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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Guest myGLAMrocks

-strong morals

-good sense of humor


-has to be older than me but at most, 5 years

-very caring and respectful and always think of others first

-has to smell good...that's not too much right?

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Guest Beautiful*Nightmare

Pysically - Attractive in my standard, taller than me, lean, and good hygiene.

Personality - Loyal, good sense of humor, patience, ambitious, respectful of others, and caring.

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Hopefully someone not insanely tall, [i'm 4'9'', but I'm nearly 17] Someone who's nice, and doesn't poke fun of my height, I'm sensitive about it and all my friends make fun of me. As long as he's nice and understanding, I don't think looks as important, although it's what the first impression is~ 

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Guest staticlullaby

Good Sense Of Humour. :)

if he can make me laugh more then anyone else, he can have it all :wub:

Values education.

That's pretty much my minimum requirements :)

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Guest futabasan

Hopefully someone not insanely tall, [i'm 4'9'', but I'm nearly 17] Someone who's nice, and doesn't poke fun of my height, I'm sensitive about it and all my friends make fun of me. As long as he's nice and understanding, I don't think looks as important, although it's what the first impression is~ 

I don't think you're short!!! :)

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Guest theotherwoman

I'm 5'7 so I perfer someone taller than me...

but I have dated men that are shorter than me by 2 inches. :lol:

Someone educated...

Someone with a sense of humor...

Someone patience....

Someone who likes me for me...

Most of all he has to values his family...

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Guest reinlee

He must know what he's doing with his life, or at least have a general idea of what job/goal he's shooting for. He must be hard-working, not a coach-potato that slacks around playing all day and spending his parents' money even after college.

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Guest lckt.shop

Minimum requirements:

He must be taller

A sense of humor (or at least some sense of humor)

He must respect me and respect himself :)

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Guest MaknaeLove

-preferably taller than 5'10 ... im 5'8 so it would be great if he was taller but 5'10 would probably be my minimum height...

-gets along with my family and friends..

-have some kind of a plan for what he's going to do when he graduates -- doesn't matter if he actually is able to follow through with his plans but at least kind of have something he is aiming for

-treats me well

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Guest Lovelyisu

+Taller than me (5'3 isn't too hard to surpass :P)

+Asian, preferably Chinese so he can communicate with my parents

That's it! (:

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Guest Starblazerbon

+Taller than me (5'3 isn't too hard to surpass :P)

+Asian, preferably Chinese so he can communicate with my parents

That's it! (:

Just because someone is Chinese doesn't mean they will be able to speak Chinese.. heh...

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Hmm...He has to be taller than me but I guess that's easy since I stand at 5'1. He has to have a decent personality and can make me laugh (a good sense of humor is a MUST). He should also exude confidence though not too much as to act cocky. Nice guy...and oh, definitely NOT controlling and judgmental. happy.gif

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I believe i posted here before, and at that time i was really inexperience and was expecting alot of things from a guy...

but now my perspective has changed.

I just want a guy who i can easily "communicate" with.

A guy who i can have an engaging conversations.

someone who shares his feelings, ideas and thoughts to me and vice versa.

basically, someone whom i can learn from and him learning something from me as well.

i want a guy who i can grow together with :D

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Guest Doodlepaws


-Taller than me. I'm 5'...

that's about it...


-someone who's calm and mature.



-close intellectual capacity

-respectful towards me

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Hmm, taller than me *Im 5'6 so yay taller than that*

-sense of humor *so he can get mah jokes :D*

-truly loves me for who i am *im not gonna lie, i eat ALOT, i gain weight then lose weight unexpectedly,

-forces me to eat more :D *i will fall for sure if that guy asks me to eat n' get healthy (:* when he doesn't even care abt my looking (: it's a BIG plus (:*

-knos how to take care of himself when im not around *i wanna make sure that w/o me, he's still fine (:*

-doesn't kno how to cook *its weird, isnt it? :D but i like it, so i can cook for him, or i can teach him (:*

-let me kno when he has any problems  *please, don't ever hide it from me, we can solve it together (:*

-protects me *makes me feel very safe to be around w/ him*

-makes sure im alrite (: *by calling or texting at anytime, anywhere (:*

Lastly, remember our anniversaries (: *plz, he only has to show me he CARES abt these lil things, another BIG plus <3*

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Guest bunny-chan

Hmmm...honestly, I know I'm a selfish person, so all I truly really want is someone that loves me and only me with all their heart (well maybe 99.9% of it ;))

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Guest justxlouise

I guess my minimum requirements would be:

- Taller than me (I'm 5'7)

- Well dressed and clean appearance?

- Definitely has to be loyal, dedicated, honest. The regular stuff

- Sense of humour

- Not arrogant or narcissistic

- Well educated / values education

- Good morals and values

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Lol wow, this thread is just silly. Instead of putting minimum requirements, everyone is instead listing their ideal traits. How silly.

Anyways, my main and probably only minimal requirement is that she is shorter than me. I absolutely will not date a woman who is taller than me. I find it very awkward.

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