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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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In one side, I'm happy SB's real mom finally appears.

I just don't like if MJ will decide to like SB just because of finding out her parents are rich.

I want MJ to realize overtime that SB is indeed a great daughter in law despite her background.

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this is so unreal Yang Geum Suk (MJ) and Yoo Hye Ri (SB bio mother) were in another drama together

"2006 Here Comes Ajumma". In that drama they were rival..and now they are rival in this drama.

With these two ladies YAMD will never be bored. We will all have front seat when both ladies will have their match...if they acted

like in Here come Ajumma....

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Guest lantawmako

In one side, I'm happy SB's real mom finally appears.

I just don't like if MJ will decide to like SB just because of finding out her parents are rich.

I want MJ to realize overtime that SB is indeed a great daughter in law despite her background.

What could be the reason that she gave up her daughter?

Was SB abandoned? At 4 or 5, she already bonded with the kid.

When we thought that SB was the Kim's biological daughter, it made sense that nobody looked for her because they thought she was dead. This instant Mom, know all along her daughter is alive, why else would she look her up now?

Edit: BTW the picture of that little SB squatting is soooo cute.

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oooohhh i see sashe! from the pure 19 thread. waves!! :)

yaay!! *waves back*

PS -I positively relished the crapped out look on MJ's face when she saw SB's biological mother.

Woooooooooooooooooo!! That was sweet! :lol:

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BokJoo was fired and kicked out immediately after the wedding because MinJung found out that BokJoo was SaeByuk's longtime friend.

In episode 141, BokJoo met with SaeByuk and tried to return some money. SaeByuk refused to accept it since BokJoo is having a hard time and is currently staying at the sauna.

Maybe Bokjoo can move into the Kim's house now that SB is gone and then TP could fall in love with her! :wub:;)^_^:D:lol:

Just a thought! :phew::w00t:

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Guest lantawmako

Maybe Bokjoo can move into the Kim's house now that SB is gone and then TP could fall in love with her! :wub:;)^_^:D:lol:

Just a thought! :phew::w00t:

you have my vote on that.

Edit: I can't seem to get over the fact that SB and HS got married and they haven't kiss.

Whatever the issue is, the director should have a very long talk with the actress or actor on this issue (you'll never know its PJJ who is uncomfortable with the kissing scene :rolleyes: ) This is after all a romance drama and a kiss should have been expected as part of the act.

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I don’t like Miok until she can give a good enough reason why she abandoned Saebyuk as a little girl. Can’t see how a mother in whatever circumstances can leave a young helpless child by the beach. At least leave her at the doorstep of an orphanage. What is all this motherly concern now when she is old enough to fight her own battles. I would prefer that Saebyuk ‘fight’ it out with MJ herself then have this long lost mother butting in now. Saebyuk need of her has expired long ago. Now she is an adult with an adopted family and a husband.

She didn't abandon her. She lost her at the beach. Those kinds of things can definitely happen. You turn your back for a second and kids just disappear.

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Maybe Bokjoo can move into the Kim's house now that SB is gone and then TP could fall in love with her! :wub:;)^_^:D:lol:

Just a thought! :phew::w00t:

BJ went on the chopping board for nothing. Its quite unfair.

However, pairing BJ & TP, will only give us yet another set of mis-matched couple.

Anybody ever gave a thought to TP and SY/TY's daughter? They would make an interesting couple.

Untill unless its culturally not allowed? Them being related and all that? :huh:

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I agree w/ you...I'm beginning to like the story about SB's real mom. Also, I like it when HS stood up for SB when MJ and YR was yelling at her, didn't understand what they were saying though but it looks cool to me... :lol: I hope he will take SB out of that hell hole...

Yuri comes in and says she's surprised that SB can wake up and make breakfast after the crying all night. Yuri asks SB if maybe her real mother threw her away instead of losing her. She wonders how her mother's friend found her so quickly and yet her real mother couldn't. SB tells her to be quiet and Yuri keeps going so SB throws the water on her. HS comes down and yells at Yuri for not speaking to SB properly. MJ comes in and says how dare SB throw water on Yuri. How could she do this on her first day with her in laws. MJ tells SB that she better apologize to YR right away and HS says no because he knows it's YR's fault. HS tells YR that if she messes with SB one more time, he won't let it slide. Then HS tells his mom that he's sorry but SB can't do all the housework and to hurry up and hire a maid.

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Guest lantawmako

BJ went on the chopping board for nothing. Its quite unfair.

However, pairing BJ & TP, will only give us yet another set of mis-matched couple.

Anybody ever gave a thought to TP and SY/TY's daughter? They would make an interesting couple.

Untill unless its culturally not allowed? Them being related and all that? :huh:

I was actually hoping that SB's workmate will pair up with TP. She is kind of obnoxious but funny. But it seems that she is dating her workmate.

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Guest sweetheart0085

Yuri comes in and says she's surprised that SB can wake up and make breakfast after the crying all night. Yuri asks SB if maybe her real mother threw her away instead of losing her. She wonders how her mother's friend found her so quickly and yet her real mother couldn't. SB tells her to be quiet and Yuri keeps going so SB throws the water on her. HS comes down and yells at Yuri for not speaking to SB properly. MJ comes in and says how dare SB throw water on Yuri. How could she do this on her first day with her in laws. MJ tells SB that she better apologize to YR right away and HS says no because he knows it's YR's fault. HS tells YR that if she messes with SB one more time, he won't let it slide. Then HS tells his mom that he's sorry but SB can't do all the housework and to hurry up and hire a maid.

Thanks Uni33 for the translation^^

Serves YR right for medling into SB's business^^ Go HS^.~


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 134

SY: Tell me the truth. Why did you go to Hainan?

YH: Yes, I want to see my biological father. I know my father's name is XXX?

SY: Did you see him after all?

YH: No, I heard that he hadn't returned home for a long time. I didn't know he lived in Seoul all these years, we could possibly ride on the same sub-way or on the same bus.

SY: YH, why do you want to see him. You've never seem to care about him all this years..Why now?

YH: Who said I don't care. That person gives life to me, how can I not be curious about him. It's my root. I know mom is married to my teacher and your in laws' family is a big family. You live a happy life and don't feel lonely. It's not in my case, mom, I can't go see you when I miss you. I try very hard to hold back and suppress the loneliness.... Forget it, what is the use? You go home.

TY: I thought you wouldn't be back tonight.

SY: Nothing, I can't sleep on a different bed.

TY: My honey misses me.

SY: TY, is it possible for us to move out. I want to live with my YH. Come to think of it, I am a selfish mother. TY, did you hear what I've said.

YS: What happened? Crazy, how could I?

DG to self: Really, with those closed lips and mouth..... a wife, I grade with full score.

YS: What are you doing here?

DG: YS, you've forgotten about last night?

YS: Last night, what did you do while I was drunk? Pervert, psycho...out, out, out..

DG: Ok, ok, I'll do what you say... what's the big deal... still lovely.

Sub: Dad. The two of you reconcile?

DG: Reconcile what? Did your dad and mom ever fight? We just have a little... little bit of difference of opinions.

Sub: Alright, I'm going to work.

DG: Good, you go

CB: Mr. Kim, so she spent the night at our vacation home? The security guard called you last night. Alright, inform me at once if she goes someplace else.

HS: He said she's at the vacation home?

CB: Yes, she arrived late last night.

HS: I'll go pick her up after work.

CB: Mr. Kim says the villa is a mess and is going thru some remodeling. The Security guard hurt his back and is confined in the hospital. Your mom is very particular and sensitive, she wouldn't hold up too long there, give her few days to think things thru, she'll be back.

SB: When are you going to pick your mom up?

HS: Dad says don't bother with it, but I still want to go after work.

SB: I say... last night she reluctantly accepted me... HS, let me go.

HS: you? You go?

SB: Is it not that your mom lives at the Villa because of me? Perhaps, I should personally go to comfort her.

HS: I'm afraid my mom will give a hard time. Just let me go, you stay here and wait.

SB: No, I can't hide all the time, it doesn't solve any problem. I'll be brave, diligently work to face and deal with it. Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will gain the heart of your mom. You have to trust me.

HS: Ok, then I'll go to regain the approval of your parents.

MJ: Hey, this is too loud.

Worker: It's almost done.

MJ: The heater should be fixed before the winter comes... why do you wait until now to work on, it is making me nervous. Hurry!

MJ: You are drinking on the job?

Worker: Hey, alcohol gives me strength to work, you too, have some.

MJ: I pay you to work, hurry up finish the job and go home.. . with enough problem myself and this piece of thing gets on my nerve.

Worker: Piece of thing.

MJ: Goodness, goodness, who are you starring at?

Worker: you are disgusting, let's go, go home.

MJ: Hey, goodness alive. Hello, hello. You haven't finished? Where are you going? Hey! Neither home nor here, I can't find a place to rest.

YSK: I'm tired.

GM: Is today the date that TP moving [P-Express] sign is taken down. Are you going to see?

YSK: Yes, I'm going to go.

GM: Are you making the wheat sweet porridge, this is my favorite dish.

YSK: No, I'm making sweet candies.

GM: My teeth are not very good, can't eat candies. Just make the porridge.

YSK: YH is preparing for her final exam, this is for her.

GM: She is not your grand-daughter, why bother? Making candies is hard work.

YSK: I notice SY is worried about HY lately; this is the least I can do to help. MIL, I'll go now to check on TP moving. Would you continue with this?

GM: Are you asking me to stir this?

YSK: yes, make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom; I'll be back in a while.

GM: Porridge is a lot better than this.

YSK: Men don't shed their tears easily. Be strong so you can fight and gain the world.

TP: Mom, who said I'm crying, dust got in my eyes.

DJ: We become stronger after the storm. You look at this experience as a good lesson in life. You'll find a job better than P-Express.

YSK: Honey, what about a BBQ tonight. You and TP worked hard all these months, we'll eat well and eat much tonight.

DJ: Good, we haven't had BBQ with the kids for a long time. What about some drinks too? You make sure to get a little bit more.

YSK: Ok, I know. (Phone rings) YSK: Yes, In law, what's the matter?

HR: Asking for a favor, can you deliver something for me?

YSK: Deliver something?

HR: Our delivery driver had an accident and couldn’t come. I have 5 weddings waiting for me to deliver the goods, can I trouble the in laws to help me delivered. I heard P-Express is closing down, but this is really urgent.

YSK: Using our truck? Wait please. (away from the phone) in law's truck has an accident and need our help to deliver some goods.

DJ: Sounds urgent, tell her yes

YSK: in law, yes, we'll send a truck over to you

HR: Thank you so much, I'll remember this. Thank you again.

YSK: You are welcomed, see you. TP you go over there.

TP: Yes, I’ll go.

MJ: How be it? Not even a phone call. Husband, son and daughter. How can it be like this?

SB on the phone: HS, I'm here already, the number is 596, right?

HS: Can you manage by yourself?

SB: Of course, I'm determined to do this myself; I'll bring your mom back with me.

HS: Ok, good luck to you. Call me immediately if you need anything.

SB: Yes. ok, go, face it! Deal with it! (Doorbell rings)

MJ: Who is it? Come to fix the heater again?

SB: How are you, madam? It's cold outside.

MJ: What are you doing here?

HS to self: SB, we'll put our efforts together to facilitate our marriage.

SY: Mom, is it because P-Express is closed, you arranged and prepared for this table of food.

YSK: (Proverb) When one market goes, keep the fire burning hot so the next market will be even hotter. P-Express is not any family business even with its door closed, another business will birth. Let's eat and be motivated.

TY: The meat is ready. I'll go into the house and get some beer.

SY to self: Spell it out, while everyone is in a good mood tonight. Tell them we're moving out.

(HS enters) HS: GM, MIL, I'm here.

GM: Heaven, how. what? you?

HS: I come to ask for food tonight. How are you Dad, and Mom?

MJ: She is making me mad.

SB: Don't stay in the room by yourself. You know outside is beautiful with all the falling leaves.

MJ: What are you doing in here? Do you know whose room this is, how dare you come in? Get out.

SB: It's not healthy to drink alcohol alone, specially with an empty stomach.

MJ: What are you doing? Hurry get out of my room.

SB: Madam, you haven't eaten yet, right? I'll make you some clam soup, Ok.

MJ: I don't need this; you just leave and get out. I don't want to look at you for 1 minute, not even 1 second.

SB: What am I to do now? I was planning to sleep here tonight. I'd even brought my casual wear with me.

MJ: What did you say?

SB: But, you didn't turn the heater on. It's so cold here; you'll catch a cold like this.

MJ: You didn't hear a word I say. Do you want me to call the police and have them kick you out?

SB: It'll take the police a long while to find this place, in the mean time, I'll cook you dinner.

MJ: This... is it possible she's crazy?


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Really?! Are you kidding me? Are you playing with our emotions?! :o

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! :w00t:

So how soon is YAMD ending? Anyone? Anyone?

ohhh......somebody poke my eyes out :blink:

Lol no i'm not kidding you it comes on right after and i watch religiously like i did the first time.

Hello, you are in Philly. I lived in Philly for 10 years. I started watching k drama (my first one was Yellow Handkercheif)because of the channel that used to show kdrama late at night, forgot what channel it was.....

It was channel 35 WYBE, it still shows the K-Dramas and K-Drama period piece shows on Fridays, like the Immortal Yi Soon Shin....

oooohhh i see sashe! from the pure 19 thread. waves!! :)

i guess its an understatement that u dislike this one..

i know where ur coming from too..

robbo has a point too. yeah it was ok at first and goes downhill, uphill, and somehow stuck

but heck im trying my best to keep interested. some parts are better than others.

not totally off. i guess id say the writers had some issues along the way?

and the continued extensions?

zaeya do u agree?

and i agree, Yunho's mom is actually understandable in some degree.

and was bit amusing to watch as well. and she grew to really be good to Gukhwa.

anyways, moving aside. i request the writers to pls pls make this a smooth ride to the ending.

and a pleasant one :)

Yes i do agree and it is good to see Sashe in here...

This show had a lot of potential to be one of the best shows ever. the actress who plays HS' mom is an excellent actress and may have been one of the greatest villans in a K-Drama to date. But the sudden turn around for this marriage and the sudden approvals from both families are not realistic and the story lines aren't consistent. I still will watch it until the ending and of course i would like to see HS/SB become happy but the only story line that was consistent and realistic was Soobin's....her hatred and conniving plans were done right and her turn around was realistic and took time, it didn't just happen to make the ratings spike. if all the story lines were like that hands down this would have been one of the best dramas ever but this was a let down.

It reminds me of My sweetheart, my darling which also started off strong and then went south and ended horribly

Best K-Dramas to me:

Pure 19

This is Love

Bizarre Bunch

Yellow Hankerchief

Likable or Not

One Million Roses

High as the Sky, Wide as the Earth

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Guest kbmoon87

I hate Yuri so much. Hate the way she acts the way she looks. I just hate her in general. Its so annoying.

When she ripped up Saebyuk's passport. I got pissed. Now the way she talks and treats to Saebyuk when

you know she's going through hard times.

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you have my vote on that.

Edit: I can't seem to get over the fact that SB and HS got married and they haven't kiss.

Whatever the issue is, the director should have a very long talk with the actress or actor on this issue (you'll never know its PJJ who is uncomfortable with the kissing scene :rolleyes: ) This is after all a romance drama and a kiss should have been expected as part of the act.

I've been really busy with some work projects and just periodically following the thread and watching the show. I have to say, I am really disappointed with the marriage, the honeymoon, and the married life. Although SB looked cute and adorable in her gown, the marriage reminded me of two mannequins. They were both so stiff that it was hard to believe that these were two people totally in love with each other and fighting to be with each other.

I agree with you, I can't understand why there is no kissing scene or real affection. These two have got to be one of the worst romantic couples I've seen and I was a HS/SB supporter, but this is just bordering on ridiculous. The unrealistic honeymoon, it's just too much.

Their married life seems to be just a matter of two room mates living together. They do not seem like newlyweds. I'm sorry that I seem to be on a downer and maybe I should have just stayed absent from the thread a little longer, but this drama is driving me crazy.

As far as the Pure 19 parallel goes, there really isn't one it was a better show (and one of my favorites). Yes, there was the outrageous MIL, but unlike MJ she was never really evil. Even in the beginning when her son told her he did not want to marry the hand-picked girl, she actually considered it and you could tell that she was concerned about her children and their well-being. MJ on the otherhand is concerned about MJ and what MJ wants only. Likewise the bratty sister on Pure 19 was unlike YR. While both of them were spoiled, you could tell that the sister loved her brother and was concerned because she felt that the girl was not good enough for her brother and she was close to the original girlfriend. The Pure 19 sister was actually likeable in her own way. YR is simply cruel and very jealous because of SB. I can't believe she tripped her and schemed to try and ruin her honeymoon. YR shows time and again that she has no values or scruples even with the pregnancy lie. The sister in Pure 19 did the same thing, but told the parents about the lie well before the marriage. YR continued her lie so that she can get married, but ran out on TP at the ceremony because marriage to a poor man would not suit her.

I agree with the poster who said this is a Horror Show instead of a Romance Show-tomorrow's preview indicated a horrible time for SB. Surprise, Surprise as if she has had such a wonderful life so far.

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YAMD 143 Preview [full-screen viewable]

YouTube: -----

VEOH: --------


NOTE: First available YAMD full-screen previews are usually on
l00bia's YouTube Channel


Original text:

143회 :: 2008년 11월 21일 금...

새벽의 양어머니 영숙, 친어머니 미옥, 시어머니 민정이 긴장을 이루는 가운데 새벽의 시집살이는 나날이 고달프다. 연실은 죽기 전에 착한 일을 하려 마음 먹고 대진 가족과 화란 가족이 동업으로 새로운 삶을 개척해나가려는 사이, 상기는 태영과 흉금을 터놓는 사이가 되고 슬슬 새벽에게 다가서는데......

Translation: Korean (automatically detected) » English

143 times: Friday, November 21, 2008 ...

Youngsuk adopters of the morning, miok birth mother, mother-in-law of the people that make the tension of the morning sijipsalyi godalpeuda the day. Eat before you die, I want to do a good yeonsil draw family and carve a new life as partners haenaga hwaran to the family and, above and between the confidential Tae-Young and the hyunggeum dagaseo to the morning was a little ......

Original text:

143회 :: 2008년 11월 21일 금...

새벽의 양어머니 영숙, 친어머니 미옥, 시어머니 민정이 긴장을 이루는 가운데 새벽의 시집살이는 나날이 고달프다. 연실은 죽기 전에 착한 일을 하려 마음 먹고 대진 가족과 화란 가족이 동업으로 새로운 삶을 개척해나가려는 사이, 상기는 태영과 흉금을 터놓는 사이가 되고 슬슬 새벽에게 다가서는데......

episode 143 november 21, 2008

While Saebyuk's adopted parent Youngsook, biological parent MiOk, and Mother-in-law Minjung crete a tense atmosphere, Saebyuk's married life is horrible every day. Yeonshil, in an attempt to do something good before she dies tries to do so through the partnership that Daejin's family has with Hwaran. Sangki becomes closer to Taeyoung and slowly approaches Saebyuk...

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The person MiOk was talking to over the phone doesn't sound like a concerned dad missing his long lost daughter but seems to be more worried about his wife's health ... I guess he is not SB's bio dad and with the mom's parting words, ...."Ok, ok, bye", he seems like a Korean living in a foreign land for a long time.

I wonder what the good news, HS & SB were happy about. It's too early to hear about the arrival of a baby. ;)

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