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Guest coreana

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Guest Toeji4

Wow, it's been a while.

I have to say, that this is getting out of hand with the PDs and the writers. I used to watch goong straight, now i am fast fowarding a lot of parts. from episode 20, i only watched 25 minutes of the whole thing.

i agree with a lot of people. CG needs to know become independent and learn to deal with things on her own. i'm sick and tired of watching cliches in goong (as i expected little cliches from in the first place). I want her to become more like Sam Soon. CG needs to find her idenity before announcing any plans of divorce or anything like that. i don't really think it's maturity that shin, CG, and Yul need to get, it's self-idenity, and their place in the palace and in the world. you can be mature without self-idenity.

i am displeased with MBC. Since this is following the manga, i expected that vol. 11 would be episode 14/15/16. it's dragging and i'm sick of it.

Personally, season 2 should not exsist, unless its going to be quick, and striahgt-to-the-point. and with this interview and divorce thing (as now, episode 20) they next 4 episodes should be shin trying to get CG back, instead of wasting our time. but i do understand the costs of the production and the set, but the writers need to get together with the orginal author, and think of something up.

i aplogize if this was repepative.

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Guest polaris

I know episodes 19 and 20 pissed off alot of fans, but i think that it is only fitting that there are misunderstandings and miscommunications between CG and Shin. Yeah yeah, we all love the lovey dovey parts with CG and Shin, but I think that CG's cold attitude toward Shin is only natural. Think about all the times Shin turned his back on her and how she opened up her heart to him..only to get a very very ambiguous response. I think that this is where Shin learns that he cant treat her like a play toy but realize that he really loves her...The next step is for him to open up and confess his feelings for CG.

Plus with Yul..yes he is being very dishonorable, but for anyone who went through a one sided love experience....it's got to be hard to love someone who loves someone else. It's probably driving him crazy...crazy enough for him to do whatever it takes to get CG without realizing that he is also hurting CG.

I dunno. I guess what im trying to say that love is not always so happy and simple but i understand why alot of fans are so POed by these recent episodes because we all like happily ever afters.

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Guest the one

I know episodes 19 and 20 pissed off alot of fans, but i think that it is only fitting that there are misunderstandings and miscommunications between CG and Shin.

No, it's all about how Chae Kyung never cares about how Shin is trying to be a nice husband.

She even puts Yool inside her Volkswagon Beetle car.

That's not how a wife should treat any husband in the whole world.

Miscommunications and misunderstandings throughout her cheating?

What you said can never be right, it's wrong, it's messed up, it's pathetic, others etc.

Chae Kyung is not smart as Hyo Rin. You know that. The end.

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Guest echoRy

yeah it was hard to watch ep 19&20, but it had to happen.

Chae got sick, lost her apetite and basically went through a

depression when Shin was away. now it's his turn to learn

just how much he loves and wants her by his side.

their relationship is messed up though, but that goes for everyone

this drama.

i just can't imagine how they're going to address all the storylines

with only 4 episodes left.

at the end when they get together, i don't want it to be brief...i want it

longer than it was in MNIKSS.

and as for Chae, she acted baboo but i'm not mad at her for it.

she's been waiting for some honesty from Shin for so long, that

i'm not mad at her for pushing him as far as she has.

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Guest polaris

No, it's all about how Chae Kyung never cares about how Shin is trying to be a nice husband.

She even puts Yool inside her Volkswagon Beetle car.

That's not how a wife should treat any husband in the whole world.

Miscommunications and misunderstandings throughout her cheating?

What you said can never be right, it's wrong, it's messed up, it's pathetic, others etc.

Chae Kyung is not smart as Hyo Rin. You know that. The end.

did you forget about Shin's trip to thailand with Hyorin?? You dont consider that cheating?? I dont think that is how a husband should treat a wife either. Even if it was at the beginning, legally CG and Shin were MARRIED and I think that Shin's behavior was also as you termed......."wrong, ..messed up, ..pathetic, others etc" I understand that Shin has changed, moved on from Hyorin and is really trying to be a good husband now but CG behavior isnt coming out of nowhere...it's a build up of everything throughout the drama.

I absolutely dont support CG behavior with Yul. it is really inappropriate and horrible, but I was just trying to say Goong is in essence a DRAMA...you know?

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Guest the one

did you forget about Shin's trip to thailand with Hyorin?? You dont consider that cheating?? I dont think that is how a husband should treat a wife either.

Look, Hyo Rin kissed him. He didn't kiss her. That is not considered as cheating.

He didn't do anything to her. He just tried so hard to send her back to Korea that's all.

That is not cheating when a guy buys a girl an airplane ticket to get out of his face.

That's not showing any love or feelings at all.

Just by looking at the preview in episode 20.

It shows that she listens to what Yool tells her to do.

Just because she wants to see her parents so freakin' bad.

I think there's no other worse pain to feel, then that.

Divorce is not a joke, especially inside a palace.

In palace, you're not even supposed to bring out those words.

After they got married, especially when Shin is trying to be a King now.

He's gonna suffer with a lot of problems, because Chae Kyung is just wrong.

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Guest echoRy

Chae Kyung is not smart as Hyo Rin. You know that. The end.

right...so Chae states that even though she loves someone, if they

don't return it, she would give them up...because love like that is selfish.

Hyorin on the other hand, fearing her love is no longer returned...tries to off herself.

oh yeah, ur right Hyorin's way smarter than Chae.

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Guest the one

Hyorin on the other hand, fearing her love is no longer returned...tries to off herself.

oh yeah, ur right Hyorin's way smarter than Chae.

She even told him, that if he didn't make a choice that quick.

She would've been his wife. Hyo Rin just didn't have enough time to choose.

Their love is a better love than Chae Kyung's interference.

Love is complicated, but Chae Kyung just makes it impossible for Shin.

Hyo Rin doesn't make it hard. She cares for him. Knows everything about Shin.

Big difference from these two.

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Guest kdrama_luv3r

right...so Chae states that even though she loves someone, if they

don't return it, she would give them up...because love like that is selfish.

Hyorin on the other hand, fearing her love is no longer returned...tries to off herself.

oh yeah, ur right Hyorin's way smarter than Chae.

totally agree with angeline! Chae is way smarter than hyorin!!

something for season two..

Shin and Chae Kyung are senior in high school, so what about college?

than there the shin and chae kyung kids...the royal grandchildren....

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Guest thanhdda

I thought, all the trouble, the news, in the palace, and CG is trying to say divource on the live TV is unthinkable, she only thinks for herself. She should resolve the matter with Shin first, If you want to divource you have to discuss PRIVATELY with the other party first before you let every1 know about it. and she plans to annouce it on the live tv means that she has no RESPECT for Shin. She is brainless, she let Yul manipulate her into saying it on TV....she only think for herself not for the Person she claimed she loves him. I DONT KNOW WHETHER SHE LOVES SHIN OR SHE LOVE HERSELF....SHIN IS GOING IN THROUGH LOTS OF PROBLEMS, AND SHE DOESNT KNOW NOR CARE,...and Yul he is so desperate, even call her seconds before the interview to tell her is so low...

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She even told him, that if he didn't make a choice that quick.

She would've been his wife. Hyo Rin just didn't have enough time to choose.

Their love is a better love than Chae Kyung's interference.

Love is complicated, but Chae Kyung just makes it impossible for Shin.

Hyo Rin doesn't make it hard. She cares for him. Knows everything about Shin.

Big difference from these two.

wow I totally disagree with you. Hyo Rin had plenty of time to make a choice but she decided not to because of her own ambition. she wanted to be ballerina, blah blah blah. Chae Gyung interfered? r u joking me? How is Chae Gyung making it impossible for him. Chae Gyung cares about Shin just as much as Hyo Rin does. Why wouldnt Hyo Rin kno everything about Shin. Shes known him for wat like 5 + years while Chae Gyung has known him for like 3months? And about the kissing thing, by Shin accepting that kiss is considrered cheating. He could have turned his head away and tried avoiding the kiss but he accepted it, which is cheating in my book. No duh that divorce is no joke and i hate that Chae Gyung is listening to Yul. But wat u said is oh so wrong. Shin has changed so much since Chae Gyung came into his life. He is a lot warmer, caring, outgoing and willing to show a side that no one has ever seen. Hyo Rin was unable to do that while Chae Gyung was. In my book Chae Gyung and Shin were destined for each other unlike Hyo Rin and Shin. Hyo Rin forced herself onto a married man. How could a girl do that? Thats just wrong, she knew that Shin was married and still has the gut to kiss him, act all flirty with him rite in front of Chae Gyung. In addition, she caused havoc in the palace for Shin. The stupid scandal was leaked and it made Shin's father doubt his own son. Hyo Rin has done nothing to help Shin!

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Guest AznGrlz

Yo everyone! AznGrlz Angelina/Jessie is back on track :I’m so weird hehe: after so many days of backlogging :faints: and trying to catch up with the episodes, me and Jessie finally got done with it :hurray:

I know everyone must be upset right now about the present eps. But I must admit we’re so happy :grabs Jessie and runs: and here’s Jessie’s explanation to why :which I’m going to type up for her <_< :

Only in the present eps. Do we see how much Shin had fallen in love with Cg…I don’t know if any of you had read the book :flipped: before but this is exactly what’s going on. Shin loves Cg at first sight, but he’s not positive of it, because he thinks he’s in love with hyorin and that cg is just a regular girl that’s interfering with his life only for money. When he starts to feel that he had fallen for her, he’s now stuck between whether she loves him or not. When cg confesses her love, he’s now thinking that she’s “his”, but when cg starts to get mad at him and gets closer to yul is when he feels that she’s no longer his and their feelings flips :he’s now going for her and she’s moving away from him: I love this the most about this drama, because it gives us a taste of reality :as in nothings perfect and that love takes up storms before sweetness: only that way do they get closer , because they both now know how important the other means to them :high five pds: so grlz/boyz don’t get so uptight about these eps. Just think of it this way…we got enough of cg loving shin, now its time we see shin dying for cg. So everyone cheer up and enjoy every second of the series. Btw, yul is doing a very good job cutting in between our royal couples…only with him around do shin feel threatens and hold on tighter to cg or at least shows her more of his love. Cg shouldn’t always go for his advice/comfort, but we must remember she’s only 19? Having someone there for her right now is the most important thing that keeps her going…and yul just happens to be there :shruggs: last, omg! Jesus christ! Super star! The king is so crazily, freakily retarded, how dense can an old dude possibly get? Thinking about the past is one thing, but playing *relive* the past is another…get over it old man she ditched u for ur bro…game over, you’re old, you’re gonna die soon…so what if she comes back to you? You’re out of energy sucker! What u gonna do? Go catch butterflies with her and sleep on her laps as she picks ur gray hair for you? Arg…what a loser! He could have gotten everything, but no…he just got to go for a witch…ahhhh…someone just throw him in the grave already! And that pretty much wraps it up.

Whoa…I typed a lot :sorry hehe:

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Guest the one

No matter how hard I try to explain the reality.

Girls find Chae Kyung better, since it's Yoon Eun Hae from Baby VOX.

* Sigh * This is so darn sad.

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No matter how hard I try to explain the reality.

Girls find Chae Kyung better, since it's Yoon Eun Hae from Baby VOX.

* Sigh * This is so darn sad.

You couldnt be more wrong!!! I doubted Yoon Eun Hye's abilities for doing this drama before watching. Then after I started watching, she proved me wrong so dont assume we like Chae Gyung just because Yoon Eun Hye plays her. I didnt even listen to baby vox's music! I dislike Hyo Rin, the character, not the actress Song Ji Hyo. I look forward to seeing Song Ji Hyo in future dramas because she is a wonderful actress and is very beautiful!

i respect ur opinion, but what you're saying makes me wonder what your morals are. if you were married would you like husband being kissed by his ex g/f? how would u feel if you woke up one morning and saw a picture of ur husband being kissed on another woman on a newspaper for the whole country to see?

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Guest frOsty_pAnda

You owe your friend 2 bubble teas.... :D Season one is 24 episodes and season 2 will air in Jan. 2007...# of episodes unknown. Please read the 1st post of this thread and you will see that he is right. :D

ARE YOU FREAKIN' SERIOUS?!!! UGH! OUT OF ALL PPLE, WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE RIGHT!!!! it's ok. he didn't buy me bubble tea last time, so i'm not going to buy him any :P

season one ends at 24? ugh. i don't think they should even have 2 seasons. they should just end it. i mean the writers SHOULD have written the whole storyline beforehand. whoever heard of a drama with 2 seasons? i really wish that the writers did more work.

i wonder what the ending will be. i really hope it's not crappy. that would be such a disappointment.

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Guest the one

You couldnt be more wrong!!! I dislike Hyo Rin, the character, not the actress Song Ji Hyo.

Look, you have to get out of the drama to see the reality.

Don't tell me I'm wrong. Some people in here actually agrees with me, okay?

They understand the reality. That is why, they do.

Hyo Rin character didn't even do anything wrong.

Look at Yool. He's telling Chae Kyung to divorce Shin.

Hyo Rin never even said anything related to divorce to Shin.

What is so bad about her character? She just loves him a lot.

What's wrong with loving someone? Huh? You never loved someone before?

What are you saying is wrong? Hyo Rin is a normal girl.

A normal girl who loves the Prince.

I don't get people like you, seriously.

When the drama is over. Think about it for a long time.

You'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

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Guest piano4112000

Maybe we should go back to our own corner because this is getting a little heated. Lets just enjoy the show.

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I respect your opinion, i respect what you have to say. Hyo Rin didnt do anything? Dont u remember when she asked Kang In to help her break Chae Gyung and Shin apart. She said she wanted to be the next Camilla. A woman intefered in the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. That shows what her intentions are.

I kno that she loves him, theres nothing bad about loving someone, but theres a certain extent to loving someone. If you say Hyo Rin is a normal girl, then so is Chae Gyung. She was an average girl at an average high school who liked to draw and have fun with her friends. Then she happened to find out she was to marry a prince and live in the palace. Reality? Hyo Rin did many things. She didnt do anything physically but emotionally and mentally she did. Hyo Rin should have just accepted that fact that Shin was a married and move on. It may take awhile but thats wat love is. You have to learn to let them go and move on. If she really loved Shin, she would have accepted that fact that Chae Gyung was his wife and that she can no longer be the the person that takes care of him.

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Guest AznGrlz

Sorry for butting in, but may i plz have a saying in this...i agree with piano4112000, lets just enjoy the show everyone...after all its just a show, everything is fake...don't get upset over it.

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Guest the one

after all its just a show, everything is fake...don't get upset over it.

I am not upset over it. I am just telling you girls that she's a normal girl like you girls.

So leave Hyo Rin alone. She didn't do anything "wrong" except get jealous.

Some amount of reality's are in dramas, so everything's not fake.

Just don't watch it for fun, you should learn something from it.

Learn something! My God!

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