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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest jaeka

i'd answer it, probably in a sleepy daze wondering what the hell is going on. x] i doubt i would be annoyed though. i'm a light sleeper anyways, and usually around 3am i'm awake due to my sleeping problem haha. x[

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Guest itchywurms

morning calls??? wah. i am like, what-could-be-so-urgent-that-you-need-to-disturb-me?? i hate morning calls but i answer it in the end. lol. weird.

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If it's a girl, I usually whine.

If it's a guy, it's always "What the hell do you want!?"

If it's like a workplace or some place important, then it's different.

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Guest emma384

Depends on who it is but I usually ignore them.

If it's someone calling to annoy me, I'd call back later with a prank haha :)

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Guest litoaznbabix91

It usually depends on who it is. If it's someone "cool" hahha jp then i'll pick up buh if it's just "people" then I ignore the call and go back to sleep. Maybe call them back later when I get up or if it's important they call me.

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Guest k4yakko

id be half awake.. half asleep..

then during the day i realize that call was real.. and not a dream haha..

yea i tend to do that alot.. xD

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Guest stardust.

it depends on who it is.... or i'd just let my parents answer it xD

i'd be irritated but i'd try not to show it in my voice xP

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Guest .mio amore.

Usually my phone is on silent of even turned off.

but when it's not and someone calls I'll see who

it is and answer if I feel like it. If I'm really tired

I just ignore it and go back to sleep and call them

when I'm fully awake.

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Guest predator

Ignore itttttt.

I remember this one time, this random person called me and they asked, "Are you sleeping?"

And I'm just WTF. "I've been sleeping for like two friggin' hours now and I plan to go back to sleep right now." and then hang up.

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Guest xxtakemetherexx


they would tell me to stop making sex noise.

bc i would start groaning and breathing really loud over the fone.

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Guest nori_neko_red

If it is Aanyone I know on my cell phone caller ID, I answer it happily...

So curious as to why they called ME so early of all times and people...

Who knows, it could be an emergency?

.......................................jail call?

..........spontaneous love proclamation?

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Guest love_fate&destiny

hahahaha, let's see...:)

i alway sleep in until it's late.

and when someone calls me, my sister, who's holding the phone, wakes me up, and tell me someone wants to talk to me.

i'll be dazed and wondering who the heck is calling me so early (when it's actually late....)

probably, no matter who it is, i'll try to be as polite as i can.

but if i'm really, really tired, and barely got hours of sleep, i probably be irritated and pissed. :)

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Guest simple*love

I would pick up and yell the hell outta them and get really tight 'cus I hate went people wake me up when I'm sleeping.

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Guest rainparade

I actually like morning calls...only if they're from people I know.

If they're pranksters well then I'm not going to answer in a polite tone.

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Guest Kimmie

It depends really. If it's a call I've been expecting, then I'll be okay, and answer calmly (or excited? xD), but if it's a random call, I'll be grouchy and probably ignore it. xD

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