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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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Guest sweetheart0085

wait .. just clarifying.


she didn't appear yet right?

but the other girl is that mean girl who works with saebyuk right? goshh, she's so meann ! hahaa ..

Wait, i thought this is the younger sister [who got lost] in another drama called "Women of the Sun"

I'm confussed now, is she going to be in YAMD???

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Guest bbisvip

today' s epi.....

sb and ajuuma fought with the burglar.they were by the roadside when hosae was driving by and he send them to ajuuma's home (.ajuuma was having anxiety attack.)grandma thanked hosae for sending ajuuma but she scolded sb.ajuuma told sb to stay the night when she wanted to go home.hosae and sb went to do some work .they had to climb up some steps.hosae tried to be cute with sb,it was quite different side of hosae. worried about sb's safety, hosae arranged a nicer apartment for sb and he asked bokju to lie to sb about it.bokju called sb out to view the apartment but sb saw thru the lie and bokju confessed that hosae arranged it.

hosae brushed off soobin's hands when she cling to him.he asked her for time after work to talk.tp came by and tip off soobin that hosae likes sb etc...soobin got worked up and started scolding sb.soobin knew hosae wanted to talk about breaking off.for her "date" with hosae , she asked her fellow workers along.pretending it was a belated engagement treat for them.hosae didn't have chance to break up with her.sb upset with apartment arrangement,sms hosae to meet.

hosae left his hp at home and his mom saw message and was angry.hosae return home and bokju told him sb didn't want to accept the apartment.then told him his mom left the house in anger.he quickly checked his hp and rushed to meet sb.

he grabbed sb's hands and told her to leave quickly..but through the glass wall of the cafe they could see hosae's mom walking towards the cafe...ended..

preview shows hosae return ring to soobin..( yeah!!! )but soobin ran out in the rain and blocked hosae's car .(she will not end this so easily..poor hosae.)ajuuma had a meeting with hosae's mom.

for more detail summary pls wait for vballer87...

thank you for your summaries! ahhhhh i hope ho-sae & saebyuk will be together once and for all :/

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Guest sashe

ok... guys.. we are all grateful to the contributers of this thread and thrilled that most of you are so giddy with happiness with the subs... but excuse me.. all I see every single time is black lines where the wonderful subs should be??

Is there like a time to check out the subs ? or... should i just get my eyes checked?? :blink:

no..no..no.. just a question no pun intended.. so a good time may be had by all? hmm? :blink:

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Guest jbigdog123

ok... guys.. we are all grateful to the contributers of this thread and thrilled that most of you are so giddy with happiness with the subs... but excuse me.. all I see every single time is black lines where the wonderful subs should be??

Is there like a time to check out the subs ? or... should i just get my eyes checked?? :blink:

no..no..no.. just a question no pun intended.. so a good time may be had by all? hmm? :blink:

Mouse over the black lines click and hold down left button and drag it all the black lines and you'll see what's hidden behind the black lines.

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Guest sashe

ah... hero hero. many thanks. But, do you know what this means? :blink:

I am going 30 pages back to finally know whats actually going on!! Ha. :P

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Guest jbigdog123

ah... hero hero. many thanks. But, do you know what this means? :blink:

I am going 30 pages back to finally know whats actually going on!! Ha. :P

Sorry but wasn't sure whether you were serious or not, just trying to help. :blush:

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Guest aybeedee

thank you jbigdog123 for the links for episode 67

this episode shows alot of hose and saebyuk :) (which of course i like!!)

omg i cant wait for the next episode!!! hose is finally manning up!!!! :D

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Guest piano4112000

Wait a minute is TP's mom thinking of adopting Sae Byuk. In the episode today she had a momnet where she was thinking of Sae Byuk and the time they had together. I really hope she does because than they can really be a family. I wonder where Sae Byuk is going in the preview.

Great episode today, don't back down HS, be firm and end it with her and hurry up and get together with Sae Byuk.

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Guest bluemoon1st

I have this feeling that Soobin will try to kill herself and HS will have to go back to her. I hope i am wrong.

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Guest piano4112000

If Soo Bin does that than that's weak. Making someone stay with you because you tried to kill yourself is low even for her. I just hope HS is determine to break it off and not feel obligated to stay with her if she does in fact tries to kill herself but I hope that is not the case.

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Guest bbisvip

I have this feeling that Soobin will try to kill herself and HS will have to go back to her. I hope i am wrong.

LOL o.o if she did, she needs to get her act together. how more desperate can she get? she should take taepoong's advice and just leave him >[

she can't always go around trying to win hose's heart forever can she? :/ and i think there's other great men out there that would accept soobin so.. :/ i feel so bad for saebyuk. and taeyoung & his wife are such a cute couple :]

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Guest sashe

I have this feeling that Soobin will try to kill herself and HS will have to go back to her. I hope i am wrong.

Ok..now.. those are so NOT good thoughts right now. Especially since after 66 episodes the writers have just begun to thaw him out of suspended animation to finally display some much needed realistic human reaction. Ha.

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Guest vballer87

Thank you Kore65, Hyuksu and others for posting video links!

Here's my full recap of ep 67 as promised. I tried to translate everything word-for word which might explain why it's so long hehe. Enjoy!

First Scene:

Saebyuk arrives home and helps fight off the burglar. A very heartwarming exchange between the mom and saebyuk while they hug and ask each other if they're ok. Then the mom collapses from trauma, and Hose happens to drive by. Hose takes them back home, and the entire family is shocked when they hear about the burglary, especially Taepoong. The grandma moans about how her dream could be horribly true, and thanks Hose b/c he managed to be there at the time. She wants him to come in and sit down for a while, but HS says he has to go.

Meanwhile, Saebyuk asks Soyoung to look after Nayoung's mom, and leaves, but Nayoung's mom tells Taepoong and Soyoung to make SB stay b/c her house is too dangerous. As Hose leaves, Saeybuk begins to leave too, but the grandma scolds SB in front of HS for making trouble even when she's not home. Taepoong and his mom urge SB to stay, but the grandma makes a huge fuss about how there's too many ppl living in the house. SB is set on leaving, but Taepoong's mom yells at her to listen to her since she's an adult, and that she won't be able to sleep while knowing that SB is in danger. The grandma complains that even though she is the eldest, she has no authority anymore and leaves.

Scene two:

HS's dad asks his wife if she talked about the marriage with Soobin's mom today, and she replies yes they have. She mentioned that Soobin's dad may run to become mayor, and that before he begins his campaign, they want to marry off HS and Soobin. HS's dad is really happy with the news, and wonders if there's anything they can do to help with the campaign. HS's mom replies that getting involved with the campaign will only make things complicated because she knows how easily their good reputation can be ruined if the campaign goes badly, especially since Soobin's mom tends to say alot of things that create trouble. Then she explains how Soobin's mom already behaves as though she's the wife of the mayor. HS's dad laughs and thinks that his wife is just jealous. HS's mom is outraged at his idea, and says she has nothing to be jealous about Soobin's mom, and if anything, Soobin's mom should be jealous of her.

Scene three:

Hose reminisces about Saebyuk when Bokju steps into his room. Hose asks Bokju to do him a favor. He owns a place that's empty and he would like SB and Bokju to live there. He explains that there was a burglar in SB's house today, and that he's worried about her. He also asks to not mention his name to SB b/c otherwise she will refuse to live there. Bokju hesitantly says yes and leaves when his mom enters the room. The mom is curious about what he said to Bokju but of course he said nothing. They go downstairs to eat dinner.

Scene four:

Soyoung complains about how tired she is from cooking and cleaning all day. Taeyoung reassures her that he will get a job soon and will make her happy and that he loves her. They're about to kiss, but Taepoong interrupts them. Soyoung misses her family so she calls Yoonhee to come visit her before she goes to school.

Scene five:

NY's mom tells SB that her heart ached when SB left home, and SB admits she really missed her too. NY's mom convinces her to stay. She reassures her that grandma will learn to accept her and that there's no one else who is against her staying. SB is really happy =)

Scene six:

Soyoung is busy preparing food for Yoonhee and getting ready to meet her, but Nayoung's mom and grandma keep giving her errands to do. Eventually, Yoonee goes to school b/c she's late. Soyoung gets scolded for being so clumsy after breaking a dish. Soyoung gets really upset and complains to Taeyoung, but at this moment, Tayoung's mom tells Soyoung to go visit her family, and that if Yoonhee came to visit her, she should have gone out to see her. She also says that she understands Soyoung must be upset since it's not easy being the new wife, but that she should tell her whenever she's upset. Soyoung gets really happy and hugs her.

Scene seven:

Soobin is really happy to see Hose and links arms with him and says it's been awhile since she's seen him. Hose removes her arm from him and requests to see her for dinner because he has something to tell her. Soobin tries to ease the tense atmosphere and says it'll be nice to go on a dinner date with him. Once HS leaves, Soobin wonders if he'll break up with her.

Scene eight:

Saebyuk gets ready to leave the office to do the work that she does with HS, but her female co-worker taunts her and asks if SB meets with her boyfriend (in other words, play instead of work), and Soobin gets unsettled by her words b/c she knows HS goes to the event too. Soobin orders SB to come back to the office after the work is over.

Scene nine:

Soobin's mom overhears three guys gossiping about her crazy incident where she pulled the secretary's hair. Her husband is furious because she didn't really apologize to the secretary, and tells her that he's completely embarrassed because of her. Soobin's mom meets with the secretary and says she's really sorry. The secretary calms down and says she should've just said sorry from the beginning. But as soon as Soobin's mom pulls out money to bribe her, she gets angry and leaves. Soobin's mom bends down on her knees and begs for forgiveness.

Scene 10:

Yoonhee and the grandma worry about Soyoung, but Soyoung and Taeyoung come to visit and they're all happy together.

Scene 11:

SB walks easily up the hill while HS struggles to follow her. SB asks Hose why he's having a hard time, and HS says you're the one who's climbing too easily. SB explains that she's lived in hilly areas before so she's used to it, but since HS always drives around in a car he's slow. She also mentions that the time when they were running away from the dog, he ran slowly then too. HS defends himself and says he was running slow in case SB might fall down. Saebyuk and HS laugh together. HS then says that winning SB's heart is more difficult than climbing these hills. There's always an end to climbing hills, but when will SB open her heart to him? SB replies that she doesn't want to hear that from him. HS says that today's the last time he will says such words to another girl while engaged. SB is shocked and sad, and asks what does that mean. HS just says let's go.

Scene 12:

SB gets a phone call from Bokju and they go visit the place that HS gave them. SB asks Bokju whose house is this? Bokju says this place was given to her by someone she knows from Jejudo Island. SB knows she's lying and constantly asks her whose place this is. Bokju finally tells her it's HS, and SB scolds her.

Scene 13:

Taepoong meets with Soobin and tells her to break up with HS because HS confessed to him that he likes SB. Taepoong tells her she should have taken better care of her relationship with HS to prevent his from happening. Soobin defends herself and said it's not her fault and that it's SB's fault. Taepoong stops her and says it's not SB's fault, but Hose's fault because he's the one chasing her. Soobin angrily asks whose side Taepoong is on - his cousin or SB? Taepoong says it's not about taking sides, but he's telling her this because he's worried about her, and that she should just end things with HS since she could find someone better than him. Soobin says her marriage is her decision, and that although she's thankful to TP for informing her, he should stop getting involved with her problems.

Scene 14:

Hose calls Soobin to meet her. Soobin is freaking out b/c she's afraid he'll break up with her. HS goes to meet her, but he sees her co-workers there too, which prevents him from breaking up with her. Her co-workers congratulate them on their upcoming wedding.

Scene 15:

HS's mom goes into HS's room and gets a shock after reading SB's text message from his phone: It's SB, let's meet at the cafe by the Post office (where we met before).

Scene 16:

Nayoung's mom reminisces about all the times SB came to comfort her and help her in the past.

Scene 17:

Bokju comes in to tell HS that SB knows that the apartment is his, and that his mom stormed out of the house angrily a short while ago. HS realizes that his mom must have seen SB's text message, and runs over to the cafe. SB had come to talk about the apartment issue, but while HS tries to take her somewhere else, they watch his mom come into the cafe and that's where it ends.

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Thank you Kore65, Hyuksu and others for posting video links!

Here's my full recap of ep 67 as promised. I tried to translate everything word-for word which might explain why it's so long hehe. Enjoy!

First Scene:

Saebyuk arrives home and helps fight off the burglar. A very heartwarming exchange between the mom and saebyuk while they hug and ask each other if they're ok. Then the mom collapses from trauma, and Hose happens to drive by. Hose takes them back home, and the entire family is shocked when they hear about the burglary, especially Taepoong. The grandma moans about how her dream could be horribly true, and thanks Hose b/c he managed to be there at the time. She wants him to come in and sit down for a while, but HS says he has to go.

Meanwhile, Saebyuk asks Soyoung to look after Nayoung's mom, and leaves, but Nayoung's mom tells Taepoong and Soyoung to make SB stay b/c her house is too dangerous. As Hose leaves, Saeybuk begins to leave too, but the grandma scolds SB in front of HS for making trouble even when she's not home. Taepoong and his mom urge SB to stay, but the grandma makes a huge fuss about how there's too many ppl living in the house. SB is set on leaving, but Taepoong's mom yells at her to listen to her since she's an adult, and that she won't be able to sleep while knowing that SB is in danger. The grandma complains that even though she is the eldest, she has no authority anymore and leaves.

Scene two:

HS's dad asks his wife if she talked about the marriage with Soobin's mom today, and she replies yes they have. She mentioned that Soobin's dad may run to become mayor, and that before he begins his campaign, they want to marry off HS and Soobin. HS's dad is really happy with the news, and wonders if there's anything they can do to help with the campaign. HS's mom replies that getting involved with the campaign will only make things complicated because she knows how easily their good reputation can be ruined if the campaign goes badly, especially since Soobin's mom tends to say alot of things that create trouble. Then she explains how Soobin's mom already behaves as though she's the wife of the mayor. HS's dad laughs and thinks that his wife is just jealous. HS's mom is outraged at his idea, and says she has nothing to be jealous about Soobin's mom, and if anything, Soobin's mom should be jealous of her.

Scene three:

Hose reminisces about Saebyuk when Bokju steps into his room. Hose asks Bokju to do him a favor. He owns a place that's empty and he would like SB and Bokju to live there. He explains that there was a burglar in SB's house today, and that he's worried about her. He also asks to not mention his name to SB b/c otherwise she will refuse to live there. Bokju hesitantly says yes and leaves when his mom enters the room. The mom is curious about what he said to Bokju but of course he said nothing. They go downstairs to eat dinner.

Scene four:

Soyoung complains about how tired she is from cooking and cleaning all day. Taeyoung reassures her that he will get a job soon and will make her happy and that he loves her. They're about to kiss, but Taepoong interrupts them. Soyoung misses her family so she calls Yoonhee to come visit her before she goes to school.

Scene five:

NY's mom tells SB that her heart ached when SB left home, and SB admits she really missed her too. NY's mom convinces her to stay. She reassures her that grandma will learn to accept her and that there's no one else who is against her staying. SB is really happy =)

Scene six:

Soyoung is busy preparing food for Yoonhee and getting ready to meet her, but Nayoung's mom and grandma keep giving her errands to do. Eventually, Yoonee goes to school b/c she's late. Soyoung gets scolded for being so clumsy after breaking a dish. Soyoung gets really upset and complains to Taeyoung, but at this moment, Tayoung's mom tells Soyoung to go visit her family, and that if Yoonhee came to visit her, she should have gone out to see her. She also says that she understands Soyoung must be upset since it's not easy being the new wife, but that she should tell her whenever she's upset. Soyoung gets really happy and hugs her.

Scene seven:

Soobin is really happy to see Hose and links arms with him and says it's been awhile since she's seen him. Hose removes her arm from him and requests to see her for dinner because he has something to tell her. Soobin tries to ease the tense atmosphere and says it'll be nice to go on a dinner date with him. Once HS leaves, Soobin wonders if he'll break up with her.

Scene eight:

Saebyuk gets ready to leave the office to do the work that she does with HS, but her female co-worker taunts her and asks if SB meets with her boyfriend (in other words, play instead of work), and Soobin gets unsettled by her words b/c she knows HS goes to the event too. Soobin orders SB to come back to the office after the work is over.

Scene nine:

Soobin's mom overhears three guys gossiping about her crazy incident where she pulled the secretary's hair. Her husband is furious because she didn't really apologize to the secretary, and tells her that he's completely embarrassed because of her. Soobin's mom meets with the secretary and says she's really sorry. The secretary calms down and says she should've just said sorry from the beginning. But as soon as Soobin's mom pulls out money to bribe her, she gets angry and leaves. Soobin's mom bends down on her knees and begs for forgiveness.

Scene 10:

Yoonhee and the grandma worry about Soyoung, but Soyoung and Taepoong come to visit and they're all happy together.

Scene 11:

SB walks easily up the hill while HS struggles to follow her. SB asks Hose why he's having a hard time, and HS says you're the one who's climbing too easily. SB explains that she's lived in hilly areas before so she's used to it, but since HS always drives around in a car he's slow. She also mentions that the time when they were running away from the dog, he ran slowly then too. HS defends himself and says he was running slow in case SB might fall down. Saebyuk and HS laugh together. HS then says that winning SB's heart is more difficult than climbing these hills. There's always an end to climbing hills, but when will SB open her heart to him? SB replies that she doesn't want to hear that from him. HS says that today's the last time he will says such words to another girl while engaged. SB is shocked and sad, and asks what does that mean. HS just says let's go.

Scene 12:

SB gets a phone call from Bokju and they go visit the place that HS gave them. SB asks Bokju whose house is this? Bokju says this place was given to her by someone she knows from Jejudo Island. SB knows she's lying and constantly asks her whose place this is. Bokju finally tells her it's HS, and SB scolds her.

Scene 13:

Taepoong meets with Soobin and tells her to break up with HS because HS confessed to him that he likes SB. Taepoong tells her she should have taken better care of her relationship with HS to prevent his from happening. Soobin defends herself and said it's not her fault and that it's SB's fault. Taepoong stops her and says it's not SB's fault, but Hose's fault because he's the one chasing her. Soobin angrily asks whose side Taepoong is on - his cousin or SB? Taepoong says it's not about taking sides, but he's telling her this because he's worried about her, and that she should just end things with HS since she could find someone better than him. Soobin says her marriage is her decision, and that although she's thankful to TP for informing her, he should stop getting involved with her problems.

Scene 14:

Hose calls Soobin to meet her. Soobin is freaking out b/c she's afraid he'll break up with her. HS goes to meet her, but he sees her co-workers there too, which prevents him from breaking up with her. Her co-workers congratulate them on their upcoming wedding.

Scene 15:

HS's mom goes into HS's room and gets a shock after reading SB's text message from his phone: It's SB, let's meet at the cafe by the Post office (where we met before).

Scene 16:

Nayoung's mom reminisces about all the times SB came to comfort her and help her in the past.

Scene 17:

Bokju comes in to tell HS that SB knows that the apartment is his, and that his mom stormed out of the house angrily a short while ago. HS realizes that his mom must have seen SB's text message, and runs over to the cafe. SB had come to talk about the apartment issue, but while HS tries to take her somewhere else, they watch his mom come into the cafe and that's where it ends.

All I can say is OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! I thought that's what he said on the hill. So glad you confirmed it. Karma your name is SOOBIN :lol::lol::lol:

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