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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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soymilk the ones of the beach are AWESOME!! the colours are sooo nice~~ I likey!

breathless. everytime I finish a roll of slide film I'm always reached with the same dilemma - to xpro or not. but xpro wins all the time since it won't cost me any extra plus I wouldn't have to wait so long either.. up to you!

d0ts instax :wub: as soon as I finish all my Christmas shopping [lol!] I shall treat myself to an instax back for my Diana. yeyy :D

miiloverx2 such a nice street shot!! making me feel like I'm really there haha! :D I have like 6 undeveloped rolls.. eeek! been lagging so much! and yeah one time I got a roll scanned and it had a massive white blob on each photo.. the photolab was okay with rescanning for me though free of charge :] yeah I vote for a film thread too! it can be 120 as well or watever film format as long as they're not taken by toy or instant cams :]

FumiHime whut! aww that sucks :[ give him a bad ebay review! haha but yeah it still should be fun to use~ can't wait for your pics!!

oh and one more thing...




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Guest strawberry.llamas

i wasn't sure if anyone would take the initiative so I created a thread right here -> film thread

hopefully this is okay with everyone!

leeah is that light graffiti by anychance?? If so, it turn out very nice! ^^

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Guest soogerlips

Okay, so I finally got my Diana F+ CMYK (:


I actually got it like last month, but been busing myself with the film.

Funny story (not really) but my mom had all these rolls of film that she's been holding onto, and they were 35mm. So I got really excited because I would be able to use my camera ASAP. And after a week, I go get the rolls developed. Come back an hour later and ONLY 3 PICTURES GOT DEVELOPED. I was so angry because I took loads of pictures.

Sigh, but I'm over it now. I bought 4 new rolls of film last month and I got them really cheap too. Still working on my 4th roll, but after seeing everyone else's photos, I'm so eager to go get them developed. I think my pictures are gonna suck and people's head are gonna be cut off and whatnot. But whatever :P

Here are some photos I took, from my old rolls. The one's that DID get developed. xD Sorry for such the horrible quality. My scanner broke and it's being ridiculous right now. So I had to use my digital camera. :(


Those are lunchables, by the way :)


It's actually a lot more clearer and brighter.

Bwahaha, I'm such a noobie ;]

leeahh- That's such an amazing picture!

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Guest yeonhee.

thanks to those who commented on my photos! makes me feel a little more comforted. haha. and i've just returned from Bintan (in Indonesia)! took tons of instax mini shots with my instant back, but the viewfinder thingy is really irking me. URGH. and i managed to finish a roll. i'm gonna go and develop it soon... i hope. LOL.

NICE PHOTOS EVERYONEEEEEEE! i like how the previous page was filled with lots of photos. LOL!!!

edit: instax photos!


what camera is that?

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^ i used the instant back on my diana F+.

some photos i took in Bintan with my diana mini! hmm, idk if i like the green/yellowish tone it gives...








anyone knows what might have caused these 3 photos to have more intense vignette on the right side? i know i have to crop the photos, but it still can't explain the difference in the vignette (i think).




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Guest miiloverx2

^ I like the color tones!!! what film did you use with your diana mini?? it's craaazy! :P in a good way! I especially like the 5th shot - the one with the person in red? the red really stands out

Not sure about the vignettes in the 3 though :/.. i know sometimes the photo lab i got to would screw up..

I'm so bad at using my Diana+ it kills me.. I need to use it more!


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Guest wiwi_an

i posted in the film thread befor. but i think i shuld put it here too bc i read it from the lomo site.

"i just read about putting your film in the oven for a few minutes to give it the same effect as expired film.

does it work for film thats already used but not processed yet? :9"

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soymilk Awesome photos! I love the soft colours in your photos. I really like the first photo, the sticks in the water kind of glow against the water.

Starting my 365 project again because I lost track of which photo belonged to which day.


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Guest FumiHime

It took 3 week to get my pictures back from the developer. They lost my 2 film rolls, but they found them again 4 days ago.

I like this one the most, the colours came out really nice


And can someone tell me what happend with this picture(left side)?


Anywayz the rest of my pictures are on my flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/purplecheese/

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Guest leeahh

miiloverx2 I really like the shadow on the grass ^^

yuns you're such a P.L.Q. (Power Lines Queen xD) I was planning to start my own 365 next week.. as soon as I got all my 2009 rolls done.. but.. Ted's broke my heart today and said they will no longer process film starting this Friday... :(

FumiHime soo nice!! your room is so interesting haha! oh and the second one, that means half of the frame was already exposed. that almost always happens on the first frame because the first few frames of the roll get exposed while you're loading the film =]

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Guest Wammie<3


I just got the gakkenflex and i'm stuck on the shutter part ( am i the only one? ).

<a href="http://s192.photobucket.com/albums/z104/ahaiah/?action=view&current=P1030816.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z104/ahaiah/P1030816.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

the middle part is my problem. do i put it down like that is there another way?

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Guest thrymskvidha

Goodness its been a while. This is Orange Boogaloo, I had to reregister 0_0;

I've been dabbling with cross processing and slide film as of recent, here are are some of my recent shots from my LC-A :o







Oh, and I'm also trying to get rid of some of my cameras due to lack of use and clutter and being broke :<

I have a Diana Mini, Golden Half and Action Sampler up, anyone interested?

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My first post here ! (:


ActionSampler | first roll | this is my fave ^^

I am still completely new at Lomography, and so far I love it !

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Guest breathless.

I FINALLY got my first roll from the diana mini developed/scanned. I didn't have a clue what would be on it. Since I mixed half frame/square format together, I think CVS got confused so I'm going to have to rescan them.


the square formats are scanned on one side--



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