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[drama 2008] My Precious You 내사랑 금지옥엽

Guest huangsy

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I would have to say that Shinho does not deserve Bori's love. Let's not forget, the thought of marrying her & the baby made him so sick he had to go to the hospital. Go Bori/DongWoo. :P

In spite of knowing he doesn't love her and forcing himself to the point of being sick, he wanted to marry her to do the "right thing" by her. If it was just Bori then I would agree she loved him enough to let him go. But its Bori plis baby so I don't feel she had the right to make the decision by herself. She should have discussed the matter with SH and find a way to work out how he can be a responsible dad with or as I would prefer, without marrying Bori just for the sake of the baby. Bori doesn't love him enough to want him in her life any other way but on her terms.

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In spite of knowing he doesn't love her and forcing himself to the point of being sick, he wanted to marry her to do the "right thing" by her. If it was just Bori then I would agree she loved him enough to let him go. But its Bori plis baby so I don't feel she had the right to make the decision by herself. She should have discussed the matter with SH and find a way to work out how he can be a responsible dad with or as I would prefer, without marrying Bori just for the sake of the baby. Bori doesn't love him enough to want him in her life any other way but on her terms.

Bori didn't make the decision by herself. SH and his family was very much a part of that decision. They, technically trapped her like a mouse in the corner and was emotionally forcing her to have an abortion. Since this was purely an emotional driven decision Bori's real emotions to save her child over rode her submissive attitude to please SH and his family.

So, SH actions of disgust and contempt was very much a part of the decision to keep the child away from him. Isn't that what he wanted. Yea, yea, I know he wanted the baby to disappear all together. But having impregnate a woman who obviously is 'pro life' the disappearing act mean for the child to live outside the eyesight of the father.

So, what I am saying is that SH is indeed apart of the decision to keep him unaware of the child existences.

Also, I agree, Bori doesn't love him enough to live on his terms. The very fact she had the child is a testament to that fact. But I think she loves her child enough to do whatever she can to secure his 'best' future. So if given a choice, if SH steps back into her world she may very well accept him. Not because she love him but because she love her son.

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Guest b00kw0rm

I don't think that SH and his family were a part of the decision and were trying to force her to get an abortion. SH's Dad did everything short of dragging SH to the altar. Inho too. Jinho loved Bori and looked forward to being an Uncle. And when SH heard that Bori went to the hospital for an abortion, he rushed there to stop her. He looked devasted when he thought she went through with it. She could have seen from his reaction then that he would not abandon his child or shrug off his responsibilities. Even after the Dad thought that Bori aborted the baby, he told the aunt and his ex-wife that it was Sinho who called off the engagement and that Bori aborted the baby. The Dad put all the blame on Sinho.

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I don't think that SH and his family were a part of the decision and were trying to force her to get an abortion. SH's Dad did everything short of dragging SH to the altar. Inho too. Jinho loved Bori and looked forward to being an Uncle. And when SH heard that Bori went to the hospital for an abortion, he rushed there to stop her. He looked devasted when he thought she went through with it. She could have seen from his reaction then that he would not abandon his child or shrug off his responsibilities. Even after the Dad thought that Bori aborted the baby, he told the aunt and his ex-wife that it was Sinho who called off the engagement and that Bori aborted the baby. The Dad put all the blame on Sinho.

Thanks! I had it all wrong :wacko:

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Isn't it harder for a man to give up his son?

In still very traditional Korea, even harder for a grandparent to give up a grandson....especially if he knows that the grandson may take another man's surname.....if Bori marries DW, Healthy will be his son.

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Guest bokbok29

DW doesn't deserves BR. DW maybe caring but he is so boring. and I don't like the way DW lies to BR over and over just to cover up for SH's Mom, what a good for nothing puppet. DW hides BR and Healthy to SH just to keep them for himself, so selfish.. SH's Mom and DW reason to hide BR for SH sake is not acceptable, even if BR want it that way also. SH has the right to know.

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Guest Happy_Day

OMG so has ShinHo and Bori met again yet after that day in the security guard cubicle??

Is anyone else doubting that they will end up together, or that SH will end up loving her? I just can't see it happening at the rate this drama is going..... :(

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Guest lucky_moon

DW doesn't deserves BR. DW maybe caring but he is so boring. and I don't like the way DW lies to BR over and over just to cover up for SH's Mom, what a good for nothing puppet. DW hides BR and Healthy to SH just to keep them for himself, so selfish.. SH's Mom and DW reason to hide BR for SH sake is not acceptable, even if BR want it that way also. SH has the right to know.

DW is better than SH in many ways, DW accept BR & loved her even that he know that she still love SH, also he accept BR's child as his own & always taking care of him & till the Eps I watched till now he even discussed with SH mom that he want to get marry to BR & the three of them will got Chicago & become a family & also Healthy's father.. while SH even that BR confess her love for him & tell him that she had his baby but he still not confident & irresponsible but want to accept it under the pressure of his father, he was already irresponsible from the beginning for his baby, so what's right does he have now to go back to BR & ask for his right as a healthy's father, or Does his feeling change when he saw the baby?? It could be but from the start he doesn't want this relation with BR, so SH doesn't deserve BR as a wife & even have the child.. <_<

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Guest ellabel

Poor kids.....they thought they were finally going to have a complete home/family with IH nuna as their mum...but now....must be so confused why dad suddenly packed up and take them away ?????

I don't think JS was fooled by YJ.....in fact he knows too well how utterly ruthless and evil YJ can be....she will stop at nothing to get what she wants....to the extend of ruining him and her kids to get KM.....and now, she will do the same to IH.....JS just wants to protect IH ....he has seen how YJ can be so shameless and selfish without any hint of conscience....like a bulldozer....charging at IH at her work place....she will not stop until she completely destroys IH's reputation and career and life...... JS can't bear to let that happen.....and he does not know what else to do...except leave IH .........Really feel like pushing YJ off a cliff.....

I know most family dramas will end with the evil person repenting ( My pitiful sister's evil Mrs Kim repented and stayed out of prison) BUT.....I don't want to see YJ's evil deeds forgiven and forgotten.....She should end up like Insu (My pitiful sister ).....DIE !!!!!

:lol: Agree... agree..... we shud let YJ DIE..... slow, painful death.......She will never be a good mother if she thinks that giving her kids all material things and luxuries in life is the only way to gain their love and trust. Even if they said that blood is thicker than water, the kids will eventually feel that IH is more acting like their mother, sincere in her love and shows genuine care for them. Best of all, she also truly loves their dad and gives him inspiration and happines.

I know that JS thinks that by going away, he can protect both his kids and IH but that's just running away again and he already had first hand experience that that is not the answer. Oh well, we know that eventually they will reunite. I just hope that our tv set is still intact by then so I can see their reunion. YJ can sometimes bring out the worst in me. :rolleyes::P

I hope SH will not make himself an a$$h0le again by leaving SR just so society can say that he's a responsible man by marrying Bori becoz of the baby. If it's SR that he loves then it wud be a complete mistake to marry BR (and BR accepting him) just for the sake of the baby. He will not only make his life miserable but Bori's as well. I hope for once he lives up to his decision and continue to be reformed MAN by doing what's best for everybody, marry SR and have a happy family, support his & Bori's kid and have a friendly relationship with Bori and to whoever is going to be her husband, who I hope is DW. :P:lol:

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:lol: SH will not make himself an a$$h0le again by leaving SR just so society can say that he's a responsible man by marrying Bori becoz of the baby. If it's SR that he loves then it wud be a complete mistake to marry BR (and BR accepting him) just for the sake of the baby. He will not only make his life miserable but Bori's as well. I hope for once he lives up to his decision and continue to be reformed MAN by doing what's best for everybody, marry SR and have a happy family, support his & Bori's kid and have a friendly relationship with Bori and to whoever is going to be her husband, who I hope is DW. :P:lol:

Is this situation too westernize? Of course I think it's the best solution but is it the best (modern) Korean solution?

Just what is the best Korean solution? I'm curious if this westernize idea is acceptable.

BTW - I say it westernize because clear 'ownership' of the child is on a grey line, something that is very acceptable in the States. Where in the majority of kdrama I watch the Koreans like a 'clean' break and a 'clear' line of ownership. There's no sharing. It's either it's yours or mine but not our.

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I hope SH will not make himself an a$$h0le again by leaving SR just so society can say that he's a responsible man by marrying Bori becoz of the baby. If it's SR that he loves then it wud be a complete mistake to marry BR (and BR accepting him) just for the sake of the baby. He will not only make his life miserable but Bori's as well. I hope for once he lives up to his decision and continue to be reformed MAN by doing what's best for everybody, marry SR and have a happy family, support his & Bori's kid and have a friendly relationship with Bori and to whoever is going to be her husband, who I hope is DW. :P:lol:

Sweetie, wake up and smell the coffee. The way this is going, no way he's going to marry SR. He's already having second thoughts now that his son has been born. There is no way he's going to let his son grow up without a father.

I don't mean to sound like a richard simmons or anything but it's too painfully obvious where it's going to go. One way or another somebody's going to get hurt and it's not going to be SH or BR. That much I know for sure.

BTW anybody know what happened after poor Jiu spilled hot water on herself? I only saw the previews but the little girl looks like she's in so much pain. DX

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it is soooo gripping and even if i don't understand the language and somewhat... no, most of the time, confused... i still watch it.

geez @ BS for hiding things from SH.

it wouldn't be a drama; but... baby-daddy still have a right to know!

DW is waaaaaay better for KM and the baby... i don't like his name, btw... LOL

SH denied responsibility by being a playboy, then so many times afterwards.

KB is not the simple bumpkin I thot she was in the beginning... I used to find her annoying, but now... I like her!


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Guest babymarzy07

In still very traditional Korea, even harder for a grandparent to give up a grandson....especially if he knows that the grandson may take another man's surname.....if Bori marries DW, Healthy will be his son.

does this apply even with the new laws on family? what's it called that list that each person has.

i forgot. family something? since the new custody laws. im not sure if its now joint or mom has new rights etc.

I hope SH will not make himself an a$$h0le again by leaving SR just so society can say that he's a responsible man by marrying Bori becoz of the baby. If it's SR that he loves then it wud be a complete mistake to marry BR (and BR accepting him) just for the sake of the baby. He will not only make his life miserable but Bori's as well. I hope for once he lives up to his decision and continue to be reformed MAN by doing what's best for everybody, marry SR and have a happy family, support his & Bori's kid and have a friendly relationship with Bori and to whoever is going to be her husband, who I hope is DW. :P:lol:

yeah, i thought this as well early on in the drama. but i realized it did seem like the westernized solution.

i dont think in traditional korea this would sit well. especially with the dad/parents.

im not sure they willing to be this modernized thinking yet. but ill hafta see.

kapneemo, you have a good point. id think that somebody getting hurt in this love rectangle is so evident. and it's gonna be real soon. it's a more common solution for the usually reuniting couple. but there have instances in dramas were it was the choice of the mom that she didnt go that instead go her own path.

SH will turn out a huge a$$ to SR and her parents, after the mini cooper hits the fan. and likewise, DW will get hurt with the rejection that comes along with his emotions attached to BR. we will know wo can own up to their own faults, failures and what not. being a family drama, it's quite obvious this is the path it will go.

i agree also that JS has good intentions by running away. but it's not really the wisest choice. cause we know it doesnt exactly help anything by doing that. i just hope IH can stand this and defend herself against the attack of YJ. i dont know how they can really make her stop at the rate she's going.

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In EP35, I dont understand the motive of Sera in finding who the father of Bori's carrying. Bori is living peacefully and she should not bother her anymore. Anyway, the truth is slowly coming out already. Please give us the preview of the latest episode in Korea. I know we are almost 7 episodes behind.


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Guest lucky_moon

In EP35, I dont understand the motive of Sera in finding who the father of Bori's carrying. Bori is living peacefully and she should not bother her anymore. Anyway, the truth is slowly coming out already. Please give us the preview of the latest episode in Korea. I know we are almost 7 episodes behind.


cuz at first when she saw BR @ the bakery she believed what BR's said that she is married, but when she saw SH's picture on BR's wallet she suspected the relation between SH & the baby, so she remembered what the Bakery Ajumma's asked BR how many months left she still have she replied only 2 month so she asked SH about his military service & after all that she found out that sH's done with his Military service on June while BR's got pregnant on May so that mean it's SH's baby, for that she asked to meet BR again & clarify it to make sure of it :)

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