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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest churvaness

CL was riding the black car..It was her car that blew up and exploded thus killing her..At the end, she joins the rest of the girls ( who are un-real in the story - like spirits or whatever u call them) thus implying that after that car accident she's already non existing in real life (or a ghost)..

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I am so proud of 2NE1 and thankful to YG for giving us 3 different MV's

Both Go away and Clap your Hands was super good! Only one left! i soo want more!!

2NE1's Charismatic leader CL, u totally deserve a big clap!

i still cant get over that scene when that mini cooper hit her ㅠ-ㅠ it boils me up thinking about it even though it isnt real..super sad endingmyAvatar_17002421_1.gif

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Guest toozdae08

Now I'm sure the other girls aren't really there cause I notice that CL never looks at them and when in the car with Minzy, Minzy would be there and then not be there like a second later and then be next to CL again. And during the end at 5:11 they are all standing at the race track and the cars go through them. And CL does die at the end.

Maybe the real them is the ones playing the instruments and the whole race car thing is a metaphor for her and the guy's destructive relationship cause first he was putting her down and then she ended up killing herself over him.

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WOW! I love this MV!!! It's very American-ized ish to me...LOL...I feel like I'm watching a little mini movie...XD LUV IT!

But nah, CL didn't die at the end guys. She was in the orange car and the guy is in the black. Her car actually hit the black car a 2nd time if u watch it closely and that's when it exploded. Someone on allkpop said that if she was the one that die in the MV, then it's not really dying. It's just symbolizing that that's what would happened if she didn't let go of the relationship. So when she joined the rest of the gurls at the end, it actually means that she gave up on the relationship and learn to just walk away from a relationship that wasn't worth it like that...I hope that make sense...LOL...

Watch it again? You can clearly see CL walking towards the black car before the second race. And each time they show the orange car they'll do a close up of the ex-BF while each time they show the black one it'll be a close up of CL. I'm 100% sure it was CL in the black car.

But I do like the explanation of how it was all just theoretically CL would have died if she didn't just walk away from the relationship, it makes a lot more sense than CL getting abused and then just dying.

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Guest juang_bb

WOW! I love this MV!!! It's very American-ized ish to me...LOL...I feel like I'm watching a little mini movie...XD LUV IT!

But nah, CL didn't die at the end guys. She was in the orange car and the guy is in the black. Her car actually hit the black car a 2nd time if u watch it closely and that's when it exploded. Someone on allkpop said that if she was the one that die in the MV, then it's not really dying. It's just symbolizing that that's what would happened if she didn't let go of the relationship. So when she joined the rest of the gurls at the end, it actually means that she gave up on the relationship and learn to just walk away from a relationship that wasn't worth it like that...I hope that make sense...LOL...

i like your take in the MV!

@ amatsu... i think i get what you mean about the feminist message. i think you meant that with CL getting abused and was the one holding on to the guy, it doesn't really send out a strong image of women which is what the song was really about. am i right?!? but i think if we go by ^^^ christine's take on the MV, i guess in the end, it still does leave a strong message to women... learning how to walk away from a relationship that isn't worth it, instead of holding on to it and ending up being crashed and burned.

edit: LOL at all of us getting confused. which is not a bad thing, it only means that there's really just more to the story than meets the eye. for some reason, stories of MVs coming from YG have required fans to analyze the story thoroughly to get the message. (BB's Tell Me Goodbye and Beautiful Hangover, and now 2ne1's Go Away)

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all i can say from now on is i dont care what others think of 2NE1

they just do what they want, the music, their style, and if others dont get it, they well, gotta shrug it off.

this MV should make it clear to everyone the change that 2NE1 is going to. i love it. they dont even appear like an idol group anymore, at least in this MV. i really really really love it

now im curious as to how theyre going to perform this song

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Guest Himitsuu

WOW! I love this MV!!! It's very American-ized ish to me...LOL...I feel like I'm watching a little mini movie...XD LUV IT!

But nah, CL didn't die at the end guys. She was in the orange car and the guy is in the black. Her car actually hit the black car a 2nd time if u watch it closely and that's when it exploded. Someone on allkpop said that if she was the one that die in the MV, then it's not really dying. It's just symbolizing that that's what would happened if she didn't let go of the relationship. So when she joined the rest of the gurls at the end, it actually means that she gave up on the relationship and learn to just walk away from a relationship that wasn't worth it like that...I hope that make sense...LOL...

CL was actually on the black car and her ex was on the orange car from their first race on the MV until their second race (their last race), they never changed cars. I re-watched the MV after I read your comment, it's still the same. sweatingbullets.gif

And yes, I think our girls Minji, Dara and Bom aren't 'alive', probably they're CL's angels or her consciences haha. XD They're not  real rather they only existed on CL's world (mind).

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Guest shantewillie

I keep one watching, and CL was riding in the black car for the first race.

As for the second race, I didn't see who went to what car. :unsure:

This is going to be a long debate. :lol:

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Guest Black Stones

I keep one watching, and CL was riding in the black car for the first race.

As for the second race, I didn't see who went to what car. :unsure:

This is going to be a long debate. :lol:

If you look at the interior of the cars in the first and second race, it's the same for both CL and the guy, which means they're in the same cars from the first race. She has a red and black bmw and the interior is red and black. Check it out.

can anyone translate what the guy says to CL in the beginning? I get a gist of it, but a translation would be nice.

This was kind of hard to watch, but I think CL did a fantastic job with her acting. I'm so proud of her! I really like the song a lot too, and the lyrics are nice.


Intro: “Hey! Am I crazy?!You thought i’d keep seeing you? Stop being delusional! Know your place. Let me live with some style now! Seriously, I’m warning you… You mess with me and I’ll kill you.”


CL ” LET GO! Let Go!!!”

“Ha! You still wear the clothes i gave you.”

beating scene: “let’s stop this!” X3

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Guest vintagesky

What the guy says in the beginning of the MV:

You think I'm crazy to go out with you again? Don't misunderstand. Know your place. Let me live my life with style now. I'm warning you. Don't mess with me. Or else I'll kill you.

It sounds much harsher in korean lol.

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

OK, so I rewatch the video...LOL...So CL is actually in the black car and the guy is in the orange car...LOL...my bad eyesight...And did anyone noticed that 11st is the endorser on that car?! CL is actually wearing the outfit with their logo too, so it makes sense.

But yeah, the girls play the role as angels cuz if you watch the ending closely where they were playing "bandmates" role, the way it was film and everything, it really does look like they were angels. So basically the whole dying thing is what would've happened if she didn't let go of the relationship. But at the end, she gave up on the relationship and just walk away. It still symbolizes the whole strong and fierce theme of 2NE1 just in a more complex form I guess...LOL...

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Guest blabennetta

I'm still mesmerized by this MV. On a repeat mode. What a way to end my day!

CL - Don't doubt your acting ability. You did great for a first timer.

Dara - I know this is a breakup song but you make me smile every time you appear.

Bom - What can I say? Your voice just gives me chills. I hope MV for Can't Nobody is centered on you.

Minji - You are still a baby and yet you are showing maturity already.

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i love the mv but like others im kinda iffy on the whole theme. it kinda doesn't match the song?? i was waiting for CL to completely PWN the guy at that second race and watch him be all sorry and stuff and then you just see our leader walking away in all her fierce gloriousness telling the guy to go away..but no. she died. :(

sorry about that little rant looking part you guys :[ but yea, i still think the mv was nicely done! it really looked like a short movie and it certainly did NOT feel like it was 6minutes long. and for a first timer, i think our leadja did well with her acting!!

btw, was i the only one that completely LOL'ed when she hit the door on her way out??? haha it was all dramatic and BAM! DOOR! hahaha

p.s. i'm kinda scared that this vid would get banned for many reasons

1.the cuss word

2.the abuse

3. the showed Bean Pole and 11st quite a lot in the vid..they might count that as an advertising?? idk

i hope not tho.

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Guest itszmaeee

EVERYONE READ THIS!!!! !!!!! !!!!!

2NE1's Mini Talk with Producer e.knock!

e.knock, a producer for 'Clap Your Hands', another one of the title tracks of this album, 'To Anyone'.

Q) DARA - First of all, people are still a bit unfamiliar with your new name~ Please tell the Daum music family members a bit about the reason why you changed it and what the meaning of the name is~^^

A) First of all , it was a huge turning point in my life.

While using the name Kush, through the good and difficult times that I experienced, I want to leave only the happy memories, so I changed my name.


Some people are asking, why do I keep changing my name, and, isn't it a waste for the career that I built for myself with the name KUSH.

However while these people feel hurt, as expected, I as well had a lot of times where I suffered while using the name KUSH that people don't know about. As a result, by changing my name, I am thinking about this as my promise to start a new life, and also as a new challenge for myself.

In addition, the meaning of e.knock is 'eternal life is knocking'.

Q) Bom - Being the producer of one of the three title tracks on this album, 'Clap Your Hands', I'm curious as to where you received inspiration for it?

A) First of all, this was a song that was made while reflecting on the phenomenon in this era, everything changes so quickly and we are suffering from technological progression. Of course, due to progression in skills, we prosper more in our lives, and received several enjoyable opportunities however I think that the warm sentiments that we felt in the past have almost completely disappeared.

As a result, I think that the beauty of nature and our gratitude for it has obviously almost disappeared.

Even when I was still young, I would play at the playground with my friends until it was evening and I'd get scolded by my parents and so based on that, this song is basically saying 'Let's go to the mountains more often, let's go to the beach, let's watch the sky, and let's appreciate the beauty in all of that'.

I think that those the same age as me, stand on an important ship that connects the analogue and digital era. I, belonging to that category, thought that if I make an even more provocative and cold song, the kids who listen to those kind of songs today could potentially be even more poorly influenced. As a result, I wanted to try to write a song and lyrics that were more thinkable, and thus I made this song.

As we advance more into the digital era, the nature of today is being destroyed. Most people don't think too seriously about that problem. And so if anybody or even if just one person listens to this song and sympathizes with me, it'd be great.

Q) MINJI - Compared to the other two title songs you composed with Teddy, what would be the charm of 'Clap Your Hands' or something different from the other songs?

A) The truth is, I think that comparing my song to Teddy-hyung's songs is extremely difficult in itself. The genres are clearly different, and the meaning of the lyrics themselves are very different.

Of course, I think that all 3 songs are thoroughly charming.

Since I like Teddy hyung's style of music, 'Clap Your Hands' is a song that I made because I wanted to imitate his style subtly. As a result, I tried putting in a couple of 'A-yo's in the middle. (Laughs)

Q) CL – I'm curious about what e.knock oppa thinks about us, 2NE1. If you were to say something about us, what would you say? ^^

I think that 2NE1 is a really charming group.

Each of their individual personalities are very strong, and when I'm composing with them, I always discover new strengths in each of them. When I'm making music, I am as confident in their individual colours as I am in drawing a picture.

I think that they're definitely differentiated from other groups in the music scene, dominated by 'instant' music where artists do activities for a short amount of time and then disappear.

I want to be a producer who can somewhat help 2NE1 to match the level that 2NE1 is growing.. I want to make songs with them that not only last for a moment, but are remembered in everyone's hearts for a long time. I also think that that is possible.

Q) 2NE1 - Lastly, we wanted to ask a bonus question! Out of the three title songs that we'll be revealing at once, if one of those songs were to hit #1, which do you think it'd be?

I think that there is absolutely no one who would be able to predict that. In addition, since the flow of our country's music industry changes really quickly, in a biased opinion, I try thinking that 'Clap Your Hands' could somehow become a song that takes people back in time.

Rather than sticking to number one like before, I'm making an effort to make music that is a bit more straight forward and will remain in people's hearts. Personally, because I really liked and enjoyed listening to the two songs that Teddy-hyung wrote since a while ago, I haven't even thought about our songs hitting number one. They are just songs that Teddy-hyung and I enjoyed composing, and I hope that everyone will enjoy listening to them equal to the amount that Teddy and I left our imprints on the three songs.

Source: http://music.daum.net/playzone/specialBoard.do?boardId=247

Translated by elise & GEE @ ygladies.com

is this posted?

anyway, this is pretty touching for me. i dunno about you guys. it makes me say.."awwww..."

everyone has grown from yg(except keeping his promises) to the GIRLS and even their producers/composers. it makes me love them more. EVERYONE HAS BEEN FOCUSED ON THE AUTOTUNE BLAH BLAH BLAH... they tend to ignore the meaning or the song itself.

i hope this would be posted in other community sites(allkpop,etc) so that everybody would be aware. :)


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What the guy says in the beginning of the MV:

You think I'm crazy to go out with you again? Don't misunderstand. Know your place. Let me live my life with style now. I'm warning you. Don't mess with me. Or else I'll kill you.

It sounds much harsher in korean lol.

ah that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for that! I definitely get how mean he was trying to be saying those things, but I just didn't understand some words.

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Guest itszmaeee

One of the things I love about the MV, is that it gets people talking! No not bashing talking, but analyzing what went on and what actually happened in the end. Rather than having a bunch of haters ratting on and on and on about a dancing unorganized or the background looks cheap, GO AWAY MV actually had people thinking "DID CL REALLY DIE?" "DID THAT HCTIB JUST HIT CL?" "WHAT HAPPENED IN THE END?" "WHAT'S REALLY THE STORYLINE?" and so on. YG is one smart man! Man! How can you be that smart YG?! I'm loving the MV more and more [except the abusing part].

I have a feeling YG probably did another recording for the song because I'm pretty sure [hopefullynot] the MV would get banned for the cussing, the abusing, and the brands. Unless I'm just too worried about it happening that I'm just scaring myself. Hopefully not.

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Guest wanderlove

I like the music video except for the abuse part..

i thought they gonna go with the concept just like 'IDC' music video.. where they get revenge and all.. not like this storyline.. i was tearing up the first time i saw the abuse scene.. and got a shock during the car flying and blowing up scene...

I do think that the girls are angels as well.. they were CL's guardian or something.. during 5.12 of the music video they were in the middle of the car racing scene... and during Cl/Minzy scene i have a feeling that CL couldn't see Minzy at all..

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all i can say from now on is i dont care what others think of 2NE1

they just do what they want, the music, their style, and if others dont get it, they well, gotta shrug it off.

this MV should make it clear to everyone the change that 2NE1 is going to. i love it. they dont even appear like an idol group anymore, at least in this MV. i really really really love it

now im curious as to how theyre going to perform this song

It's not really hard. They're talented just like other YG artists, Se7en performed Digital Bounce with no problem and that was auto-tuned. Just cuz it's auto-tuned doesn't mean they can't sing it, all that just means is the effect from the auto-tuned is gone and the live performance is all the more sweeter in my book.

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