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Are You An 'english' Person Or A 'maths' Person?

Guest AppleLove

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Guest mochabear


I'm a bit of both. I like Math because of its straightforwardness while English is more of a freedom thing, though it can be subjective. So I'll say overall it's math.

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Guest Atmosphere.

I'm Korean and I hate MATH! XD I prefer English than MATH!!! Math has so many things that complicates me and gives me headache XD

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Guest shyangel2793

i like math better...and i'm korean-american..

iono why but math is soo easy to me...

english is ok but the concept of it like new vocab words and grammar confuses me sometimes.. T.T

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Guest AntKun



English or Math?

I actually prefer English. I'm only trying hard in Math for my future and stuff, I actually really dislike it.

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Guest joolee.

What Ethnicity are you?

Chinese and German.

Are you a maths or an English person?

English, I suck at math. :mellow:

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Guest diru

Hands down it's English for me. Maths is so....tiresome...too many things to remember. English on the other is something you use everyday when your talking to friends, writing in forums and so forth. It's everywhere! =D

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Guest my_kangin

I'm Korean, and I freaking HATEmath.

Honestly, most asians are better at English

than they are at math; like we see everyone's

posts here. lmaao.

I'm WAAY better at English than I am at math.

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Guest evalant89

Malaysian here!!

Hehe, neither. I sucks at both but I tend to go for Math. No matter how difficult it is, you just have to understand the concept and apply the formula. That's all. But, I love reading though...

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Guest understanding_fiction

What Ethnicity are you?


Are you a maths or an English person?


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Guest Desda

What Ethnicity are you?

Chinese.... >_< this ruined my 411 poll xP

Are you a maths or an English person?

uh..i dont know. i think english? or i chooose to believe so.

i'm quite good at math but idon't like it and i try to do the least amount of work in it (but i'm still doing good) >"<

i try more in english but i enjoy it and i like it...

AH but my math mark is higher *sighs*

but i'm an english at heart! I blame the chinese i say!

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Guest XDinnocent

I'm Chinese; and im more of an

english person because most of the time it has

to do with opinions and math is just way

too complicated


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Guest daehanminguk1345

I'm Korean and personally, this year I love both English and math. I know! I'm a dork. But it's not because I'm Asian, it's because I love my teachers this year and they made it that much easier for me to appreciate these subjects.

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Guest MoonlightConfessionx3

What Ethnicity are you?

I am Malay/Laos.

Are you a maths or an English person?

Totally a maths person. I took up both maths extension and english extension. Dropped english after 3 weeks. Maths is a whole lost easier for me.. but maybe because I dislike my english teacher a lot :ph34r:

I love calculus. LOL

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Guest understanding_fiction


sounds pretty nerdy, but I love the satisfaction from solving a hard math problem

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Guest annie_bananie

I'm NEITHER! Sadly..my math and english are almost the same marking. :tears: (my math mark is higher by 4%)

I was a MATH person...but the questions are not the same as they were before.


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Guest rokky123

I'm from nepal:lol:

and im not an english person (Belgium here)

but yeah im more of a language person than maths

I used to have one of the best grades in Dutch before :lol:

maths -____- im sure a 7 years old kid can beat me at it

i SUCK at math,i hope its some disorder cause i seriously cant be this dumb:lol:

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