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Cute/sweet Text Messages/voicemails You've Recieved?

Guest calvinENG.fc3s

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Jesper: leaving sj now

Me: lol im about to go to the mall

Jesper: God damn it.....

Me: what?

Jesper: Its like im cursed to not see you often....

Elvis: Hey you awake?

Me: yeah why?

Elvis: I just wanted to say goodnight trisha! :)

Me: aww goodnight best <3 love ya

Elvis: ilym!

I made him a pillow (and cover of his favorite colors) from scratch

George: Goodnite sweet dream most beautiful gurl in the world <3

George: Im sleeping with ur blanket on ur pillow :)

I made him hello kitty cake pops [:

George: Out of macaroons, cake pops, youre still the sweetest among them all!

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Guest Joolea

A  funny text, because I'm a person who is really paranoid and if my friends are late just 5 minutes, I think they get hit by a car LOL

So my friend sent me this when she was late (because she knows me so well):

"Dw, I didn't get into some sort of freak accident where aliens came and took my father and then stole all my jelly beans so I died of starvation... :P We clear?"

And something else (same friend), "I'm glad you associate me with homework and I associate you with hot Asian men... The world is a cruel cruel place..."

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest I_love_korean_musik

He sent me a text in Spanish, I'll post the translated version (:

"When you look at the stars, remember about me. Count each one because each one means a kiss for you."

I literally melted when he sent me that text.

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Guest carshrimped

Him: 'LIVE. DON'T EXIST.' I want to make notebooks that say these things and give them to my friends.

Me: Hehe, mine shall just say 'survive'.

Him: Yours? Nuuu. Yours shall say 'you're mine'.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest honeylove

My bf and I were having problems and I was feeling so out of it so I wanted to break up.

He didn't talk to me for the rest of the day after all of that but then I got this text:

"Goodnight to the girl who gives me back rubs, make me a peanut butter sandwich once, cares about me more than I do myself sometimes, made me cry today, likes black milk tea from T-Pumps, craving sushi, can make me smile without even trying, smells kinda funny, likes to cuddle and watch tv with me, takes an hr and a half to get ready but doesn't need to because she is already cute, insecure and vulnerable, loves her doggy Oreo even though he's a brat!, and lastly, has my heart in her hands. Goodnight"

He texted me that at 4AM and I woke up randomly at 7AM, read it, and teared up.. -__-"

It's always the simple things that get to me

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I have soo many.. But I'm willing to share.

This one is after the first night we hung out at Bear Lake. So we weren't dating yet. The rest of them we were dating.

"Well idk Katelyn, last night felt right. I forgot what it feels like to actually think about someone so much when you're not talking to them. Like when I'm working I can't stop thinking about you and wondering what you are doing and if your thinking about me. Like today I had to talk to someone about you and actually let a co-worker know that I like this girl and I can't stop thinking about her. Idk Katelyn Ann I'm kinda rambling lol so I'll call it a night. Good night toots."


This one I got while I was in school

"You know babe sometimes when I think about you, I hate it because it makes me miss you so much more, but then I remember your MINE, and I catch myself smiling."

This one I recieved when I told him I made it home safe

"K good! :) I'm so happy I found someone so perfect. Idk how to explain how much I like you other then by telling you I Love You."

This next text was when he came over when I was doing my homework, and I just got done at practice so I literally looked gross. You know, sweat, messy hair, gross running make up, glasses, sweats... that kind of a look. He sent it to me when I was like 3 feet away from him.

"You're so beautiful sweetheart I love you!"

So this next text is somewhat hard to explain. Some how we were joking around and I said something like,"Well who is this girl then!" (again we were joking about something, I just can't remember.)

I can't tell you her name but she is the most beautiful girl I know and honestly the coolest girl I know and I tell my friends that everyday and I realize i don't have to worry about anything, like I trust this girl so much because she actually loves me back and I've never been this happy with anyone else in my entire life but there is one thing about this girl I can tell you, when she smiles at me she triggers something inside of me and my heart starts to race and I fall in love all over again, but Katelyn, I might as well tell because I feel you should know its you. Because It's insane how I feel."

This next and last one is the first thing he said to me today and it was totally random. and It might me my favorite one he's ever sent me. Mind you, it's only 4 words...

"I Fuc l<!ng  miss you"

We've been dating for 6 months. He's a great guy.And that's only 6 out of the 34 locked messages. lol... I'm a freak for locking them but I read them When I miss him. They are heart stopping. He definitely knows how to make a girls day. Hell, he knows how to treat a girl right. Thanks you Nate for being my best friend everrr. I love you.

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This actually happened a long time ago but I thought it made me smile so yeah. Bf was going out of town for a few days, and before he left he sent me this:

Him: Hey you awake?

Him: Wake up, right now.

It was 7am on a saturday

Me:Hey I'm still lying down. Still sleepy, you leaving now aye? =/ (he dropped me off home at like 1am the day before)

Him: Yeah I am. Get up. I have sth to show you

Me: What?

Him: Get up and look outside your bedroom window in half an hour.

I fall back to sleep lol, duh it's early.

Anyway when I get up it's 7:45am.

Me: K I'm up, I'm looking out the window. What's up?

Him: See it? Look down.

Me: What the hell you on about? Lol

Finally sees him on the right hand side of window. ^_^

Him: Oh hello =) open your window, I have sth to say to you.

So I open my window and he kisses me. I'm like MMM come inside! But no. He had to leave, he just passed my place just to give me a goodbye kiss.

He later texted me. 'GOD I needed that. Haha. You just gave me an energy boost. Not gonna fall asleep behind the wheel now aye. See you in a week's time babe.'


Too bad he turned out to be a jerk in the end lol.


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We were having a serious conversation about our life goals and more. I told him that I was a little worried and planned to get another job. This is what he wrote to me.

"I love you

Whats mine is yours

Just know that =]"

Made me feel better even though I like to be independent :)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest bbsuju

He was having a tough day so I tried cheering him up :)

me: I'm always here ^^

him: Where???

him: How come I don't see you? ><

me: If you close your eyes, then I'm there but when you open your eyes I have to turn invisible ^^

me: But I'm always right next to you ^^

him: Huh ??

him: Oh that's right.

him: How did you know??

him: That when I close my eyes all I see is you ^^

Cheesy guy blush.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest moonlightbambi

I was out work and he texted look outside and i didn't see him so he texted back your so cute when you look for me then he texted would you ever consider marrying me then he texted im serious look outside again and well yea :D thats how he proposed

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

Me: Is it okay to say you're my boyfriend?

Him: Only if it's okay to call you my honey bunny.

He's cheesy and I dig that.

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Guest Ghosteh

I fell asleep waiting for him to come home from work, and I woke up to this text:

Him: *kisses your cheek and wraps blanket around you then cuddles up next to you* Good night and good morning my princess (:

And then a while ago...

Me: But I don't wanna fall asleep without you... makes me feel like a ditcher

Him: -holds you- How, when all night I'm in your arms and you're in mine?

I hate long distance-ness. ;-;

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  • 1 month later...
Guest kaylaw6895

I have the most amazing boyfriend who sent me this at exactly 12:00 a.m. on our one month anniversary!!! :)

" One month... Wow baby it feels like its been a year, but the time is flying by... Every second im with you i only Love You more <3 Kayla if i could be with one girl in the entire world, it would have to be you... no other girl has cared for me as much as you do or Loved me as much as you do.. And the best part is that i know you Love me and i know you will always Love me.. And i know that i will always Love You... If i had one wish right now it would be for you to be right here, right next to me, thank you for being a hige part of my life.. You completely changed everything baby love is... I Love You sweety Kayla ill be your everything and ill be your anything, i just want to be yours and i want you to be mine, now and forever <3 .. You showed me what true love is... I Love You sweety Kayla ill be your everything and ill be your anything, i just want to be yours and i want you to be mine, now and forever <3 You make my heart and my whole body feel so different than anyone had ever made it feel... i feel like i could spend the rest of my life with you... I wi sh we where both 18 already.. I just wanna be with you :( this one month will soon turn into a year and that year will be 10 years in no time, weve already made so many memories and i cant wait to see what new ones we will make, im sure we will make a lot of memories and they will be amazing no matter what because ill be with you :D Kayla Marie Deanne Williams.. I truly Love You with all my heart.. No one has ever made me this happy... We are perfect together theres no one on earth I Love more than I Love You in this way baby... you are so important to me and Kayla i just Love you.. So thank you for being The best girlfriend ever :)) <3 i Love You so much Kayla"


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Guest misaberry

"haha, you might not know this but you're my motivation every day, everytime i feel horrible about everything, i think about how you can do it, and i just try and get past it"


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"I bet boys go crazy over a pretty girl like you"

Surprisingly NOT a pickup line. :] My friend sure made my day with that text.

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