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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Taller than me (i'm 5'4 so.. 5'7+ please)


Preferably my ethnicity, other ethnicities are cool too, but it depends.

Same or very similar religion

Strong Morals (knows what he believes in, has a backbone, but is open to hearing or learning about other things.

Less so on the hypocrites)

Intelligence (And intellectual)

Non egotistical. Can laugh at himself.

Non Clingy

Chemistry / Attraction

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Guest laughingman12

Taller than me (i'm 5'4 so.. 5'7+ please)


Preferably my ethnicity, other ethnicities are cool too, but it depends.

Same or very similar religion

Strong Morals (knows what he believes in, has a backbone, but is open to hearing or learning about other things.

Less so on the hypocrites)

Intelligence (And intellectual)

Non egotistical. Can laugh at himself.

Non Clingy

Chemistry / Attraction

Holy crap.... that some strict minimum requirements.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest mjong2

looks like im posting on an old thread... but... 

- she has to be in college or graduated

- between 4' 10'' and 5'9''

- strong family values

- not a gossiper 

- has passion about something: could be art, social work, math, whatever. As long as it's passion.

my current gf and my exes have far exceeded those requirements... so i think my minimum requirements are pretty realistic. 

on a side note. you guys realize that by saying your MINIMUM requirements are athletic, average+ looking, above 5'8'', college educated then you're already limiting yourself to 50% * 50% * 50% * 50% ----> 6.25% of the population... if those are your minimums i'd hate to see what your realistic expectations are. 

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Guest onehundredpercentasian

Has to be TALLER than me, I'm 4'11' (Most guys where I live are short >.<) and at least an average good looking guy.

It doesn't really matter whether he's handicapped or not. As long as he's a caring and loving guy.

I also like Mama's BOY, and guy's who has fashion. (White Boy Style)


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Guest sixthrain

For all those girls that are stating in their minimum requirements that the guy has to be taller than them or has to be a specific height, here's a personal story for you guys:

I used to have a pretty high height requirement. I'm 167cm (5'6"), and my dad is about 182cm. I've always always believed that my boyfriend should be 180cm+. No ifs. No buts. But when I walked into my high school and saw all the asian boys at an average of 175cm, I thought to myself: "oh, alright. 175cm is fine. I can settle." Then I noticed that there were a lot of cute guys that were at 172cm, so I thought: "well, it's all cool if he's taller than me." Then I saw some people that I thought genuinely matched me, at a measly 2cm above my height, and I fidgeted and finally concluded: "2cm is still taller. No biggie."

Long story short, I'm now dating a guy who's shorter than me. Yes, shorter. He once asked me on the subway whether I was disturbed by the fact that he had to rest his head on my shoulder instead of the other way around, and not only did I not mind, I thought it was unspeakably cute. Don't rule someone out because they don't meet your height requirements, girls. Who knows what could happen? :)

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Guest ail221

Minimum: Taller than me btw 5'3

Older than me at most five years older

Care about his appearance to some extent

Intelligent, funny, blunty honest.

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Guest missorrowrei


Same faith as me. 

Won't try to change me into what he WANTS me to be like.. 

Asian (mostly because we probably wouldn't have many similar interests if he weren't...)

Treats me right, non-abusive and the such.

Preferably older than me and taller than me. (Not difficult to find, I'm only a little over 5'4.)

Looking attractive might be a nice bonus too. :)

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A man/boy

Not taken

Someone with integrity (this includes honesty, loyalty, dependability)

Has a decent brain

Taller than me

Emotionally stable.

Interesting (keeps me entertained)

Knows the meaning of personal hygiene.






Holy crap.... that some strict minimum requirements.

Pretty reasonable actually. Some people are super shallow and have a minimum requirement list based mostly on specific look requirements -_-

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Guest Special Ed

Values education.

Know too many people who date/marry drop outs and slackers. I don't know how they expect to get married, start a family, and pay bills.

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Guest velvetdragonflies

Tall, And no 5'6 isn't considered tall. Above 5'10?

No tummy, doesn't have to have a rock hard body, but no fat. ><

Broad shoulders? I don't know, lol. Manly with a deep voice, a little serious. Mature. Older. etc. etc. etc. And should be cynical about true love. lol. I mean, I don't mind if he isn't exclusive at first, because I don't think I can.

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