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[Drama 2008] Land Of Wind / Kingdom Of The Winds 바람의 나라

Guest huangsy

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Guest tateboe

Just finished epi 22

Yea, we win...err Myhul win in 2nd ballte. He upside down all chariotes and win.

Poor yeon, not dead with arrows, but she is under Dojin custody again.

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Guest selvaspeedy

Damn... Dojin saved Yeon. It is good that she was saved BUT... it was Dojin not Muhyul. Muhyul only found out from Mawang... Darn it.... darn it.... Poor Muhyul.... darn Dojin. He just had to be all 'heoric' and save her. Freaking talking to her in a soft voice and evrything. So pissed!!! Bet you he takes her to Buyeo.... BYT she wants to stay in the place where Muhyul is. Yet again in your face Dojin.... In your Face. I just loved this episode.

lol thanks :D I missed the last part... the buffering was just unbelievable :crazy:

my only complain is that they repeat a BIG part from the last episode... WHY?! we don't have dementia!! we still remember what happened -_-

that defeat scene again :tears:

when Muhyul was kneeling to Yuri those chieftains arrived (poor Muhyul :tears: ) I think they asked for a punishment for the prince... (gahhh damn you all!!! the boy already feels bitter and responsible and already haunted by that prophecy... and you were saying all those horrible things in front of him)... Baeguk maybe was asking Yuri to send Muhyul to Daeso :crazy: anyway, Yuri announced something and Muhyul said yes (in a really depressed way)...

(Muhyul looks HAWT in the moustache and the beard e19366.gif I have to say this at least once :P ).

back at Buyeo's camp they are celebrating and drinking <_< and Daeso (finally) offered a drink to Dojin who looked really moved by this gesture.

that stupid >_< Baeguk I think he sent his men to capture Sangga... that man (don't remember his name) mentioned Yuri's name and Yeon was watching them from afar, and he apologised to Sangga for doing this :D

I think Yeon went to Mahwang and told him what she heard and they decided to leave Biryu?!!!!! but of course when they w/ their group they got shot by arrows... but anyway they managed to escape...

at KGR camp, I think Muhyul said that he want to go to Buyeo but of course the gang didn't agree (I should really upgrade to a faster connection instead of this one I'm using T_T gahhh)

OMG OMG OMG Muhyul and Maro disguised themselves as Buyeo soldiers (or which soldiers I'm not sure) and went to the camp... when they were passing, Yeon and Mahwang were hiding behind the wall and they didn't see each other :crazy:

a confrontation between Muhyul and Baeguk, KGR heading to the war and then came the WAR... (YES)

they came up w/ a plan of using big shields to protect themselves from the arrows and wagons (and for tripping the waggons as well :P) very smart idea and it worked and Dojin and Sagu who were riding one of the wagon tripped and fell on the ground (YES YES YES)... of couse KGR was winning so Buyeo retreated e19324.gif right away hye-ap went to inform Yuri about the good news... Yuri was this close to flying in the sky and screaming from happiness... Seryu and Guchu as well e19366.gif

YES YES Muhyul won... I feel I'm the one who won this war ^_^

back to Yeon (who got shot BTW when she was running away w/ Mahwang :P )... at KGR, the queen, Yeojin and everyone in the palace were standing there greeting the victorious army :blush: the queen seemed really happy about this victory (at least she truly loves her husband and country -_- )

the whole situation between Muhyul and Sangga I couldn't understand a bit of it... sorry >_< it was important, so I'm waiting for my love Mic to enlighten us :D I'm not sure, but was about the arranged marriage?!

Muhyul was in his room... thinking... when Balso and Maro came... and again he asked them about Yeon (my poor polite Muhyul... he still calls her Ms Yeon :blush: )

and starting from here my streaming became crappy again (as always)... anyway, Yeon was talking to Dojin and crying... (Dojin gahhh >_< ) he seemed moved (whatever I don't care!!)... and the last part I wasn't able to see it at all >_<

tatebo and Aquajoh1986 help... what happened in the last part and was there a preview?!?!

(BTW will they release a new OST for KOTW?! I heard some of soundtracks in ep.21 and 22 that were not in the released OST!)

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Guest tateboe

last part..ummm

Dojin speaking with Yeon, she is recuperating from arrow injury. I think yeon was making clear to Dojin where her heart is. Dojin upset and shout 'I do not want to hear this" something like that and he walked out. I think he went back to Biryu group, not sure about...where he met Muhyul..end


yea anonmarissa might be better, because I have no Korean.

No pre I noticed

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Guest avonmarissa

This episode was great, very fulfilling. My Korean is very limited so pardon me I make some mistakes.

The Koguryo army led by Muhyul devised a way with shields and thus they were able to turn Buyeo's chariots over in the battle. Koguryo was able to do considerable damage to the Buyo army and the Buyo army retreated in defeat. Daeso gets furious and chastises Sagu and Dojin for the defeat. Yeon was captured along with Mawang but Yeon was shot by an arrow so she asked Mawang to go ahead and flee without her. She was taken to Buyo and saved by Dojin. Seems like she asked him to take her back to Koguryo so she could be with Muhyul but Dojin had a meltdown instead, lol. Dojin once again headed to Koguryo while promising Daeso that he would kill Yuri and Muhyul.

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Guest Aquajoh1986

Well in the last part that you saw... Dojin snapped again. He freaking went postal as soon as Yeon said she wanted to stay to find Muhyul. After snapping at her.... Yeon looked a little scared.... FINALLY... Dojin went to Daeso and said that he will DEFINTELY kill Muhyul.... like he was obessed. Then guess what..... Muhyul aand Dojin meet up FACE TO FACE in Koryuo. Muhyul was all like what up.... and Dojin was like I want to kill you right now because my girl like you kind of look.

:tears: NO PREVIEW..... NOOOOOOOO!!!

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Guest selvaspeedy

Well in the last part that you saw... Dojin snapped again. He freaking went postal as soon as Yeon said she wanted to stay to find Muhyul. After snapping at her.... Yeon looked a little scared.... FINALLY... Dojin went to Daeso and said that he will DEFINTELY kill Muhyul.... like he was obessed. Then guess what..... Muhyul aand Dojin meet up FACE TO FACE in Koryuo. Muhyul was all like what up.... and Dojin was like I want to kill you right now because my girl like you kind of look.

:tears: NO PREVIEW..... NOOOOOOOO!!!

thank you for all of my fellow KOTWers in here :D love you all :D

:w00t::w00t::w00t: I'm seeing the pics of Dojin and Muhyul face to face at DCinside now :w00t::w00t::w00t:

MAN I'm screaming right now :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

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Guest Aquajoh1986

Told yall.... he snapped. It was awesome... I think I actually laugh and giggled while i was watching the show in the computer room at school. I really like the face to face meet..... Dojin looked like he was about to pounce on Muhyul. I dont know what up... but seriously Muhyul.... you just had ti smile didnt you. You just aggitate him even more for Gods sake. But that scene was freaking awesome.

Just have to wait till Sun for the preview.

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Guest selvaspeedy

Told yall.... he snapped. It was awesome... I think I actually laugh and giggled while i was watching the show in the computer room at school. I really like the face to face meet..... Dojin looked like he was about to pounce on Muhyul. I dont know what up... but seriously Muhyul.... you just had ti smile didnt you. You just aggitate him even more for Gods sake. But that scene was freaking awesome.

Just have to wait till Sun for the preview.

good I'm not the only one who's screaming right now :w00t::w00t::w00t: the war

and that scene (that I just saw its pics but didn't watch it :crazy: ) did Muhyul really smiled when he saw Dojin :blush:

Dojin :P















sr: gall DCinside KOTW gallery

sorry guys my internet right now is :crazy: it won't listen to me at all :crazy:

I'll post all of the caps tomorrow... sorry :blush:

I'll go and look for a place to scream ^_^

GOD I loved this episode YES YES YES ^_^

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Guest tateboe

Jeez, I love this place. As I do not read Korean, I will not get it till someone shows the link. (thanks kdramafanusa)

The torrent site is unbeleivable. Fast. Can dl a HQ file in 15 minutes.

I am watching HQ now

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Guest tateboe

Thank you... even though its downloading... its pretty slow. i can see that there is over a 100 seeds but for some reason the download sis taking it own sweet time. Darn.... I wanted to see the battle again!!!

It starts slow, in few minutes going up faster. I got 800kb/s today. 1000kb/s yesterday. One thing, my router is open one port for utorrent, my torrent client. If you are in school, you cannot open port on router. you will get much slower than mine.

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Guest Aquajoh1986

Thanks Again for the torrent site... I able to download in 1hr even though at the most the download was at 300KB/s.... still it was relatively fast. I dont know whats wrong with the myaigoo site today.... just glad to get to see the episode so soon.

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Guest Aquajoh1986

I SAW IT...... Dojin scar.... during the battle... the part were his mask isflicked off of his face you can briefly see the right side of his face. Its a thin scar. I guess that reason why all of a sudden he has the devilish look with his hair covering part of his face.

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 22:


Muhyul asks Yuri for punishment for losing the battle, but Yuri scolds Muhyul for being weak and asks him what punishment is just for it. Then Baegeuk comes in w/ Myeongjin and some soldiers and announces he will name the punishment, however Guchu shouts at him for entering w/out permission, and Myeongjin argues they have every right to come. Yuri then stares at Baegeuk who asks if they must leave. Outside Maro senses something's wrong and tells Goeyu he is worried the council chieves might revolt. Inside, Baegeuk asks Yuri if he intends to continue the foolish war, and Yuri firmly states the war is not yet finished, and the only way to end the war is to fight til the end. Baegeuk scoffs and states Yuri lost Shin's alliance, and Muhyul lost the battle, and the only way is to surrender to Daeso now, but Yuri tells him to leave as he says he will guarantee their victory. Baegeuk replies he now has no choice but to take away the tribal troops from the king who insists on a reckless war, and at this Yuri is infuriated and pulls a sword then puts it on Baegeuk's throat and warns Baegeuk if he should move the troops w/out his permission it will be a crime of revolt, and afterwards Yuri throws the sword on the ground.


Muhyul and Hye-Ap remain kneeling after the councilmen are gone, and Yuri looks at Muhyul and tells him to prepare for what is to come and Muhyul w/ tears in his eyes says yess. Afterwards Goeyu asks Muhyul if it's true that Baegeuk asked the king to surrender and if it's true that the council troops are boycotting the war, and Hye-Ap asks how he found out so soon, and Maro replies everyone's talking about it as if the council is spreading the news on purpose, and Goeyu also says the army morale is very weak now. Yuri thinks over things alone, as does Muhyul, and Hye-Ap goes up to Muhyul and says the council is blaming Muhyul for their losses and if Buyeo wins the war they will punish Muhyul for it, and Muhyul replies he is not afraid of death, and if his death will resolve everything he is happy to die, but his death won't change anything, because the council and the tribes will continue to push Yuri to the end. Hye-Ap then consoles the prince, and says she has faith that the prince will overcome the hardships, and she doesn't believe King Yuri made a mistake for entrusting the war in Muhyul's hands.


Buyeo camp continues their celebration with Sagu and the head general getting drunk, but Dojin remains gloomy. Sagu asks him why, and just then King Daeso arrives w/out prior notice, and King Daeso laughs aloud at their victory, then goes to Dojin and says he's done well, but Dojin still needs to go fetch Muhyul's head. Daeso then gives Dojin a wine cup and reminds him of his promise to him, that if Dojin lives up to his expectation he would fill his cup, and Daeso then fills Dojin's cup and Dojin drinks from it with Daeso nodding in approval. Myeongjin tells Baegeuk all the tribe chieves agree w/ them, and Myeongjin asks Baegeuk if he should go talk to Yuri again, and Baegeuk says Yuri wouldn't listen even if he did, but it's working his way anyway and it's time to pull the knife.


Back in Goguryeo capital, Gongchan scolds Mahwang who is unsure whether he should go send supplies to the army camp for fear of dying. Gongchan says they can't wait around when their nation is getting ruined. Just then Yeon comes and asks what's happening and Gongchan says Prince Muhyul may be dead, and Yeon gets emotional and cries as she begs Mahwang to take her w/ them, because she needs to see for herself if the prince is alive. Mahwang then says actually not long ago before the war, Prince Muhyul came to see him and wanted to take Yeon away but he stopped him pleadingly promising him that he would protect her instead, but if he now brings her to battlefield that would be too dangerous, and Mahwang tells Yeon to go back to Sangga's home and to wait there for that is the safest place for her, and for him, and for Muhyul.


So Yeon leaves dismayed but as she arrives at Sangga's she sees Myeongjin arriving w/ a group of soldiers and Yeon watches in hiding as Myeongjin puts Sangga under arrest. Myeongjin tells Sangga he has no choice and Sangga laughs and says Baegeuk and them are all pathetic fools who engage in an interior war right before the enemy eyes. Myeongjin says the council will join hands with Buyeo and Sangga laughs more before getting taken away. Meanwhile inside the palace, Yeojin pleads with Miyu to allow him to go join in on the war, but Miyu tells him his job is to stay here and safeguard the palace, and Miyu tells Yeojin this may be an opportunity for Yeojin to secure his position. Yeojin asks what she means and Miyu says he's dumb and surely he should know that Muhyul is blocking his future, thus if Muhyul is in trouble it is good news for Yeojin. Just then Anseong comes w/ news of Biryu's crisis and the Sangga being under house arrest. Yeon rushes to Mahwang and tells him what's happened, and how Baegeuk is trying to kill Muhyul and the king, and Yeon says she must rush to the frontier to tell Muhyul about this, and Mahwang agrees as he runs off w/ her. On the way there Mahwang gets exhausted and asks Gongchan for water, but Gongchan says Yeon drank all the water already and Mahwang is rendered speechless. However just then some arrows fly by and the group is frightened.


Muhyul makes a decision, and asks Maro to go to enemy camp together to find out what the weakness of the chariots are. Goguryeo camp finds out Daeso went to Buyeo camp and Goguryeo camp realizes Daeso is about to strike again with full force. Balso wonders if they should surrender but Goeyu scolds him. In Buyeo camp, Sagu and Dojin both urge Daeso to strike full force again to finish the war while they have the upper hand, and Daeso agrees and orders his generals to prepare for battle, and orders Sagu to find the fastest route to Guknae fortress, saying after they win he will go all the way to Guknae fort and seize Goguryeo capital. In Goguryeo camp, Guchu tells Yuri to make a decision and Yuri asks him if he is asking him to surrender, to relive the painful times he has thus endured, but Guchu sees no other way. Meanwhile Myeongjin tells Baegeuk the Sangga has been arrested, and Myeongjin and Baegeuk tell the chieves it's time for them to die or for Yuri to die. Baegeuk asks the tribe chieves to join the Biryu clan, and a chief ask when the revolt will happen, and Baegeuk says when Buyeo attacks is when they will strike as well. The chief asks if they have enough supplies to handle it and Baegeuk says they will be responsible for that and the chieves just have to prepare to move. Dojin gets a message to deliver to Daeso, and Sagu asks what it is as Daeso laughs, and states Baegeuk is planning to revolt. Daeso says their first attack will match Baegeuk's attack and orders Sagu to prepare. Daeso then tells Dojin once they defeat Goguryeo, Dojin's first mission is to kill Baegeuk because if they keep Baegeuk alive he will put his knife on Daeso's neck sooner or later.

Yeon and Mahwang's group are taken hostage by Buyeo camp and Yeon passes by as Sagu talks to some soldiers, but Sagu doesn't see her. Back in Goguryeo camp, Seryu asks Hye-Ap where Muhyul is for the king is looking for him, and Hye-Ap says Muhyul isn't around, and Seryu asks where he went.


Muhyul and Maro have disguised as Buyeo soldiers and arrive in Buyeo camp. The two see a group of captured civilians and Maro says they must be Goguryeo hostage, but they don't realize Yeon adn Mahwang are among them. The two sneak into the storage where the chariots are held and begin to study them. Baegeuk tells his group to kill Yuri and Muhyul first when the strikes start, so that w/ them dead, the central army has no choice but to follow his lead. Muhyul meets with Yuri and tells him he went to enemy camp to find what the weakness of chariots and Yuri asks if he did, and Muhyul replies yes. Back in council camp, Myeongjin tells the generals to kill anyone who disobeys them. In the king's tent, Yuri tells Muhyul if he let's Muhyul lead the army again the council will surely rebell, but Muhyul says they are already opposing them anyway.

Then Yuri tells Muhyul he will give all the powers to Muhyul from now on, and Yuri tells Muhyul to remember if they fail, only death is left for them. Thus, Muhyul goes toward the council camp where he is stopped by the guard general who says no one can enter w/out the council's permission, but Muhyul makes a statement:

"I am Goguryeo's prince Muhyul. If you are Goguryeo soldiers, throw away your weapons and kneel before me"

and at his powerful statement the tribal soldiers begin to kneel, casting away their weapons, but Baegeuk comes out, and Muhyul states he is now in charge of all, and orders the chieves under house arrest. Baegeuk denounces it saying they can't fight the powerful Buyeo calvary w/ their steel chariots, but Muhyul firmly replies the only way to fight is to fight w/ the spirit of win or die.


Next at the battlescene, Dojin wears his iron mask and leads the Buyeo army, and from his chariot he shouts "attack" to start the battle. On the other side, Muhyul gives Maro the ok, and Maro mobilizes a team of armor clad soldiers to form groups all w/ heavy shields infront of them, and when the Buyeo chariots approach the Goguryeo soldiers stop them w/ the heavy armor shields and topple the chariots over w/ the shields put together. Then w/ the chariots ruined, Muhyul raises his sword and shouts "attack" as the sound of arrow whistle pierces the air. Dojin and Sagu who are both fighting on foot after being thrown out from their chariots start fighting the Goguryeo army, but they soon realize they are losing gravely. Dojin gets his mask knocked off and he hurries to get on a horse to leave, and Sagu also shouts 'retreat' and the Buyeo troops begin to flee.


Then, Hye-Ap rushes to tell King Yuri the good news that Prince Muhyul won the battle. Seryu asks where Muhyul is and Hye-Ap replies he is going after the remnant enemy troops. Then, both Guchu and Yuri are overcome with elation. Sagu and Dojin kneel before King Daeso on the Buyeo end, and Sagu asks for another chance, while Dojin asks to be killed. Daeso announces they will withdraw but Sagu argues they can't w/out another chance, and Daeso says they must retreat from the war while they still have a chance and orders for all Buyeo troops to withdraw and return to Buyeo fort. With the war won, Yuri goes to see Baegeuk who angrily asks when he will be freed, and Yuri says there's no need for the house arrest anymore since Muhyul has defeated Buyeo, and on the account of their victory he will forgive Baegeuk and the council and Yuri leaves with Baegeuk furiously upset.


Meanwhile Mahwang and Yeon, and the group of captives are taken toward Buyeo fort, and Mahwang says Goguryeo already won they can't go to Buyeo like this and plots an escape. Thus, Gongchan pretends to fall and grabs a stone, then throws the stone to distract the soldiers, and just then Mahwang, Gongchan and Yeon begin to flee, but the soldiers soon catch up to them and Yeon gets shot by arrow on her back. Yeon tells Mahwang and Gongchan to go w/out her or else they will all be killed and Mahwang relunctantly flees leaving Yeon behind. Next, King Yuri and the army return to Guknae palace and are greeted by the queen and Prince Yeojin, who congratulate the king on the victory. Yuri says Yeojin did a great job safeguarding the palace and the fort, and Yeojin says compare to those who went to war it is nothing, but Yuri argues otherwise saying it is precisely for the ppl of the fort that they went to war. Then Yeojin congrats Muhyul but Miyu cringes, and afterwards scolds Yeojin for publicly announcing Muhyul's merit. Yeojin says he doesn't want to compete with Muhyul and he has no desire or skill to be crown prince, and the queen should just accept it too, but Miyu gets mad and says he's asking her to die, and Anseong also joins in and pleads Yeojin to think about his mother's sacrifices.


Yuri then summons Muhyul alone and gives him a task to reinstate the Biryu Sangga, and Muhyul goes to the Biryu compound. Meanwhile, Baegeuk and Myeongjin return and tell Sangga he needs him to convince the tribal chieves, but Baegeuk tells Sangga he is no longer one to make any decisions. Sangga asks Baegeuk if he's telling him to be a puppet and Baegeuk says that is the only way for Sangga to live. Sangga replies he fears not death, and Baegeuk warns him he's never failed to get what he wants in life. Baegeuk and Myeongjin go outside and are faced with Muhyul and his group of men and Muhyul orders for Baegeuk and Myeongjin's arrest. Sangga comes out and says Muhyul misunderstood, and there's no trouble at Biryu tribe at all, and Baegeuk never did anything against him, and Muhyul is left w/ no choice but to return to the king. Yuri says indeed Sangga is a wise politician who would protect the man who tries to kill him for the sake of power for Biryu clan. Back in Biryu compound, Sangga tells Baegeuk and Myeongjin he will forgive them but he won't forget it, and Sangga tells Baegeuk he's still far from ready to rule and Sangga tells him to think hard about why Yuri wants to reinstate him.


Maro and Balso are sent to look for Yeon but to no avail and return to tell Muhyul no one has seen Yeon since Sangga was put to house arrest by Baegeuk, but Balso says not to worry too much, and Muhyul can't help but to worry about Yeon's fate. In Buyeo the captives arrive and the general orders for all the injured prisoners to be killed and Yeon is taken w/ the group of ppl who will soon be killed, and Yeon watches as a man tries to flee only to be slashed cruely, and Yeon asks to meet with King Daeso, and the guard general scoffs and orders for her to be killed, but just then Dojin arrives and saves her.


Muhyul grows more weary over Yeon's fate, and just then Mahwang returns and comes before Muhyul to tell him what happened, and how Yeon wanted to go to the frontier to meet the prince but alas she was taken by the Buyeo ppl and became injured. In Buyeo Dojin brings a doctor to treat Yeon, and Dojin tells Yeon he's relieved that she is back in Buyeo, and w/ her here, he will come back to Buyeo for good soon, but Yeon pleads him to send her back to Goguryeo.

Yeon: "My heart is already filled by him alone, and from the time I first treated his wound and our fate began til now after I treated him many times, I've realized that when I'm with him my wounds are closed, and now, I can't be without him; I can't live apart from him. So please send me back."

Dojin: "STOP!"

Yeon: "Please send me back... "

Dojin: "You watch! See how I destroy Muhyul! I will ruin him until all traces of him disappear from your heart!"


Then Dojin leaves and meets with King Daeso who tells him to remain in Buyeo but Dojin vows he will go to Goguryeo and finish his task, and Daeso doesn't even need to go to war anymore, for he will kill both Yuri and Muhyul and hand Goguryeo over to Daeso. Dojin travels on fast horse to Goguryeo, and when he arrives at night, he runs into Muhyul and the two men stare down at each other.


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Guest meyyale

Thanks dramaok N selva so so so so much!!!!

Both of you are my savior....

I'm so puzzled about Muhyul N Yeon!!!I hate Dojin so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care everyone ...

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Guest tateboe

Thank you Dramaok for your fast translation.

This is delightful day.

Dojin's scar face, a long scar on right side whih he hide with hair


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