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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest sophistichic

Oh sometimes, sometimes! I wake up, brush my teeth, change into clothes... and then I fall back asleep on my bed. When I do wake up from my 10 minute nap I do my bed, to stop me from falling asleep again. I'm just TOO lazy to remake a bed twice in one day... too much work.

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Guest MrMister

I usually make my bed.

I noticed one thing recently when I didn't make my bed. I live in the city where there is a lot of dust. A layer of dust appears after several days if I don't clean my room. When I lied on my bed, it left a dark mark on my back. I had to scrub hard to get it off. So I keep my blanket covering the bed when I don't use it.

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Guest hinatakia

i've made my bed like.... once? idk i see no point in it =]

i've asked my parents about it too o.o''' they think the same way... so its all good >=]

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Guest xLionHeartx

I asked my now deceased grandfather why I had to make the bed all the time. He replied to me by saying, so because you're going to crap later on, do you not wipe?

Yeah, pretty much make the bed after that.

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I just moved out of my mom's place to live in a dorm. My bed is lofted too so I never bother making my bed because it's dangerous. LOL. Seriously..my bed does not have a ladder or any type of railing whatsoever so I don't want to take the chances of falling while trying to make my bed.

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Guest baobao-bakachan

i make my own bed every morning (:

its just cuz im a neat person i guess.

i dislike when things ..especially in my room are messy and stuff. so yeah ;"D

its a good feeling when others people walked into my room and be like "OMFGHOLYCRAP YOUR ROOM IS HELLSA NEAT"

;D lmao.

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I make my bed.

It seems weird because I do it a certain way.

When I sit up in bed, I fix it and straighten it and then I slide out so that I don't wrinkle the blanket or anything.

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