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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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important question... what are your favourite films?

i'll be going to south africa (for the world cup!!) and europe afterwards and im gonna be bringing my lomo lca+

i have some lomo brand films already, as well as some fuji type 2 tungsten and agfa precisa... but any other brands?

here are some shots using fuji tungsten on my lca+!





more here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/joan-ho/sets/72157624073184674/

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My first roll on the white slim angel. :)


i like this one :)

important question... what are your favourite films?

i'll be going to south africa (for the world cup!!) and europe afterwards and im gonna be bringing my lomo lca+

i have some lomo brand films already, as well as some fuji type 2 tungsten and agfa precisa... but any other brands?


this is nice =)

are you intending to shoot black and white?

i think ilford is good for that :)

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Guest yummy.pockey


i loveeeeee this one <3

what film did you use ?

i got my first film processed weeks ago, but didn't have time to upload them yet :/

do you guys prefer to scan the pictures (not the film, pictures) yourself, or asked the CD thing at the shop? o:

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i loveeeeee this one <3

what film did you use ?

i got my first film processed weeks ago, but didn't have time to upload them yet :/

do you guys prefer to scan the pictures (not the film, pictures) yourself, or asked the CD thing at the shop? o:

Perutz Primera 200.

I got it developed through a friend whose parents own a photo shop and he told me the film is really inconsistent with colours so his dad had to fix a lot of them on the computer. Part of me is curious about the colours so for my next roll, I might get them developed at Big W because I know they won't be bothered to correct them and see what the colours actually are like.

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Guest wiwi_an

can u take double exposures with a wide and slim?

i got my gakkenflex roll developed a while ago




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can u take double exposures with a wide and slim?

i got my gakkenflex roll developed a while ago

yup, you can. just rewind and shoot again.


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Guest d0ts

wiwi_an: hmmm maybe u can do it in collab-style? like from this video u can mark out where ur 1st frame is, then when u load the film the second time round u will know where to start shooting. link:

and this is taken from the lomotion forum (this is when u want to unload the film after finishing the roll once):

"when u rewind, once you feel the tension in the rewinding knob is gone ie sudden loosening of the knob, stop winding so that it doesnt go into the canister. Even if it does you can still use a picker to extract the tip."

edit: i realise jho's recommendation makes more sense. LOL. oh and the picture looks sooooooo nice! double expo?

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Guest leeahh

wiwi_an there are a couple of mods you can do to take multiple exposures on your wide n slim. check out this one for a simple mod and this one if you're feeling a bit more gutsy. haha

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Guest JJ no Baka


I took this with my iPhone and used an app to edited it into lomography. I hope that still counts? :P

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Guest NO NAME?

I've been lurking this thread for a long time. Just recently, I purchased my first toy camera, the golden half. The wait is kinda killing me. Haha.

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Guest thelastcarnival

Hey guys,

I'm still really clueless about certain aspects of lomography and had a few questions about cross processing.

1.Could I use regular negative film for cross processing? or does it have to be specifically on slide film?

2. Anyone living in Australia/Sydney that can point me into the direction of photolabs that will do cross processing for normal 35mm film?

Thanks in advance!

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Guest d0ts

finally developed 2 rolls! but too bad, my photos from my universal studios singapore trip were missing because i stupidly opened the vivitar back while i was there because i thought there was something wrong with the film coz it wasn't advancing. i realised it's coz the roll's done. urgh. but my diana photos which were taken at USS turned out fine.

here's my not-so-awesome shots.




this is when my friend was in sydney. i lent her the camera.



1. i don't think negative film can be cross processed... but slide film, yes. slide film can also be normal processed. correct me if i'm wrong ok, people! haha.

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Guest FumiHime

I've won a Gakkenflex!!!

I'm so happy cuz i never win something.

He'll give another Gakkenflex to one of his subscribers in his next video.

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Guest d0ts

^ you won a gakkenflex?!?! hahahaha congrats yo! i bet you will have a fun time assembling it. haha. and your message was short but it really made an impression. and take a picture with Grantux soon! haha.

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Guest thelastcarnival


1. i don't think negative film can be cross processed... but slide film, yes. slide film can also be normal processed. correct me if i'm wrong ok, people! haha.

No, I think you're right. Thats what i suspected. *sigh*. this is turning out to be a very expensive hobby, lol

Daym, your shots turned out great!! The mummy one is especially intriguing with the superimposed pictures. And the good ole Sydney opera house! love the ambience of the picture.

Was sifting through this thread and just wanted to say thanks to breathless, yuns & miiloverx2 for introducing the vistaquest! I'm completely blown away with the vivid colours and yes, I know its digital aspect eliminates the spontaneity and essence of lomo cams but the vistaquest looks like such a great costeffective alternative. So yes, have just placed an order for the vistaquest 1015R2! can't wait!

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i like this.

my friend had the same experience as you. she also thought the film wasn't advancing and the film counter is not showing 36 yet so the next thing she did was to open the back.

how's USS? is it fun? i am waiting for everything to be up...

I've won a Gakkenflex!!!

I'm so happy cuz i never win something.

He'll give another Gakkenflex to one of his subscribers in his next video.

Congrats :)show us photos taken with Gakkenflex :P

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Guest d0ts

NN?#02 : take photos and show us ok! haha.

^(b)EAncUR(d)^ : haha USS was really fun! haha. my friends and i were rushing around everywhere just to try and finish the rides and shows before the day ended. the weather was really good, but it was so freaking hot that all of us were sweating. haha. would have been better if my vivitar's shots came out. i still have another roll in my vivitar that has 20 plus shots taken at USS. the roll's not done yet. hopefully everything turns out well. i will surely go back to USS when the other rides are done with the construction and stuff. i think those newer rides will be the more thrilling rides? not sure, but right now only the mummy indoor ride is thrilling in my opinion.

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d0ts - it will close at 7pm right? haha...i think it is not easy to finish the rides and shows even on weekdays. but compare to now, i think you will prefer to sweat than to carry an umbrella :) yeah...finish that roll and show us. i wana see photos! i will have to try the mummy indoor ride when i am going there ;)

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New shots with the LOMO LCA+






my shots are a total hit and miss though. my people shots are 99% fail cuz it doesn't focus properly usually. so these days i just stick to scenic photos.

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