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[drama 2008] Spotlight 스포트라이트

Guest f0reveralways

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yo here .! shirley reporting in ! .lol we might need to set up our own Spotlight reporting team

aahhh the movie part was cuteeee lol especially how she taped his leg to wake him up .~ How can they sleep through Iron man and at the climax ! .with all those special effects noise --;;


okay!..ohhhh that Reporter Lee , i cant believe for his case ,they had to give up their headlines news of the illegal usage of land by the Ming Seung Daily !! ...why wasnt he punish or expelled ? .lol not that i dun like him ..i think he is adorable .just that --;;he really does bring alot of bad luck ...together with reporter Seo, the two of them really is one kind of a team ..missing out even that Jang 's robbery ..lol~~ ...

omg..we are going to have a live interview on Wednesday !! ..the preview is just making me think wednesday should be tomorrow !!

Outside the theatre.. I like the way how OTS looked at SWJ when she asked the movie is interesting right... Looking at her for few seconds.. pause...thinking hard as he was in "dream land" then... :lol: :lol:

Reporter Lee.. if he had "SHARPER/ KEENER" sense of nose.... he would not have missed this headline news of Jewellery Robbery..

On the other hand he did comment why isnt the alarm trigger during the break-in... ie... human heat detector in the shop... :ph34r: SWJ was too sleepy tired when Reporter Lee told her of it.. She was already following this unsolved case... """"If only""".... :lol: :lol:


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Guest seal824

Outside the theatre.. I like the way how OTS looked at SWJ when she asked the movie is interesting right... Looking at her for few seconds.. pause...thinking hard as he was in "dream land" then... :lol: :lol:

Reporter Lee.. if he had "SHARPER/ KEENER" sense of nose.... he would not have missed this headline news of Jewellery Robbery..

On the other hand he did comment why isnt the alarm trigger during the break-in... ie... human heat detector in the shop... :ph34r: SWJ was too sleepy tired when Reporter Lee told her of it.. She was already following this unsolved case... """"If only""".... :lol: :lol:


I was told (years ago) that there were different kind of alarm systems, one is motion detector and the other is heat detector. The company I worked for back then used motion detector alarm. For birthday, we used to give out flowers and balloons. Some employees (mostly male) left them at the desk and at night when the balloons were partially deflated, it "moved" around and sometimes triggered the security alarm. I think the jewelry store might have heat detector alarm and I am guessing that the bad guy used that special umbrella to deflect heat thus he could avoid triggering the alarm system

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I was told (years ago) that there were different kind of alarm systems, one is motion detector and the other is heat detector. The company I worked for back then used motion detector alarm. For birthday, we used to give out flowers and balloons. Some employees (mostly male) left them at the desk and at night when the balloons were partially deflated, it "moved" around and sometimes triggered the security alarm. I think the jewelry store might have heat detector alarm and I am guessing that the bad guy used that special umbrella to deflect heat thus he could avoid triggering the alarm system

Thanks seal824......Learn something new. :tongue2:

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Guest shuky

yo here .! shirley reporting in ! .lol we might need to set up our own Spotlight reporting team


okay!..ohhhh that Reporter Lee , i cant believe for his case ,they had to give up their headlines news of the illegal usage of land by the Ming Seung Daily !! ...why wasnt he punish or expelled ? .

omg..we are going to have a live interview on Wednesday !! ..the preview is just making me think wednesday should be tomorrow !!

Haha..yes!! we need a reporting team. And our first assignment would be to do a live report on episode 5!!

As Shirley is our guru, she will be our Editor-in-Chief. Liquidfir will be her right hand, second-in-command. (psst..don't mess with Liquidfir a.k.a Spotlight's No. 1 fan as she's tri-lingual-Korean, Chinese and English, and she has watched episode 4 more than 10 times! :)). As Aug05 shares the same birthday as Liquidfir, Aug05 will be Shirley's left hand woman. (*waves to Aug05, nice to see you here!) As Markho826, koalabear and kdramafanusa have so kindly provided us with lovely caps, they will be responsible for pictures. Seal 824, with your in-depth knowledge on security systems, you will take charge of security desk (*thanks for your info on alarm systems, I've learnt something new). As for me, as long as I can squeeze into THAT purple dress and sit next to cap OTS, I can be the tea lady for all I care. (Only there's a slight problem- SWJ is definitely a size 0 but the dress looks spandexed and I think I should do fine if I hold my breath!!) Of course, all of these will be subject to the approval of our Editor-in-Chief!

Hope I didn't miss anyone out and if I did, do join us as we are recruiting!! We can't promise you riches (no budget) but we can promise you sheer fun as we watch Spotlight together! :)

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Guest shuky

Now that we have assembled a rudimentary reporting team, here's Journalism 101, according to Mr scriptwriter.

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read on if you don't want to be spoiled.

The cardinal rules are:

1. Do not be scooped by competitors and that's more important than getting the headline news. (Friends in the know has a favourite line for this but I shall not repeat it here lest I offend chaste eyes and minds). SWJ and rookie SC were scooped by SNS about JJG robbing the jewelry store because of SC's lackadaisical attitude (SNS reporter had the good sense to duplicate a copy of the cctv footage from the police and uncovered the news) as well as his lack of news sense (*Aug05, I agree with you here). This oversight led to them being grounded and a letter of warning was issued, affecting SWJ's already lacklustre career.

2. There's no topic that's off limits. OTS met his MS Daily's counterpart on the streets after a drinking session and the reporter remarked that GBS' report on MS Daily's illegal land use should be off limits. OTS disagreed and that was when the reporter hit him below the belt and brought up the fact that OTS had done the same to his own politician father, what more them. (I think his father was convicted in a political bribery case but was later pardoned. Hey, Liquidfir, did I get this right?)

3. The truth is sacred, even above family. SWJ did not backdown from her brother's demand to drop the story on illegal land use and flung the same line he used on her at him. However, at the end of the day, the truth is still subject to the editorial judgment of the Editor-in-Chief. Ultimately, he carries the can and sees the larger picture. This was his consideration when he made the decision to drop MS Daily's illegal land use story in exchange for MS Daily's story on SC's sexual harassment story. If that story had gone to print, GBS' credibility would be severely dented as not only were they seen as violent thugs (re: the public punch up of the Police Chief by cap's predecessor), they were now seen as sex offenders as well.

4. News is about objectivity and balance. In episode 3, OTS told SWJ to get MS Daily's views on the story, which SWJ had not as she didn't want to give them the head's up. OTS disagreed and told her to get them, regardless of what they have to say.

To survive as a journalist, there's no shortcut, unlike rookie SC's ingenious plan to divide the workload among fellow newsmen from different organisations, even coming up with fictitious news that will never go on air to cover up his laziness. It entails endless legwork, dogged determination, persistence and patience in waiting for that career-defining headline news. You need to be street smart (SC bungled their undercover report at the fake designer goods warehouse not because he was a rookie lacking in experience, but he just wasn't street smart enough to ignore the presence of the hidden camera or the presence of mind to act cool in times of danger). Above all, you need to be thick-skinned, as story ideas will be shot down, no matter how brilliant you think they are (re: OTS' editorial meeting with his team when they were coming up with story ideas and how he shot down SWJ's story ideas when she had tried so hard to impress).

I think the political editor sums it up most brilliantly in episode 4 when he spoke to SWJ who was on the verge of crying (paraphrased based on c-subs):

SWJ, it's tiring being a journalist, right?...it's tiring and it's so stressful that you may want to give up. You're scolded when you do your job earnestly and you'll still be scolded when you haven't done anything wrong. I'm sure it's driving you crazy. You can't sleep well and in this sleepy stupor, you can't make a right judgment call on what is worth a story. When you start to know more, you find that you are already 30 years old. What happens then? You realise that you haven't even dated and been in a relationship. You feel that you've wasted your life. You become a journalist because you dream of changing society but will or can this society be changed? You start to have your doubts and that's when you regret your wasted youth.

Lastly, to be a journalist is risky business. (SWJ had three insurance policies!) And yes, can't wait for wed's episode on SWJ's live interview with JJG.

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Haha..yes!! we need a reporting team. And our first assignment would be to do a live report on episode 5!!

As Shirley is our guru, she will be our Editor-in-Chief. Liquidfir will be her right hand, second-in-command. (psst..don't mess with Liquidfir a.k.a Spotlight's No. 1 fan as she's tri-lingual-Korean, Chinese and English, and she has watched episode 4 more than 10 times! :)). As Aug05 shares the same birthday as Liquidfir, Aug05 will be Shirley's left hand woman. (*waves to Aug05, nice to see you here!) As Markho826, koalabear and kdramafanusa have so kindly provided us with lovely caps, they will be responsible for pictures. Seal 824, with your in-depth knowledge on security systems, you will take charge of security desk (*thanks for your info on alarm systems, I've learnt something new). As for me, as long as I can squeeze into THAT purple dress and sit next to cap OTS, I can be the tea lady for all I care. (Only there's a slight problem- SWJ is definitely a size 0 but the dress looks spandexed and I think I should do fine if I hold my breath!!) Of course, all of these will be subject to the approval of our Editor-in-Chief!

Hope I didn't miss anyone out and if I did, do join us as we are recruiting!! We can't promise you riches (no budget) but we can promise you sheer fun as we watch Spotlight together! :)

LOLLLL my dear u are soooo adorable. LOLLLLLL.

anywayz i will keep alook out for imbc paid preview. will update if there's any info

soompi reporter, amanda signing off. LOL

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Outside the theatre.. I like the way how OTS looked at SWJ when she asked the movie is interesting right... Looking at her for few seconds.. pause...thinking hard as he was in "dream land" then... :lol: :lol:

Reporter Lee.. if he had "SHARPER/ KEENER" sense of nose.... he would not have missed this headline news of Jewellery Robbery..

lol i can understand how u feel when you are working that late ..you are abit numb from thinking~~ lol so he is making comments he doesnt really know anything about . sigh doesnt he look great from all angles ..lol he look really so great in black ~~ especially when out of the bed hahahahaa after he drunk

as for reporter lee . he still a newbie --;; it is so hard for such profession when you throw someone in and expect them to swim .though i am guilty of such stuff but they are suppose to learn by errors lol .since that was what the senior did to us too when we were the trainee ke

reporter seo technically is responsblie for him ..--; so i guess yup .she is the one Cap Oh goes to for the scolding ~!

I was told (years ago) that there were different kind of alarm systems, one is motion detector and the other is heat detector. The company I worked for back then used motion detector alarm. For birthday, we used to give out flowers and balloons. Some employees (mostly male) left them at the desk and at night when the balloons were partially deflated, it "moved" around and sometimes triggered the security alarm. I think the jewelry store might have heat detector alarm and I am guessing that the bad guy used that special umbrella to deflect heat thus he could avoid triggering the alarm system

ah . so when the detector alarm sounds , the security centre will have receive the warming .

another thing too ..er maybe reporter seo was the one who contribute to this method .since she said she did a report on this before showing how this is done --;; lol ..so yup the media can be a very educational tool

Now that we have assembled a rudimentary reporting team, here's Journalism 101, according to Mr scriptwriter.

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read on if you don't want to be spoiled.

The cardinal rules are:

To survive as a journalist, there's no shortcut, unlike rookie SC's ingenious plan to divide the workload among fellow newsmen from different organisations, even coming up with fictitious news that will never go on air to cover up his laziness. It entails endless legwork, dogged determination, persistence and patience in waiting for that career-defining headline news. You need to be street smart (SC bungled their undercover report at the fake designer goods warehouse not because he was a rookie lacking in experience, but he just wasn't street smart enough to ignore the presence of the hidden camera or the presence of mind to act cool in times of danger). Above all, you need to be thick-skinned, as story ideas will be shot down, no matter how brilliant you think they are (re: OTS' editorial meeting with his team when they were coming up with story ideas and how he shot down SWJ's story ideas when she had tried so hard to impress).

I think the political editor sums it up most brilliantly in episode 4 when he spoke to SWJ who was on the verge of crying (paraphrased based on c-subs):

SWJ, it's tiring being a journalist, right?...it's tiring and it's so stressful that you may want to give up. You're scolded when you do your job earnestly and you'll still be scolded when you haven't done anything wrong. I'm sure it's driving you crazy. You can't sleep well and in this sleepy stupor, you can't make a right judgment call on what is worth a story. When you start to know more, you find that you are already 30 years old. What happens then? You realise that you haven't even dated and been in a relationship. You feel that you've wasted your life. You become a journalist because you dream of changing society but will or can this society be changed? You start to have your doubts and that's when you regret your wasted youth.

Lastly, to be a journalist is risky business. (SWJ had three insurance policies!) And yes, can't wait for wed's episode on SWJ's live interview with JJG.

shuky can be the anchor newscaster .~ regarding the scene when reporter seo was going to collaspe amist all the pressure and failures ..i completely understand that feeling . you just feel stuck in a situation where regardless of the amount of effort. nothing seem to yield any results , you feel as if you wasted so much time and is completely useless . .though i think that editor "speech" was abit too preaching lol making me wonder does all editor er speak to their staff that way ..

soompi reporter, amanda signing off. LOL

reporter amanda will have to camp in the mbc sites lol

oh i tap into the mbc sites for this making of --l

Cap Oh drunk getting into his room . i dun recall this scene was in the esp ? lol the whole clip is about his drunk scene ^^


Reporter Lee sexual harassment scene


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Guest shuky

shuky can be the anchor newscaster .~ regarding the scene when reporter seo was going to collaspe amist all the pressure and failures ..i completely understand that feeling . you just feel stuck in a situation where regardless of the amount of effort. nothing seem to yield any results , you feel as if you wasted so much time and is completely useless . .though i think that editor "speech" was abit too preaching lol making me wonder does all editor er speak to their staff that way ..

reporter amanda will have to camp in the mbc sites lol

Hahaha..Shirley, that would be the surest way to send ratings plunging!!! :)

I agree with you that the speech came across as "preachy". It was as if the scriptwriter needed a mouthpiece to externalise SWJ's frame of mind. The same goes for the studio interview with Cap OTS' assistant when news broke that SWJ was held hostage by JJG. The scriptwriter used the interview to answer the viewers' questions on whether SWJ was taking too much unnecessary risks (If I remembered right, she said SWJ was motivated by the desire to get the breaking news and a reporter's job entailed some amount of risk to begin with).

Can't wait for the paid preview though.

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서우진, 괜찮은거야? 너 도대체 어떻게 된거야!

우진은 장진규를 향해 총을 겨눈 채 휴대폰을 꺼내 태석에게 전화를 걸고, 그 틈을 노린 장진규는 우진을 제압한다. 장진규는 태석에게 우진을 볼모로 자신의 메시지를 전국에 생방송하라고 협박한다. 위기의 순간에 태석은 장진규와 협상을 통해 우진이 장진규를 인터뷰하는 형식으로 전국 생방송을 시작한다. 태석의 컨트롤로 방송사고가 될 뻔한 인터뷰는 특종이 되고, 우진은 전국적인 스타가 된다.

보도국장은 앵커 오디션 후보로 우진을 추천하지만 태석은 자격 조건이 안 된다며 반대한다. 우진의 자리에는 팬들이 보낸 선물들로 가득하고, 우진은 신경이 쓰여 태석을 보지만 태석은 자기 일에만 열중한다. 앵커 후보 브리핑이 끝나고, GBS 사장은 보도국장에게 우진이 명단에 왜 빠졌냐고 묻는다..

5월 28일 (수) 저녁 9시 55분

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manz i wish they stop making "woojin" dress in such unflattering colors LOLLLL BEIGEEEE NOOOO

she shld be like feminine. maybe at the very least give her the clothes she wore in epi 1 when she had her 1st live interview.

and i think they shld also stop giving her clothings... have some form of variation oh gosh

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i was about to close my PC .then i saw the OST songs .but it is not complete yet .only three songs

the offiical OST will be released on 28 May.but it has that song .at the end of esp 2

1 Spotlight - 명인희

2 Stand 4 U - 이승열

3 언제나 너에게 - 슈가도넛

PS: thanks for those pictures .this is a one minute clip of the event ..you can "hear" how the reporters are snapping away


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i was about to close my PC .then i saw the OST songs .but it is not complete yet .only three songs

the offiical OST will be released on 28 May.but it has that song .at the end of esp 2

1 Spotlight - 명인희

2 Stand 4 U - 이승열

3 언제나 너에게 - 슈가도넛

PS: thanks for those pictures .this is a one minute clip of the event ..you can "hear" how the reporters are snapping away


thanks babe for the links for the partial mp3.

LOLL the camera clicking away is like wow.... LOLL and did u see him smile..

it looked sOOOOOO aber cute



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I'm not sure if someone has posted this article ^^

Son Ye Jin “It’s tough being a reporter” and Spotlight First Impression

MBC “Spotlight” recently filmed at MBC TV station located in Gyeonggi-do where Son Ye Jin, Ji Jin Hee among other casts were involved on 27th May.


Following the completion of her filming, Son Ye Jin gave her thoughts, “Through the drama, I have developed a better understanding of what a reporter does and the industry. Especially for female reporters, the sacrifices and effort that they have to make is simply enormous. If I really have to go and become a reporter, I will definitely become very tired and end up in hosptal.”

First Impression of Spotlight


Granted that it was hard to digest watching “Spotlight” after “On Air” and the first two episodes was long prodding and serious, episode 3, 4 last week ending in a cliffhanger has changed things around for me. The behind the scenes backstabbing between news tv stations, newspaper for the first news scoop and the politics were interesting. The extreme ways that reporters go to dig out news stories is rather like the police. The things I yet to get used to is how serious most if not all characters are which made it look way too professional. Plus the police in the drama are really incompetent to the max.

It’s like a carbon copy of “On Air” but without the star cameos, the glam and a serious lack of any romance at all, taking place in a news tv station. It will be interesting to see where the drama is heading following the Jang Jin Gyu story.

Source: coolsmurf.wordpress.com

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it's a good thing i hung on till ep4......gave up after ep2 but decided to give JJH & SYJ another chance....

i'm a romantic comedy junky so Spotlight was a little too heavy going for me at the start

but boy! the action and plot got me hooked now and can't wait for ep5 to come.....

and the company in this thread is full of friends, so i'm staying around.

any guesses who WooJin's parents hooked her up with for the matchmake?

any chance it's her boss? that'll be fun!

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