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[drama 2008] My Precious You 내사랑 금지옥엽

Guest huangsy

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Guest worldhascertainabsolutes

I just watched the Chinese subbed version of Ep 43 on Youku. From the looks of it, SH really does love SR. Boohoo for SH-Bori shippers :( From SH's words to both SR and Bori, he seems to be wanting to get back with Bori out of a sense of responsibility to the baby.

But Bori now doesn't seem so steady about going with DW to Chicago, in fact in the Ep 44 preview, she seemed very hesitant when SR asked her if she would really be able to ignore SH and leave with DW.

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Guest babymarzy07
Slight correction: She knew she was pregnant at the time of the divorce but chose to hide the fact from her husband. She was afraid that the law would give him the right to take her child. Only later when her husband knew about the child’s existence did she learn that the law had changed to protect the rights of mothers. The ending was horrible and open to interpretation. Did she leave her husband and child to be with the man she loved? Or did she run out of the house in her apron (she was in the kitchen) because of the shock of what she heard over the radio? Her husband was carrying their daughter and looked unconcern with her flight. The daughter was happy playing with the Dad and didn’t even notice the Mother had run out. So the ending is just a matter of one’s interpretation. I agree that the ending wasn’t great. Even the actress commented on it and said she hoped to have a better show next time :tongue2:

lol i know this drama. it drove me nuts. even carmina will show for it. i hate those kinds of endings. but yes, this is probably the drama that had the parents divorced with kid. and another man. the woman had to choose her love or the family. but bah the ending so unclear.

wow it seems like a warzone here. the SH-BR vs the SR-SH vs BR-DH. to each their own i say. but still i think everyone plays a huge role in this drama. and each action had their reaction.

interesting, i wonder what the convo in ep44 is then. SR seemed like she was gonna give up. gah. i still cant understand JS's thinking.

i feel for IH. what a tough spot for her.

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wow it seems like a warzone here. the SH-BR vs the SR-SH vs BR-DH. to each their own i say. but still i think everyone plays a huge role in this drama. and each action had their reaction.

I like this warzone. It seems as if everyone is earnestly trying to present their case and win the others over to their side. And even if there isn't any conversion the differing of opinions are expressed leaving the others to at least ponder. This is like a debate class.

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Guest b00kw0rm
No, she doesn't. She had no right to scream at BR the way she did. She could have calmly explained to BR that maybe she should reconsider this marriage. But she had no right, at the time, to stick her nose in other people's business. But, that's just my opinion the matter.

As for her parents, she's too ashamed to face them. I mean, wouldn't you be disappointed in your daughter if she came home pregnant with the child of a man who refuses to marry her and gets gravely ill at the very thought of marriage? You'd get over it but you'd never look at your child the same again.

She didn’t stick her nose in other people’s business. It was SH’s business. As his future wife, she has the right to do so. I certainly would if I were in her shoes. BR yelled at her and told her that to even consider that BR is carrying SH’s baby means that SR has no trust in him, her love is not deep enough and so she should not marry SH. It was not right of her to say that knowing full well that she was lying. I think it was BR and not SR who hit below the belt.

That may be true for some parents but there are many who get over the initial anger, shock, etc. It would have been nice if BR had even attempted to reach out to her family, even if my phone. Now she is planning to go to the US. How long is she going to hide this from her family?

BR had every reason not to inform SH about Healthy. First, the baby was unwanted by the father although due to pressure from his family he consented to marry BR. Any woman even the most uneducated one will feel the rejection & the feeling of disgust by the person you'll have to depend your life on will be too much to handle. And with the baby coming the uncertainties will be greater. The baby will be another liability for SH. BR loves SH too much to let him into a lifetime responsibility where he has to commit himself when he is not ready & is even hesitant to accept.

I think rather than heaping scorn on SH for his initial reaction to the news of BR’s pregnancy, we should also remember that at some point he did step up and was willing to take responsibility. BR did not feel the disgust that Carmina mentioned but instead she shrieked with joy! Even when he fell ill, he told BR that it was not her or the thought of marrying her but because he didn’t take care of his diet and was too stressed at work. He made the effort. Yes, his initial reaction was to reject BR and ask her to abort the baby. But don’t forget that BR too tried to kill herself and Healthy! So it seems at some point she too rejected the baby!

But first, I don't even see a slight LOVE interest from SH to SR. People tend to put

more to what the show is actually revealing. LOL. I'm not saying this because

I'm a BR-SH shipper.

I think Ellabel’s post on how SH showed his love for SR says it all. It was in all the things he was willing to do for her, the sacrifices, her terror of a Dad!!

I like this warzone. It seems as if everyone is earnestly trying to present their case and win the others over to their side. And even if there isn't any conversion the differing of opinions are expressed leaving the others to at least ponder. This is like a debate class.

Yes, we have been rather peaceful and respectful about expressing our opinions. I think that's great. I sneaked a peak at another thread over a more popular show and that was a real war zone, with posts challenging each other's IQ and EQ. Nasty. This is all nice and respectful. Haha, we're great people here :tongue2:

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Guest bryan
can anyone please summarize what happened between sr and sh in ep. 43???

SH : SR. I can't marry you.I am sorry. I don't ever want to hurt you, but I really have no choice. I will inform

both our parents of this decision.

SR : What is the reason ? It is only 7 weeks to our wedding day, why the sudden change of mind ? Everything was

fine yesterday...why suddenly.....Is it because you are getting cold feet just before our wedding ?

SH : I have no right. I have lost my right to marry you.

SR : What do you mean by that ?

SH : I have a son. That's the truth. I just found out a few days ago. I know how you feel right now. This is

shocking news. I felt like that too when i found out. I thought about this matter for a long time...but i can't

forget about that child. I have to be responsible.

SR : So because of that child, you are going to back out of our marriage.....and marry Bori.

That's right....I know about this....when I told Insun about our engagement, I saw Bori.

SH : Why didn't you tell me then ? If so, you and your family will not have to go thru all this...

SR : Insun and Bori didn't want me to tell you. But that's only my excuse. The real reason is that I can't bear to

part with you. You can say that I am a cold blooded animal who would take a father away from his

child, ....but I can't let you go to Bori. Because I love you, I can't part with you no matter what happens. I

won't break up with you. Do you know why Bori left.....she felt that for her child's sake.....a loveless

marriage is not the right thing to do. She still thinks that way. I think she is right.

SH : Even so, I can't let Bori bring up that child alone. Even if I deny this child's existence....I will still feel the

misery my whole life. More importantly, I cannot let you bear my sins.

SR : What if I do not mind doing so ? Compare to breaking up with you, even if i have to suffer my whole life by

your side....I am willing.

SH : Don't be like this. I have decided and will not change my mind. All this started with me....so I should be

reponsible. So even if you are hurting now, you must try to understand me.

SR : No, I can't do that. I definitely will not break up with you. Think this over again.

( SR leaves , SH goes after her and hugs her )

SH : I am sorry.Things may be difficult now....but later.....you will understand that I am doing the right thing.

Not once did SH say that he loves Bori. He only wants to be RESPONSIBLE. Will it benefit Healthy to be brought up in a family where the mother and father lives together but there is no love ? Mum and Dad will be physically there for Healthy......but what about his emotional wellbeing. Will he feel the warmth and love and security from his parents ?

I think the ball is really in Bori's court. She should marry the man she truly loves. During all this time spent with DW.....has she not been moved by his sincerity , warmth and love ? As for SH.....can she still love and live with a man who does not love her.....and is in love ? with another woman ? Does SH really know the meaning of love ? I have no doubt he will make a good father ( after all he has a great father )...but a good husband ?????

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But Bori now doesn't seem so steady about going with DW to Chicago, in fact in the Ep 44 preview, she seemed very hesitant when SR asked her if she would really be able to ignore SH and leave with DW.

sigh ...I just knew it !! Trust the script writers to stick with the usual storyline of Bori ending up with her first love and the father of her baby .

Do we have 8 more episodes to go ? It's sweet that we have the scene of DW proposing to BR for DW-BR shippers but guess the happiness did not last long .

Also congrats for this drama for getting the first spot again last week

2009-03-01 epi 44 31.9 (1st- Nationwide) 31.6 (1st-Seoul)

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I agree with u with all what u said & strongly agree about that no one love the child as his parent..

No matter how much he loves him once he has his won child he'll feel the difference, Having his own child from his own blood & flesh is not like raising another person child, There is a saying here " raising another person child is like planting on other's land" that's go the same with DW no matter how long he'll live with BR he'll get sick in the end that she can't forget SH & specially that they have SH's child rasing him also he may cahnge his heart once he has his own children.. :sweatingbullets:

I find it sad that in your country you are not able to raise another person child with the same love, care and devotion you would give your birth child. As a person raise by a step father I can tell you that it very common in America to be love by your parent regardless of blood line. My father is the greatest and treat me no less then his natural daughters. If you were to ask my sisters if they think they get treated better because they are my dad's natural daughters. They would quickly tell you like they whine to my dad, that I'm loved more because I'm his first born. My father always said that a parent could never love one child more then the other, they just love them different depending on they characteristic. I have never felt the need to ask my dad about his love for me because I seen it all my life. It not about bloodline, it about him being up all night when I'm sick, it about him feeling pain when I'm hurt, it about people telling him that I just like him! because the love he has giving me is imprinted in my soul regardless of my DNA.

With that being said I think that DW is just like my dad therefore I don't think that Healthy would ever feel unloved by him regardless if Bori and him have other children. If anything I can see Shino feeling resentment toward his own child before I can see DW getting sick of Bori and Healthy. I think you got he characters confuse it was Shino that got (Sick) thinking of the enn with Bori.

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Guest Happy_Day

Bori and ShinHo!!!!

But.. isn't ther only like 6 more eps left of this drama? I thought this drama would show SH slowly falling in love with her, like from duty to true love. and showing their married life. But it seems like there's not enought tiem for that!

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With that being said I think that DW is just like my dad therefore I don't think that Healthy would ever feel unloved by him regardless if Bori and him have other children. If anything I can see Shino feeling resentment toward his own child before I can see DW getting sick of Bori and Healthy. I think you got he characters confuse it was Shino that got (Sick) thinking of the enn with Bori.

I agree.

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Guest adikkeluangman

Any youtube links to watch last weekend episode at KBSW. Or what epi last week on kbsw. i missed it.

Thanks to all for sharing views regarding this drama. i like this drama coz every character had equal screen time. Maybe for the 1st time people at this thread thought that the main character are SH-SR-BR not IH-JS.

Regarding Healthy, isn't that the situation also same like JS children. The girl maybe/never know about her birth mother since parents divorce when she still young but she accept IH as her mother or big sister and reluctantly to spend time with her real mother. Even children can sense the genuine love.

If want to based on another k-drama, how about 'Kind Women Baek IlHong'. The man pursue his love of mother of 3 although all people around him detests it and all the 3 children adore him and accept him as the father figure.

Taber; I agree with you. After all love is universal thing either from western or east perspective. My cousin remarried again after his divorce and his new wife accept and treat his children from previous marriage like her own.

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Guest winghlau
Any youtube links to watch last weekend episode at KBSW. Or what epi last week on kbsw. i missed it.

Thanks to all for sharing views regarding this drama. i like this drama coz every character had equal screen time. Maybe for the 1st time people at this thread thought that the main character are SH-SR-BR not IH-JS.

Last weekend on KBS World was episodes 37 & 38.

Started watching this drama because of IH-JS, but now I’m more interested in SH-SR-BR-DW and of course SR’s hilarious parents.

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Guest Tushka
With that being said I think that DW is just like my dad therefore I don't think that Healthy would ever feel unloved by him regardless if Bori and him have other children. If anything I can see Shino feeling resentment toward his own child before I can see DW getting sick of Bori and Healthy. I think you got he characters confuse it was Shino that got (Sick) thinking of the enn with Bori.

I agree. I was raised by an Uncle who had four children by his first wife. He was married to my Mom's oldest sister. He asked my Mom if he could legally adobt me. Even though she said no, his treatment and love towards me was no less than that of his own children.

I think Dongwoo's love towards Healthy is the same as if the baby was his child. Remember, Dong Woo was there with Bori and caring for her and Healthy as soon as he found out she was pregnant. From purchasing things she needed, taking her to doctor's appointments, making sure she rested and eating properly.

I think Bori has fallen for Dong Woo but does not know it. JMO. She now leans on his shoulder to cry. She takes hold of his hand. And, she actually smiles at him. Once again ... jmo. :D

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Guest uop1497

For those who were raised by step father and get love. You are all lucky. I have witness how my aunt's 3rd husband was treating my cousins vs his own children. So, I have different opinion than you. I agree there are good men / women out there, but I have not meet one yet.

DW in the drama ( in my opinion) is more suitable as a good brother to BR than a lover.

BR holding DW hand and cry on his shoulder does not mean she love him. I think she just grateful to meet a nice person who care for her when she is in bad situation. I don't see the love between them at all.

Maybe BR will leave with DW (in the show if the writer choose to do so) because she wants to sacrify herself for SH happiness., not because loving DW.

Regarding why Bori does not contact her family, I think if she does, probably she and SH already marry and we have nothing debate any more. :) :)

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She didn’t stick her nose in other people’s business. It was SH’s business. As his future wife, she has the right to do so. I certainly would if I were in her shoes. BR yelled at her and told her that to even consider that BR is carrying SH’s baby means that SR has no trust in him, her love is not deep enough and so she should not marry SH. It was not right of her to say that knowing full well that she was lying. I think it was BR and not SR who hit below the belt.

I meant in the earlier episode where SH was in the hospital, not after SR got engaged to SH. That's why I said 'at the time'. lol but I understand where you're coming from. It's just that I sympathize with BR more because I sort of understand her situation.

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Guest ellabel
With 10 episodes more to go, anything can happen, SH with SR or SH with BR or BR with DW. One thing is certain though in this drama... Inho will end up with SJ.

Yes, armin sis.... anything can still happen with 10 more eppies... actually, even in just 2 eps to go. I've watched a lot of K-dramas where everything got settled on the last ep.... making the vital scenes cramped and hurried, leaving the viewers either blur or totally dumbfoundedon how things ended. :wacko:

TRUE! that's why i can't see them together in the end because i can't feel SH's love for her.

I don't feel the intensity of his feeling for SH, if in the start of this fic the writer already

establish a certain bond for SH-SR. I would've thought that they'd end up together.

While it is true that SH did not love SR from the beginning, theirs is a love story that developed. The writer took pains in recreating the back scenarios when as an obese teen-ager, Sera has a deep crush on SH, always looking out for him from afar. And, through the years, while SH was uncontrollably sowing his oats and acting like a cassanova, SR worked hard to be beautiful so that in their next meeting, SH will pay attention to her. She even became a dentist like him and worked in the same clinic. They went thru the unconventional courtship, SR acting like a playgir! so SH will notice her and she was successful to the point that SH felt jealousy and realized that he likes SR. SH even endured SR's dad's brutal words and violent actions just to prove to him that he is worthy of SR's love. SH didnt even mind that his father begged SR's dad to accept him. When he introduced SR to his family as his fiancee, you can see that he's so glowing and proud of her. If that is not love, I dont know what is. :rolleyes:

having no focus on DW's character in this drama is another factor why i can't see him with BORI and she's

too grateful to him that maybe it's mistaken for love. How this story is rolling, i can't really think much about the couple2x part. If SH will have a progress towards his attitude on BR, then they'll probably end up for good. And if SR will become a psychotic richard simmons because of her obsession with SH then obviously she'll end up in the Psychiatric facility in the end.

LOL i'm so evil but most of Kdramas end that way. I just hope it'll not be too predictable.

Well, DW is not one of the main characters so understandably he doesnt have much screen time.

But we do get bits and pieces of DW's character that's why some fans noticed him and he endeared himself to us. I know that he's loyal, caring, dependable, responsible, sweet and patient. We also know that he loves Insun like a mother and that he loves Bori undonditionally. In fact, I will bet my excess tummy fats :P:lol: that despite BR's stuborness, she will eventually fall for DW.

Errrr... the psycho ward is already reserved for YJ.... :P

I doubt thatSR will turn into a psychotic bi+ch as she still have the support and love of her parents and sister. SR was never shown to be one with emotional baggage. And basing on how she reacted on learning about BR and the kid, i think her reactions are purely natural. Tho she decided to hide the truth from SH, it was after much contemplation, with Insun and Bori begging her to death not to reveal it. She may have her selfish reason but she said that she knows her conscience will bother her for the rest of her life. Sera was never portrayed to be mean or bi+chy like YJ.

I can't understand the animosity towards Bori. To me, she's a kind and thoughtful girl - putting others' happiness before her own. Yes, in the beginning, she was pushy and doing everything she could to get SH to marry her. But I dont blame her. She was pregnant and desperate. Korean society do not look favorably upon single mothers.

I dont think there is animosity towards Bori.... As a woman, I symphatize with her plight but i just dont agree on how she handled herself towards SH most especially. Her constant crying also made me so tired of her. She knows very well that her pregnancy is at a precarious stage and yet she chose to wail and wail at every revelation instead of trying to be strong for the sake of the baby. At times, I wud like to shout at her to tell her that your crying will not do the baby good and u r risking both your lives. Aigoo!!!! :wacko:

Sometimes, I'm confused whether the writer really wants to make her character strong by going thru the pregnancy alone, working hard, standing up to her decision or make her the crying martyr type of heroine. :blink:

I find it sad that in your country you are not able to raise another person child with the same love, care and devotion you would give your birth child. As a person raise by a step father I can tell you that it very common in America to be love by your parent regardless of blood line. My father is the greatest and treat me no less then his natural daughters. If you were to ask my sisters if they think they get treated better because they are my dad's natural daughters. They would quickly tell you like they whine to my dad, that I'm loved more because I'm his first born. My father always said that a parent could never love one child more then the other, they just love them different depending on they characteristic. I have never felt the need to ask my dad about his love for me because I seen it all my life. It not about bloodline, it about him being up all night when I'm sick, it about him feeling pain when I'm hurt, it about people telling him that I just like him! because the love he has giving me is imprinted in my soul regardless of my DNA.

With that being said I think that DW is just like my dad therefore I don't think that Healthy would ever feel unloved by him regardless if Bori and him have other children. If anything I can see Shino feeling resentment toward his own child before I can see DW getting sick of Bori and Healthy. I think you got he characters confuse it was Shino that got (Sick) thinking of the enn with Bori.

Taber, i am so touched with what you wrote. You are so lucky. Still, it is also known that there will be situations unlike yours.

Going back to MPY, i also feel that DW will be a great appa to Healthy since he was there from the start. If some stepfather can love their grown stepkids equally with their own, what more if the dad was there since the beginning of the pregnancy. He even buys books and music for Healthy.

DW witnessed all the joys, pains and sufferings of Bori bearing this child so I think his connection with the baby is strong. Whether SH will be present in Healthy's life or not, I dont have any ounce of doubt that Healthy will grow up well-loved and cared for.

Bori and ShinHo!!!!

But.. isn't ther only like 6 more eps left of this drama? I thought this drama would show SH slowly falling in love with her, like from duty to true love. and showing their married life. But it seems like there's not enought tiem for that!

Hehehe..... your thot is usually how many past K-dramas evolved... however, i wud like to think that this drama will be different. But, if the writer want to do it, even just 2 eppies left to go will do. I just dont know if ppl will be happy or disappointed about it turning that way. I'm sure many will feel shortchanged or treated as gullible. I just hate it when writers think that they can do anything they want just becoz they control the story. :angry:

Btw, one thing am sure of as their storyline is so cliche-ish.... IH will end up living happily ever after with JS and the kids. ;)

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Guest b00kw0rm
I meant in the earlier episode where SH was in the hospital, not after SR got engaged to SH. That's why I said 'at the time'. lol but I understand where you're coming from. It's just that I sympathize with BR more because I sort of understand her situation.

OIC. Yes, I agree that at that scene, she had no right to interfere. At that time I didn’t quite like her but she grew on her. I don’t know why but I just like her heaps more than BR.

When he introduced SR to his family as his fiancee, you can see that he's so glowing and proud of her. If that is not love, I dont know what is. :rolleyes:

Yes, he had this unabashed happy, proud look on his face. They have great chemistry.

Errrr... the psycho ward is already reserved for YJ.... :P

I doubt thatSR will turn into a psychotic bi+ch as she still have the support and love of her parents and sister. SR was never shown to be one with emotional baggage. And basing on how she reacted on learning about BR and the kid, i think her reactions are purely natural. Tho she decided to hide the truth from SH, it was after much contemplation, with Insun and Bori begging her to death not to reveal it. She may have her selfish reason but she said that she knows her conscience will bother her for the rest of her life. Sera was never portrayed to be mean or bi+chy like YJ.

True. Its only some posters who seem determined to portray SR as mean and beetchy. What I seen, she loves SH deeply. She went through great anguish trying to decide what to do.

Sometimes, I'm confused whether the writer really wants to make her character strong by going thru the pregnancy alone, working hard, standing up to her decision or make her the crying martyr type of heroine. :blink:

I also agree. All that crying and carrying on just annoys me. Whatever sympathy I had for her died the second or third time she turned on the water tap.

Taber, i am so touched with what you wrote. You are so lucky. Still, it is also known that there will be situations unlike yours.

There are good, bad and ugly people in every country in the world. Not just the bad in Korea (since the drama based in Korea) or the good only in the USA! Do read what Daniel Henney has to say about growing up in the US as a Eurasian child of a single mother.

Since BR said she and her family are close and love each other very much, I find the silence on her part is disturbing. Its not whether the family is conservative and strict but the depth of love. There are parents who are conservative and strict but would just open their arms and gratefully welcome back their children. There are families who are apparently “modern” and “open” and would not hesitate to reject family members who have ‘misbehaved’.

Hehehe..... your thot is usually how many past K-dramas evolved... however, i wud like to think that this drama will be different. But, if the writer want to do it, even just 2 eppies left to go will do. I just dont know if ppl will be happy or disappointed about it turning that way. I'm sure many will feel shortchanged or treated as gullible. I just hate it when writers think that they can do anything they want just becoz they control the story. :angry:

Btw, one thing am sure of as their storyline is so cliche-ish.... IH will end up living happily ever after with JS and the kids. ;)

I hope that doesn’t happen. I always feel like its an insult to my intelligence when suddenly couples get together, villains become good, etc.

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Guest babymarzy07
Not once did SH say that he loves Bori. He only wants to be RESPONSIBLE. Will it benefit Healthy to be brought up in a family where the mother and father lives together but there is no love ? Mum and Dad will be physically there for Healthy......but what about his emotional wellbeing. Will he feel the warmth and love and security from his parents ?

I think the ball is really in Bori's court. She should marry the man she truly loves. During all this time spent with DW.....has she not been moved by his sincerity , warmth and love ? As for SH.....can she still love and live with a man who does not love her.....and is in love ? with another woman ? Does SH really know the meaning of love ? I have no doubt he will make a good father ( after all he has a great father )...but a good husband ?????

thanks bryan! i definiitely agree with your point. growing up in that sort of environment is no good either. raising a child like this, will make him resent his parents later on and develop maybe messed up views on family and love.

I find it sad that in your country you are not able to raise another person child with the same love, care and devotion you would give your birth child. As a person raise by a step father I can tell you that it very common in America to be love by your parent regardless of blood line. My father is the greatest and treat me no less then his natural daughters. If you were to ask my sisters if they think they get treated better because they are my dad's natural daughters. They would quickly tell you like they whine to my dad, that I'm loved more because I'm his first born. My father always said that a parent could never love one child more then the other, they just love them different depending on they characteristic. I have never felt the need to ask my dad about his love for me because I seen it all my life. It not about bloodline, it about him being up all night when I'm sick, it about him feeling pain when I'm hurt, it about people telling him that I just like him! because the love he has giving me is imprinted in my soul regardless of my DNA.

With that being said I think that DW is just like my dad therefore I don't think that Healthy would ever feel unloved by him regardless if Bori and him have other children. If anything I can see Shino feeling resentment toward his own child before I can see DW getting sick of Bori and Healthy. I think you got he characters confuse it was Shino that got (Sick) thinking of the enn with Bori.

wow ur lucky to have that situation. granted like the others say not everyone gets that. but there are people like that.

im sure the people who believe in adoption as well. and loving those children like they are your own. there is a down side and upside to this situation.

which reminds me of 'women of the sun' so much btw. but these are great sentiments.

i just hope after all this, they give a good ending. one that resolves this entire arguement. Ilnam and Insun. Inho and Jeonsol.

SH and SR. JR and JH. DH and BR. whoever sacrifices does so maybe out of love, devotion or what not but justify it for viewers to completely understand. i just hope this isnt another Happy Woman that will drive me nuts with the ending.

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Guest puppyiz

After watching eppy 44, I'm gonna start crying like LeeTaeRan.

I cant believe we have only 6 more episodes to go.

This scene, just before JeonSeol goes into the lift & finally meets InHo at the car park -

Would anyone care to share this sweet song we hear playing at the background?

What's the title in Hangul ??

Did I hear correctly the Radio DJ mentioned this singer's name is Kim Ji Hoon ??

Thank you :D

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