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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest sheselle

Haha, sometimes.. but most of the time no because i'm going to sleep in it again at night, right? Haha =)

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Guest BANGiN_Ci

sometimes it depends on the day or whenever my mom tells me to.

but sometimes it bothers me to just see it messy so i just have to make my bed. haha

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Guest screamledisko

Sometimes I'll make my bed when I have time to spare. If I don't make it, my mom would. Lol she can't take seeing mess sometimes XD

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Guest pink lemons.

lols... i dont make my bed. but before i sleep in it, i like to at least fix it up a little.... lols. :D

haha same.

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Guest hellobby

My parents don't care. xD

I don't since I think it's a waste of time and don't see the point in it, lol. Like, I'm just gonna sleep in it later that night anyways. =P

Plus, I'm too lazy to do it, hehe. x]

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Guest monVIP

loll i never make my bed,

my beds always a mess.

but whats the point in making it if its gonna be messed later on anyways.

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Guest aaaaaallaaoeaa

I never make my bed. I really don't see the point of it..since I'm going to mess it up again. Maybe its just my laziness.

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Guest silverfire444

not usually, though sometimes i go through weird phases where i have to make my bed, fold my clothes and put them away properly, and basically be a neat freak. XD it usually only lasts like a month or two, though. lately i never really make it.

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Guest K_Holic

My mom makes me so I do it just to make her happy but I don't see a point in it for myself =P

I have to make it really neat because before i used to fold my blanket into a rectangular shape and my mom would tell me it looks ugly and i have to make it pretty xD

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Guest hearte

no, i don't make my bed,

it doesn't look that messy anyway :)

but when people come over and insist to visit my room,

i rush upstairs and fix it up,

as well as the rest of the mess in my room, haha

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Guest c i n d y

No and it pisses off my mom so much. Haha. I make it whenever she yells at me x_x; I should start making my bed though.

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Guest lavitadolce

once in a while i do

just because i want it to look neat

but most of the time im too lazy or have no time

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Guest CorruptedSilence__nomore

Never. I just hop out and leave it.

I like coming to my bed unmade.

And I thought an unmade bed is better ;D

I forgot why though but it was proven D:

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