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[drama 2008] War Of Flowers / Tazza 타짜

Guest huangsy

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Guest fivemagic

Hi everyone and all Tazza threaders!

Thank you huangsy for more Tazza pixs!

I can't wait to see it... these pixs are wonderful... our Ye Seul is soooooo beautiful as ever... especially in RED.

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Guest mandalaywith


Five,wils,o-cha,ashlee, parn,toks,All of fan

Long time so see. :rolleyes:

Lastweek in i'm attented go to post Jo Hyun jae Army Service.

so i'm bussy.Now i'm come back here.

Thanks a lot your update pics& info.

today More update to Tazza pics








credit-daum serch


Nice to meet you. :rolleyes:

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Hi everyone! newbie here.

me, from Hyukbest.com, another Hyuk fan, will follow this thread from now on~~ :blush:

thank you so many guys sharing much stuff here...even there is a month long to see the drama~

o-cha, i like those posters you made before, can I post them to Hyukbest? thanks!

hohomania : you are no newbie :lol:.... of course you can share it on hyukbest. Anything for hyuk..hehehe.

wils : thanks for sharing the gorgeous BTS pics of Ye Seul. She looks so serene. I know it's weird to call a casino scene serene..but Ye Seul sure has a serene and peaceful look there.

mandalaywith, huangsy, vistablues, ww2000hyuk : thanks you for all the wonderful official and BTS pictures. I appreciate them.

fivemagic : good job on your first works. So I'll be looking to more work from you AFTER the Olympics :lol:

Haha...same to me! Besides Tazza, EOE, Beethoven Birus and Garden of Winds are on my list.

BTW, I want to add one more filming pic taken on the same street scene.


And..I just read on a DC gall that the child version of Goni is played by the child actor who played in Illjimae which I stopped to watch on its 9th eppie. He did an excellent job as the younger version of Illjimae. I am glad he joined the cast. :lol:

wils...just want to say hyuk's smile there :blush: And heck yeah September will be the death of me. I want to watch all those dramas you listed.

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news on Son Hyeon Joo's character. wils -- thanks for correcting my translation... :) .

news and pic: hankyung


조강지처클럽` 손현주, `타짜`로 변신!

‘First Wives Club’ Son Hyeon Joo, Transformation in ‘Tazza’!


SBS 드라마 '조강지처클럽'에서 길억 역으로 인기를 모으고 있는 손현주가 '타짜'로 변신한다.

Son Hyeon Joo, who gained popularity as Gil Eok in SBS ‘First Wives Club’, transforms himself through ‘Tazza’.

SBS '타짜'에서 고광열 역할을 맡아 도박사들과의 한판 승부를 겨루게 된 것.

In SBS ‘Tazza’ he plays Go Kwang Yeol who is always around in gambling places be it winning or losing.

고광열은 허풍이 세고 덜렁대지만 천성적으로 착한 캐릭터.

Go Kwang Yeol is a naturally a good character though highly exaggerated.

우연히 고니(장혁)를 만나게 되고 고니가 진짜 타짜임을 알게 되면서 그가 꾸미는 모든 계획에 행동대장으로 참여한다.

When he meets Goni accidentally, he realizes Goni is a true Tazza and joins Goni's team. He helps Goni through acting on exactly what Goni plans.

제작자 (주)올리브나인의 한 관계자는 "손현주씨가 맡은 고광열은 극 전반에 걸쳐 활기를 불어넣는 캐릭터다. 지금까지 다른 드라마에서 손현주씨가 보여주셨던 것과는 또 다른 연기로 시청자들의 시선을 사로잡을 수 있을 것이다"라고 밝혔다.

The representative of Olive Nine said “Son Hyeon Joo ssi is someone that can bring in and inspire lightness as well as intensity into the character. Until now Son Hyeon Joo ssi always brings different acting in all the different dramas (he’s been in). Viewers can look forward to his performance here.”

한편, '타짜'는 SBS '식객'의 후속으로 9월 8일 첫 방송될 예정이다.

‘Tazza’ will follow SBS ‘Gourmet’ and will broadcast its first episode on September 8.

디지털뉴스팀 모주연 인턴기자 newsinfo@hankyung.com

Digital News Team intern reporter Mo Joo Yeon newsinfo@hankyung.com

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Hi everyone on this thread *big wave*

Thanks for sharing the pics and information on Tazza.

o-cha, thanks for the translation. You are awesome!

If I dare to correct one... :blush:

우연히 고니(장혁)를 만나게 되고 고니가 진짜 타짜임을 알게 되면서 그가 꾸미는 모든 계획에 행동대장으로 참여한다.

He meets Goni (Jang Hyuk) accidentally and he is the one that introduced Goni to become a real tazza. He made a contract with the head of the organization.

--> When he meets Goni accidentally, he realizes Goni is a true Tazza and joins Goni's team. He helps Goni through acting on exactly what Goni plans.

Actually, I am a bit excited about the acting interaction between Goni (JH) and Go Kwang Yeol (Son Hyun Joo). As all JH fans may agree, how wonderfully he pulls off the interaction with other cast members! Not to mention the interaction with Han Ye Seul and Kim Min Joon, I look forward to seeing his interaction with Son Hyun Joo, and with Lim Hyun Sik with whom JH had acted together in Daemang. ;)

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thanks for the correction wils. That was the sentence that I got stumped hehehe.

Found one more article on Son Hyeon Joo. I think it talks about the same thing plus mentioning about SHJ's busy schedule recently. There are a couple more lines relating to Tazza. Anyone care to translate the parts in blue?


손현주, "저 순정남에서 허풍남으로 변신합니다"

빡빡한 스케줄, '예능프로그램 출연은 꿈도 못꿔'

SBS 드라마 '조강지처클럽'의 '순정남' 손현주가 SBS '타짜'의 덜렁대는 '허풍남'으로 이미지 변신시켜 안방극장에 기대감을 불어넣고 있다.


SBS 드라마 '조강지처클럽'(극본 문영남, 연출 손정현)에서 중년의 순애보 '길억'으로 출연하는 그가 이번에는 SBS '타짜'에서 고광필 역할을 맡아 도박사들과의 한판 승부에 뛰어들게 됐다.

손현주가 맡은 고광필은 허풍이 세고 덜렁대지만 천성적으로 착한 캐릭터. 우연히 고니(장혁 분)를 만나게 되고 고니가 진짜 타짜임을 알게 되면서 그가 꾸미는 모든 계획에 행동대장으로 참여할 예정이다.

제작사 (주)올리브나인의 한 관계자는 "손현주씨가 맡은 고광필은 극 전반에 걸쳐 활기를 불어넣는 캐릭터다. 지금까지 다른 드라마에서 손현주씨가 보여주셨던 캐릭터와는 또 다른 분위기를 자아낼 것"이라고 말했다.

이와 관련 손현주의 끼를 인정한 각종 프로그램에서는 그를 섭외하기 위한 노력에 한창이다.

특히 그는 각종 예능 프로그램에서 섭외 대상 1순위로 꼽히고 있다.

최근에는 아침 토크쇼를 비롯해 SBS TV '스타킹' 등의 예능 프로그램에서 '손현주 모셔가기'를 시도 했으나 그는 '쑥스럽다'는 핑계로 이를 정중히 고사한 바 있다.

그러나 그가 이러한 섭외들을 거절한 실질적인 이유는 따로 있다.

그는 9월말까지 '조강지처클럽' 마무리를 위한 작업에 임해야하며, '타짜'의 출연도 예정돼 있어 겹치기 촬영에 더욱 바빠질 예정이기 때문이다.

손현주의 소속사 측은 "그의 스케줄은 일주일 내내 쉬는 날이 없을 만큼 바쁘다. 예능 프로그램 섭외 요청이 많지만 드라마 찍기만으로도 시간을 빼기 어려워 고민이 많다. 게다가 평소 잘 모르던 화투 기술까지 배워야 해 24시간도 부족할 지경"이라고 말했다.

손현주는 "땡집기, 밑장빼기 등 소위 '타짜'들이 보여주는 화투 기술을 익히느라 늘 곁에 화투장을 두고 산다. 일주일에 한번 전문 타짜를 모셔서 강의를 듣고 틈 날 때마다 이를 연습한다"고 전했다.

손현주는 영화 '타자'에서 고니 역을 맡았던 조승우의 친구 유해진이 연기한 고광필을 최대한 비슷하게 표현하기 위해 헤어스타일과 의상 등도 '촌티'나게 바꿨다.

머리에 고대기를 말고 원색의 양복을 입어 '조강지처클럽'의 길억과는 완전히 다른 모습을 보여주기 위한 연습에 한창이다.

SBS 홍보팀은 "조강지처클럽이 시청률 30%를 넘어섰던 것처럼 '타짜' 역시 높은 시청률을 이끌어 낼 수 있을지 기대된다"며 "손현주가 지난 2년 동안 꾸준히 SBS 드라마를 찍으면서 좋은 인연을 맺어왔으므로 '타짜'에서의 연기들 또한 그 기대를 져버리지 않을 것"이라고 말했다.

<정윤나 기자okujyn@asiatoday.co.kr>

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this drama's not getting enough buzz :sweatingbullets: but gahh i'm so excited :D

Hi chula

I guess it is because the drama promotion team does not provide enough photos and bits of the story we can play with. :angry: Not surprisng about the story part..they may think we know well about the story as this is a remake of the manwha and its movie version recorded a grand hit.

Hope more media stuff comes out for Tazza so that the thread gets buzzy. :P

Hi cholo and o-cha,

Here is a translation for the part you highlighted. ;)

Since I am not familiar with hwatoo jargons like '땡집기' or '밑장빼기', I just interpreted them on my way...haha...

And o-cha, please correct me for the akward expressions too. ;)

Son Hyun Joo is heard to put hwatoo cards nearby to practice hwatoo techniques such as ‘picking up the very card for a win (?)’ and ‘hiding bottom card (?)’ as tazzas usually show. He takes a lesson from a professional tazza once a week and practices what he learnt from the expert at any free time available.

To make his role of Go Kwang Pil closest to the one that actor Yoo Hae Jin played as a friend of Goni (Jo Seung Woo) in the movie version of Tazza, he changed his hairdo and clothes to more country-styled ones. Using a flat iron for hairstyling and wearing a colorful suit, he looks quite different from Kil-Eok of ‘First Wives Club’ in such an effort to transform to a new role.

The SBS promotion team says they look forward to seeing if Tazza can hit high ratings just as First Wives Club records 30-plus-percent ratings. Son Hyun Joo has been in good terms with SBS through the roles in SBS dramas for the past two years, and they believe his would-be-good performance in Tazza will help the drama Tazza earn huge popularity.

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Hi everyone!

I wanted to share this Tazza pix...


I hope to do more later in the week.

Hi fivemagic,

oh good...the contrast of black and white brings more brilliance to the beauty of YS in yellow. :w00t:

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Guest Jill4675

I have not been around Soompi for awhile, so imagine my reaction to finding out that JangHyuk AND Kim Min Joon will be in a drama together. Two of my favorites!!! This is just fantastic!!! :lol:

[PS, O-cha, Wils, Imogene, or anyone: Would someone please post the link to the Jang Hyuk thread. I lost some of my bookmarks.... Thanks in advance! ;)]

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I have not been around Soompi for awhile, so imagine my reaction to finding out that JangHyuk AND Kim Min Joon will be in a drama together. Two of my favorites!!! This is just fantastic!!! :lol:

[PS, O-cha, Wils, Imogene, or anyone: Would someone please post the link to the Jang Hyuk thread. I lost some of my bookmarks.... Thanks in advance! ;)]

Hey, Jill4675

Welcome back!!!!

Here is the link to our JH thread: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13573

Hope to see you more often. ;)

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Guest Jill4675

Hey, Jill4675

Welcome back!!!!

Here is the link to our JH thread: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13573

Hope to see you more often. ;)

wils! Komapsumnida! ;) I can see I have a lot of catching up to do over at the JH thread...and this new drama sounds great so far! :)

BTW, I was really amazed how quickly the Bad Guy/Robber DVDs were released...(I wonder if it had anything to do with fan contacts made to SBS?????!!) I bought them IMMEDIATELY for my Kdrama collection and I can't wait to watch them...I'm preserving them for a little while (!) (it's kind of like saving a special bottle of wine!!! :lol:) and in the meantime I'm watching other dramas, etc. If Tazza turns out well, we had all better campaign for FAST DVD release... because I like owning my favorites.

PS, I recently watched "Please Teach Me English"...any Jang Hyuk fan who hasn't seen it should watch it. It is a really cute movie and I had plenty of laughs watching it. He looks adorable in the film!!! :wub::lol:

Thanks again, wils!

Jill B)

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Guest junefaye

heyhey i'm new here:D JANG HYUK AND HAN YE SEUL TOGETHER!!!i',m so gonna watch this!

oh my i lovvee jang hyuk so much, i just watched thank you and watching robber now (:

and i'm looking forward to seeing han ye seul in another drama, after catching fantasy couple. she played the role of sangshil/anna so well, i'm sure she'd do just as well in this drama.

anddd thanks you all awesome friends for all these updates and photos and stuff!! :D

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You are welcome. I am definitely with you on the feel of saving something precious! ;)


Wecome to the thread. I hope so too...HYS will do as well in this drama. :)

BTW, hey~~~~~~~~~~Guys~~~~~~~~~~

the Tazza official Homepage just Opened!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is the link: http://tv.sbs.co.kr/tazza/index.html

There are new character photos and some video clips. If anyone knows how to download the video clips, please let us share the ones. Thanks in advance.

There is a teaser preview clip. That is AWESOME!

I think I am a little bit hyped...haha... :blush:

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