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Can anyone recommend me books to read? The genre could be either humour, romance, chick-lit, fantasy or supernatural, historical. You can also recommend me books that is overall suitable for a teenager. Please, PLEASE reply to this thread. At least 5 replies would be enough. Thanks to anybody who bother to reply.

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Guest csnrain

That's a pretty broad range...I'll just list a few...

Dark Tower series - Stephen King

Dune - Frank Herbert

Nicholas and Alexandra - Peter K. Massie

Peter the Great - Peter K. Massie

The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susannah Clark

Cry to Heaven - Anne Rice

Feast of All Saints - Anne Rice

The Twentieth Wife - Indu Sundaresan

Snakes and Earrings - Hitomi Kanehara

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OT: oops you posted two similar topic.

hmm..i'll recommend you gossip girl. i totally loved it!

it does have romance but i don't know about the other criteria

but it is fitted for teenagers

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Guest miiloverx2

some pieces of light chick-lit i'd recommend would be

Oh Baby! (nice name eh? haha) its by Randi Reisfeld and H.B. Gilmour



South Beach by Aimee Friedman


read them a few years ago and i thought i enjoyed it.. kind of like gossip girl and those type of chick flicks.

if you want something more serious (mysterious maybe?)

i'm reading A Season for the Dead by David Hewson

It's got the feel of The Da Vinci Code :) (same genre.. and it might even be better!)


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This book's genre is not what you've listed but it's a very good book.

It's based on a true story, the author's.

It's about a little boy and his deadly childhood. You can actually feel the pain as you turn pages.

There are some unpleasant things but it's not all that bad.

It's a book to remember.

The story continues on with "The Lost Boy" "A Man Name Dave" & "My Story"


- Lenaa

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Memoirs Of A Geisha *it's a must, the movie really sucks!*

East (forgot the author--->but if you like east 'o the sun, west' o the moon)

the Twilight series that's mentioned already

The Kite Runner- Khaled Hosseini

Tithe - holly black

Valient- holly black

ANGUS, THONGS, AND FULL FRONTAL SNOGGING: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson and all the other books (VERY FUNNY!)- Louise Rennison

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If you liked Twilight

Then check out Blood & Chocolate


instead of a human girl <3 vampire


werewolf girl <3 human boy


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Guest roomyc

if you like fantasy/some romance/a bit touch of horror i would recommend A Great and Terribe Beauty and Rebel Angels by Libba Bray. :lol:

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