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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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d0ts Omo, that is an adorable little thing. Can't wait to see what kind of pictures it takes!

breathless I know what you mean. I aim at one thing what I get is completely off haha. Awesome vignetting in the second shot!

brn2shop10494 I LOVE the colours in your set. The lighting and the angles are really cool.

My Sweet September Damn that really sucks about your stuff! The app is very cooool. Lovely lighting in the telephone picture.

I started a 365 project with my vistaquest 1015 so that I'd have motivation to shoot more st uff. So far so good except I do run out of ideas for what I want to shoot. By the end of the year, I think I would have a very comprehensive collection of photographs of my house haha. I sooo need to get out of my house more often.


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^ lovely photo! all the vistaquest photos from you and breathless makes me wanna get one. i'm so tempted now! lol. and the project sounds like a great idea!

oh yeah. i saw on a website that there's a firmware mod for the vistaquest 1015 model that allows the vistaquest to take black and white photos. but it's kinda like a "do at your own risk" thing though. http://www.8storeytree.com/main/?p=229

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Guest breathless.

I started a 365 project with my vistaquest 1015 so that I'd have motivation to shoot more st uff. So far so good except I do run out of ideas for what I want to shoot.

OOOOOH I was thinking of doing that too. I don't know if I'd last 365 days though... just because I'm anal and if I ever missed a day it would screw me over... lol I would inevitably be 'starting' over every 10 days or something.


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Guest Uverstar

well after several attempts to load the video on making the shutter work, I gave up so I'm going to visit my friendly camera man in the city who can hopefully help me~ he's Japanese so he can help me, shouldn't take more than 5 minutes haha

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My Sweet September very niiiiice I agree the light coming through in the telephone photo is gorgeous!

the first dog reminds me of the one in Toy Story too :lol:

been looking through some old folders and found this:


I remember I didn't upload it back then because I didn't like it but I actually quite like it now! ^^'

oh and I took out my Gakkenflex for a test run today x] I'll post pics up soon as I get it developed B)

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Oh gosh, I'm torn apart. :|

Okay, so I'm new to photography. rofl I just bought my DSLR last month and now since I'm ordering lenses for it, I decided to throw in some lomo cam on my shopping cart (online shopping rofl)

Thing is, I don't know what to choose between this Diana F+ and this Fisheye Point-n-Shoot

rofl, frankly, I'd love to get the Diana F+, but I want to be more practical. The Fisheye is cheaper and besides I already have a DSLR. o_o And also, I'm already splurging on lenses... that's why I'm leaning unto the Fisheye, even if I so so so so badly want a Diana F+. If I were a rich kid, I'd get both. :| Damn, wealthy people. =.= LOL

Any advice?

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^ hi! oh, if i'm not wrong, the 2 links provided are the same? about the diana F+? haha. anw, by fisheye point-and-shoot, do you mean stuff like lomography's fisheye and fisheye 2? hmmm, well. digital images are somehow a little different from film images i think? so in that sense i guess that's somewhat a valid reason to get the diana F+. but hmm, the fisheye is really cool too. hmm. dang idk what to do too. lol. or if the diana's too expensive, you can get a holga? lol! i think i'm adding more problems now. oops. better not listen to me!

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Guest breathless.


vistaquest 1015

^ lovely photo! all the vistaquest photos from you and breathless makes me wanna get one. i'm so tempted now! lol. and the project sounds like a great idea!



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Guest the kite


Is anyone interested in doing a survey for film ? I'd love to buy some but shipping to Australia is $30USD for orders up to $250 D:

Someone from the US : # Orders up to USD 199.99: shipping costs USD 8

# Orders from USD 200: will be shipped FREE


It'd be awesome if someone could bulk buy and we'll just divide the free rolls of film to each buyer or we'll do some sort of random draw.. I don't know. I just don't want to pay $30 on my own ! :P

Retail Therapy Discounts

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Guest breathless.

^ http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2572/415683...a3f67ecf6_o.jpg love it ! Actually, my sister had a panasonic lx3 but it literally got stolen off her hands when she was in Vietnam. (Some guy on a scooter drove by and snatched it)! Luckily, she had travel insurance so she got her money back.

I wish I was on vacation :(

- vistaquest 1015

I have had the same roll of film in my diana mini for MONTHS now. I really need to just finish it up and get it developed. It's been so long that the roll is going to be a surprise--I have no clue what's going to be on it lol

T_T Gakkenflex?! Aw, I just got a BBF...

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hi guys. Uhm I want to ask regarding the Fujifilm Instax 7s. I know there are issues with the flash being too strong. Uhm would it be ok to cover the flash when it is not needed? Will it affect the picture?


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elgrache: how do you take vivitar shots indoors? mine just turns out all underexposed! lol. did u use a film with a very high ISO?

gahhh i'm hoping the weather will be good in bintan! and i have film that's left in my diana mini and vivitar that's untouched for months too. T.T been wanting to go on a photog trip with my lomo buddy but the weather's bad. T.T oh, but i used the mini for my prom two days ago. lol.

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Guest paper*hearts

okay so im a nooob at this.

I've had my diana f+ sittin on my table for the past year..i bought 120mm film from henrys and everything

but my first roll of pics turned out horrible..dark, overexplosed, blurry....

so i got discouraged.

can someone tell me what i did wrong? am i using the wrong tpye of film?

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hmmm dark photos... probably use a flash if you're indoors, or if you don't own a flash, take photos under bright conditions outdoors. or you could use B mode, but you will need to stabilise your camera on tripods or a table etc to prevent your photos from becoming blurry.

as for overexposed photos... how were the lighting conditions when you took the photo? if the photos were overexposed, it probably means that the lighting conditions were too bright? i'm not very sure on what advice to give you for overexposed photos though...

and your photos may have turned out blurry because you forgot to set the focus? or maybe you've set it wrongly. it's all based on estimation though. i guess with time you will get used to the settings.

sometimes the ISO of the film counts too. like the higher the ISO, the more probable it is for you to take photos under darker conditions. if you use ISO 1600 for example, it could be possible to take photos indoors.

just remember to check every single thing on your camera before taking a photo. if you don't remember sometimes, it's okay too! sometimes, nice unexpected stuff turns out. lol. oh, but always remember not to set it at N mode and at pinhole mode at the same time. i had that experience once, and nothing came out at all. so yeah.

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I finally got my Gakkenflex test roll #2 developed :D the first test roll had crazy as light leaks! I rebuilt it and now there's no more light leaks yey!

here's what I've uploaded so far

4171547362_ef7883d09f_m.jpg 4170813619_6c7c503d07_m.jpg 4171743456_60b86227ff_m.jpg

i'll be posting more throughout the week! and some more Diana shots too =]

paper*hearts yeah don't fret :] it happens! plus it's your first roll too just practice practice!

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