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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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i'm so hyped up for my photography class!!!! we're gonna go to the lomography store and theyre gonna show us the basics of lomocams and how to load them. and then get to borrow them for an hr and shoot pics! :D

i hope it'll go well and i can upload some to show ^^

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choko: calm down! haha, i guess they just wanted to... make more money or ran out of ideas with the diana accessories. doesn't make sense for them to not be supporting film photography, i think...? oh well. i will still be using film no matter what! haha.

wiwi_an: that's so cool! i would totally sign up for that class or programme or whatever it is... too bad my school doesn't offer anything exciting like this. bleh. i'm looking forward to your photos!! must be so excitingggggggg.

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Haha... Someone should seriously make a FAQ, we get the same questions all the time! :)

Hmm... Well first of all, what's your budget? Instant cameras tend to be quite expensive, at least the film is... If you want to take photos frequently, it's best that you're not a broke student like myself =D

Lomographers love expired film because it often gives really cool effects that you won't get with regular film. Sometimes you get "normal" results, but if you use REALLY expired film (like 1+ year I would say?), color changes and whatnot are quite common.

Since you're interested in the Fuji Instax... have you heard of the new instant camera they released this week? The Fuji Instax 210. The film is wider and it looks pretty cool to me... The camera doesn't look as cute, but I'm thinking of getting it as well =) Love instant photography <3 <3

I don't own any variations of the Diana myself, but I'm super excited about the new lens that they came out with today... It gives you the Diana effect with any of the Canon EOS and Nikon F series SLRs. IMO, a kinda "cheap" way to get the lomo effect, but cool nonetheless =D Speaking of which, urrrgh, I hate it when my sister uses the lomo app on her iPhone.. She gets really cool photos INSTANTLY at the touch of a button, it's not fair.. =[ Haha anyway... end of rant.

Hey, thanks for the reply. :3

I'm kind of leaning towards the instax because I'm a beginner and developing film and whatnot might be too much of a hassle for me... plus the idea of failed pics kind of scares me. Budget-wise I'm a broke student but I'll find a way to support this somehow~!

On another note... if someone could compile a FAQ that would be so very helpful for newbies like me...

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Guest rainbowartist

I have Holga CMY starter (the colorful one) and too bad I don't have time to use it always. Plus it is an expensive hobby for me so I let my brother use it.

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Guest miiloverx2

hello y'alllll - it's been a while againnnn..

university is sucking me away again.. ugh

i'm going to HK in december, can you tell me the place for the instax? $360 is pretty cheap!! o___o i want this camera so muchh!

and btw, do you know where can I find a white slim angel in HK? is there in citysuper log-on?

(and i was checking the lomography website in asia, and got surprised to see wonder girls super samplers.. hahaha)

you might also want to try ebay/yahoo auction too!

especially when you're in Hong Kong, a lot of sellers sell the instax products for much cheaper.

For example, I got my Instax Mini film on ebay for $42 per pack. Pretty good deal.

hahaha I want the holga but then I want the diana T_T..and nooo we don't have urban outfitters here haha so sad~

and Soojin be careful with the diana mini, my friend got his about two weeks ago, he was very careful but now it's um..lets say in a few pieces haha

LMFAO why am I not surprised?!

OMGGG, Diana SLR lens adaptors!!!! No way O_O.

Just when I was gonna get a Diana...

LOL I hate how the Lomography guys always spit out different variations to the Diana+. Give some love to the Holgas too!!

And then theres the other Qing Hua Diana+ now?? (this one would probably be my fav)

Anyhoo.. the Diana SLR adaptors.. as much as I love the lomo effects, it just doesn't work out on the SLR imo.



These are test shots from the guys at Lomo HK.

I dont know... if you really want lomo feel digital pictures, go for the keychain cameras or even.. your phone camera LOL

Another thing is the adapters aren't the most protective add-ons.. you might get dust blown into the camera body.. which is a big no-no.

ah but mind you, it still is quite interesting!

btw, does anyone here decorate their cameras? let's share!

th_lc-a.jpg I just stuck all these lovely MT tapes that I got from Japan on the back haha.. they come off once in a while but I just repair them with new patches of tape... @_@

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Guest <Soojin>


Ive finally got my Diana mini today and i went around the neighborhood

Taking all sorts of pictures.

Im gonna collect my developed films later ;D

its so expensive to get them developed in Walgreens O_O

2 films for 10$ O_O

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miiloverx2: oh, i thought superheadz was the one that came out with the holga and that lomography sell it on their site as well while the diana family is what lomography really promotes because they engage in the whole production process etc. oh well. i must have thought wrongly.


cool! do share with us your photos! it's always exciting to see other people's photos, lol.

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Guest <Soojin>

Diana Mini First roll;;

th_SCN_0001.jpg th_SCN_0004.jpg th_SCN_0006.jpg th_SCN_0007.jpg

th_SCN_0012.jpg th_SCN_0011.jpg th_SCN_0017.jpg


When i first got it yesterday, i was like whoa. Its smaller than i expected.

But im pretty satisfied with my first roll! They dont really have light leaks,

and cool effects like the holga, but it still take really nice picture

thats dreamy and kinda vignette-ish.

And its less flimsy as i have expected from people's review.

I really like the whole square effect thing going on with a 35mm xD..

My Scanner sucks =/

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<Soojin> omg yey diana mini!! i really like the first pic and the "road closed" one :]] your scanner is fiine! the colours are awesome!

xeudaemonic pretty sure it's a Holga CMY =]

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Guest <Soojin>

thank you!~^^

Pretty satisfied with my first roll lomography ahah

I couldnt decided whether i wanted it to be square format or halfs ,

but in the end i chose to just take all squares lol.

Im thinking of making a collage on my wall with the pics..


Yeah thats a Holga CMY (:

i saw the Diana F+ CMY a few days ago on the lomography website and it looked really weird with all those colors O_O

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So, I'm was wondering if anyone uses their flash? Or is it just something that is useless? Because I was thinking of buying a holga and I'm stuck between the one with the flash or the one without.

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<Soojin> : your shots are nice! i like how the sky turns out so blue in almost every picture.

rawwwr: i guess it depends? having a flash is pretty useful at times, especially at times when you need it because of the poor lighting conditions. unless you have the time to use bulb mode...?

anw, these are my photos from my latest diana F+ roll. the roll was destroyed because the switch was turned towards the pinhole setting, and i set the mode to 'N' mode. so yeah, 9 of the exposures did not turn out. it was... blank on the negatives. T.T only three survived because i finally remembered to change the setting after having realised that. urgh.

the film used was ektacolour iso 160 i think? normal processed. i had to scan the photos myself because the shop didn't scan them into a CD, but just directly printed out these photos for me. pardon me for the dust specks. haha.


that's my friend there. the black patch behind her was supposed to be a white wall. LOL. i guess the lighting condition wasn't that good.


bulb mode. approximately 25 seconds? i thought it would be overexposed at first. i've not tried bulb mode before.


well... underexposed.

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Guest <Soojin>


Yeah it was a really really sunny day~

Those shots are so pretty! (: lol. this shows how lomography is such an unexpected thing. A white wall became a black wall! i was wondering what kind of lighting condition did you take those pictures?

I want to take some pictures indoor but im not sure how dark is dark yaknow? loll.

Im afraid of using bulb mode cause most of the time it over expose, and i dont really know what kind of lighting conditions will work with bulb without over exposing it xD..

Im planning to get the flash for my diana mini soon.

but the flash is the same price as a diana itself.. (!!)


Yeah! i think you should get the flash CMY holga (:

I think the flash will be pretty useful like indoors and night time. It produces some pretty interesting pictures as well.

Get it (:

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hmm, we were kind of walking along this row of shophouses, and it wasn't exactly very sunny. it just so happened that the sun was out while i took that picture for like a few seconds. i think the sun was hidden behind the clouds or something. lol. my explanation sucks. yeah. oh, my friend was sitting outside the shop, along the corridor. so it was shady behind her. using my underexposed picture as a guide, it would be best not to take photos without using the flash when the subject is not "under the sun". LOL! like when your subject is not "in the light"...? so sorry for the weird expressions!

haha the flash is really expensive. and it looks almost about the same size as the mini itself, in my opinion. but i like the flash.

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i just got my wide slim angel today. im having problem loading the film. arghh.. been trying to figure it out for the last 1hour & i gave up. scared that i'll break it. and i just wasted 1 roll of unused b&w film.

so hmm.. help anyone?

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Guest Uverstar

well today I went to K-mart to process my film, they said i have to come back tomorrow at 7pm......I hate going out at night alone XD but meh I'll do it for my photos! XD

I was on ebay searching for a fish-eye lens and there's a fish-eye lens attachment for cell phones..and considering it's only $5AUD in total to me I think I might take it hahaha

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