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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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thanks Aug05 for the summary....

do you guys think that saebyuk and hosae will really get married at the end?

...cuz yoona's too young to get really married~

I think we all need to get past the real life Yoona and look at the reel life Yoona. In reel life she is old enough to be married. If she and HS don't get married after all this, I for one will be very angry. If the writers were going to limit her in that way, then they shouldn't have chose her.

Don't know if you guys know this or not, but you can no longer watch subbed episodes on XRAYMIND's Veoh (You are my life). XRAYMIND received a warning from Jeffrey Chang (screen name tomboy456) of KBS America telling him/her that she/he is in violation of copyright infringement. My God, they did not even do this for LON and it was very high in the ratings. I think it's because Yoona is in the drama and they want to make more money selling the DVDs. :tongue2:

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I think we all need to get past the real life Yoona and look at the reel life Yoona. In reel life she is old enough to be married. If she and HS don't get married after all this, I for one will be very angry. If the writers were going to limit her in that way, then they shouldn't have chose her.

WORD! 100% agreement here.

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Guest damifino

The perceptions can be confronted and eliminated, not facts. While I can somewhat understand Soobin's mother's concern of her daughter's future (although, I think she is more concerned for lost of her status), she could easily ward off any negative perception with factual statements. As for SB being mistreated, most of that is attributed to her inability to be more aggressive and concise when confronted with hostile people, all she does is take whatever they dish out and had very little to with perception.

Soobin's mom could go around and talk to every single person she knows, but perception/rumors don't change just because of the mother of the dumped girl goes around and denies it. If it were only that easy, there would never be any gossip that persists.

Soobin's and Hosae's mothers treatment of Saebyuk is ALL about perception. They have it in their heads, based on what Soobin told them, that Saebyuk is a money grubbing leech who is trying to seduce Hosae away from Soobin, even though they themselves have never seen Saebyuk do anything. Talking back to adults even to the level of Saebyuk is exactly why they think she is a mannerless person.

I know in the drama, Soobin's mother does not want Soobin to marry Hosae after Hosae told her that he wanted to break the engagement but prior to that, she was blinded by greed to not see or overlooked Hosae's standoffish behavior toward Soobin and distancing himself from Soobin and her family. Even after being told of end of engagement, she is still seeking to get Soobin married to some one who doesn't love her daughter as you've stated which I highlighted.

Prior to Hosae telling her that he wanted to break the engagement, why would she object to him being her son-in-law? He's handsome, well-educated, and comes from a good family. What mother wouldn't want that for her daughter. Contrary to K-dramas, Korean men aren't known for being affectionate and attentive. They are rather standoffish. They were engaged to be married, why would she naturally assume that Hosae didn't love her daughter? As for asking Hosae's mother to send her son over to grovel instead of coming herself, that's NOT seeking Soobin to get married to someone who doesn't love her. She only said that after Hosae's mom insisted that Hosae was just momentarily wavering and that he loves Soobin. She was just telling Hosae's mom to prove it if it's that's true by having the actual person say it and promise it because she didn't believe Hosae's mom.

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Guest jbigdog123

Soobin's mom could go around and talk to every single person she knows, but perception/rumors don't change just because of the mother of the dumped girl goes around and denies it. If it were only that easy, there would never be any gossip that persists.

If perception never changes with facts then how come at certain point or at end, all ends well? It does change if it is scripted, the perception will linger on as long as the writers want it last but in most cases, it does change.

Soobin's and Hosae's mothers treatment of Saebyuk is ALL about perception. They have it in their heads, based on what Soobin told them, that Saebyuk is a money grubbing leech who is trying to seduce Hosae away from Soobin, even though they themselves have never seen Saebyuk do anything. Talking back to adults even to the level of Saebyuk is exactly why they think she is a mannerless person.

If you can't see the differences of interactions between Soobin and Saebyuk then I don't know what to tell you. Soobin does all the talking and Saebyuk says hardly anything, basically, it's a one way communication. As for dealing with elders, if she can't explain to correct the misunderstandings, or say anything to them then what's the use having any interactions with elders? Very unrealistic to say young people can't say anything to elders. These interactions are very unrealistic and certainly doesn't reflect current societal interactions.

Prior to Hosae telling her that he wanted to break the engagement, why would she object to him being her son-in-law? He's handsome, well-educated, and comes from a good family. What mother wouldn't want that for her daughter.

Again, there was never any affection from him, he never showed signs of some one who really loved or even cared for Soobin.

Contrary to K-dramas, Korean men aren't known for being affectionate and attentive. They are rather standoffish.

Really? I have met lot of affectionate Korean/attentive men, not sure where this stereotyping is coming from. I'm a Korean man and I think I'm very affectionate and attentive to my S/O.

They were engaged to be married, why would she naturally assume that Hosae didn't love her daughter?

Not once they asked him if he loved her daughter, not once he said he loved her around Mrs obnoxious, those are pretty good indicators.

As for asking Hosae's mother to send her son over to grovel instead of coming herself, that's NOT seeking Soobin to get married to someone who doesn't love her. She only said that after Hosae's mom insisted that Hosae was just momentarily wavering and that he loves Soobin. She was just telling Hosae's mom to prove it if it's that's true by having the actual person say it and promise it because she didn't believe Hosae's mom.

Ok, so if he does what she say, is she going to believe him? Why bother? Speaking of, I think she'll give into Soobin's request and give him another chance, despite he doesn't love her.

At any rate, you have your views and I have mine and I'm getting tired repeating myself so let's just say agree to disagree.

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Hose, tell your parents you are going to the priest or a monk then, give them the the full stop and live your own life from now on.. He he

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:sweatingbullets: Let me tell the story from here..


Hose has a confrontation with SB, and have a heart to heart talk..and the love love has been revealed /transmitted to each other..., SB has to breakup with Hose as Soobin is her cousin now.. For now, their love can only be in their hearts..

Devastated.. Hose left a note to the parents that he is leaving for the States to be a priest...

The mum, MJ is so fearful that she rushed to the airport and upon seeing Hose, she pleaded with Hose not to be a priest and agreed not to torment him further on the relationship with Soobin.. Hose told the mum that it is not just to break with Soobin, but SB is not able to accept him as she does not want to be the one breaking up Hose and Soobin and as such he is going to be a priest as he cannot withstand not having SB by his side...

The mum, plead further to delay his decision to go to the States and time might heal.. She also promise Hose that she would support Hose to woo back SB...

Ha ha.. Hopefully, this will now make Hose A REAL MAN NOW..

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Soobin's character portrays a very spoiled rotten brat. She will do anything to get what she wants. She is sooo thick skinned that after all the rejections she got from HS she is still clinging to him. The role/portrayal is soo unreal that I get embarassed watching the scenes where she would insist on not letteting go no matter what. Her mother raised her thinking that she is better than everybody..like the epsiode where her mother said..."my high class daughter"

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Soobin's character portrays a very spoiled rotten brat. She will do anything to get what she wants. The role/portrayal is soo unreal that I get embarassed watching the scenes where she would insist on not letteting go no matter what. Her mother raised her thinking that she is better than everybody..like the epsiode where her mother said..."my high class daughter"

I don't think Soobin's character is really a spoiled brat. I think initially she was simply an independent woman who got burned by the last relationship she was in, She met HS at the airport and used him to ease her pride in front of the ex-boyfriend. Also, she showed that she wasn't spoiled by not throwing a hissy fit when HS's mom backed into her car in the earlier episodes. Soobin's problem is one of simple pride. She can not believe that a man of HS's status would prefer a "lowly" orphan to her. She refuses to let go because she does not want to accept that here was another man that left her for another woman, especially a woman like SB. She takes every opportunity to degrade SB because of her education, lack of family and, status. Her pride can not allow her to be defeated by SB either in designs or love, but of course SB does beat her. This has lead her to do some pretty unscrupulous crap. Unfortunately, although we may see it as unrealistic her behavior is the same as an unscrupulous businessman who cooks the books or backstabs co-workers to get ahead. If she wasn't so evil, I might feel sorry for her. But the things that she does to another human being and the disruption she caused in a once loving household (HS's) are just toooooo...... much. I really don't see how this woman could redeem herself. I mean she is even stooping to sabotaging the company that is her and her "future" husband's livelihood. This woman is truly scary because you just don't know what she is capable of next.

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I love the exchanges between 13damifino & jbigdog 123, both well informed about the Korean culture, being Koreans which most of us are not. The discussion gave us a little review on how Koreans regard engagement both in the traditional way & the present contemporary times.

My thoughts about Hosae quitting & leaving for the US ... I considered this a possibility & said so in my past post but I doubt it will push thru. Same with SB going to Russia. It will be too soon for a SB-HS union. We'll be subjected to more irritating Subinmania with the noxious mothers' ridiculous meddling. I may have a miniscule sympathy for Yeonshil appalled by the embarassing cancellation of the enagagement, but she should be relieved to know the kind of man Subin is about to get married to. But she is not that. The shame & humiliation Subin & herself will undergo will be too much for her considering her social status & the future of her husband's career. But I should credit her for fighting for her daughter ...all that matters to her is her family. She's won't care for anyone even Hosae, & it just happens that he is the man Subin loves, so she'll move mountains to bring him back to Subin.

While all these hullabaloo are happening in the Kang & Kim Daigoo households, everything is quiet & harmonious in the Kim Daeji home. I find though the granny's intrusion in the newlyweds babymaking plans a little annoying. But all's well with SB & the entire family except for the prejudiced impression of Halmonee towards her.

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Hi everyone!

I'm usally a lurker but I just had to make a comment. First I am throughly enjoying reading everyone's comment's and summaries! Thank you for being so entertaning and informative! :)

OK I've just have to say how much I cannot stand Soobin!! :fury: Oh what a witch. She really is a nut job! I can just see the loose nuts just rolling around in that crazy head of hers! I would really like to know how on earth does she think she loves Hosae? C'mon you haven't truly had a real relationship at all. Most of the time he acts so standoffish and uncomfortable around her that I can't understand her being "in love" with him. I mean if a person kept avoiding me in the beginning of our "dating" that would be a BIG clue that that person is just not that in to me. Then once said person kept telling me that they didn't love or even like me that would be it, But this silly chick is just letting this all slide because of her crazy pride and greed! She just cannot accept the fact that a "orphan" like SB could turn the head of someone like HS. The fact that HS didn't like Soobin from the first time he met her should have clued her in. He wasn't even nice to her. Polite but not nice, but I guess polite was all she needed to "fall in love" :rolleyes:

I like the fact that they are making SB a truly talented designer and that is making Soobin crazier than ever. Soobin is going to have to eat every word she has ever said about SB's dream of being a successful designer.

I hope HS will become independent of his parents and live his own life. It looks like he is taking the steps towards that. (It reminds me of Pure in Heart when Yun Hu moved out of his house so he could date Gukwha) I hope he doesn't loose his nerves about leaving Rohas.

I just wish that HS's mom, Soobin's mom and grams will loose face and be throughly embarrassed for treating SB so terribly! That would be the best punishment for them!(A good beating wouldn't hurt either! :lol: )

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Guest alicejp

does anyone know how long this drama is going to be? it's fun but i'm getting so sick of soobin. there better be some justice coming up soon.

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Guest Ishida21

She is an actress who signed up to play a 23 yr old woman

Wrong. In the drama she's born in 1989 (look at the episode when she goes to the orphanage), so she don't have 23 years old.

does anyone know how long this drama is going to be? it's fun but i'm getting so sick of soobin. there better be some justice coming up soon.

Like the others KBS1 daily dramas, at least 150 episodes.

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Guest damifino

Really? I have met lot of affectionate Korean/attentive men, not sure where this stereotyping is coming from. I'm a Korean man and I think I'm very affectionate and attentive to my S/O.

That's lucky for your S/O, but stereotypes don't appear out of thin air :)

Ok, so if he does what she say, is she going to believe him? Why bother? Speaking of, I think she'll give into Soobin's request and give him another chance, despite he doesn't love her.

Of course, she's going to give into Soobin's request... just as Mrs. Kim gave in to Tae Young and just as Mrs. Kang will give into Hosae in the end. As you might be well aware of, there's an old Korean saying that "There is no parent that wins their child," that is to say that in the end a parent always gives into a child's will (if the child is determined enough).




The reason he's going to the US is to prove to his parents that the reason he's breaking his engagement has nothing to do with Saebyuk and that even if Saebyuk is sent to Russia, he will not marry Soobin. Also, he thinks that him being away from Korea will allow Soobin to forget him and move on with her life.

Wrong. In the drama she's born in 1989 (look at the episode when she goes to the orphanage), so she don't have 23 years old.

Saebyuk wasn't born in 1989. They found her in 1989 when she was around 3-4 years old. Saebyuk doesn't know exactly how old she is.

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Guest changmin510

this drama is the best ever, i can't wait to see the last episodes because i live in Vietnam and watch it on KBS world it's just 54th episode. SO CURIOUS!

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Guest yodani

Hi, I'm a newcomer to YAMD and was wondering if anyone had valid Mega Upload links to the first 20 episodes?

I'm sure it's been posted before, but I couldn't find that info on the first 76 pages of this thread.

Many of the links listed on the earlier pages are expired/not valid.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Guest eelbakeeil

That's lucky for your S/O, but stereotypes don't appear out of thin air :)

The reason he's going to the US is to prove to his parents that the reason he's breaking his engagement has nothing to do with Saebyuk and that even if Saebyuk is sent to Russia, he will not marry Soobin. Also, he thinks that him being away from Korea will allow Soobin to forget him and move on with her life.

Stereotypes appear not out of thin air, but out of hate --- let's not perpetuate them and make the statement seem light with the happy face emoticon...

Hosea is running away - that's what he's doing. He's being chased out of the country by his mom and Soobin. The writers need to do better than this. We all know he's not leaving. What is it about this guy that makes us want to root for him? And why do we want Saebyuk to end up with him?

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