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Vocal Notes?

Guest havoc11

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Guest havoc11
I have a question
I dony know where to put this thread because i would really like good feedback... i believe i have vocal nodes if you dont know what that is..its where u pretty much get "callus" like on your fingers if u play guitar, but on your vocal chord...(its bad though) so basically..i heard to heal it.. you must either...like..basically..dont talk for like 1 year (highly not) or get sugery where they "scrape" the "bumps" on your vocal chord off... which is risky..well..thats what i heard... so does any1 know about this ..condition? any experiences with it? and also..if some1 had it..can you tell me what u did to get rid of it..it sucks cus my voice is like.. iunno how to explain it..i can talk fine..but when i start to sing..i sigh at ..i think...1 octave higher then "normal? im nto sure...but yeah... now i cannot get there anymore.
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Guest lovablekrnstar63


having bruises on your vocal cords.

not nice

..ive never had it actually

the only thing i know that can happen to your vocal cords

is strep throat

and that goes away..

sry i cant help ya

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Guest sikkony

Firstly, it's vocal nodules, not notes.

Secondly I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask. I doubt the huge majority of the singers here know what nodules are to begin off with.

For those who don't know what nodules are, it is damage upon your vocal chords (more precisely folds) due to improper singing techniques or vocal abuse.

havoc11, now how do you know for sure, you have nodules? Or is this a guess? It'd be nice if you could post yourself some symptoms you are getting that is leading you to think you have vocal nodules. It is quite hard to get, meaning you'd have to abuse pretty hard to obtain nodules.

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hmm i've heard of this before. but like sikkony said, most of us probably don't know about this or how to treat it. you can try googling. and also, try typing clearly. like in complete sentences cuz it's hard to understand when .. you.. type.. like this... you know? well good luck with it. maybe ask around in the health forum. :)

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Vocal Nodes...

They are a serious problem usually from the misuse of your speaking voice or wrong singing technique. One of the main symptoms is a long term raspiness of your speaking voice. They are bumps on your vocal chords which cause your vocal folds not to close properly..this accounts for the raspiness. If you think you have it, go see a licensed speech pathologist. Therapy is the only non surgical way to help resolve the problem. Another reason that you're voice may be raspy is because of acid reflux. It usually happens in the morning and late afternoon..whichi s pretty common among a lot of singers. I know I have it but it isn't serious.. just try not to eat directly before you go to sleep and don't sing right after you eat. Drink tea as well as water and remember to always warm up before you sing anything strenuous.

That's my extet of knowledge on the issue.. Hope it helps.


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Guest prophecy

My mom had it due to straining her voice constantly for almost a year. She had a callus on her vocal cord which caused her voice to be raspy but she never knew what it was because it came and went. So for 3 months she didn't bother to think anything wrong. But eventually it got worse to the point where even when she spoke, she could barely utter a word.

So we went to a speech pathologist and they offered 2 choices: speech therapy or surgery. Because her case was more severe, her doctor said that it would be best if she had the callus removed. So that's what we did.

But removing the callus or nodule won't solve your problem. Even after that she still had to get speech therapy so that the area where she had the callus could heal properly.

Like mentioned above, if you think you do have a nodule, then seek a speech pathologist and make an appointment.

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Guest sikkony

What I think would be the most wisest option is for him to define the problems he is getting, and why he think he is getting nodules like I first said in my initial reply, instead of feeding him with more information, because although this might help, we don't know for certain, and he might not know for certain that he really does have vocal nodules.

There's no need to goto a speech pathologist if his nodule problem is still small. He can correct it himself.

Another reason that you're voice may be raspy is because of acid reflux. It usually happens in the morning and late afternoon..whichi s pretty common among a lot of singers. I know I have it but it isn't serious.. just try not to eat directly before you go to sleep and don't sing right after you eat.

Actually this can happen to anyone. Everyone will get acid reflux, regardless if you're a singer or not, and some acid reflux can be milder than other people's. It depends on the health of your stomach.

And if you're a she, then please don't be offended. Just substitute she for he.

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I think many vocal nodes are caused by an incorect vocal technique...usually it's belting...or even just singing very "far back" in your voice.

I know a girl who has them, the reason it affects how high you can go is b/c they interfere with the vibration of your vocal chords.

They can be stopped by going to speech therapy, but if it gets really bad you can get surgery...but I wouldn't b/c it can damage your vocal chords even worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest havoc11

Firstly, it's vocal nodules, not notes.

Secondly I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask. I doubt the huge majority of the singers here know what nodules are to begin off with.

For those who don't know what nodules are, it is damage upon your vocal chords (more precisely folds) due to improper singing techniques or vocal abuse.

havoc11, now how do you know for sure, you have nodules? Or is this a guess? It'd be nice if you could post yourself some symptoms you are getting that is leading you to think you have vocal nodules. It is quite hard to get, meaning you'd have to abuse pretty hard to obtain nodules.

yeah no problem. uh..i went to the doctors and they said its not nodes because of the fact that i can still talk normally. they gave me this inhaler thing that might help me with my voice. basically...i would clear my throat and nothign would be cleared. i try to sing in my range and its just raspy. no "luuggies" or whatever..when u spit out those..nasty things when you are sick..i just dont have any left. i feel tired when i try to talk or sing or yell. like forexample, some one wants to talk to me..i will try and avoid using verbal commands. like..ill nod my head or shake my head or do some kind of hand motion to talk to them. and if that doesnt work THEN i will speak. oh.. by the way imma delete the other thread this 1 seems more helpful.

this is annoying cus i feel like i am trapped and the only way out is by getting this vocal "problem" healed.=[

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Guest sikkony

I see.

Have you been singing excessively? Or shouting or something? Not enough sleep? Too much dairy food? Smoker? No warm up before sing?

Oh crud, thanks for all this info. I sing after I eat a lot

Raissa, you won't get nodules if you sing after you eat :P. It's just hard to sing and you won't get 100% of your singing quality (from what I know). I don't think there is anything bad to singing after eating.

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Guest sikkony

Haha, I'm sure I do a lot of things wrong though O_o

I can't sing as high as I used to ^^9

Ah I see. Well you are 13 (from what I know) and that's when girls have problems with vocals from what I've heard. I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know *shrugs*

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  • 5 months later...
Guest havoc11

I see.

Have you been singing excessively? Or shouting or something? Not enough sleep? Too much dairy food? Smoker? No warm up before sing?

Raissa, you won't get nodules if you sing after you eat :P. It's just hard to sing and you won't get 100% of your singing quality (from what I know). I don't think there is anything bad to singing after eating.

i have been singing on fridays and sundays for my church and i dont think thats excessive cus before i started singing for my church, i would sing with my friends every day and stuff....not a smoker...i do have less sleep i dont really eat/drink dairy that much...i warm up alittle before singing..


itsl ike...60% better..and its not getting any higher

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