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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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Guest Uverstar

I THINK my fish-eye lens for my holga is here but my friend hasn't had time to open the package [he's my middleman] XD

but if it's that pack of 10 kodak 120mm film I'll be happy cause I'm down to my last 2 rolls of film :(

since i don't have a place to store my 35mm film, I just use my blackbird case haha


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I just got my camera and I spent a whole day just taking pictures

I can't wait to develop them and see what the pictures look like. :D

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brn2shop10494 + rawwwr

suhweet!! it'd be awesome if you guys can share your pics here too B)

lol Uverstar mine are all in the fridge. no one's complained so far xD

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Guest Uverstar

hahaha choko I put my 120mm film in the fridge but my mum says not to put it near the food because it'll smell like film >.> haha

I got my fish-eye lens today from my friend :D!! i love it so far, just have to wait for the film to develop :3

look look~ :3




haha yes that's a mushroom on the end of the holga haha

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i am so envious of those who bought new cameras!!! GAHHH. i have been spending too much on food lately and have no money to buy anything else. T.T OH! but i bought a lomography keychain from fredflare though. lol. diana F+ keychain! been wanting to get it since it was first released, but it's not sold anywhere in singapore. i can't wait for it to get here! it's so tiny and cute!

oh i store my films in a big zip lock bag and place it in the fridge too. can 120 films be put into the fridge? please say yes, because i have a bunch in the fridge already!

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^I just looked it up and it looks adorable!

At first I thought it was an actual working camera o_o but then I realized the size... hahaha

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Guest flyaway.

Hey guys, after reading half of this thread, I decided to go for the Black Slim Devil. But before I order it online, I was wondering if you guys know if Urban Outiftters sells it?

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I got more new pics up on my flickr :]] got to take my diana out for a spin last week. first time using the 16-shot mask!

I need to cut down on 120 expenses haha

I thought these looked cooler as straight scans so I didn't bother cropping them :]

I'm in the photos this time yey haha just got a friend to press the shutter :lol:

4035296099_ca4d46c862_m.jpg 4036047854_2c93f2fa36_m.jpg 4035294235_bd514e33d7_m.jpg

d0ts from where I buy my film, they keep their stock all in the fridge, including 120 :] just yeah make sure you give it time to reach normal temperatures before loading em in coz the last thing you'd want is some condensation in your camera ^^'

wiwi_an use nikon lenses on a holga? why would you want to do that? :S

`ANITA yeah they do have it at Urban Outfitters! brn2shop10494 ^ got hers from there :] but you might wanna call them up and double check anyway

Uverstar I want the mushroom, and the holga, and the fisheye lens x] the lens looks so pretty!! B)

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Guest flyaway.

`ANITA yeah they do have it at Urban Outfitters! brn2shop10494 ^ got hers from there :] but you might wanna call them up and double check anyway

Loool. Thanks for answering. <3 I actually went to UO earlier today (before I saw your post); but they didn't have it.

I didn't go home empty-handed though. Haha. After looking at their selection of camera's, I went for the Diana Mini instead. I guess the BSD can wait.

I'm excited. XD I already took a few shots and I'm taking more tomorrow before class. Hopefully, they'll turn out okay. o_o

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Guest yoko102308


Um..if been reading about lomography but i still don't understand what it is. All the cameras look like toy cameras. Is that what they are??

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Guest graceeiscool

does anyone else own the fisheye 1? ive had it for a couple weeks now, but all of a sudden im having problems with my flash! the indicator light still turns on when i press the switch, but the flash doesn't go off when i take a picture. anyone else had this problem? what can i do? i didnt buy it from lomo's website, but i bought it from an authorized retailer. do you think i can still email customer service and ask for a repair/exchange?

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Guest miiloverx2

does anyone else own the fisheye 1? ive had it for a couple weeks now, but all of a sudden im having problems with my flash! the indicator light still turns on when i press the switch, but the flash doesn't go off when i take a picture. anyone else had this problem? what can i do? i didnt buy it from lomo's website, but i bought it from an authorized retailer. do you think i can still email customer service and ask for a repair/exchange?

hi thereeeeeeee :P

welcome to lomography!

so just wondering, are you able to hear the sound of the flash charging up? does it sound weak?

you might want to check if the batteries have run out or not

(i remember back when i had the fisheye, the flash charging sound was like.. a grandma mosquito weezing.. serious! - then i had to get my richard simmons to lomography where they basically thought i was a fail and helped me change my batteries... no actually they were all nice people)

So double check the batteries firstt and if its not that.. then it might be a problem with the actual flash itself :/ in that case.. try emailing the retailer? did you get a warranty with it?

yoko102308 you got it - lomography is basically the commercialization of toy cameras haha

and where they try to rip you off and empty your wallets before you can even mutter out a single word.

but it is all fun. it's a way to express yourself through analogue film and to experiment with many different possibilities with these lovely plastics!

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Damn, should stop hanging around this thread. T_T Makes me want to go out and buy myself a toy camera... I blame you Leah (choko6610)! But must not... Already spent too much getting my dslr.

Uverstar, I this one of yours http://i836.photobucket.com/albums/zz286/n...o/violetsky.jpg. The colours have this nostalgia/retro-ness about them that I love.

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Guest FumiHime

Aah why haven't I discovered this thread earlier D:

I bought my fish eye camera 2 years ago I think, I used up 3 rolls of film but i've never developed them up until last week PAM PAM PAAMMM anyways check out my flickr

http://www.flickr.com/photos/purplecheese :D

Oh and my dad is going to HK next week and I was wondering if fuji's polaroid camera's are cheaper over there than on the internet..

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Guest breathless.

I'm so tempted to buy a Vistaquest 1015 you have no idea I'm THIS close from moving money to paypal someone stop me.

I took some shots with my blackbird fly over the weekend at niagara falls-- i'm not too confident about the roll because it was cloudy out and I only had some 160ISO in there T_T


I'm more partial to Superheadz products then Lomography :x

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nahaha yuns join the dark side x]

FumiHime fisheye!!! i really like the pics of the lollies and the van haha the van's so retro!! post more :]]

breathless. resist temptation!! haha im hoping the roll still turns out nicely~! ah I seriously need to get my hands on a BBF or a slim angel but I gots no moolahh but I yeah I reckon I'll like Superheadz more than Lomography just cause 35mm film would give my wallet a break :P

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