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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest Starberriee

2) Answer it calmly. My tired voice will start annoying them and they should hang up or say, "is there a better time to call?"

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For me, it really depends on the person.

If it were someone important or a person

I didn't know that well, I'd answer the phone

calmly and as nicely as possible. But if it

were a friend of mine, I'd be screaming

their ears off and yelling,

"What the hell?! Do you know what time is it,

you idiot!"

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Guest Leni1430265175

if its someone important like work or a crush hahah LOL *blush..i clear my throat and try to sound like im awake.. but if its just other people.. i answer like "hellooooo... whhatt do you wanttt??" slurred and everything.. i dont even care :P haha LOLs.. i usually dont remember the conversation either.. >.<

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People know better than to call me before noon. If they do though, I wouldn't pick up unless it was someone important. Otherwise I'd pickup and sound uber sleepy or angry xD

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Guest itsthenerd8D

1, 3, and 4. The other would be spamming them harsh words in my sleep.

I don't like it when someone calls me when I'm sleeping. I usually yell at them or hang up when they say something.

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Guest cocainerror

When I was little, I would just pop right up but nowadays I'm just pure lazy since I sleep a bit too late and I end up missing my alarm and the phone call that I was suppose to be ready for...Then I'd see my dad burst in yelling at me YOU'RE LATE YOU'RE LATE.

As for calls that don't concern me but wake me up, I just ignore it.

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Guest xlemonpie

it depends on who it is. but, i usually ignore the call and put my phone on silent [not vibrate, silent..] xD

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest WYtherapist

Usually l...

• Pick up the phone.

• Say "Who the freak is this?" [in a sleepy voice]

• Just hang up after hearing them what they have to say..

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Guest skootova

I don't care for the caller ID and I answer in a very pissed off tone.

Usually it begins with me yelling at them saying,

"What the fudge do you want?! LEAVE ME ALONE WHEN I'M TRYING TO SLEEP YOU RETARD!"

Then I hang up right after, thus allowing me to sleep again.

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I usually have my phone off but this happened when it was on once:

[phone continues to keep ringing and won't stop]


[other person talks]

"zmg wtf $#^#&%#&#%&#& &"

[then i'd hang up after they're done

Slightly different, but kinda similar?

My friend had been sick from school for a couple of days, so we decided to call her.


"pinkberries" and then she hung up

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