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Skins ☆

Guest rapunzel283

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Guest lovebum4life

Okay I watched all of season 1 which was good but season 2 kinda suxs so far but I really really hope it gets better......the subs help sometimes tho b/c Brits talk really fast & sometimes use slangs i don't understand at all.

My favorite character is Maxxie and Chris :) Everyone else is fine & Michelle is a rainbow.

The overall show is amazing though and this is coming from someone who usually doesn't watch or enjoy britsh shows that much but this show is amazing. I just wish it weren't so edited so i have to watch it online. I also want to kick the person who told me it was like GG. GG is a preschool show compared to SKINS.

btw what kind of accent does sketch have because it sounds kinda weird?

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Guest loveprint


Sketch has a very strong Welsh accent.

I thought Season two was great but died down a bit at episode 3. Maybe because I love Maxxie too much. Aw, but really, it's a shame you don't enjoy British shows that much. They've knocked out some pretty impressive stuff.

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Guest lovebum4life


I don't know I don't really get brit humor and i haven't found a show that makes me addicted to it yet. I love Brit reality shows & movies but before SKINS I haven't found a drama that grabs me yet.

So when I said I don't usually enjoy Brit shows I was mostly talking about the dramas/series.

Since i'm enjoying SKINS so much do you think you can reccommand some brit or maybe even aussie shows(never tried that before) for me?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest loveprint



I'll definitely recommend you some when I get to properly sit down.

For now, maybe you guys might want to check out Britannia High with Mitch Hewer (with a God-awful perm). It follows a bunch of aspiring dancers. The show is set out like Skins in the sense that each episode focuses on one character. There are currently 3 episodes that have been aired, I believe? I have yet to watch it, though. Apparently it's good.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest loveprint

Meet the new cast of Skins.





There are more characters, but their sneak peek videos have not been released, yet. D:

I miss the old cast, but it doesn't look too bad.

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Yay I love Skins!

I started watching it toward the beginning of this year and I am now obsessed, can't wait for season 3. B)

Oh and the new cast seems good, I'm glad Pandora is in there

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest loveprint

Season 3 character profiles! I'm so excited for it.



AGE: 16

MOTTO: Do something, man. Just do something that matters.

This internet <expletive>, man. I don't get it. Millions of <expletive> students bashing away at their keyboards, complaining about stuff. Complaining about what's on telly, and stupid crap like that. <expletive>.

Have you seen that <expletive> clip? Those two girls puking in each other's mouths? Sick, man. But it's LIFE, innit? For better or worse, it's real. That's more like it – that's what the internet is for, right?

I'm Cook by the way. Alright?

I'd post that clip – but the computer I'm on, my mates, his parents have put a lock on it to stop looking at porn. That's pretty unreasonable.

I like watching clips of the footy. Mostly that <expletive> Lampard being a fat moaning <expletive> and John Terry bricking it as he prepares to miss yet another crucial-as-mini cooper penalty. Class stuff, man.

There's these sites where you can watch all the American telly. Most of it's <expletive>, like, but there's this show which is just these dudes <expletive> around with bikes. American Chopper, it's called. I like that one. I like the beards. Shows commitment.

Everyone's doing this social networking stuff. Poking each other and whatever. I'd join – but only to scope out the birds' richard simmons – which is why every other <expletive> joins up anyway. Plus I'd only have two mates – that'd be the Fredster and JJ. Decent blokes to have about, mind. Freddie – he's cool. SK8R Boi and all that. You know the story. And he's a pretty <expletive> too. JJ – he's proper mental but his brain could've been designed by Casio, speed he thinks.

This is where I'd normally put all the <expletive> I like, all the bands and footy players and telly I watch and that. <expletive> that man. Who gives a <expletive>? Who's got the time to richard simmons around making lists?

FAVOURITE BAND: Toots and the Maytails, Trojan Reggae

T.V. SHOWS: The Shield

FILM STARS: Paddy Considine, Danny Dyer

DREAM DATE: Princess Diana

FAVOURITE WEBSITES: www.rathergood.com




AGE: 16

MOTTO: "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind. Have no fear for atomic energy, cos none of them can stop the time" - Bob Marley

ABOUT ME: Skateboarding. Hiking. Smoking weed. Friends. Sitting down. Watching. Learning. Pretty girls. These are a few of the things that make life worth living.

Er... it's a bit hard to think of something to say that Cook won't take the richard simmons out of, but luckily, he can't read. Or at least, I don't think he can. If you don't know Cook, he was the one who was sick on your shoes the other night. Seriously. He probably was. Especially those of you who live in Thailand.

I live at home, with my Dad and my sister, you might know her too, or at least, you will one day if she gets her way. She wants to be one of those lovely people with red circles around their thighs in Heat. My Mum's dead, in case you were thinking of leaving comments on my page with 'your mum' jokes (it's happened before.) But otherwise... things are alright, you know?

The sun keeps shining, wheels keep spinning, it all just keeps chugging along.

Take it easy...


FAVOURITE BAND: Rage Against The Machine, Battles, DJ Shadow, The Beach Boys and Roots Manuva.

T.V SHOWS: I am, secretly, kind of an Apprentice fan. Sorry. Sorry.

FILM STARS: Carmel Moore. Wink wink.

FAVOURITE WEBSITES: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rFeEPlOiPy8&...feature=related ...have some of that!




AGE: 16

MOTTO: Sticks and stones will break your bones but rumours will haunt you forever...So don't <expletive> with me.

WHO AM I: I'm a Bristol Roovers WAG. WAGs are always stereotyped to be blond, gold digging bimbos who degrade themselves by dating arrogant and stupid footballers in order to secure themselves a spread in OK! Magazine. Well I'm here to rebuke this and stand up for my girlies. We're not dumb blonds, in fact I'm a fierce red head, who is about to start at Roundview College. I'm also not a gold digger. Yes, Danny buys me present but that's a boyfriend's job, whether he's a footballer or a Big Issue seller. Also, I love smiling. I have a beautiful smile and pouting is for idiots. Looking like a giant orange because you've over done the St. Tropez is also stupid. I live in Bristol, not LA and I like having a pale complexion. It's real. Being real is the most important thing in the world. I have an identical twin called Emily. We have learnt that even though we look the same, we are different and in order for people to be able to recognise this, we must be real, we must be ourselves, not each other. As for the future, <expletive> ambitions, they just restrict you. I do what I want, when I want and don't think about anything long term. Who knows what tomorrow could bring?

FAVOURITE TUNES: Britney (before her breakdown), Amy (after her breakdown). I love any music that I can dance and sing along to.

MUST WATCH TV: Gossip girl, Footballers Wives, Prison Break - or anything with Wentworth Miller in it - He is incred!

FAVE FILM STAR: Marilyn obviously.

DREAM DATE: David and Vicky B.

FAVOURITE WEBSITES: www.pop<expletive>.com, www.eonline.com and www.topshop.co.uk




AGE: 16.

MOTTO: This is the most absurd question - what sort of person makes a motto up for themselves!

ABOUT ME: The name Emily means to rival, which I find oddly ironic because I'm a twin. I wonder if my mum had any knowledge of this when she named me. I find it even more ironic that Katie (the name of my twin) means pure and virginal. Lol!

HOBBIES: I really like gardening. I know that might make me sound like a weirdo but I don't really care. That's the whole point about the internet - you'll probably never meet me. The thing with gardening is it's quite therapeutic. I'm not one of the nutters who talks to flowers and strokes the grass but I just like planting things and watering them and watching them grow and then watching them die. The garden is the only quiet place in my house. It's nice. It's different.

TV SHOWS: In my spare time I like doing interesting things. I hate sitting watching mini cooperting television, especially that programme 'My Family'. Who in their right mind would volunteer to be taped for 100 days? Believe me, if my family were observed, I predict it would take about 4 days before my sister was arrested and my brother was taken into a mental institution. I like to think I'm the only normal one. At least I hope I am.

FAVOURITE BAND: I find it weird that I can remember every single word to every single Spice Girl's song yet I can't remember anything about my GSCE English text and I took that exam about 3 months ago. Not that I'm implying I'm a Spice Girl fan. Because I'm not. Katie used to force me to learn the dances with her and then we'd put on stupid shows. It wasn't fun.

FILM STARS: Ditta von Tesse

DREAM DATE: Jack the Ripper - just so I could find out who he was.

FAVOURITE WEBSITES: www.dirtydirtydancing.com - for the style






AGE: 16

MOTTO: "The card you were thinking of is the ace of diamonds, and no, I am not telling you how I did it"

"Bring me the head of Paul Daniels and I'll put it in a box and turn it into some lovely rabbits and maybe a bunch of flowers"

ABOUT ME: I am the reincarnation of a native American warrior from Utah who was known as Laughing Gravy, this may not be true, but if I put down what I actually am then you might judge me. Then again, putting down that I am a Native American Warrior from Utah (reincarnated) might make you judge me anyway. I could say that I liked making models, but then you'd read that I like making models and you'd think what a geek, "unless he mainly makes the models as an alibi for glue sniffing" which is not why I do it (not that I do make models, I never said that did I, and even if I did say that, what right have you got to judge me, apart from the fact that this is the internet and being unfairly judged is what it's all about, it's really just a big wall of graffiti and Wikipedia and you can't always trust that, hang on, this sentence is too long, sorry, I have wasted your time). I once thought about having a tattoo of Steven Seagal, I don't know why, I don't even like his films, apart from the one with the woman in the cake. If I could sum myself up in one word, then I would really be a very boring person, so I won't, though I would quite like the word to be enigmatic.

I have braces (teeth not legs)

FAVOURITE BAND: I should probably say Glasvegas as research suggests that 32% of people aged between 16 and 22 have put them on their myspace, but I haven't heard them, then again, better to surf the zeitgeist, so Glasvegas (whoever they are)

T.V SHOWS: I like house makeover shows , only because I like to imagine one day they'll knock down a wall and find a dead man or screeching cat behind it, but they rarely do (in fact so far, never, therefore hopefully increasing the statistical chance that they will find one soon)

FILM STARS: Will Ferrell

FAVOURITE WEBSITES: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=p86BPM1GV8M






AGE: 16

SEX: No thanks.

MOTTO: two words: Barrack - Obama.

ABOUT ME: I'm not actually joining this because everyone else is but because I like making connections with random strangers...interesting ones...who want to change the world without becoming a footballer's wife or a porn star. Life's all about meeting interesting individuals who you come across in ways that you'd never expect. Like the time I was on a flight back from Barcelona, I noticed a really pretty looking chubby Slovakian girl who seemed to be traveling on her own. In the waiting time before the flight, she wouldn't look at anyone, wouldn't smile and she had a face as sour as anything. Then, on the plane, I just happened to sit next to her and thought, here we go - two hours of silent irritable treatment. Instead, she suddenly became this amazingly animated joyful human being and we talked, and laughed the whole way back. People make judgments way too quickly. We're too obsessed with technology, phones and computers and <expletive>, to talk to each other face to face these days. Put the thumbs down, and let's talk people! Stop using your latest 7300 flip phone GPS and have a proper conversation. So Marta, if you are reading this, get in touch (your number went in the washing machine along with my jeans but I'd love to hear from you).

I guess I'm an old fashioned kind of girl, woman, whatever. I only got a mobile phone last year. But I'm not going to be one of those people who prop themselves up and need to fill every silence by getting out their mobile phone and texting or listening to messages of calling their BFFE's. Put the props down. Just be yourself.

So add me if you hate global capitalism, love drinking maté tea like one inspiring Argentinean Revolutionary I met or quite simply if you're bored of not being listened to and want change! Don't add me if you're single. It won't happen. Trust me.

P.S. Anyone interested in fighting tuition fees and other injustices not just in this country but worldwide can get hooked up to BATTLEFRONT - check it out - Young campaigners doing Young politics for Young people!!! There’s a protest march coming soonish which yours truly will be going on. Back it or jog!

LIKES: Your mum.

FAVOURITE BAND: Blondie, Sleater Kinney, Le Tigre, Chromatics.

T.V SHOWS: TV? Don’t make me laugh.

FILM STARS: I hate Orlando Bloom.

DREAM DATE: Dalai Lama, actually wait, no cos it'd have to be a vegetarian meal then, wouldn't it? OK the Dalai Lama in an Aberdeen Angus Steak House.

FAVOURITE WEBSITES: www.letigreworld.com






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Guest Vagabond.

Recently started watching this show- love it!

I love how there's a very wide variety of characters and it deals with sex, drugs and stuff like that.

Yeah.. Michelle kind of annoys me .____.

I love Maxxie and Cassie... I reckon Sid is kinda cute x333

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Guest goodnessgracious


I don't know I don't really get brit humor and i haven't found a show that makes me addicted to it yet. I love Brit reality shows & movies but before SKINS I haven't found a drama that grabs me yet.

So when I said I don't usually enjoy Brit shows I was mostly talking about the dramas/series.

Since i'm enjoying SKINS so much do you think you can reccommand some brit or maybe even aussie shows(never tried that before) for me?

Try Secret Diary of a Call Girl. The theme is weird (prostitutes :D ), but it is pretty good. Season 1 is, don't bother watching Season 2, it's crap.

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Guest akirasberry

the new cast seem pretty interesting so farr

it'll be tough having to live up to the expectations of the 1st cast

i loved the first cast so much <3

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Guest loveprint

The new gang!


Thomas is a good, honest, honourable soul


Emily's shy and depends on her sister to be the dynamic one



Naomi Campbell is a beautiful idealist


Naomi is passionate, political and principled


Master illusionist JJ's got a huge imagination


With child-like excitement, JJ dreams up entertaining schemes


Cook knows Freddie will always be there to bail him out


Oozing charisma, James Cook is a risk taker


Cook gets his shirt off for Heat's Torso of the Week!


Freddie's travelling through life on his skateboard


Freddie Mclair's got bags of potential but no va va voom


Freddie's turn for Heat's Torso of the Week


Katie Fitch


Karen Mclair's a firecracker with big dreams of being famous


Effy will be turned inside-out over the course of the series


Soon Effy's home life falls apart


Effy's attractive to all around her and utterly in control of herself


Effy is torn between Cook and Freddie


Effy is totally independent


An adorable virgin, Pandora's found a best friend in Effy


Pandora's sweet and keeps this new group of friends together




To be honest, there are too many girls for my taste. Guy characters are just so much more interesting to me. But eh.

And is it just me or is there a lot more characters than usual? D:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest love!mvmt

the ending of season 1 and 2 still kill me to this day.

i want to know what happened with sid & cassie :{

oh and who else absolutely loves the season 2 trailer?

i really like how their trailers didnt show random clips from a couple episodes, it was just a story with no words and all these emotions & actions along with everything going on around them, so you had to actually watch all of this crazy stuff that was happening. and the music is great as well. love love love skins.

but anyway, the new trailer for the 3rd season actually does show some scenes of an episode, so.. that kind of dissapointed me. lmao i guess i am just expecting too much from their trailers now. but i am still so so so excited for the new season. the new cast will take me forever to get used to TT

and i believe the new season is going to start airing on January 22. :)

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Too many characters? No I don't think so, if you look at season 1 there were tons of characters, just not a lot of characters who had major roles. I'm sure it's like that with this bunch.

OH man do I love Effy<3 She's a scandalous beast. And Pandora's such a freak haha.

Does anyone know when they're going to start airing season three?

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Guest goodnessgracious

I seriously can't wait. I love Skins so much. But yeah, I wish there would be more boys (hot boys, like Tony and Maxxie). By the way, am I the only person who thinks that the new actors look a lot younger? Aren't they supposed to be Six form students?

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To be honest, there are too many girls for my taste. Guy characters are just so much more interesting to me. But eh.

And is it just me or is there a lot more characters than usual? D:

I think it's because Effy is the main character and naturally girls would have more girl friends. I think they would have found better looking people though. Effy is way to beautiful compared to the rest of the guys. She's going to outshine them in terms of looks all the time (then it gets boring...)

Freddie is cute though. Are they younger? I think this just begins right when Tony's generation leaves. So it makes sense that they are younger if that's the case.


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Guest GwendolynGuillotine

Yayyy they were hanging out in Camden. Cool place to shop. lol.

I <3 Naomi. There's not a lot of people like her these days.

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