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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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MJ and her damn ice water. I hope the next time she asks for ice water, Bok Joo pours it on her.

lol :lol: ... remember, MJ has no idea that Bokju is a good friend of Saebyuk & they've been constantly in touch giving SB info about the happenings at the Kang household & once this is uncovered, she will have to pack her bags ... :w00t: MJ will surely cut her throat when she learns about BJ's participation in HS & SB's relationship ... :fury:

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Guest zaizai00

try to get the pics up for ep 109 soon... have to finish watching the episode... and a quick question about the megaupload, is it just me or does the megaupload take a long time, but thanks to skyeler for providing the links!

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Guest jbigdog123

EP 109

Poong Express

MJ: It's been long time, Mr Kim

CB: Honey, why are you...

MJ: I felt I had to be clear and wanted to hear for myself (paraphrased)

CB: I told you that I would take care of it and we were in middle of hashing it out

MJ: Knowing your personality, you wouldn't be direct...

MJ: Mr Kim, for 30 years you were our driver and lived like a family but how can you pay us back in this manner? How can you adopt that type of tramp and how can you let her con HS?

CB: Honey

MJ: You stay quiet

DJ: I understand how you feel. When we first heard about their relationship, we were surprised and shocked. It wasn't like HS was engaged with other person but was with Soobin so we don't feel good about this as well

MJ: Ah, then good. Take responsibility and make sure this ends quickly

DJ: But this will be difficult, they said they like each other so we can't tell them it's ok and we can't tell them to break up

MJ: Mr Kim, because of you being indecisive, aren't you making this more difficult for HS? You should take responsibility for you child's actions. You let her loose instead of tying her down (like a cow) and let her do whatever she want, what do you want us to do?

DJ: Madam, your words are harsh. Our SB is a precious daughter to us so you saying those cruel things about our daughter makes me uncomfortable

MJ: You may be uncomfortable but I feel like vomiting blood. A girl who had no place to go got rid of NY and forced her way into your family and caused cousin to break up an engagement, so this isn't something to lightly, don't you understand? Even now, you have to find out her motive

DJ: Watch what you say. My SB, how well do you know her to say that type of things? Using that kind of language toward a child in from of parents, do you think you are acting like a lady?

MJ: What did you say?

DJ: I don't want to hear it anymore, please leave. I really regret it, all that time SB was getting abused by you and was hurting, my heart aches for her. But remember this, from now on, what what you say to SB. She has parents, and a family, remember that

MJ: Then so you are you saying you want your daughter to marry a man who broke up with her cousin? You are being irrational

DJ: Even though SB is a cousin whom HS broke up with but wants to marry her, isn't he the one who is irrational?

CB: Mr Kim

MJ: Honey, lets go. There isn't anything more to say or hear. Really surprised. Because of SB, watch and see what I could do to you (leaves)

CB: You are stubborn, did you really have to say all that? I was thinking of you and that is why I came here to have a rational talk with you

YoungSook on the phone: Yes, MIL, I'll be home soon (sees MJ)

MJ to Youngsook: Parents don't know how to act, don't know their place...

CB: I'm sorry

Poong Express

DJ: Honey

Youngsook: What did they say? Did they want SB to (?) Want her to cut her hair?

DJ: Don't worry. I'll see it to that she'll never get abused

MJ/CB Home

MJ: BJ, bring ice water

CB: Why are you this way? Not like you and acting irrationally. There are things that should be said and something that shouldn't be said to Mr Kim

BJ: madam, here is water

MJ: I'm about to lose my son so I'm not worried about being irrational. You wavering forced me to do thing and say those things. Anyways if you don't cut all ties with Mr Kim and Lohas, I'm not going to stand for it (leaves)

CB: How long will we be like this because of kid's problems? Kid's marriage is their life and parent don't live their life.

CB gets a call from Lohas: What? What are you saying? Gini advertised what?

CB's Office

CB: What are you saying about Gini's product?

Employee: Our design and the concept and Gini's product are same

CB: Then our design was used by Gini? Find out more and call for Soobin

Employee: Soobin hasn't come to work yet

Design Team

Female TM: What will we do? We can't display same product as Gini's

Male TM: Lets pull SB's design and show other design

TL: No. We have to get bottom of this. That is our design and I'm sure they used our design

Female TM: Why isn't team manager here yet

CB Walks in

CB: Soobin manager isn't here yet?

TL: Yes

CB: Any calls? Did she call to say whether she'll be late or not?

Soobin wakes up at NKW's apartment, she reads a note left by NKW, it said “I'll sleep at the hospital so sleep comfortably”.


NKW: Miss Soobin

Soobin: Hello

NKW: Whoa, are you leaving like this? Since you didn't eat breakfast, you should eat lunch. Especially with all that drinking last night

Soobin: That's alright. Excuse me for yesterday. Then...

NKW: Then you should buy a lunch, I'm off today

Gini Rep told SB that even though she lacks experience and edcuation, they are impressed with her work so they'll call her

SB to self: Yes, lets start fresh. Start from beginning. Still, I like working for Lohas, am I doing right thing?

HS: What's with your facial expression?

SB: HS...What are you doing here?

HS: Since I'll start working next week, I'm going to follow you around until then


NKW: This pasta is strange. Are you alright?

Soobin: Yes. I'm pretty strong so you don't have to worry

NKW: I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about what you said while drinking

Soobin: This is a famous restaurant, testes good, right?

HS and SB walks in

NKW: SB, I couldn't reach you. How about sitting with us?

SB: No, that's ok

HS: Lets go to different place

Soobin: Did you see something you don't like? Why are you avoiding me as soon as you see me? SB, you sit down and eat with your cousin

NKW: Yes, I want to apologize to you about NY's incident and you cousins should clear up some matters

Soobin sees SB has an envelope with Gini's logo

Soobin: You leave Lohas and now looking into working for competitor?

HS: Soobin

Soobin: I heard you two asked my uncle to get married

HS: I'll always feel sorry toward you but it was a very difficult road for SB and I but we've made it this far. I'm not going to ask you for congratulations but I wish you wouldn't continue to harbor bad feelings

Soobin: What? Because of your so called love which caused a broken engagement, I couldn't sleep and was stressed and now you want me to let it go/

SB: I'm sorry

HS stops Soobin from throwing a glass full of water at SB

HS: There are people here so lets stop. We'll leave, go ahead and finish your lunch. Get up SB...then

NKW: Soobin

Soobin: You don't need to comfort me, I'm not that weak of a person

In HS' car

SB: Will Soobin be ok?

HS: Even though we feel bad, it can't be helped. Soobin has to let it go, but even more importantly, what will you do if everybody continue to disapprove us? If I get kicked out of the house, will you still accept me?

SB: What?

HS: I want to marry you as soon as possible, my mind is made up

YS to self: From now on all I have is me. Forget DG, family, and Soobin, forget all of them

Charles brought in a video crew to film the dance session and picks YS to be the focal point

YS: I feel bit nervous, it's been long time since I ballet danced and this is my first sports dance

Charles: Oh I see but I think you have what it takes (paraphrased)

YS: But are you sure even with 10 days of practice I could be on a TV? I'm worried, I didn't want to embarrass myself

Charles: (some more sweet talking that I didn't understand)

YS: I'll have to think about getting filmed

Design Team

Male TM: We need instructions about what we should do, where is team manager?

Female TM: I got it. Team manager was responsible and that is why she haven't shown up for work

TL: Nonsense

Female TM: Why is it a nonsense? Team manager used to work for Gini before Lohas

Soobin walks in

soobin: Is there something going on?

Male TM: There is a big problem. Gini is advertising same product as ours

Soobin: What did you say?

Male TM: Everybody is going crazy over this but you...look at this

CB's Office

CB: Kim Soobin manager, what kind of person are you? With this big problem at work and you overslept?

Soobin: I'm sorry, should I investigate it?

CB: I've already have people looking into it (rest I didn't understand)

Soobin: Not sure (I didn't understand rest)

CB: Soobin manager, you were working for Gini but you were scouted and started to work for Lohas, right? Have you met with Gini employees?

Soobin: Huh? Yes, I've meet with with my old design team members who are still my friends

CB: Is that right? I thought you would quit working here when HS broke up with you and when you didn't I thought you were being professional

Soobin: Mr President, are you suspecting me?

CB: With this type of problem, suspicion goes beyond one person. Right now, a team is looking int to (sends her on some task, which I didn't understand)

Soobin to self: What am I going to do? How can he doubt me? Who did this? Who copied our design? (remembers SB with an envelope with Gini logo) Wait, SB was trying to get a job with Gini, did she corroborated with Gini?

Yuri to self: What is this? Moving? Why didn't he say anything to me? Are they trying to run away with my money?

Yuri calls TP: TP, where are you? Here? Here where?

Yuri catches up with modeling agent: Where are you going? Before you go, give back my money. The money you got from me for modeling fee

Agent: Lets go. These days, many young girls are trying to con money out of people

Yuri: No, you can't go until you pay me back

Agent: When did you give me any money?

TP: (stops agent from striking Yuri) Stop (they run) If I can't you, I'm going to kill you.

TP chases after two men but they trap him and proceed to beat him up, Yuri comes to TP's rescue

Poong Express

TP: Dad isn't here. Sit down so I could apply medication

Yuri: Don't yell, my ears are fine

TP: Raise your pant leg. Why did you get involved, I told you to stay back

Yuri: Then you should have fight, all you did was get beat up

TP: But why did you get beat up for me, like an idiot

Yuri: A man I love was getting beat up and you want me to just watch?

TP: You really like me? What about me that you like?

Yuri: Oppa, do you know why I wanted to be a model? You know at my house I'm just a trouble maker. I'm not a good student and I can't do anything right. I'm just tall and skinny but if I became a model, they all will only look at me and say you are so pretty and looks so good, always complimenting me but all that became boring because something more important came up

TP: What's that?

Yuri: Oppa

TP: What

Yuri: When I'm with you, I feel very comfortable. You know I'm black sheep of the family, you also knew me when I was fat and ugly but overall, you are handsome

TP: You better go home before your mother start looking for you. Here, this is a promissary note from that guy that said he'll pay you next month

Yuri: I love you. See you tomorrow

TY/SY Room

SY: You are home early. Isn't today YH's tutoring day?

TY: Yes but I think YH needs bit of break

SY: Why? YH isn't listening to you? She doesn't want to study?

TY: It's not that, I thin YH is going through a phase

SY: Phase? At her age? And with only one month left for test?

TY: Wait, listen to what I have to say

SY: Wait, she has been acting weird lately, I'll be back

HwaRan Home

HR: Why art school?

YH: I feel it's better for me

HR: Is it because you don't want to be tutored by your father?

SY walks in

SY: You, YH, talk to me

HR: Why at this hour...

YH: No need to talk. I already know you want to talk about me going with a man to the DVD studio

SY: What? What are you talking about? You went to a DVD studio?


YH: Why are you all acting this way. I'm not a child. Whether I date or study, I'll make the decision so stop telling me what to do

SY: You, YH, TY made time for you because he cared for you but you went to DVD studio instead?

YH: Whether I go to DVD studio with a man or not, you and him don't need to pay attention to it

SY: What did you say? Him? Is your mom's husband a him?

YH: Just because he married you it doesn't make him my father

SY: What

YH: After you got married, did you give me any attention? All you do is worry about your in-laws. You don't care about what I worry about and did you ever asked me how I'm doing?


YH: Lets quit. You and I live in a different lives so lets not get in each other's way. Grandma, I want to go to art school starting tomorrow

SY: Mom, listen to how she talks

HR: I think you two should leave YH alone for now and like she wants, let her go to the art school

YS/DG Home

DG: Why are you out so late and being noisy

YS: It's my business. Needle and threads are mine but I'll let you use them. I thought my best days were gone but I guess not, some people think I still got it and said I look like a flower

DG: You be careful, we petitioned for a divorce but we aren't divorced yet, don't cause any problems

YS: It's not your business

DJ/YoungSook Sees HS and SB

HS: Have a good night sleep and have a good dream

SB: Go home safely

HS: bye

DJ/YoungSook Room

Youngsook: If we disapprove you two till end, what are you going to do?

SB: I would like for you two to meet HS. No matter what, I want to get mom and dad's approval

DJ: No matter what?

SB: Yes

DJ: Ok, leave us

Youngsook: What do you think?

DJ: I think I need to stop working with Lohas

Youngsook: What?

DJ: If we keep working with Lohas, that will prevent us from saying what we need to say to them. HS and SB really like each other, lets give them permission

Youngsook: HS broke up with our close relatives daughter, would it be ok?

DJ: Yes, we loved Soobin for long time but they've ended and HS and SB really like each other. Our SB, need to stop getting heart aches and I wish her to live happily

CB/MJ Home

HS on the phone: Yes FIL, then I'll be there

HS to self: What is it?


DJ: Sit down...HS


DJ: What will you do if your parents continues to disapprove

HS: Till end, I'll continue to ask but if they don't approve then I'm thinking about getting married without their permission

Youngsook: Our SB, as you know she is our adopted daughter but she is as precious to us as NY. Our SB, do you think you could make her happy?

HS: Truthfully, I'm not sure because I'm not too sure about truly being happy. For me, I'm happy just to be with SB but for SB, her happiness may be something else. But, I'll make this promise, no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, I'll always think of her first

DJ: Here, lets drink


DJ: Always remember what you've just said

HS: Then MIL and FIL is giving us a permission?

Soobin to self: Why isn't Gini calling me?

Some one from Gini calls her

Soobin: Did yo find out? Really? Gini hired KSB and they saw her work, right? I understand, thank you

Soobin to self: JSB, you conniving girl. You tried to deceive us? It didn't take long to catch you


SB: Really? Dad and mom really gave us a permission?

HS: Yes, we just met and they gave us a permission


HS: Lets go

SB: Where?

HS: To my parents, since we got a permission from your parents so it's their turn


HS: This is something we have to confront

CB' Office

CB calls one of his managers and told him to terminate the contract with Poong Express whenever they are done with their work and start looking for another moving company but the manager told CB that the Poong Express has already called to terminate the contract

HS walks in

CB: What brings you here at this hour...Did you want to come back?

HS: No, I have something to say...Come in


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Guest lantawmako

lol :lol: ... remember, MJ has no idea that Bokju is a good friend of Saebyuk & they've been constantly in touch giving SB info about the happenings at the Kang household & once this is uncovered, she will have to pack her bags ... :w00t: MJ will surely cut her throat when she learns about BJ's participation in HS & SB's relationship ... :fury:

That's really funny about the ice water.

Carmina, thanks for the PM. You sent me one right? I have a couple of messages sitting in my inbox, I haven't done anything a about them yet.

Edit: Opps...2 Mssgs maybe not from you. I am such a moron sometimes.

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Guest jbigdog123

So, it doesn't look like Soobin had anything to do with Gini's new product.

Again, some of the conversations were very difficult to understand and to translate in this episode so I can't be sure if my translation should be taken to heart. I wouldn't have problems with it if some one who is good at Korean to correct any errors I may have made.

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Guest bluesky107

Thinking about the Gini problem, and hoping that SB has nothing to do with it, somehow I think the only person that can be behind everything is Mrs.MJ :mellow:

Now it seems like the only two characters in the drama that extremely hate/would do that to SB is SBin and MJ but it looks like Sbin didn't know about the incident so I came to the last conclusion..

In this drama I have to say that I admire CB the most. He has to see the wife's evil face and bear her dictatorship every single day! :wacko: . How about a divorce? haha. Then HS and Yuri would go with their daddy and they can get married with whomever they love, as long as they feel happy. :rolleyes:

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Guest lantawmako

So, it doesn't look like Soobin had anything to do with Gini's new product.

First thank you very much for the translations.

Yes, it doesn't look like Soobin is the culprit. But wasn't the design contest results published in the newspaper?

I don't what direction this drama is going, but while Lohas could hardly meet their deadline, Genie already advertise the product. Really weird trun of events.

I just love it when HS said that if his parents continue to opposed his marriage to SB he will marry SB without their permission. Aja Kang Hosae!.

In this drama I have to say that I admire CB the most. He has to see the wife's evil face and bear her dictatorship every single day! :wacko: . How about a divorce? haha. Then HS and Yuri would go with their daddy and they can get married with whomever they love, as long as they feel happy. :rolleyes:

There were times when I did like him, but today's episode naaah....He needs more ----- you know what I mean. He listened/watched his wife talk the person he had said once he considers his friend. Some friend he is. His wife even told him in front of DJ that he is not direct.

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EP 109

HS: Truthfully, I'm not sure because I'm not too sure about truly being happy. For me, I'm happy just to be with SB but for SB, her happiness may be something else. But, I'll make this promise, no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, I'll always think of her first.

This statement has so much depth. As a parent, it would surely melt my heart to hear a potential in-law talking this way about my child. HS has impressed me once more.

Soobin was actually not duplicitous and malicious in regards to this Gini mixup? Colour me shocked.

Thanks for the translation, jbig.

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Guest zaizai00

I really think that in this scenario, we really can't blame Soobin for making the misconnection between SB and the scandal. I mean she saw the logo, heard about the scandal and any person would be ago to put the two together. What we can nab her for is telling everyone in the whole world before her suspicions were confirmed. she might as well flown a blimp over seoul with the sign "Saebyuk caused the Lohas scandal". Really starting to pissing me off since it's been forever since the break in the engagement and she is still like a leech. I hate leeches.

For the preview, obviously SB and HS are shocked by the news and this will be their first test as a couple to stand next to each other in the time of need. Since SB or Soobin didn't leak the designs to Gini, I'm guessing this a prep period for throwing in a new character which I really hope isn't the case because all these unexpected characters coming in is kind of...making everything ruin a little bumpy... at the end where SB says she needs to confess something to HS's dad,hoping that she isn't succumbing under pressure because our SB is strong! again hoping...

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Guest dbart001

So, it doesn't look like Soobin had anything to do with Gini's new product.

Again, some of the conversations were very difficult to understand and to translate in this episode so I can't be sure if my translation should be taken to heart. I wouldn't have problems with it if some one who is good at Korean to correct any errors I may have made.

She was always drunk and telling people about her problem, maybe she told her ex-coworker about the design that she trashed and Gini immidiately made it.

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Guest jbigdog123

EP 110 Preview

Soobin to CB: There is one person who is a suspect and that is KSB

CB to Soobin: Is that true?

HS to Soobin: you need to stop this

SB on the phone: Need to ask questions?

Man to SB: There is a scandal...at Lohas

MJ to Soobin: Copied design? What are you saying?

Soobin to MJ: It looks like JSB is the one who did it

Soobin on the Phone: Me? Why?

Female TM: Team manager is a suspect, she is the one who did it

DJ to self: (after seeing YS with Charles) Should I tell DG about it

SB: It's my problem, I'll figure it out

SB to CB: I have something to tell you Mr president

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The way I see it...

We don't know the source for the Gini design and concept. It could have been from the submission and result of the Lohas contest. The plan and design advertised in the paper was probably the result of Gini in-house development through hard work.

Unless the director/writer throw in some nefarious plot-twists... We know that it couldn't have been from SaeByuk, since her application to Gini came at the same time that the Gini design appeared in the advertisement.

The responsibility lies with SooBin. She dragged her feet and obstructed the whole design cycle because the initial concept came from SaeByuk. She is the person in-charge of the project... but she is never at work with the design team. She hid SaeByuk's resignation and further reduce the impetus for the project. Only SaeByuk's return to hand the team leader additional documents prevented the team from missing the deadlines. The team pulled long hours and worked hard to meet the deadlines... while all she did was take over the presentation to the buyers. She spent time doing extraneous activities (NKW's remodeling) while ignoring her core responsibilities. That Gini was able to complete their project up to the marketing phase before Lohas is SooBin's fault, especially since Lohas had the advantage of having the complete initial design and concept by SaeByuk... as well as SaeByuk herself and her continuing input for developing the design.

This incident is a repeat of the plagiarizing incident when she made the false accusation against SaeByuk, base on her personal bias and wishful connection of flimsy facts.

It's been said that Kang ChilBok is admirable through this affair. I disagree with that assessment. The character doesn't show any strength of character. He can't seem to separate his business and personal affairs. He can't stand by his convictions... or his friendships. A man who can not stand by his own convictions is a man without convictions.

Kim DaeJin is the man I see as admirable. He is strong and thoughtful. He loves his family and is considerate of their thoughts and feelings. He has the character a man and a father should aspire to emulate.

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Guest kawaiiyuki2

EP 109

DJ/YoungSook Sees HS and SB

HS: Have a good night sleep and have a good dream

SB: Go home safely

HS: bye

Youngsook: HS broke up with our close relatives daughter, would it be ok?

DJ: Yes, we loved Soobin for long time but they've ended and HS and SB really like each other. Our SB, need to stop getting heart aches and I wish her to live happily

CB/MJ Home

HS on the phone: Yes FIL, then I'll be there

HS to self: What is it?


DJ: Sit down...HS


DJ: What will you do if your parents continues to disapprove

HS: Till end, I'll continue to ask but if they don't approve then I'm thinking about getting married without their permission

Youngsook: Our SB, as you know she is our adopted daughter but she is as precious to us as NY. Our SB, do you think you could make her happy?

HS: Truthfully, I'm not sure because I'm not too sure about truly being happy. For me, I'm happy just to be with SB but for SB, her happiness may be something else. But, I'll make this promise, no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, I'll always think of her first

DJ: Here, lets drink


DJ: Always remember what you've just said

HS: Then MIL and FIL is giving us a permission?


SB: Really? Dad and mom really gave us a permission?

HS: Yes, we just met and they gave us a permission


HS: Lets go

SB: Where?

HS: To my parents, since we got a permission from your parents so it's their turn


HS: This is something we have to confront

CB' Office

CB calls one of his managers and told him to terminate the contract with Poong Express whenever they are done with their work and start looking for another moving company but the manager told CB that the Poong Express has already called to terminate the contract

HS walks in

CB: What brings you here at this hour...Did you want to come back?

HS: No, I have something to say...Come in


Those were my favorite scene in epi109. I loved how hs stopped soobin from splashing water on sb. Totally wanted to splash it on soobin. :ph34r:

I also love how hs won't want for his parent's permission to marry her. I thought he was going to wait, but i'm glad he doesn't want too. Now with the preview of tomorrow's epi it might even make him want to go faster because he knows that his father won't agree to the marriage after that issue Gini. But i'm glad sb's parents accept their relationship!! :blush:

I accidentally cut the scene where soobin talks about gini calling her back. It looks like she is behind sb's design ending up at gini.

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Guest lantawmako

About the pics:

ZaiZai, Thank you!

SB is soooo beautiful. I really like this kid


NKW apt....the sheets on NKW's bed, doesn't it look like HS comforter/bed cover?

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Thank you so much for all the hard work our translators and link friends are doing!!!! :D:D:w00t::D

We truly appreciate all of your hard work :w00t::w00t::w00t:

I am really enjoying this drama......

Karma is going to get MJ and Soobin......

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Guest pckor7

Somehow I also feel that SooBin is behind SB's design ending up at gini and seized on the opportunity to put the blame on SB when she realized that SB had applied to work there.

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I accidentally cut the scene where soobin talks about gini calling her back. It looks like she is behind sb's design ending up at gini.

Hello, just read your post and was wondering what you meant by this. Did Soobin send the design to Gini?

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