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Ju Jihun 주지훈 - [Upcoming Drama 2024] Dominant Species [Movie 2023] Project Silence [Movie 2023] Ransomed


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Haloooo HunNies...How are you girls?
1_ copy

@Withieee - you're very welcome dear :x Yeah lucky girl!!! She can hold and massage Oppa's chicken legs :-? :-w :D
Another lucky girl!!! a5d4c8dc985d11e38fe012b1c8928cc9_8

Still photos from  "Otaru Yukiakarinomichi" event...







I would love to have novel of Marriage Blue with Jihoon signature  in it :P

We can recognizing his signature, right? :D
산방산 맛집 5

Cuteee!! hehe...

But look at this, Jihoon in photo session!! Thank you Cyako 28...Gyaaaaahhhhh hot, sexy, and of course handsome!!!!

Credit : Amy

Waves to all my lovely HunNies :x
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Guest Goongfan11

Annyeong Hunnies!  Special hello to all my chingus...@mabelle, @novchime, @yannyayson, @lualm, @malika82, @witchieee, @sophie, @ziera25 and anyone else I may have forgotten...mianhae!
BIG Thank You to malika82, wotchieeee, mabelle and hookedonjjh for all your posts!
@malika82 - I really like Ji Hoon in suits, but he actually looks so handsome in anything, right?  Casual or formal....I love his looks!!!  :x :\"> :P;))
I love all the pics and mv's...so many nice ones to look at!!!
These are some of my favorites!
I enjoy hearing Ji Hoon sing...wish I could see him in concert or at a fan meeting.
I really like this pose with his arm through his sweater and showing some skin...kekeke...my kids do this in my classroom, but it doesn't look sexy when they do it!  Probably because they aren't handsome, like JI Hoon!  I need a MAN!!! lol...  =)) :)) =))  I'm really NOT a pervert, REALLY! Jincha!
How about Ji Hoon with glasses and a soft mustache?  Still looks cute!!! Kiyeopta!
Keep posting nice pics and mv's my chingus!  :-h :)>- \:D/

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Guest ziera25




I am back from my holidays, it was great ! and fun !.

Any hints from JU JI HOON for his new projects manhwa or melodrama, or thriller -  movies ?.

I might not be able to post for now, will be busy with some projects, but will definitely read your

postings !. Take care JOO JI HOON AND ALL HUNNIES HERE !!!.



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Guest hookedonjjh

Well hello my lovely HUNnies! How's everyone doing? I'm sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a while, got caught up with work and Valentine's day and everything that comes in between, so yeah. BTW, thanks for all the goodies! Let me share what I gather on Amy's blog. (sorry if these has been posted before though) 


All of me DVD disc 1-1


JJH: Well, hello.

I'm in Samchung dong. ( Samcheongdong )

There are many traditional houses,

Pretty shops, and many restaurants,

You'll like it if you come here.

There's a palace right here,

It's nice to look around.

There are more people here than before.

It's quite crowded during weekends,

But strangely,

The streets are quiet even if there are many people,

Would you know what I mean?

People are crowded, but the street doesn't move.

It's a nice town.

Actually it's far from my house.

I used to come here a lot when I rode a motorbike,

The street connected with Sung Buk dong is beautiful

And so I came here often on a motorbike.

And I've come here again.

There are small shops like this.

This place is nice too.

Do we call this white pebble?

You can only see these stones near the river.

There are old kennels too.

And the street I'm walking now is the back street of Samchung dong

There is the main street even in Japan, or Europe.

But that street isn't long enough.

If you just try walking to streets like this,

There are nice places that are not on the main streets.

Side streets like this are really beautiful.

I used to live in a crowded place

So I like side streets better than the main road.

Streets like this make me feel happy.

If I have money and time,

I'd like to open a shop that are not big in the future.

I want to communicate with people

And deal with things that I personally like.

Or maybe a small bar ...

My aim is not profit,

But there need to be profit

So I can keep running the place.

I have a dream to open a shop like that.

Just one block away from this place is the main street.

Since you'll see that place a lot,

I came here on purpose.

It looks like a photo right?

Please make this black and white

I want to see whether it's like a photo.

Do you know what this is?

Urinating on road prohibited.

Men and women are all prohibited.

There's the stone wall.

Palace stone wall ............. video screen to 03:47

Disc 1-2

JJH: I keep saying this, but I really like side streets,

There’s a nice Korea restaurant that someone I know from a musical introduced me,

There’s the course dish, and the amount is right.

The place is right here.

Insadong Korea restaurant(Neujo)


Isn’t it beautiful ?

It’s a wooden signboard.

Come on in.


店家: Yes, Hello.


店家: You may go in.

This is a Korea restaurant.

And you’ll eat in a room.

So it’s nice, and it also feels like a hideout.

Can you see at the back?

This leaf and the pine tree….

It looks nice with white,

I like atmospheres like this.

The food is nice,

It’s really perfect.

Most Korea food are served at once.

But in this place,

They serve some porridge as an appetizer at first,

And then the main dish, and then the dessert.

You don’t have to in a hurry to eat at this place,

If you come to Korea, This place is near Insandong.

When you walk around, your legs will hurt and you’ll be tired

Then you can come here…

This is a Korean underfloor heating system, and it’s really warm…

And you can eat dinner…

With some conversations.

You can talk about what you saw that day.

It’s a place where you can have conversations.

It’s really nice.


Thank you .

It’s pumpkin porridge . (前菜-南瓜粥)

This is radish water kimchi. (喝了一定要發出那種聲音就是了斜眼)

If you eat this radish water kimchi,

You won’t need hangover cures.

There’s more food coming.

Thank you .

It’s really delicious.

Isn’t it beautiful?

The Korea food has big amount,

But not this place. It’s nice.

And I really like that sound. (媽媽說不能敲碗叔叔有練過不可以學呦!!!~^^)

Do you know the wind chime? Wind chime sound?

I really love wind chime sound.  (可以買風鈴給朱阿呆呦~^^)

I’m sorry for eating alone.

I went to Japan often ,

And Japanese friends eat holding the bowl like this, (台灣也是這樣要把碗拿起來不然會被大人罵!)

But in Korea, you’ll get scolded.

You have to leave it down.

The culture seems to be similar, but it’s different.

This is a garnish.

You can wrap up what you like to eat.

You can tell anything .

Why? It’s delicious only when you wrap up what you want.

Actually I don’t know what this is.

I think this is black raspberry.

(The men staffs are opening their eyes wide by the word black raspberry.)

I’m sorry.

I’m not sure, but pumpkin porridge is good for sulky parts.


And this is…grey.gif

Pork, It looks like smoked port.

And these are all herbs.

You can eat it like this.The food will keep being served.




Disc 1-3

Café Rainbow (Han River)

JJH: This is a café near Han river.

And there’s an elevator too.

If you legs hurt, you can ride on it,

But I walk until the 3rd floor.

The café is above Han River bridge, and the scenery is nice.

It’s beautiful now because of the snow.

There are people working out.

I also run along Han River instead of going to fitness clubs.

It’s really nice.


It feels like a cold store.

If you come up here, you can see the Han River in 360 degrees.

Look around. It’s quite dizzy…

I couldn’t drink coffee,

But I learned from Jae Wook.

Some say that coffee is good, and some say it’s bad.

I didn’t really want to learn coffee, but somehow I learned it.


If you go this much…towards that side, there’s the Namsan Tower.

That Namsan Tower I the symbol of Seoul.

They call is Seoul Tower.

We call is Namsan Tower,

But foreigners call is Seoul Tower.

I went there privately,

And sometimes for shooting,

I will go there soon.

I’ll talk about it later.

My cellphone is actually 2G, and old one.

I am using someone else’s cell phone.

Q: Do you like games?

I play games sometimes, and I have a game console,

And once or twice a year, I fall into games,

I stay over night for a few days,

And I don’t play it for about 9 to 10 months.

 Q: Console game?

JJH: Yes, console game.


Level up !

It’s a real simple game, but it’s addictive.

There are too many smart people in the word.

Not everyone is like me.(知道就好, 噗) 

Q: You are born to look nice on photographs.

JJH: That’s because I met good photographers.

It’s a joke, it looks nice because of the make-up. (誠實的小孩..呵呵呵)

I was 11kg slimmer than now.

Q: You were more slim than now.

JJH: Yes.

I gained 11kg than that day. 

Q: How long did it take you go gain 11kg?

JJH: I didn’t take years. I gained 6,7kgs in just 3 months from October.

I told you just now, but I have a lumbar disc.

I got this disc while working out violently.

In October, and now I can’t exercise anymore.

I can work out at all.

Q: Is it that severe?

It’s not like I’m going to die,

But I can feel pain at my back all the time.

Sometimes I can’t lie down or even sit down. (心疼)

I keep going to hospital .

Q: You’ll have a hard time when you go to the army.

JJH: I have to take pain killers with me.

I’m not staying for 2 years, so I have to bear it.

So I get treatments everyday.


Q: Aren’t you afraid of injections ?

JJH: Injections?

I am…not scared of something coming into my body.

Like getting injections…

Is there acupuncture in Japan too?

I’m not afraid of acupuncture.

I listened well to my mother since I was young.

I trusted my mother.

When I sprained my ankle,

My mother took me to an Oriental clinic,

And wanted me to get acupuncture.

I asked her to treat me, and not anybody else. 

But I followed her because she wanted me to.

And I cried when an old man stabbed a big needle.

Q: A big needle… 

JJH: Well, I was about six,

And I stopped crying when my mother said

‘Hey, think carefully, it doesn’t hurt”

Don’t keep crying and think again.

When he stabbed another one. It just stinged a bit.

I’m not afraid of getting injections.

Q: Your mother is smart.

JJH: Yes.

I was gentle when I was young.

The back of my head is straight like a cliff.

Q: Can you show us ? 

JJH: Yes.

It’s flat if you touch it.

When she laid me know. I just fell asleep.

I didn’t even turn over once.

I kind of blame her.

Q: A secret that the fans don’t know is revealed. 

Q: You are quite thin.

JJH: Not anymore

Q: Well, not anymore but…Few months ago.

JJH: You like animals , and you are quiet,

Q: So the Japanese fans think you are timid, introspective,

And are afraid of going to hospitals.  

JJH: Ah. Really?

Q: of coure.

JJH: Even if I am infront of the camera, I talk and laugh well

With the people I don’t know well,

When I come outside.

But I don’t come out usually,

And don’t like meeting people I don’t know much.

That’s why they think like that.

I hang out well once I meet them.

Once I meet them, I don’t take to strangers.

But I’m shy before I meet someone.

And when my friend wants me to come over,

I don’t go if he’s with someone I don’t know.

I used to be like this before becoming an actor.

I must be one of the top of having poor relationships.

I’m serious.

Q: Which actor do you think has a poorer relationship than you ?

JJH: I don’t know that.

Q: then

JJH: The two actors I know are Kim Jak Wook, and Ryu Duk Hwan.

Q:Then do they have similar characteristics with you ?

JJH: Ryu Duk Hwan likes meeting people.and going outside.

And Jae Wook…I’m not sure about him.

He probably won’t know well about himself.

They are interesting people.


All of me Disc1-4

Q: What is the piece that you hesitated?

JJH: Musical “Don Juan”

I started the musical without firm belief.

Q:To do but later thought you had made the right decision? 

JJH: It’s not a matter of whether it will go well or not. 

The director helped me a lot during the “Palace’.

I couldn’t make any choice.

And I was inside every character I acted after that.

I could do it well.

It’s not that I’m good in vocalization ,

But they were characters that had the feelings.

I felt during my life.

Don Juan’ wasn’t, but I did it.

Because I liked the stage.

Q: It seems you must be more nervous on stage 

JJH: When I first stood on the stage…

It felt like as if my heart was going to burst.

I asked somme stupid questions.

When my juniors asked me the same question .

When I was a model ,

I gave them the same answer.

I told them that your heart will beat until you die.

I don’t think it’s necessary to do something once you are not nervous . 

Q: Do you feel the tension on stage? 

JJH: You have to walk about 40m on the runway.

Q:Which you felt on the runway.

JJH: It feels great.

Q:When you were a model?

JJH: To explain more easily,

When I stand next to the door,

There’s a person who gives the cue sign. If he say “cue’,

Times stops from the moment I go on the runway.

It feels like swimming in water…

And even the sight too.

There are too many flash, and the music is too loud,

And your body vibrates,

You lose sense of space, and your sight a little bit.

And you feel dizzy.

That’s what I felt.

You see white things, and when you open your eyes,

You are at the back of the stage.

I will say that feeling lasts for 2 hours.



2014 calendar


Lastly, I would like to give a shout out to my ladies, hello @Malika82 ( I miss you too girl!), @Mabelle147, @Yannyayson, @novchime, @goongfan11, @witchwithnostick and to all my lovely HUNnies in the house! Hugs and love to all! 

>:D< :x

Credit: Amy and 5050papi

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Guest novchime

Nice posts @Malika, @witchie, @ziera25 and @hookedonJJH.  Thanks for the information, especially from the AOM DVD.  We could get to know more about who the real JiHoon is, his dreams, likes, etc.  He said he likes wood chimes - looks like I picked the right name here....

@ziera25, welcome back.  Wow, that was a long vacation!  Happy to see you back...

Greetings to all Hunnies!

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@Goongfan11 - I love his looks too, in casual or formal !!!  :x :D :\">
Btw, whether your kids do this pose?? heheh...

[20110618-1544420]. BMP

Or this pose maybe? :P




Or mmhh this pose?? (Lol!) You need a man, right? :D Oopss..




[20110618-2358191]. BMP

[20110621-1242149]. BMP

Showing some skin too !!! kekeke...


Cuteee pose!!
[20110618-2342083]. BMP

[20110618-2339515]. BMP

[20110618-1550240]. BMP


 Forgive me, Chingu! Sorry for you and your kids too, its just joking! :P :)>-  But hot, sexy, handsome, and cute Jihoon, it's real not a joke :x :D
And here it is.....Jihoon with a soft mustache for you :x

@Ziera25 - Annyeong haseyo :x Still no hints from Good Friends movie :((  Hope we can see Jihoon's update pics and news soon!! Miss Jihoon runaway in catwalk!! Thanks..
@Sophie - Still waiting Marriage Blue airing in NET...



@Hookedonjjh - Love the real Jihoon!!! thanks...
Jihoon said that he'd like to open a shop in the future right??? Okay, i will visit his shop. Chat and take many picture with him kekeke... How about you, Sam? hahaha..
Just find MV from 5050 papi too, gyaaaahhh miss him soooo much!! Always love him in photo session, very confident!!! He is truly model :x

Ju Jihoon ~ 2 years from Cyako28

@Novchime - Helooo dear?! These pictures are nice, right?

But, what's wrong with his tongue? heheh...

@Mabelle - How are you dear? Hope you have a nice weekend :x

@Witchieee, @yannyayson - hope you are fine okay....

Waves to all my lovely HunNies in the house....*Hugs*

Cre: as tagged and Amy

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Guest hookedonjjh

It's me again! Since I so missed all of you and this forum, I'm going to post as many Ji Hoon goodies as I can  ;)  ;))
I'am King

I wouldn't mind oppa having a twin brother, or even quintuplets, haha! That nose though, I can't even.

Awww, hush now oppa, Sam will take care of you >:D>:D>:D<

Hottest King ever!!! 

^:)^ 8-> :x :-*

2013 Fan meeting "With you"

UBER H-O-T, enough said 


@Malika82, well "we" my man Ji Hoon and I will warmly welcome you to our humble shop so no need for me to take pictures with him. The wife has to help with the business right? So yeah, we will make your stay worthwhile and I will let you chat and take pictures with my husband since we do "more" than that at home. hahaha! I'm going crazy again, your fault babe! Why do you have to ask what I would do with my baby love, you so know the answer, hahaha! :)) =))
You're welcome @novchime, I missed posting and being crazy over our man on here. 
Hugs and love to all my lovely HUNnies! 

>:D< :x

Credit: as labeled, Amy and Cyako28
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welcome back.. happy to see you again! thanks for the MV of Officiel Hommes

yap, it sucks!!! hate hate hate >:) >:)
and still there's no further news when will the NET TV airing the movie! how irresponsible they are!
after making us woke up until late at nite!

:)) :D

@malika82 and @hookedonjjh
wow wow wooooow!!! many thanks chingus! all of the MV and pictures are A M A Z I N G!

i agree with you with the label "UBER HOT!"

also waves to my dear @Novchime, @Goongfan11, @Witchwithnostick, @Yannyayson,

Mianhae chingus,
i feel so exhausted lately, it got me bad mood or just lost my mood. work - go home - rest. :-<
but am surely missing you all.. !  :-*
for now please allow me to just enjoying your lovely posts and being hypnotized by Joo Ji Hoon. :x

hope all of you are doing fine & stays healthy.


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Guest Goongfan11


said: Nice posts @Malika, @witchie, @ziera25 and @hookedonJJH.  Thanks for the information, especially from the AOM DVD.  We could get to know more about who the real JiHoon is, his dreams, likes, etc.  He said he likes wood chimes - looks like I picked the right name here....

@ziera25, welcome back.  Wow, that was a long vacation!  Happy to see you back...

Greetings to all Hunnies!

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Cute Oppa  :x  

Hello HunNies...Do you heard news that Kim Eun Sook write screenplay for drama"Descendants of the Sun"? The story about: A man and woman who jump into a disaster scene cares for each during the desperate situation. They become close and fall in love.I know Kim Eun Sook as a good writer who made The City Hall, Secret Garden, A gentleman's Dignity, and The Heirs too. I hope Jihoon can join in her drama project, crossing finger!! I believe Jihoon can act really well...I hope he act in drama soon, indeed !!! Okay, i hope Jihoon choose RomCom drama but everything drama he played i will watch for him heheh..

id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis;"2012のハピネス by cyako28

@Hookedonjjh - Kyaaaaaaaaa...well my fault hahaha...I know you! You're very smart (Lol!) Okay, if  Jihoon having a twin brother....................One Jihoon for me kekeeke....If he having three brothers.....

Unfortunately Jihoon only one person!!!!! Otoke????!

Jihoon in Hanbok, handsome too!! 





I am A King is very funny movie :x


id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"Ju JiHoon ☆ 「私は王である」 Fighting !! by JJHYEH1603

@Mabelle147 - You're welcome! I will miss your lovely posts :D
Happy holiday Chingu :x

@Goongfan11 - Naughty me!!!! Hahaha....Ok, let's we imagine Jihoon only!!! He is a beautiful object for the imagination (Lol!)


Naughty Oppa!!


Waves to all my lovely HunNies...Happy weekend :x
Ps: @Momoko Hiroshi - Annyeong??! 
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Guest hookedonjjh

Hello HUNnies, more from All of me DVD  :D ;;)
Disc 1-5

Namsan Cable Car

JJH: This is where you can ride the Namsan cable car.

I’ve never rode this before.

I’m nervous.

I’m scared.

I saw just now.

And I think 48 people can ride on one cable car.

Q: The maximum number is 48?

JJH: Yes.

But today, we got to ride this ourselves specially .

If you come here and ride the cable car, you can see seoul.

And personally, I like Namsan.

I don’t ride motorbikes now, but when I used to ride it,

I came to Namsan often .

I came here at Namsan with my lovers and my friends…

And the Don Juan’s practice room is in Namsan .

It’s in Namsan, and I used to stay here all the time.

But I’ve never rode the cable car before.


It’s going.

It’s really my first time.

Wow, it’s nice.

It’s going up like this.

There’s a meat stew restaurant, and other restaurants.

The practicing room is right at the end.

It’s nice to go on a cable car,

I can’t explain because I don’t know the exact path,

But you can walk up

Until Namsan’s observatory. Until seoul Tower.

It’d be nice to walk there if you like walking.

There are traditional houses. 

Q: Is that house personal possession ?

JJH: It’s a restaurant. 

Is it a restaurant?


Since it snowed a lot before. It’s all covered with snow.

I wish the sky was a bit brighter.

It’s quite blue today but…


It’s a beautiful city.


There’s Myeong dong.

Right over there.

The front side, Myeong dong.

There’s the promenade.

The promenade is around Namsan fortress.

We’ve arrived.

When I came here in the morning for the ‘Don Juan’,

I ran in Namsan for 1 hour.

I came here before 1 hour the practicing room opened. and I ran singing.

I remembered that suddenly .

I like Namsan.

Goodbye. Bye….

Credit: Amy

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Guest novchime

Dear all,

Thanks for the nice posts again. Sorry I forgot to appreciate the posts of Goongfan11 and Sophie in my last mail.

@Malika - nice pictures!  The top photo below is the one I like best. He looked so young but sooooo HOT!


@HookedOnJJH: again, thanks for the transcript.  One thing I like about JiHoon is his humility.  You can also read this from the first transcript you posted.

@Goongfan11: thanks for posting inspite of your busy schedule.

@Mabelle147:  we missed you too.  Hope you are in a better mood now.

Regards to other Hunnies in this house.  Enjoy life!

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Halllloooweee HunNies...


Crazy waiting update news from our man!!! Miss him a lot :(
One (1) copy _

1 (4) copies _

Make a news Oppa, pleaseeeee....but good news oke !  :)>- :D
some MVs of Ju Jihoon :x :x :x 

Love his smile....:x


@Hookedonjjh - Love him sooo much!!  Awwwww....very cute!!! (Lol!) I wonder what he was talking about hahaha...

@Novchime - ...but i like his back also :\"> Super back !!


@Goongfan11 - Royal couple, chingu! :D


@Mabelle147 - Hope Jihoon can make your mood better :P:D :x







@Yannyayson - Miss you, chingu!


@Witchieee, @Ziera25, @Sophie, @Momoko Hiroshi, @Purplereign, @Pimma - hello there...:x

And waves to all my lovely HunNies in the house....*Hugs*

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Guest hookedonjjh

Hello my lovely HUNnies, here's another transcript and video of All Of Me DVD, enjoy!  ;) ;;):D
All Of Me DVD Disc 1-6 My place


Namsan Seoul Tower 


As I told you ,

I had only rode on a motorbike, and walked until here,

so I’ve never seen this place like this.

It looks all new.

That’s why many people come here.

It’s the same place I used to come,

but I walked on a different path.


It’s the Seoul Tower.

It’s really big, Seoul Tower.

It’s a beacon mound.

It says it’s a beacon mound.

It’s a place for signal fire right ?

A: They call it a beacon mound where they put signal fire.

They put fire on this, and give signs.

When there’s war. 

Shall we go to the Seoul Tower?


Do people write on this lock ?

Take a look at this.

Can’t you see well from here?

It’s really nice to see from here. 


Did it get recorded?


Are you recording now?

It’s not an easy thing.

It’s really not easy.

It feels good.

It feels so good.



Shall I break this lock ?

It’s a masterpiece because the film was messed up.

It’s not my skill.

I like this so much.

I’ll give it to someone.

Won’t he or she hate it?

When I came here on motorbike.

This place is….

Namsan street are very winding.

People who ride motorbikes like curved course,

So we went there a lot.

It was okay except in winter.

During summer night ,

There’s a place where motorbikes gather .

If you go there, the engine sound motorbikes, 

And the oil smell is really strong.

If I smell that now, I still think about my memories.

I lived in Namsan for more than one month during “Don Juan”

I stayed in Namsan for 15,16 hours a day.

I ran in the morning, practiced, ate, and practiced again.

I came to Namsan that often,

But I haven’t gone further than the observatory.

It feels great to look around slowly and see things very carefully. 


Can you see that?

That is…

I don’t know what that performance is ,

but if you come here, you can see traditional stuffs like that. 



The air is really nice.

I feel good when the air is nice.

Ah, it’s good. 


I like streets like this rather than the steps.

Can you see the asphalt?

It’s a wide road.

Places like the Children’s grand park.

This is it.

Good job walking around Namsan.

Go and eat some dinner.

We’ve prepared it.

Now, shall we go ?

A: You should go on a motorbike.

Q:Motorbikes? That’s good.

It’s nice.

Do you want to go?

I can’t go because I don’t have a helmet.


You're welcome @malika82, @novchime, @mabelle147 and @goongfan11. 

I know right @malika82, I wish I knew what he was saying, maybe something about my sexy figure...hahaha! Again, a girl can dream right? oh well. :)) 8-}

PS: I miss you @mabelle147, things will get better. Just stare at oppa's pictures and watch his videos. That's what I do whenever work gets the best of me.

Hugs and love to all! 

>:D< :x

Credit: Amy
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Annyeong HunNies....


@Sophie - Two hot guys and gorgeous men! :D :x 

@Hookedonjjh - From that MV, we also can see Jihoon explain your sexy figure baby :DAnd here it is...our baby love Ju Jihoon heheh..

Another MVs of Jihoon :x

@Mabelle147 - Let's smile with Jihoon, dear :x

And let's sing and dance together with Jihoon, HunNies :x

Waves to all :D

Cre: Uploader

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