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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 17:


Muhyul tells King Yuri the most urgent task before them is clearing of the rumor around the streets, about the prince who died 20 years ago coming back as a ghost. Shocked, Yuri turns his gaze on Muhyul and leaves, without saying anything. Then when he returns to his chamber, Yuri appears traumatized and Hye-Ap urges the king not to pay attention to the words in the streets, and that the bad events aren't related to the prince, but merely orchestrated purposedly by someone. Yuri says in that case it means someone knows about Muhyul's identity and Hye-Ap agrees. Next, Maro asks Balso if he knows anything about the rumors about the deceased prince, and Balso sighs, as he explains he only heard about it recently too, and it's a top secret among imperial family. Balso says Prince Yeojin isn't King Yuri's 3rd prince, but his 4th, and that there was a baby prince who was killed right after his birth. Maro is shocked by it and Balso says the 3rd prince was born under a curse of destruction and the king himself killed the baby to stop the prophecy and so it was stopped, after the baby cursed its own mother, the queen to death. Muhyul listens cautiously and Maro asks about the ghost story and Balso says he doesn't know either, and Maro wonders if the 3rd prince is really alive.


Just then Princess Seryu comes and asks the three men to help her find the 3rd prince, before the royal tribes can find him first, for the council would not let the prince stay alive. Maro tells Seryu to ask Hye-Ap about it, but Seryu says Hye-Ap is being tailed by the council and if she finds the prince the prince's whereabouts would be exposed dangerously. Maro says he wants to help but they know nothing about the prince. Seryu says in the shrine, there are memorial plaques of the late queen and of Haemyeong, and there must be one of the 3rd prince as well. Maro asks if she wants them to go into the shrine and Seryu says yes, and to go find anything about the 3rd prince. Balso says no one is allowed into the shrine w/out the king's permission and Seryu says indeed she knows it's a difficult task but she needs them to try. Afterwards Maro asks Balso and Muhyul what they should do and Balso says they should forget it, but Muhyul says they have to help her because she is the only one who wants to protect the prince's existence, while everyone else fears it. Balso says they're not in any position to help anyone and Maro agrees, but Muhyul says if Haemyeong were alive he would want to protect the prince as well, and they are already dead ppl had the king not saved them. Balso calls Muhyul a nutcase who will be dead if caught, and Muhyul tells Balso that's why he needs his help, and Balso scratches his head.


Meanwhile, Myeongjin and Baegeuk report to Sangga about the people's loss of faith in King Yuri and Sangga says Yuri deserves it for tricking the council and the people, and Sangga says indeed the current event will dim Yuri's powers. Then Sangga warns they must never allow it be known that the Biryu tribe had anything to do w/ the happenings or else they will pay the price in double and Baegeuk says he already made certain it won't. Myeongjin asks Baegeuk if he really believes Haemyeong's follower is the 3rd prince and Baegeuk says only Yuri can let them know and he too is curious about it. Baegeuk goes to see Dojin next, and Baegeuk tells Dojin he must cut his ties w/ the past relationships clean if he wishes to succeed. Dojin asks what his next mission is, and Baegeuk says to continue the spread of strange phenomenon and illness. Then Miyu's brother Anseong comes see Baegeuk and Mahwang's man Gongchan sees the two leave together, then goes to Mahwang to report it. Mahwang says it's strange that all is quiet in Biryu when there are in the middle of chaos and tells Gongchan to continue spying on the clan. Mahwang then checks in with Yeon who says what's more disconcerning than the illness itself is the people's fear of curse.


Muhyul and Maro arrive before the shrine temple and realizes the daunting task ahead of them, and the two go to look for Balso, who is full of tricks, but Maro is angry when he sees Balso flirting with a maid instead, but Balso scoffs and says the maid he was talking to happens to serve the shrine maids, and he found out from her about the secret tunnel to the shrine, so the three set out to the cave where the tunnel is. Meanwhile Guchu tells Yuri about the spread of the rumors and asks the king to do something soon, and Yuri wonders if it's because he didn't kill Muhyul back then. Lady Miyu summons Baegeuk and asks him angrily if Biryu is behind the spread of rumors and disease and Anseong tries to stop her but Miyu tells him to stay out of it. Baegeuk grins and says everything is done for the sake of Prince Yeojin who will be at threat if the 3rd prince is still alive. Miyu scoffs at Baegeuk who would believe such nonsense but Baegeuk reveals indeed it's very possible that the 3rd prince is still alive and it's likely that he is Muhyul, the follower of Haemyeong. Lady Miyu is upset by this and her brother says they should just kill Muhyul even if he's not the 3rd prince, just to make sure.


Meanwhile the trio arrive by the cave to the tunnel, and Balso is scared to go in saying they may be punished thus Muhyul goes in alone while the other two stay watchful. Muhyul goes into the shrine temple where the templates are held, and finds the template of the 3rd prince, in a chest of other items that belonged to the ill-fated baby and Muhyul reads the template that says the baby's name is Muhyul, meaning without warm blood or heart, and Muhyul is shocked. Just then the noise of door opening happens, and Muhyul goes to hide, as he watches Yuri coming in with Guchu. Yuri comes before the chest, and kneels, and reveals to Guchu, Muhyul is his 3rd son, whom he tried to save but now he realizes it's his greed that has brought greater pain for Muhyul. Guchu is startled to learn this, but Muhyul is even more shocked and begins to sob, barely containing himself from letting his wailing be heard. Guchu tells Yuri if that's true they must expose Muhyul's status right away and protect him before he can be harmed, but Yuri says he can't because the ill prophecy is still alive, and Muhyul's curse of bringing death to his family is still coming true, the way Haemyeong died, and Muhyul sobs more.


Balso gets antsy waiting but Muhyul finally comes out from the tunnel, looking like a zombie without a soul and Muhyul walks away ignoring the calls of Maro and Balso. Muhyul then goes to wail alone as he remembers Haemyeong who asked him to call him 'older brother' and the present Haemyeong gave him before his death, and about Muhyul's curse of killing his own family. Maro is perplexed by Muhyul's behavior but Balso says maybe Muhyul turned into a real ghost and Maro gets disgusted at him. Meanwhile Anseong brings Miyu's letter to Baegeuk and Baegeuk is happy at the prospect that Miyu will take a woman from Biryu clan to make her the future crown princess. Baegeuk asks Anseong what Miyu wants in exchange and Anseong replies her sister wants Muhyul dead. At this, Baegeuk replies everything will turn out the way she wants. Next, Baegeuk tells Dojin the queen wants Muhyul dead, for fear he is really the 3rd prince, which means Yeojin couldn't be king. Dojin asks if he really wants him to go kill Muhyul, and Baegeuk says not yet, but when the time comes, Dojin should do it at once w/out reservation.


Muhyul disappears, and Hye-Ap and Goeyu demand Maro and Balso to explain why. Balso says they were trying to find out about the 3rd prince, as a favor for Princess Seryu, and Muhyul went into the shrine alone last night, but afterwards Muhyul was deeply tormented alone and wouldn't talk. Goeyu yells at them for keeping that secret til now and Hye-Ap who is dismayed orders the men to hurry and go look for Muhyul. After leaving the palace, Muhyul arrives at the field where Haemyeong died. Muhyul looks around then falls to his knees, as he weeps more, calling out to Haemyeong as crown prince. Muhyul asks the crown prince if he is really his brother, and if that's why Haemyeong tried to protect him, knowing well he would lose everything in doing so. Muhyul cries and shouts, asking why Haemyeong didn't tell him and what he's supposed to do now. Back at the palace, Hye-Ap reports to Yuri about Muhyul being at the shrine and now Muhyul knows everything and due to the shock he is now missing. Hye-Ap says they have to hurry and look for him w/ the army force, before the others find him first, but Yuri says to look for Muhyul quietly w/out alarming the tribes. Guchu then comes and reports to Yuri about the illness which has spread from east and west.


Outside the palace, Mahwang asks Yeon if she's found a cure yet for the contagious disease, and Yeon says no, but just then Mahwang is about to collaspe. Yeon treats him right away, and Gongchan begs Yeon to spare his master from death, and Mahwang scolds Gongchan for mentioning death. Yeon says Mahwang has caught the disease too but his condition is mild. But then Yeon notices Mahwang's nails bleeding and Yeon then checks the other patients' nails too and sees theirs bleeding too. Back at the palace, Yeojin's attendant Yeonhwa is disease-stricken too and Yeojin tends to her personally bringing her medicine and cheering her on, and Yeonhwa is touched. Meanwhile in Buyeo, King Daeso has a nightmare and awakes from it. Next morning Daeso asks Sagu to find Yeon, and Sagu asks why. Daeso says everynight he sees Taknok in his sleep and now he wants to talk to Yeon. Sagu says the king must be tired and suggest putting a shrine offering instead, but Daeso is angered by it and states he is not senile. Daeso says he regrets killing Taknok so hastly back then, just by listeing to Sagu, and Sagu who is upset by it asks the king if he is suspicious of him, and Daeso tells him to just bring Yeon here.


Back in Goguryeo, Yeon waits for Dojin outside Biryu compounds and Dojin takes her somewhere else to talk. Yeon tells Dojin she believes the Buyeo black assasins are here and have used poison on the ppl to get the Goguryeo ppl sick. Yeon says if that's the case she is worried about Dojin and Muhyul's safety and Dojin brushes her off by saying he and Muhyul are fine. At night in the palace, Yuri looks out as he thinks about the happenings when Guchu comes and informs the king about the illness spreading everywhere. Yuri tells Guchu to send envoys to their allied nations for help and Yuri then asks about Muhyul and finds out he's not yet found. Yuri then thinks alone more, but Muhyul is watching him from behind with tearful eyes. Yuri then senses something and turns around but Muhyul is already gone.


Muhyul walks out to the streets and sees the disease everywhere and gets frigtened by the drawings on the wall about the prophecy and Muhyul panics as he tries to erase it w/ his hands, causing blood to stain the walls. Next, Maro goes to see Yeon and tells her about Muhyul's missing and Yeon tells Maro about the poison she's discovered. Maro goes back to Hye-Ap to inform her about it and her team sets out looking for the culprits. They arrive at the river and spot some men spreading yellow ash into the river and her team ambushes the men demanding them to say who is behind them, but Dojin kills those men by shooting daggers from far distance to silence the men, and Dojin returns to Biryu clan to tell Baegeuk about Hye-Ap discovering the poisoning of water. Baegeuk asks Dojin if she knwos they are behind it, and Dojin says he already erased any trace that links to them. Next, when Yeon is treating patients, she suddenly senses something and looks up to see Muhyul standing there watching her. The two talk in the medicine shed and Yeon starts to treat Muhyul's bleeding hands and shows her concern for him, asking him what's happened. Muhyul who is pale-looking tells her he will leave Goguryeo and asks her if she will go with him.


Then, Hye-Ap arrives to see Mahwang and asks him to show her to the doctor who is treating the patients on the streets, because the king wishes to see her. Thus, Yeon is escorted to the palace by Hye-Ap, and Muhyul watches as he reflects on her words to him earlier, that she will go anywhere and everywhere with him, but first she must treat the patients who are suffering from the illness spreading, and how he asked her if she knows how and she said she needed the medicine that can only be found in Buyeo. Thus, Muhyul leaves for Buyeo that night, while Yeon is brought before King Yuri, accompanied by Mahwang. Yuri asks Yeon what the poison is that's causing the disease, and Yeon says it's the mushroom poison. Yuri asks if there's a cure and Mahwang says there is, but they haven't located it yet. Yuri tells Yeon if she finds a cure she will save Goguryeo, and asks her to do so. Mahwang then says 20 years ago, when similar events happened, he and Prince Haemyeong traced it to the Biryu clan. Hye-Ap asks what about the connection to Buyeo assasin this time around, and Mahwang says indeed the poison is different, and it's peculiar that a Buyeo poison is being used by the Biryu clan. Yuri asks if he means Biryu is tied to Buyeo, and Mahwang says surely nothing is confirmed but from what he noticed, no one in the Biryu clan has fallen ill to the poison when everyone else is sick by it.


Mahwang and Yeon leave, and Mahwang is giddy that he's so smart, but his laughing only makes his head hurt. King Yuri instructs Hye-Ap to check if it's true what Mahwang said, and orders Guchu to hurry and find the cure for the poison. Yuri then asks about Muhyul but he's not yet found. In Buyeo palace, Muhyul sneaks around and kills off a couple of guards, then locates the medicine he is looking for, and sets to leave, but more guards arrive and start chasing after Muhyul. The chase continues til daylight, and just as Muhyul is distancing, he is soon surrounded by more Buyeo troops.


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Guest tateboe


You are superb!

Your work is a life line for KOTW fans, who can't wait.

You set my mind clear.

Please continue till to the end of drama.

And Thank you.

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Guest valmylove

Tjhanks soooo much for your cap and summary DramaOk!!! big hands down and hugs and SIG xoxo to u!!!

After leaving the palace, Muhyul arrives at the field where Haemyeong died. Muhyul looks around then falls to his knees, as he weeps more, calling out to Haemyeong as crown prince. Muhyul asks the crown prince if he is really his brother, and if that's why Haemyeong tried to protect him, knowing well he would lose everything in doing so. Muhyul cries and shouts, asking why Haemyeong didn't tell him and what he's supposed to do now.

this got me choked up and its only words.... can't imagine watching the episode.... I hope Muyhul won't take it to heart and take it as "to overcome the ill fate" since he's doing sooo well thus far. It seem like the King will recgonize him? and I hope they kick Biryu to far far far away island. Dojin is commiting too much bad sins. I know if he doesn't play the bad guy who would ...

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Guest tateboe

It seem like the King will recgonize him?

Yes, in preview of next episode, Muhyul came out as prince dress in front of royal council. As usual Biryu tribe object loud, as Princess Seryu smiles delightfully.

And also Yeon will be surrounded and captured by black asassins. I think King Daeso ordered to bring her back.

That is what I saw in preview of epi 18 from Selva link and also at the end part of epi 17 <_<

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Guest dramaok



Yeon: this place is dangerous. let's flee. i will go anywhere.

Muhyul: i will not run away anymore. i will keep my promise to protect you.

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OMG, just reading dramaok's synopsis got me teary-eyed already... Muhyul realizing that the reason why Haemyung was protecting him is coz he is his own brother... :tears:

I gotta watch this as soon as possible!!!!!

Thanks dramaok, selva, tateboe and others for the screen caps and other infos....

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dramaok thanks for ep 17 summary. That was really helpful. It is very much appreciated especially by us who are not native speaker or knows limited Korean. :) Keep up the good work. And fighting for KOTW!!! It's really getting more more exciting. Can't wait for tonight's episode.

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Guest ardentfrias


Look at him here, so sad yet so cute. I wish I could caress him and kiss his eyes, nose and lips. I wish I could wipe his tears and comfort him. Silly me.

Can't watch the 17th episode at viikii. The page won't show in my net.

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Guest selvaspeedy

big muah to mic e19334.gif

Dojin asks if he really wants him to go kill Muhyul, and Baegeuk says not yet, but when the time comes, Dojin should do it at once w/out reservation.

why the eagerness buddy <_<

Daeso says he regrets killing Taknok so hastly back then, just by listeing to Sagu, and Sagu who is upset by it asks the king if he is suspicious of him, and Daeso tells him to just bring Yeon here.

finally you're using your brain Daeso. I hope that Sagu just drops dead :crazy:

Muhyul who is pale-looking tells her he will leave Goguryeo and asks her if she will go with him.

Yeon is escorted to the palace by Hye-Ap, and Muhyul watches as he reflects on her words to him earlier, that she will go anywhere and everywhere with him, but first she must treat the patients who are suffering from the illness spreading.


so he was willing to flee w/ yeon (how romantic :blush: ...when you think about it, she's the person he went to when he was distressed :wub: )... I wonder what will make him change his mind in the next episode :unsure:

Hye-Ap asks what about the connection to Buyeo assasin this time around, and Mahwang says indeed the poison is different, and it's peculiar that a Buyeo poison is being used by the Biryu clan. Yuri asks if he means Biryu is tied to Buyeo, and Mahwang says surely nothing is confirmed but from what he noticed, no one in the Biryu clan has fallen ill to the poison when everyone else is sick by it.

Dojin you make me <_<:crazy: ... hehehe :P

Mahwang and Yeon leave, and Mahwang is giddy that he's so smart, but his laughing only makes his head hurt.

:D Mahwang is so cute :D

Look at him here, so sad yet so cute. I wish I could caress his him and kiss his eyes, nose and lips. I wish I could wipe his tears and comfort him. Silly me.

:blush: :blush: me too hehehe :sweatingbullets:

this is when he heard Yuri in the shrine





































sr: gall DCinside KOTW gallery

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Guest selvaspeedy

thanks tess... you helped me a lot... I hate waiting :D

and this is him crying over haemyung :tears:



















just posting those... because he looks super duper cute in here :blush:



sr: gall DCinside KOTW gallery

the new look :w00t::w00t:





source: as labelled, joynews and gall DCinside KOTW gallery

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Guest selvaspeedy

more photos for our prince from hankyung: :blush:



Did anyone else notice that what Baegeuk told Dojin he needed to kill Muhyul eventually, Dojin was silent? Don't do it

ahem... yes <_< Dojin really is starting to get on my nerve :crazy:

poor Korean_aein :sweatingbullets: good luck in your work and have fun watching KOTW :D

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I'm back , back , back though I didn't lived my 3 days of watching but I have 2 episodes left but I was left hanging at the end of Episode 15 where Yuri comes to Moohyul's rescue, well I have no idea yet on what happened after but I'm excited since Moohyul will slowly know his identity and that his rivalry with Dojin is about to start as they both have feelings for Yeon, I'm sad though that Dojin will really become bad...

anyway thanks Dramaok for the summaries, I will try to skim them through to help me with the rest of the episodes ^ ^

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I've seen eps 17 and it was a heart breaking eps for me :sad: when he know his identity till he try to erase the painting on the wall.... it was so sad >_< I feel like want to hug him..... poor guy knowing that his birth was under bad prophecy which costs his mother and his brother death >_<

Thanks dramaok for summary.

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Muhyul look tougher w/ his new looks..so muhyul will start his true battle this time and the true colors of the tribe will come out thennnn...

Yuri: my 3rd son is alive.

Baegeuk (woobo): the council will not acknowledge him.

Muhyul: if i cannot contribute to this nation as its prince, i shall then kill myself.

fighting muhyul!!!! a word from a real prince...

eps...18 plssssssss..

actually I don't have any important lectures tomorrow... so yeah, I'm skipping it biggrin.gif

I'll do anything just for the sake of oppa and KOTW blush.gif

oh selva....your so funny

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