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[drama 2009] Triple 트리플

Guest MWshin

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Guest asadal

In all honestly I think Haru asking for one date and letting him go is a smart choice. She can have one last happy moment with him as just a woman and a man. If Hwal does not feel anything after this than it really is time for her to let him go.

Your right asadal it could be that once she gives up he will realize that she is someone very special to him and special not in a little sister sort of way.

There is this saying, "when you have someone close to you, you don't treasure them but when their gone you realize what you have lost and regret."

I'm actually excited for this date because after it is done we will know as clear as day what Hwal's feelings are if there is any.

Haru is a smart girl she knows that fighting for something that doesn't want to be fought for is useless.

Having this one date with Hwal can at least give her some loving memories for her to treasure. She won the battle even if she lost the war. :)

That's so depressing to think about personally. The thought of Haru admiring her oppa from afar, living with this void in her heart. I don't know, over the course of Triple I became so attached to the character Haru. I would probably cry (yeah whatever I don't care) if Haru accepts defeat.

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Guest piano4112000

With six episode left I doubt defect is the best word, lets phrase it as a momentary cease fire from Haru until someone comes to their senses haha.

It does sound depressing with you think about it but I just don't see that happening :)

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Guest karlthedragon

Hi there, to top everything off, would just like to share that i'm loving Triple to death! It's been a long time since i've been glued to the net waiting for the next installment of this series, Que Sera Sera was the last one I believe. I have also been warming up to their music and would like to ask the title of the song that was played during the last scene on episode 4, is it included in their soundtrack? If not, where can I download it? Thanks a million, can't seem to let that song out of my head. :P

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Guest jinnn

Maybe he knew him better than all of us that he feels that Hwal is not really serious in reconciling with Su In. I also think that if Su In really wants him to stop she can but I think she also understands where he is coming from.

Yes, maybe he knew Hwal better than all of us. Maybe he knew that Hwal is someone who would not have procrastinated if something (or someone) really means a lot to Hwal. Maybe, that's the reason why when Hwal announced to the group that he's moving in with Su-In; HT asked whether Hwal has the confidence to bring happiness to Su-In... (the man does not give up without a fight .. :lol: .. even HY is bewildered by him )

Asadal (MHR FANatic ;) ,

Thanks for the caps. I love the house, such rustic charm :)

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Guest Spafe

The song at the end of episode 7 is 비가 멈췄고 음악이 그쳤다 - Tearliner :)

It seems that there's only the instrumental version?

Thanks anyways!

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Guest jinnn

Quick question :-

I thought Hwal has moved in with Su-In in episode 10; no? If so, then WTH !!! ; they're not sharing the same bed :huh: ?

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Guest love.peace.happiness.

Quick question :-

I thought Hwal has moved in with Su-In in episode 10; no? If so, then WTH !!! ; they're not sharing the same bed :huh: ?

Well, considering that they are still estranged I would think it would be weird for them to start sleeping together again, so soon. You gotta give them time to work things out before they can share the same bed again. Hwal moving in with Su In is his way of running away from his feelings again. He thinks that if he moves out than Haru's feeling for him will disappear, or maybe it's the other way around? He wants to prevent himself from developing feelings for Haru?? I can't wait for this week's episode and I'm a little sadden that this wonderful series is only 16 episodes long. I wish it were a little longer because I just like watching the characters hehe. So many of you mentioned how you would like to see Haru with Poong Ho together because they are right for each other and they're cute together, but that doesn't necessary translate to love. You can't help who you love. And as for what Hwal said to Haru at the end of episode 10 "What are you" I think he is confused. Because here is his step-sister who he hasn't seen in years living with him and now have feelings for him. He is just confuse and trying to figure out who she is. That's my take on it. Its like when someone ask you that question they aren't sure about who you are, like you're an alien or something.

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Guest jinnn

Well, considering that they are still estranged I would think it would be weird for them to start sleeping together again, so soon. You gotta give them time to work things out before they can share the same bed again. Hwal moving in with Su In is his way of running away from his feelings again. He thinks that if he moves out than Haru's feeling for him will disappear, or maybe it's the other way around? He wants to prevent himself from developing feelings for Haru?? I can't wait for this week's episode and I'm a little sadden that this wonderful series is only 16 episodes long. I wish it were a little longer because I just like watching the characters hehe.

Yes, it seems to me that 6 more episodes may not be enuff. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there are no loose ends left untied when the drama ends.

Regarding Hwal; if he and Su-In are still estranged, he should have taken the step towards healing their relationship via spending more time with her etc instead of moving in with her. He's definitely not ready as evident that he could not even pen his name on the marriage certificate (notice how he changed the topic and quickly use the excuse that he needed to finish up some work when she mentioned that it's just a matter of putting his name down). Su-In is gonna get hurt.

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Guest danick

I wish it were a little longer because I just like watching the characters hehe. So many of you mentioned how you would like to see Haru with Poong Ho together because they are right for each other and they're cute together, but that doesn't necessary translate to love. You can't help who you love. And as for what Hwal said to Haru at the end of episode 10 "What are you" I think he is confused.

So true! You can't really help who you love. It is the heart that chooses who to love. Hwal is indeed one confused man. The way he drove back to the house and went directly to Haru's room made my heart beating so fast because he just acknowledged to himself that there is really something going on inside him although he is not sure what it is yet.

Yes, it seems to me that 6 more episodes may not be enuff. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there are no loose ends left untied when the drama ends.

Regarding Hwal; if he and Su-In are still estranged, he should have taken the step towards healing their relationship via spending more time with her etc instead of moving in with her. He's definitely not ready as evident that he could not even pen his name on the marriage certificate (notice how he changed the topic and quickly use the excuse that he needed to finish up some work when she mentioned that it's just a matter of putting his name down). Su-In is gonna get hurt.

16 episodes seems too short but sometimes when in the process of extending the series, the storytelling suffers. I have faith in the director that they will be able to make it work until the final episode although it would be awesome if we get to see them longer.

Not sharing a bed! Su In must do something about it if she wants the relationship to move on. She should question the arrangement. If the guy is not into you sexually, uh oh...there is something really wrong in the relationship. Yes, yes I know relationship is not based on sex alone but you know what, it is a huge factor especially if you are already husband and wife and especially when you both have decided to give your relationship another try.

If this continues, Su In is in for a major heartbreak.

and yes jinn, Hwal is definitely the key to all this and you are so right, he is having a hard time looking for it in his pocket but you know what, I think he already found it. He is just afraid that the key won't fit in! :P but that is just me.

I am officially rooting for a Hwal and Haru ending. I still love Poong Ho though.

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Guest MWshin

Everyone, thank you very much for pics, links and esp. comments. After reading all your comments, I have much fun and enjoy watching this drama over and over, help me get clear understand each character too. :blush:

I can't wait for ep.11. Wednesday, oh, please come faster, I'm dying.

Just 2 more days, but it looks like 2 more years to me..hehe.. :P






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Guest jinnn

Not sharing a bed! Su In must do something about it if she wants the relationship to move on. She should question the arrangement. If the guy is not into you sexually, uh oh...there is something really wrong in the relationship. Yes, yes I know relationship is not based on sex alone but you know what, it is a huge factor especially if you are already husband and wife and especially when you both have decided to give your relationship another try.

I'm beginning to suspect whether Su-In is still deeply in love with Hwal; somehow, it appears to me that she wants the reconciliation due to her "guilty feeling" and also for her mom's sake and also to conform with society's expectation. Looks like her heartache has started => she's already noticed that Hwal seemed distant though they are living together. IMO, it's selfish of Hwal to run away from his confused feelings for Haru and take refuge in Su-In's house. He's a grown man and should be able to handle his emotions better.

What is pretty obvious by now is that there is no chance whatsover of a Hwal/Su-In ending.

I am officially rooting for a Hwal and Haru ending. I still love Poong Ho though.

Officially ? :D

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Guest kodoque

I think I am in the minority in this forum for truly NOT LIKING the Hwal-Haru relationship.

And no..It's not just because I think Poong-Ho is too-adorable-for-words..but because I just am really not digging Hwal's character.

He is a guy way over his 30s. Married (or was..). Successful in his career. Smart.

A textbook definition of what normal people refer to as a grown adult man

But how can this man be so indecisive about his own feelings?

It just irks me to the bones !! Like..make-up your goddang mine!

You are an adult for god's sake !

People have mentioned how bratty Haru, immature Hyun Tae, or childish Poong-Ho can be.

But to me they are the ones that are way more mature than Hwal.

They are being true to themselves. They know what they want and sure as hell is persistently working towards them.

But Hwal ?

What has he done to deserve Haru's love ?

He has never had to fight for his love...

So what? Your wife cheated on you..Oh yes it sucks.

But oh god..get over it ! She's been begging for forgiveness, doing all this things to make Hwal come back to her.

But ultimately if Hwal really really loves Su-In...cant he just forgive her? Be a mature adult for once and take her back.

Same thing with Haru..if Hwal really likes her..

Show it. Show it to her and show it to us viewers.

Cause it is about time that he grows up and truly be an adult.

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Guest budibudi

What has he done to deserve Haru's love ?

He has never had to fight for his love...

So what? Your wife cheated on you..Oh yes it sucks.

But oh god..get over it ! She's been begging for forgiveness, doing all this things to make Hwal come back to her.

But ultimately if Hwal really really loves Su-In...cant he just forgive her? Be a mature adult for once and take her back.

Same thing with Haru..if Hwal really likes her..

Show it. Show it to her and show it to us viewers.

Cause it is about time that he grows up and truly be an adult.

Wow, have you been cheated on before? How can you say that so easily? Having been cheated on by someone you loved can scar you for life, I'm sure a lot of people will vouch for me. In a relationship, especially so with a marriage, cheating is a big no-no, it doesn't matter how sorry they are. Hell, I'm pretty sure that most, if not all people who have been cheated on, have had their exes beg for forgiveness. Does that mean that they should reconcile? No. So I totally understand where Hwal is coming from. If I was Hwal, I would drop her in a second and never ever see her cheating @$$ ever again.

It's never been a question to me that Hwal is a mature adult. As time goes by you can tell that his feelings for Haru are growing, and he's been handling this situation in a very mature manner, if you think about it he's really caught in a tight spot, as she's his ex step sister, they live together, he's much older, and she has been obviously crushing on him. I'm sure the age-gap and the whole step siblings thing is in the back of his head, why do you think he left his house to live with Su-In? He's trying to do what he thinks is the right thing to do. And about him being indecisive, wouldn't you be too if you were in his situation? If you watched the end of episode 10 you can see that he's struggling with this new found emotions, he's still confused about what he feels.

...and no don't worry, If anything, Hwal/Haru fans are in the minority...Just go to javabeans' blog or even read the discussion in the viikii triple page, I'm sure many can relate with you.

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Guest khorne

Does anyone know whats the name of the song that plays at the end of episode 1 when Hyun-Tae first met Su-in?

I've been trying my best to find out by searching through forums, but I've no been able to figure it out....

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