep~ Not to mention that cute driver of IH's mom. Hahaha. But I suppose it's ok he's yucks since we're not supposed to like him anyway. I agree with you ... I think he will tire of her soon because I still think he's with her because she's still useful to him careerwise. Can't wait to see him drop her like hotcake.

Hah exupery! Have been waiting for your "rantings" :lol: Enjoyed reading those descriptions of yours and I couldn't agree more! Kangmin is thoroughly hateful & to compare him with dogs is a downright insult to such lovable loyal creatures! My main worry is once the ex-wife & KM fall from grace, could the ex starts to harrass JS for reconciliation for sake of the kids? and become the 3rd party to IH & JS? that gives me the creeps... like Ryu Jin and Shin Eun Kyeong & RJ ex in Angry Mom!


That's my worry too!!! I bet that will definitely happen and she will realize how she gave up on a good thing. Ah well ... they do need more dramas to keep this drama going. :lol:

At least Ryu Jin's wife while a thoughtless mother is still better than this woman who's slave to that thing and refused to visit her sick daughter who asked for her. Grrr

Hey guys, picked up this drama recently and loving it. The 11 episodes over 2 days marathon was well worth it.

IMO, Jeon Seol's (JS) ex-wife Yeong Joo (YJ) is stuck to Kang Min (KM) for fear of being charged with adultery (I think adultery is punishable by law in Korea, seen a case recently in the net). As for KM, his popularity has just picked up and going for 2nd album, he is making use of YJ's talent to stay in stardom. If KM falls from stardom, I would see the couple split too. Let's hope by then YJ won't come in between JS and Inho (IH).

Well ... from what she has admitted to Sera's mom ... she seems to be the one who desperately loved KM more so I don't think fear of being charged with adultery has anything to do with it. I think only your husband can charge you for adultery and I can't see JS doing that and if he had wanted to he could have done it before the divorce. Can't wait for his downfall too!! Ugh ugh...

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Guest crashandburn

I'm in love with this drama.

However I actually hate Bori alot.

She's annoying to me. But she is an interesting character.

Thank you for all your summaries!!

Same, but i think she'll grow on me. She's cute. And my dad loves her dialect.[sATOORI?]

This drama is really good and fast paced [which i love]

And the ratings are impressive too since its started not lond ago.

I wonder what will happen with JS, the songwriter and kM.

I find the songwriter [can't remember her name] really selfish, she doesn't care for her kids.

I'm only up to episode 8/9 so its hard not to read the spoilers... :)

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Guest nana585

thanks exupery for ep12 summary.

Good for Bori to have another love interest in SH mom's assistant - to ignite SH's interest in her all over again and go all jealous! Hopefully she did not went thru the abortion. And to work for SH's mom, she maybe the link to the family reconciliation.

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Guest puppyiz

Tonite's Episode

The dialogue session between the 2 love-birds(Saera's parents) :

Haha ~ the father cringed when he heard thunder roared ^^

The 2 folks are cute..

How interesting.. Bori has a new image ( i like) ..she straightened her curly-locks

who now works in the kitchen for NaMoonHee...

40:00+mins : JeonSeol & Inho's scene

Does anyone know who 's the male singer & the song title ?

*Jemma : Oh My God ~*

Seems JeonSeol & InHo are inseperable ...

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Seems JeonSeol & InHo are inseperable ...

Ooh ... that's fast. I expected JS to push IH away at least for another couple of episodes. Haha. After all she broke his heart bad when she pushed him away after making him open up again & giving him hope.

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Just watched ep 13........preview for tomorrow.....InHo is so cute. She is going all out to win JS's love.

She is the brave one here....confident and sure of herself while JS is feeling insecure. He is divorced with 2 kids but IH is so eligible ....and beautiful.....with sucessful career.

I don't think we will see them together by ep 14. ....but I hope they don't drag this for too long.

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Guest xsw33tx

I'm actually hoping they don't make SH fall for Bori now that they're 'over', it would be pretty cliche and seems somewhat out of character for him, judging by how he has been portrayed so far.. it seems to be going down that path however

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SH & SR shippers, don't shoot/kill me . . .

The following is just my wish/opinion, based on what I watched till Ep 7 on KBS World.

I am hoping that with Bori giving SH his 'freedom', her working at SH's mom's restaurant and being colleagues with Ha Dong Woo (SH mom's asst), it will knock some sense into SH. Cos HDW will provided the challenge for Bori's affections, causing the jealous bug in SH to act up.

I recalled Exupery mentioning SH's mixed feelings about not feeling elated over the news of the "abortion"

SH was brooding next to the riverside over what Bori said to him last when his dad interrupted him when he appears. He apologized to the dad over what happened and the dad comforted him and gave him some advice. SH then told the dad that it's strange that he should feel relieved or comfortable now that Bori has left but he's not sure why he's not?

. . that might indicate that SH has some underlying feelings for Bori, just that he hasn't realised it. Although his original intent into the relationship wasn't quite so honourable, I feel that his feelings for Bori will gradually grow and develop into a sincere one for her affections, thus getting him over his phobia of longlasting relationship/marriage.

BTW, the plump (Chief?) cook in the kitchen is the same guy (Choi Seung Kyung 최승경) who acted as

- the merchant in Hong Gil Dong 130007002_S.jpg

- BaekHo's colleague in I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나 (can't find the char's pic at KBS Website)

FYI, the female asst at the radio station is Miri 미리 acted by Choi Ah Jin 최아진 (formerly Choi Ah Ra 최아라).

Her appearance in K Will's "하리오" MV

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does anybody have today episode for downloading??

Oh! and by da way EXUPERY... Mahalo !!(Thanks) for the summary of

episode 12 that helps for understanding what they are saying..

Looking forward to anybody that can translate this drama...FOR US NON-KOREANS...

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I really love this drama,,,

ep. 7 this far (because at my country, it still 7 ep)

I hate BORI!!!

she is annoying

but I think it'd be interesting to the SJ's assistant in love with her

btw, I love JR' s couple I'm looking forward for them because I JR is always lying on him

so I wonder what would happen if he left her


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OMG there's a story leading to that? the driver of Na Moon Hee? im still at EP7 and saw their first encounter. the driver is pretty hot though LOL.

Same, but i think she'll grow on me. She's cute. And my dad loves her dialect.[sATOORI?]

This drama is really good and fast paced [which i love]

And the ratings are impressive too since its started not lond ago.

I wonder what will happen with JS, the songwriter and kM.

I find the songwriter [can't remember her name] really selfish, she doesn't care for her kids.

I'm only up to episode 8/9 so its hard not to read the spoilers... :)

i actually find Bori cute. i also like her satoori. i mean for a young actress like her to pull of such great acting. she mus be really good!
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