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[movie 2009] The Naked Kitchen 키친

Guest cheli001

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Top 10 movies for 2009 (journalists' selection/ expectation) -- Kitchen at #10... :w00t:


무빅 선정2009년 기대작 한국 영화 TOP 10s

2009년에는 어떤 영화들이 극장가를 화려하게 수놓을까. 스타 감독들의 화제작이 공개되고, 블록버스터의 스펙터클 향연이 펼쳐지며, 배우들의 열연과 참신한 감각이 기대되는 각양각색 수많은 영화들이 2009년 관객을 맞이할 예정이다. 그 중 <무비위크> 기자들이 가장 기대하는 영화를 선정했다. 한국 영화와 외화를 나눠 1위부터 10위까지 <무비위크>가 선정한 스물네 편의 영화 리스트를 공개한다.

01. 마더 (Mother)

STARRING 김혜자 원빈 진구

02. 박쥐 (Thirst)

STARRING 송강호 김옥빈 신하균

03. 국가대표 (National Representative)

STARRING 하정우 김지석 김동욱 최재환 이재응 성동일

04. 불꽃처럼 나비처럼 (Like Fireworks, Like Butterflies)


05. 해운대 (Haeundae)

STARRING 설경구 하지원 박중훈 엄정화

06. 작전 (The Scam/ Strategy)

STARRING 박용하 박희순 김민정 김무열, OPENS 2월 12일

07. 패럴렐 라이프 (가제) (Parallel Life)

STARRING 지진희 이종혁 윤세아

08. 김씨표류기 (Wandering Mr. Kim)

STARRING 정재영 정려원, OPENS 4월 30일

09. 인사동 스캔들 (Insadong Scandal)

STARRING 김래원 엄정화

10. 키친 (Kitchen)

STARRING 신민아 주지훈 김태우 (SMA, JJH, KTW)


OPENS 2월 5일 (Feb 5, 2009)

PLOT 우산 가게를 운영하는 모래와 펀드 매니저인 상인 부부. 어느 날 갑자기 상인이 셰프가 되겠다고 선언한다. 그리고 그들의 집에 천재 요리사 두레가 들어와 같이 살게 되면서 기묘한 동거 관계가 시작된다.

삼각관계_구질구질한 삼각관계는 이 영화에 없다. “결혼 1주년을 맞은 완벽할 것 같은 커플에게 새로운 사람이 찾아오면, 통상적인 부적절한 관계가 될까? 무거운 분위기의 치정극으로 끝날까? 이런 질문에서 시작하게 됐다.” 홍지영 감독의 발칙한 발상은 새로운 삼각관계를 보여준다. 자상하고 부드러운 남편과 도발적이고 자유로운 다른 남자 사이에 있는 독특한 감성을 가진 여자. 이들은 어떤 의미에서 ‘우정’ 관계를 유지하며 연애를 한다. <키친>은 러브스토리다. 하지만 좀 다르다. 그래서 기대되는 거다.

10. 오감도 (가제)

STARRING 장혁 김수로 김강우 차수연(예정), OPENS 4~5월

10. 공중곡예사 (가제) (The Aerialist)

STARRING 황정민 류덕환 엄지원 오달수 윤제문


rgds :D

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07 January 2009

Joo Ji-hoon and Shin Mina in Kitchen

Mmm hmm…the two stars are set to whip up something good in the Kitchen.

Devil co-stars Joo Ji-hoon and Shin Mina reunite in Kitchen, a romance flick directed by Hong Ji-young. Joining the mix is actor Kim Tae-woo (pic below, right), who plays a key role in the film’s love triangle.

The stars of the show were out and about earlier today to promote the film.

Kitchen will be release in February 2009 (South Korea).

credit: K-popped!

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Guest Badboyz

You guys will probably not believe me but that photo where KTW has his arms around JJh was taken at my uncles house...

So that means my little cousin was always around while they were shooting...

She got autographs, photoes and everything of JJh...

Too bad she couldn't get an autograph of Shin mina for me...

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You guys will probably not believe me but that photo where KTW has his arms around JJh was taken at my uncles house...

So that means my little cousin was always around while they were shooting...

She got autographs, photoes and everything of JJh...

Too bad she couldn't get an autograph of Shin mina for me...

gosh, where is your lil cousin? hhaha! can she share her photos of jjh ? :w00t:

thanks for sharing!


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Can't this be made into a drama instead?!? I love the cast so much and with drama I can watch it right after being uploaded. But with it being a movie, I have to wait sooo long before being able to watch it. ugh...

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From the news thread, credit rubie

January 7, 2009

Shin Mina in romantic lead


SHIN Mina has been cast in Kitchen, directed by HONG Ji-young. SHIN’s character is married, but falls in love with her husband’s friend who temporarily moves in with them. JU Ji-hun and KIM Tae-woo take on the male leading roles.

SHIN played in 2008 in the music film Go Go 70s and she broke through with the teenage martial arts comedy Volcano High. In 2008, JU was seen in Antique, while KIM appeared in Sa-kwa alongside MOON So-ri.


HONG previously directed short films and her Herstory competed at Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival. Kitchen is scheduled for a release in February.

Credits: Yi Ch'ang-ho (KOFIC), image from empas.com

<언론 시사회 등 일정> (Kitchen Preview Schedules)

● 2009년 1월19일 오후 2시 언론 시사회 (2009-01-19 @ 2PM SK time, Press preview)

● 2009년 1월19일 오후 8시 V I P 시사회 (2009-01-19 @ 8PM SK time, VIP preview)

<예고편 및 포스터 공개일정> (Kitchen Preview & Poster Schedules)

● 다음주 "극장판 예고편" 및 "포스터"가 공식적으로 공개됩니다. (Next week, theater tickets should be available & poster officially open to public)


credit daumju

rgds :D

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Guest tinenini

exhibition of TNK props (SMA's character seems to be fan of umbrellas...)


credit: baidu

waves back @ f9er ;)

Hyeee TNK fans!!!!!!

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Naked Kitchen mv:



clearer images of the kissing scenes :ph34r:

dl link:

alternate link: http://www.mediafire.com/?dr4wnnzdjnz

주지훈 <앤티크> VS <키친> 업 & 다운!

Ju JiHun <Antique> VS <Kitchen> UP & Down

Kitchen preview >> http://movie.daum.net/moviedetailVideoView...p;videoId=15962

rgds :D

dl link:

alternate link: http://www.mediafire.com/?5yz5tjzzyzy

credit pm rebby and f927 sis at JJH thread

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