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Guest coreana

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Guest monmonmango

It was reported earlier that the actress who plays Hyorin was cast in a movie before they decided to extend the series and therefore won't be in any more episodes after this.

Also, there seem to have been CONFLICTING reports regarding which actors had DEFINITELY signed on for a second season. Initially they had said the two leads were unconfirmed, then, everyone just started saying that they were signed (sorry, never saw any news that they had signed, just that everyone started posting with the assumption they would appear in season 2).... and NOW, I see news that Ju JiHoon is NOT definite, so, I guess I'll just wait and see. Hard to separate fact from fiction on the internet!

so we're still not sure if JJH & YEH are coming back for season 2?

oh, and did anyone watch the NN6 parody of goong? is hilarious~ :D

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Guest laceytam

so we're still not sure if JJH & YEH are coming back for season 2?

oh, and did anyone watch the NN6 parody of goong? is hilarious~ :D

what is the NN6 parody of goong??

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Guest mangosteen

I know that Shin has always appeared healthy to all of us but with all those pressures from people around him, it is possible for him to fall sick just like in the comics. Then CG would know how she really feels and how much he has done to keep those elders from breathing down her neck. :)

Then they can patched up before the next storm (chances are high since there are 4 more episodes to go). What do you guys think??? :sweatingbullets:

I am hoping for this to happen too. CG only sees what Shin hasn't done for her, not what he already did. She needs to wake up and realize how much he loves her. Despite the fact that he said he could adapt to a life without her, how can she not see through his warm and sincere heart? I've got to say Shin really has his own way to express his feelings though for some people it's forceful and stiff :phew:

Thanks for the MV :w00t:

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Guest safiresteele

hey i have a question. ok. i made a bet with one of the pple at my church. i told him that episode 20 is the last episode for season 1. and that season 2 will show 4 more episodes, ending the series. i told him that season 2 won't be out 'til winter 2007.

he said that i was wrong. he said that season 1 consists of 24 episodes and that season 2 will expand it. i made a bet with him that i was right and he was wrong. if i'm wrong, i owe him 2 bubble teas (bobas). T-T

so can someone explain to me. >.<

You owe your friend 2 bubble teas.... :D Season one is 24 episodes and season 2 will air in Jan. 2007...# of episodes unknown. Please read the 1st post of this thread and you will see that he is right. :D

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Guest dreaminglil_mariel

You owe your friend 2 bubble teas.... :D Season one is 24 episodes and season 2 will air in Jan. 2007...# of episodes unknown. Please read the 1st post of this thread and you will see that he is right. :D

there's gonna be a season 2 0_0...no way!! so kewl! haha I haven't finished watching all the episodes yet hehe. I just finished watching episode 6 last week...can't wait for 7 ^_^. It's really good! I just love it. It's not too serious and it's cute and funny! Yul is soo cute by the way haha. He's the only cute guy I think is in the show and Shin's friend too...the one that gave a ride for Hyorin at the Riding Club. Chay-kyung is adorable too! She's so funny hahaha

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Guest V A L XD


The thread is quiet today. I notice that the thread isn't as crowded as is use to be before the rules were made. This is the emptest i've seen yet...wheres the usual campers?..

I finally got to watch epi.20. No comment. It pissed me off that i didn't even want to watch it. but i force myself too by skipping parts. The ending got me really mad as with the preview. I think i'm going to hope on the next plane to korea and kill the PDs.

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Guest Loanie

CG & Shin going to Macau? wow, CG finally gets to get out of Korea! like others, i'm hoping CG isn't running away AGAIN. hopefully CG & Shin are going there together for their honeymoon :D. i know they had that 'sunrise' trip to the beach, but have they actually gone on a honeymoon? remember when Shin came back from Thailand & told CG about how next time he'll have to take her along with him the next time he has to go on trip abroad? maybe this is the trip they go together. well, Macau is a pretty good place to go together. i went there last summer, & the pics people have of Macau are of the Largo do Senado (Senate Square). it's a beautiful place with Portugese ambiance and the floor has these amazing black swirls on them that is absolutely breathtaking. that surrounding nearby it is also quite amazing. i'm anxious to see how they'll show CG & Shin in Macau with those sceneries since the cinematography in this drama is out-of-this-world. and a question for those who is reading the manhwa, is there anything about CG & Shin going to Macau in it or is this plot line completely made up by the screenwriters?

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Guest azntina

AHHHHHHHHH can someone tell me what CG say to Yool that make Shin surprised before they go to the interview at MBC??????? So clueless cause I sorta make up my own dialogue as they go along lol.... don't understand korean at all

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Guest precious04

Hi, I've been downloading the drama as the subs come out. I've ben trying to download a high quality episode 16, but nothing seems to work :tears: . I clicked on the links on page one, but almost all of them lead to page 512, and I don't see an episode 16 download on that page. I can't use bittorrent or clubbox and I really want a high quality episode. Can anyone help me? I'm going crazy :crazy:

i've found a link for HQ ep 16


hope it works for you :)

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Guest laceytam

AHHHHHHHHH can someone tell me what CG say to Yool that make Shin surprised before they go to the interview at MBC??????? So clueless cause I sorta make up my own dialogue as they go along lol.... don't understand korean at all

yul say that she should say the divorce at the interview and at this time shin comes

and then cg says that she will think about it

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Guest usyagitntn

Yep the thread seems really quiet when I was here yesterday there were only 25 Goongers here :(. I watched ep 19 and 20 in a row. Ep 19 was OK I like the part where CG and her friends went to the eatery and Shin came and waited for CG. Shin didn't grab CG when the guard came and say that the reporters are outside ( da*n those reporters they're only good at making other people's life miserable) it shows that he respects her more now and I like someone's observation about the symbolism the hand-clutching part( sorry I forgot your name ^^;) . I hope that will come true. Yul has become more evil than ever ( I actually felt relieved that I decided to be a Shin camper at the beginning because I don't know if I'll be able to support Yul if this goes on). I wanted to stab him so much when he called CG right before the interview to "remind" her about the divorce. But Yul's not the only one to blame. I was pissed at CG the most when I was watching both ep: she listens to Yul too much ** YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM** (sorry for yelling). Yul told CG that he loved her and I really don't understand how she can still talk and listen to his "advices" without any doubts or even think about the consequences of her actions if she follows what he says. Yul has become too greedy, obsessive and evil :( . I like the way Shin acts in both eps (how he shows that he respects CG when he asks her to go to the airport to see Hyorin off and tries to protect her in front of the Queen...) except he really needs to work on his communication skill especially with his wife. Why doesn't him just tell CG that he loves her before telling it to the whole country!?!? That would make everyone's life easier.....

* Did anyone have problem connecting to TVAnts on Wed and THurs when ep 19 and 20 were aired my TVAnts said that no channels could be found so I couldn't watch Goong live T_______T.

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Guest echoRy


PLEASE WATCH THE SPAMMING. talking about phones and other one liners are not allowed!

PM each other please.

there's a reason why many posters have left...if some of u haven't noticed!


---and if u don't want to pm people atleast add the little comments in a post of relevance---

MODS are watching THIS thread! be careful!



DEE- great pictures. thanx for them!

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Guest OoMaOci27oO

^ maybe because it's getting a little bit boring -_-; They have the same problems and nothing's getting any better. *sighs* I'm disappointed.

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Guest Saki>^.^<

Hahaha.... Hi peeps I'm back... for like a minute :sweatingbullets:

So what is all this I hear about episode 19 n 20 being bad????? No no no!!!!!!

And what else, JJH might not be the lead for Goong 2?????? What??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Does that even make sense???? Arghhhh!!!!

Okay, so my compie crashed so I can't watch eppies 19 and 20... plus I have many projects to do -_-

So I will say something about, what was it eppie 18? Well, atleast the beginning of 18 was like the bestest (I know it's not a word ^_^) beginning of an eppie ever!!!! I could not get over the fact that those 2 finally got so loving towards each other like a real husband and wife :wub: Like the grocery shopping was super cute, exactally like a real couple :blush:

Okies peeps, gotta go. Have fun, don't spam, n follow the rules :) So lemme leave with a goong count...




Ok, bye my fellow beloved goongers, I have missed, and am going to miss you guys dearly :tears:


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Guest V A L XD

S where have you been!? :tears: don't go...


Anyways...As more episodes come, the more confused and angry i get. I think epi.20 isn't even worth to watch. To much heartache for me too watch.

But i sooooooo want to kill yul so that he can't tell CG what to do anymore! RAWRR. I hate it when the bad guy is so sweet in the beginning but later on, you get to truly know him. I prefer Yul in the beginning, Greedy yul is too evil.

Like omma like son.

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