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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest iPanda

ughh, our family phone does that all the time. and since

i sleep RIGHT next to the phone and get the full impact.

it's horrible, usually if it's a computer call i just hang up but if it's someone i think

"wtf why are you calling at like 6 am." but if they have nothing good to say i just

hang up too lmao. i'm super cranky in the morning. i put my cell on vibrate/silent

to hear nothing.

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Depends on which phone; if it's my house phone, I bury my head in my pillow and hope someone will pick it up or they'll hang up. If it's my cell, I answer it (really slowly) and either a) answer grogily/angrily or B) grogily scream at them.

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Guest mon cherie

It depends on who's calling and what they're saying.

If the phone wakes me up, then I won't ignore it- I mean, it's already gotten me awake... that is, unless it's someone I don't know.

For quick little call, I won't mind. If it's a full out conversation, I'll cut it off and say that I'll talk to them later.

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Guest mama_gir1

needless to say i'm a very angry little girl when i dont get my sleep

haha, everyone will be pissed when they don't get their sleep.

To answer your question, I'd answer the call, calmly of course.

But then, most of the time my phone is on silent when I'm sleeping,

so I won't be able to hear the call anyway.

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Guest ChunnieBunnieLover

i take the calls no matter who was it.. but i end up hanging up before the person can say goodbye..LOL

rude but i was half awake! ehehe did it a lot of times!

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Guest Zura3

i would just answer it. without really knowing whose calling and what theyre saying.

then just answer if they ask questions.

then hang up when theyre done talking

and resume sleeping.

happened a few times.

i end up forgetting what they said anyway. i wasnt fully awake soo... :rolleyes:

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Guest missdevotional

I'd probably answer it and try to cut the conversation short. :)

but people always seem to realise they woke me up and end the conversation quickly also.

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Guest JaeHoLove

It happens to me many times haha..

I will wake up and I actually look and try to sound awake..

And answer seriously, my friends normally wouldn't notice I'm still sleeping hhaaha..

Then after hanging up, continue sleeping.

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Guest Sweetraindrops

Say you've just finished studying and went to bed around per say 3 am? and then 2 hours later someone calls you. and in 1 hour you have school. how do you react? =O

1.) ignore the calls and hope it'll stop ringing.

2.) answer it calmly.

3.) scream as soon as you answer.

4.) other

LOL for me i'd have a combo of 2 and 3 hahas. like answer the phone calmly then start screaming at the person for waking me up :rolleyes: needless to say i'm a very angry little girl when i dont get my sleep -_-

i hope there isnt a thread like this hahas. XD

i be ZzzZZ or when i pick up... i say... STHU and stop callin... lol

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Guest brokendreamsxO

it depends on who calls ..

someone important = answer it calmly

other people = ignore the calls


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Guest CriticalHit

*croak* Hullo...

If its someone I know (older person): *polite* Oh hello!

If its someone I know (friend): Ha... ha hi... you just woke me up.

If its someone I know (brothers friend): Oh okay hold on a second... *goes and shoves brother awake* its your FRIEND!! *goes back ot sleep*

Someone I don' tknow: .... wrongnumbber *SLAM!*

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Guest pinkcafelatte

i don't get morning calls because i turn my fone off when i sleep. lols.

unless someone calls my home fone. T__T i wouldn't even pick up unless theres a never ending ring.

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Guest Rachaelsol

I usually pick it up if I hear it haha. I say stuff and I don't remember what I said a couple minutes later. I've even drowsily hung up on people because I thought the conversation was over HAHAHA.

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Guest azngrlxp

I usually don't pick it up or i might say hello in a angryish or annoyed tone so they know that i was still sleeping.

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