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Ever Laughed Out Of No Where?

Guest my_kangin

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Guest da_ENTP

Sure, why not? Kkakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakkakakakakakakak; is that unique enough for you? By the way, that is my signature laugh; don't copy it.

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Guest cee.jay

yeah lmao last time i did that was in legal studies and my teacher was like looking at me with a confused and amused look

"Whats so funny?!!!"

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Guest Jesszic@

happen to me this morning! xD

Fiq skip school today[yeap, he's bad] with YK! They told us since yesterday. lmao

and i suddenly thought of Fiq's signature laugh! LOL! I chuckle and grin out of nowhere~!

..his signature's laugh is soooo girlish! lmao~ okay, i couldn't stop giggle now! =X

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Guest x.misosoup

According to my friends, laughing is my exercise for the day. =] I tend to laugh a lot. Even today.... I was getting tutored for Chemistry... and I just started laughing... my friend started laughing too... we both couldn't stop. What made it worse was the tutor asked me a question... and I couldn't even answer it.

The worse thing about laughing in class... is that you can't make any noise... and therefore it sounds like you're hyperventilating. LOL!

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Guest JunRi<3

I absolutely love how I do that. HAHAHA. <- good example right there.

It breaks the tension. I like doing it sometimes because it makes uptight people less uptight. Yeea there are gonna be people who call you weird if you laugh randomly, but it's awesome when you find friends that enjoy your random outbursts.

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Guest LitoYammy

YES! It's so embarrassing! LOLL! When I get bored, I tend to think of funny things and even at things that aren't even funny but I still end up smiling or laughing. X: This happens a lot when I'm walking somewhere or traveling somewhere in general lol.

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Guest ♥WonderBang♥

this happens to me a lot. for some reason usually when im bored or when its really quiet like a classroom i think of somethin funny that happened,and i jus start laughing out of nowhere. i try to hold it in but it doesn't really work. and then there's ppl staring at me like there's something wrong wit me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest proFRESHional.

HAHA YEAH! i be thinking of some funny moments i have with my friends

then all of a sudden i just laugh out loud and people be like o_o LOL i feel dum for laughing out loud though AHHA i cant help it xD

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Guest PaperPrince

I happens to me all the time, but I don't bust out laughing. I kinda chuckle and smirk.

My sister seems to be the one to always catch me when it happens and she gives me a weird look like I'm crazy.

I reminiscence a lot haha.

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Guest Kayuu

That has happened to me alot of times.

I think of a funny scene and I smile or laugh.

Some people just gave me weird looks. ^^;

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haha yes i do this often.. when i was in high school ppl in my class thought i was high or sumthing.. and asked me wat im smoking.. rofll but out of nowhere somthing pops in my mind and start laughing.. cant control it sumtimez.. :P

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Guest illumine*

I don't burst out laughing but I suddenly smile if I remember something funny that happened the day before or sometime in the past. Happens a lot when I'm in a daze, haha.

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