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Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew


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Guest je_amourx

I was actually expecting something big from Kaba since they did "Thriller" - the ultimate hit. They did bring KM into MJ's thriller but that was it ...

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the dude obviously drives/drove a stick shift

i will say this, i went up to cananda when i had a day or 2 off for easter when i was in college and across the board, asians there are just hotter than those in america, even including nyc and cali.

Now that you think of it

It looks like he does


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Guest bananadotink

Hands down Jabbawockeez are gonna take it home! Kabamodern for the win too! I love these two teams! I think they wipe clean the competition they're just prolonging the suffering they all know whose going to win haha.

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Guest sugarpie2011

No way!!! :o!!!!! that's so lame.....just when i thought i was making an impact........x( lol but stilllllllllll wait so then do we know who's gonna win already?

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Guest Ll 7l
As said earlier the show is rigged! The winner has been determined since day 1

the fans supposedly vote but it's not real

2 bad whomever wins won't have a legit victory

It very well may be rigged, but there's no denying the talent of Jabba or any of the other groups (save for Femme 5, good thing they're gone).

Legit victory? They're victorious already. This isn't even to sound cliche', but they've succeeded in gaining a fanbase; that's victory enough.

Same goes with all the other groups that have shown what they have.

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No way!!! :o!!!!! that's so lame.....just when i thought i was making an impact........x( lol but stilllllllllll wait so then do we know who's gonna win already?

well it's obviously one of the 4 crews lol

I really don't know who will win


you know this how...?

Well first of all it's pretty clear,

as for the winner being determined I can't really say how I know that but where I am getting this info has alot of credibility and has been right about all of the nonsense going on.

That's why I don't give a tail who wins

I just watch because I like to see Status Quo dance

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Guest mz simmonz

ah..Jaba's MJ performance was definetely uniform, polished, entertaining, and creative BUUUUT they lacked difficulty in their dancing for this week. For a professional dance crew, they should show off their talent and ability more than just their colorful outfits and playfulness. I was definetely entertained by their performance but I wasn't like "WOW THAT WAS SOO COOL AND AWESOME HOW'D THEY DO THAT" but I always look at Status Quo with amazement even though they aren't as uniform as Jaba. KM was interesting and intricate as usual..their attention to detail is amazing..just kinda bugged me when they did that hand movement thing. JC may've liked it but I though they should've did a foot movement sequence as a tribute to MJ but their "King Tut" and Thriller zombie movement thing was def. cool! FishNChyks..nice movements, cute heart shaped thing in the beginning.. but I was still very bored by their perf because it's things I've seen done at my university dance competitions with students. As for BreakSk8..not fond of them but I give them props for doing MJ's moves on skates.

quote of the month.it's a tie: "ya'll smashed it / ya'll are cray-zeee"


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Guest tomster

I have a feeling Jabbawokkeez might not win. There's this trend in reality shows where

the perfect person/group breezes through the entire season, but then places second. Lulz.

..I still like Kaba Modern doh. :)

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