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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest _maru_

Well...I have no time to make my bed, when I'm going to school.^^,

But I make my bed Saturdays and Sundays.

In my holidays I'm too lazy to make it.

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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9

I used to not do the bed but now i always think that "i too lazy to make the bed when i come home from school so it's better making the bed right now instead"

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Guest loveNpeace

honestly I don't make my bed unless it's really messy. If the blankets are just shuffled around a bit I just leave it be.

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Guest missinu

I don't. My mum nags at me seeing my bed's all messy and stuff but I told her what for when I'll be going back to sleep later. LOLL. I like to randomly lie on my bed whenever i feel like it so I don't see the point.

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Guest Kathy_

Hahah, depends on which house I'm at. :D

When I'm at my aunt's house, I neeeeeever make my bed. 'cos .. no one goes in my room anyway. (x

But when I'm at my momma's house, I make my bed every morning.

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Guest nahiki_jodecist

hmmm... no i dont.. i did when i was younger.. the only time i fix my bed is when the sheets are at the foot of my bed.. *i move a lot when i sleep*..

my mom doesnt even nag me about it coz she knows that wont do it.. hahaha

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