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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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im 5'3 so as long as this guy is taller than me it's perfectly fine.

I don't really like pale guys.

This guy could not be skinny, no thank you.

but im not even atracted to overly weighted guys.

as long as you look buff looking, your good :P

decent looking :D

personality-loving,caring,nice,trustworthy,funny,great listener

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Guest cinnemon

Taller than me. Able to speak/read basic Korean or willing to learn. Christian or open to religion. Hardworking, good hygiene, healthy habits, not smoker, not ugly **to me**. Finds me attractive. Cares for his family.

Maybe picky but I'm in no hurry.

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Guest cinnemon

what is going on, i never realized so many girls were like rollercoasters.

It's not like it's a one-way thing. I had a boyfriend who was clearly my height if not a little bit shorter, but he wouldn't admit it. Most guys don't want to date girls taller than them either. It doesn't bother me much and I'll admit it surprises me that guys are bothered by girls preferring guys taller than them too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest cicisaurr___

-Nice hair, and a good sense of style

-have at least 1 artistic ability

-someone i can talk to for hours

-someone that can go out whenever and wherever he likes

-someone who teases me (in a good way)

-not super skinny. meat is good (:


thats all (:

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Guest shoppingfreak614


-someone who loves me for who I am.

Honestly, I have no control over who I fall for, or who falls for me.

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Guest bagalagaa

5'9 and higher

white or asian

hockey or volleyball type body

nice/ outgoing/ smart/ not clingy/ honest

likes me for me

decent looking

must be liked/ approved by my friends

funny :)

some common interests

..but it's true sometimes you meet people out of your expectations..so this would probably be my IDEAL guy :P

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at least 3 inches taller than me


got his head on straight (no drugs, excessive drinking, going to uni)

proooobably he'll have to like asian dramas (just because i like them so much theyve become such a big part of me-haha thats weird, huh?-that we'd be too dissimilar if he didnt)

cant be overweight (sorry, but being overweight is a visual of pieces of one's personality/: and by overweight i mean going to the doctor and the doctor telling you you need to lose weight)

must have more confidence than me (haha which shouldnt be too hard of a requirement to meet)

and hmm maybe something else that require white dresses at a wedding (even though im the girl and the s/o would be a guy..idk what guys wear to symbolize that aha).....hahahaa im so unrealistic.

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Guest kuroPii

for me, the guy MUST be taller than me. it would be an extra extra nice bonus if he were taller than me when i wear heels too.. i'm 5'5'' so that means the guy would have to be atleast 6 feet. lols i have to feel comfortable around him as if we're friends, he MUST make me laugh.. silences that arent uncomfortable. non-smoker and he needs to love his family. (: looks are always a bonus (;

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