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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest mead33



At first, I thought they were sneaking glances at each other even behind the scenes! Then I realized they probably are rehearsing! *silly me* :blush:

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Thanks, looks like they have to "wrap" things up in that episode, right?

it reads from google translate that the wrap up is going to be in Aug 13? coz LDG is suppose to be in Japan Aug 14..? that's too much for him to handle i think..

so, i doubt the "Special" is another episode, probably like a sit-down analysis of the series with some of the cast..like the one from MNIKSS..(w/PD,KSA and HB)


that's great news about the Kissing BTS! so, it's going to be tomorrow! i wanna see their reaction after the kiss(es)...5-6 times should give us an idea how their body language and reaction for the kiss....too excited just thinking about it! :blush: :lol:


BTS;;; oh i dunno bout practicing their glances? i don't think so...they look like they're into each other...yikesss! wishful thinking again!.... i hope they'll stay as good friends after this drama and keep contacts with each other like her old co-stars...


after seeing KBS and HCH kisses, which one do you think is better? Kisses from MNIKSS or WIAN?

to me, i like both! :D But i wish the WIAN is a bit more longer...

yes, our wishes has been granted, so we have "Special Episode." Thank YOU MBC!


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Guest angie_2006

can't sleep......even LDG's soothing voice is not helping....

<H4 class=tit_article>'밤이면 밤마다', 1회 연장 17부로 종영 </H4>기사입력 2008-08-08 18:55 btn_view_origin_article.gif [머니투데이 스타뉴스 김현록 기자]

MBC 월화드라마 '밤이면 밤마다'(극본 윤은경 김은희·연출 손형석)가 1회 연장된 17부로 대단원의 막을 내린다. 당초 16부로 기획된 '밤이면 밤마다'는 오는 19일 계획보다 1회 연장된 17부로 종영한다.

고동선 담당 CP(책임 프로듀서)는 8일 스타뉴스와의 통화에서 "마지막 대단원을 마무리하기에 계획된 분량이 다소 벅차 이같이 결정했다"고 말했다.

고 CP는 이어 "더욱이 베이징 올림픽 프로그램 관계로 한주 전 방송이 1회 쉬게 돼 시청자들을 위해서서라도 화요일에 종영할 수 있도록 하기 위해 1회를 추가하기로 했다"고 설명했다.

'밤이면 밤마다'는 도굴꾼의 딸로서 문화재청의 열혈 단속반원이 된 허초희(김선아 분)와 바람둥이 고미술 복원 전문가 김범상(이동건 분)을 주인공으로 삼아 문화유산에 대한 애정과 두 사람의 알콩달콩 로맨스를 그려냈다.

김선아, 이동건이란 두 스타배우의 조합에도 불구하고 시청률 면에서는 기대만큼의 성과를 올리지 못했지만 마니아 시청자들로부터 '의미있는 드라마'란 평가를 받고 있다.

한편 '밤이면 밤마다' 후속으로는 송승헌 연정훈 박해진 이다해 이연희 한지혜 주연의 '에덴의 동쪽'이 방송된다.

모바일로 보는 스타뉴스 "342 누르고 NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i"


머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스 제보 및 보도자료

from what the google said, they'll extend it to 1 more epi. or stoopid google is wrong again..as always...


Chinese Translation extract from http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/thread-275266-246-1.html



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English Translation (trying my best, 1st time posting, sorry for any error) :sweatingbullets:

Source:李东健中文网-东爱论坛 (Lee Dong Gun Chinese website)

Korean to Chinese Translation:梦想花开

Please indicate when post it, thank you

BamBam to extend another episode, ends at episode 17

MBC drama "When It's At Night" (I use the version for this thread) will be extended another episode, ends at episode 17 with happy ending.

"When It's At Night" initial plan was 16 episodes, now extended one more episode, episode 17 will be broadcast on 19th August.

The Producer revealed this during the interview by STARNEW "As it will end with happy ending, the contents of the original planning would be a bit rush, that's why this decision is being made."

The Producer went on to say "Additionally with the Beijing Olympic Games programme, the audience would get to watch only one episode in a week, for the sake of the audience, it is decided to add another episode, ends at Tuesday.

"When It's At Night," although starred together by Kim Sun Ah & Lee Dong Gun, but the ratings did not achieve the initial expectation, however, some loyal audiences/viewers evaluate this as a "very meaningful drama."


If I'm not mistaken, WIAN's broadcast schedule would be as follows:

episode 15 : 11 August 08, Monday

episode 16 : 18 August 08, Monday

episode 17 : 19 August 08, Tuesday (Final Episode)

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Guest *alodia*


Chinese Translation extract from http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/thread-275266-246-1.html



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English Translation (trying my best, 1st time posting, sorry for any error) :sweatingbullets:

Source:李东健中文网-东爱论坛 (Lee Dong Gun Chinese website)

Korean Translation:梦想花开

Please indicate when post it, thank you

BamBam to extend another episode, ends at episode 17

MBC drama "When It's At Night" (I use the version for this thread) will be extended another episode, ends at episode 17 with happy ending.

"When It's At Night" initial plan was 16 episodes, now extended one more episode, episode 17 will be broadcast on 19th August.

The Producer revealed this during the interview by STARNEW "As it will end with happy ending, the contents of the original planning would be a bit rush, that's why this decision is being made."

The Producer went on to say "Additionally with the Beijing Olympic Games programme, the audience would get to watch only one episode in a week, for the sake of the audience, it is decided to add another episode, ends at Tuesday.

"When It's At Night," although starred together by Kim Sun Ah & Lee Dong Gun, but the ratings did not achieve the initial expectation, however, some loyal audiences/viewers evaluate this as a "very meaningful drama."


If I'm not mistaken, WIAN's broadcast schedule would be as follows:

episode 15 : 11 August 08, Monday

episode 16 : 18 August 08, Monday

episode 17 : 19 August 08, Tuesday (Final Episode)

if this is true, it's COOL! ^^*

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..,hello guys!!!! just got back from a date hehehe....

..,i think i missed some important announcement and discussion... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

..,okey back thread first..... :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


If I'm not mistaken, WIAN's broadcast schedule would be as follows:

episode 15 : 11 August 08, Monday

episode 16 : 18 August 08, Monday

episode 17 : 19 August 08, Tuesday (Final Episode)

..,OMO OMO OMO :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

..,waahhh just made my day!!!!!

..,they made a good decision on extending WIAN at least 1 more episodes...

Omo omo :w00t:

seems like this weekend "Happy Times" will finally show the NG scenes of the kiss in epi 11 :blush:

us BamBamers finally get our wish!! :lol:

..,waaahhhhh again :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

..,haaah can't wait to see it :lol::w00t::lol::w00t::lol::w00t:

..,thank you for the goodies mzpakipot :D :D

Wow, 3 more pages was added...Do I see 300 pages by the end of Bambam?

With all of you here, very active in the discussion, it`s possible.

Been busy with my family lately and i feel bad that my hubby is leaving on Sunday for his work in Norway.

Our wishes was granted, 1 more episode for Bambam, that is totally awesome...I need more, actually!

I hope it will be more on Suna and LDG, that extra episode would still be interesting if only the two of them will be in it.

I `d like to see a wedding and honeymoon...hehehe...silly me!

Anyway, whatever they come up, I would surely love it!

But, I was thinking, may be it would be nice if that extra episode would be a farewell show for all Bambam fans,

We have seen Suna and LDG sing (Duet). A concert show will be so cool, I want to see Suna and LDG sing and play an instrument. I can imagine both of them on stage performing. *Wishful thinking*

I have this question in my mind...

When KBS brought CH in his house, she fell asleep in the sofa and the next thing we saw,

she`s in the bed already, do you think she`s really in a deep sleep, that she doesn`t feel KBS being at her side?

Or just playing asleep, I mean, she`s sleeping like a baby, that even KBS was moving around her, she did not have any reaction. I just wish that the writer made it more convincing.

The kiss of LDG and Suna, can`t get enough of it!

why there is no NG or clip for that particular scene?

..,don't be sad unnie we bambamers is always here to make your day happy :D

..,really want to see a wedding and i hope its KBS-HCH nuptial :rolleyes:

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sorry everyone, i forgot to log out of here earlier...hahaha!!

it's too freaking hot over here in seattle and I luvv it! hope you all having a nice weather whereever you guys are..

TGIF for me!


first off, hi and welcome to this thread! i see this is your first post?? :D

thanks so much for clarifying the article, i was having such a hard time confirming (at least in my brain) about the extension of the drama!

you don't know how much that put my mind at ease..hehe thanks again!

OMG! i'm so so so very very deliriously happy about the extension!

@kim jo yan

as always, you're welcome. i should be the one thanking you for making this thread lively with your responses to a lot of comments..hehe!!

AJA sis!

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Guest mead33

wow, there are so much good news and goodies being released! :w00t: Thank you everyone for all the news, pictures, and translations! :)

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Guest mead33

@mzpakipot *waves* :w00t:

waves @mead33 hi!

i got a question? anyone know what time "Happy Time" starts???

Is it 8.20 am on Sunday morning, Korea time?

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posting this, somehow, someone will do a quick translation... :)

밤이면 밤마다'가 1회 연장을 결정하고 17부로 마무리 된다.

MBC 월화 드라마 '밤이면 밤마다'(극본 윤은경 김은희/ 연출 손형석) 16부에서 1회 연장된 17회 최종회로 19일 종영하게 됐다.

' 밤밤' 제작진은 "작품의 완성도를 높이기 위해 연장을 결정한다"고 밝혔지만 베이징 올림픽으로 인한 1회 결방도 '밤밤' 연장에 주요한 원인으로 보인다. '밤밤'이 1회를 연장해 19일 화요일에 종영을 해야 후속작 '에덴의 동쪽' 방송도 자연스럽게 그 다음주 월요일 방송을 탈 수 있다는 편성 전략이 한몫한 것.

김선아 이동건의 출연으로 방송전 높은 관심을 모았던 '밤밤'은 경쟁작 SBS '식객'의 시청률 고공행진으로 다소 부진한 성적을 기록해 왔다. 지난 6월 23일 방영된 1회분에서 사라진 국보를 찾으러 일본으로 간 초희(김선아)와 범상(이동건)이 일본 야쿠자와 한판 맞대결을 벌이게 되는 상황을 그리며 박진감 넘치는 스토리 전개를 예고했었다.

하지만 이후 문화재관련 사건 전개가 지지부진해지면서 전문직 드라마도 아니고 멜로드라마도 아니라는 혹평을 받아왔다. 하지만 최근 드라마의 긴장감을 되찾으며 8%까지 시청률이 오르며 상승세를 타고있다.

'밤밤' 후속작으로 25일부터 250억원의 제작비를 투입해 송승헌 연정훈 등 톱스타들이 출연하는 '에덴의 동쪽'이 방송될 예정이다.

이현우 nobody@newsen.com

@mzpakipot *waves* :w00t:

Is it 8.20 am on Sunday morning, Korea time?

oh my!! :) thank you so very much....

8:20am sun; asia/korea = 4:20pm sat; usa/pst

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@kim jo yan

as always, you're welcome. i should be the one thanking you for making this thread lively with your responses to a lot of comments..hehe!!

AJA sis!

..,just so happy making a post here..thank you mzpakipot unni :blush: :blush:

waves @mead33 hi!

i got a question? anyone know what time "Happy Time" starts???

btw, thanks jastinel for letting us know about TVants..

oh! the Olympics is on! GOOD LUCK TO ALL OLYMPIANS!!!

..,OMG sis so many good pics thank you :D

..,and yes thank you to sis jastinel, TVants really works the best...

thank you jastinel unnie :D :D :D



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